Wolverines – Steelers 28.05.2022

Helsinki Wolverines ja Kuopio Steelers tarjosivat tasokkaan puolustusten taistelun Vaahteraliigan lauantaipelissä. Kuopiolaiset saivat hyökkäyksensä paremmin vauhtiin ja veivät kaksi sarjapistettä lukemin 0-15 (0-6).
Lauantaina Velodromilla pelattiin hyvätasoista jenkkifutista. Erityisesti molempien joukkueiden puolustukset dominoivat kentällä eikä pelin ensimmäisellä neljänneksellä kumpikaan onnistunut pistesuorituksissa. Joukkueiden kolme ensimmäistä draivia päättyi lentopotkuun. Kotijoukkueen neljännellä hyökkäysvuorolla Steelers-puolustus onnistuu iskemään pallon William Young käsistä ja puristaa seuranneella hyökkäysvuorollaan pallon maaliin saakka Tuukka Lehtosen juoksupelillä.
Myös ottelun kolmas neljännes pelattiin ilman pistemerkintöjä. Viimeisellä neljänneksellä ensin Wolverines-pelinrakentaja Jabari Harris ahdistettiin oman maalialueen päädystä ulos tuloksenaan safety eli 2 pisteen oma maali. Steelersin toisen TD:n viimeisteli Iiro-Pekka Paakki.
Wolverines ei saanut hyökkäystään toimimaan missään vaiheessa ottelua. Ensimmäisen puoliskon jaardimääräksi helsinkiläisille merkittiin pyöreät nolla, eikä toisella puoliskolla kerätyt 26 jaardia antaneet mahdollisuutta maalintekoon kertaakaan. Erinomaisen pelin pelannut Wolverines-puolustus piti joukkuetta mukana pelissä aina viimeiselle neljännekselle saakka, jolloin Steelers sai repäistyä ratkaisevan eron ennen loppuvihellystä. Pelin suurin taklausmäärä kirjattiin yhdysvaltalaistukimies Joseph Kordukselle, mutta koko puolustuksen frontin voidaan katsoa onnistuneen pelissä, jossa Steelersin Le’Anthony Reasnoverin yrityskohtainen etenemiskeskiarvo pyristettiin alle puoleen miehen ”normaalista”.
Ikeem Allen pelasi komean pelin
Steelers-puolustuksen Ikeem Allen valittiin ottelun Vakuuttavimmaksi Pelaajaksi. Yhdysvaltalaispelaaja rynni pitelemättömästi Wolverines-hyökkäyslinjan läpi pahantekoon toistuvasti ja isossa roolissa Wolverines-hyökkäyksen nollaamisessa. Steelers-puolustus dominoi linjapeliä läpi ottelun poikkeuksellisella tavalla ja vain harvoin Vaahteraliigassa vastustaja on jätetty ottelussa näin vähille jaardeille.
Steelersin hyökkäys ei päässyt pelissä totuttuun vauhtiin. Wolverines-linja piti keskushyökkääjä Reasnoverin kurissa ja Pelinrakentaja Joey Bradleyn pitkät heitot eivät lauantaina jääneet laiturien näppeihin kiinni. Ratkaisijaksi nousivat Tuukka Lehtonen ja Iiro-Pekka Paakki, joka vastasivat iltapäivän ainoista maaleista.
Steelers jatkaa pelejään viikon päästä sunnuntaina, jolloin viime kauden Väinölänniemen vakiovieras, Crocodiles saapuu taistelemaan sarjapisteistä Kuopioon. Wolverinesilla on edessä vapaa viikonloppu ja seuraavan kerran ahmoja nähdään kentällä Kotkassa torstaina 9.6.
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Wolverines (May 28, 2022)
Scoring Summary |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Wolverines (May 28, 2022 at Helsinki)
Kuopio Steelers (2-0) vs. Helsinki Wolverines (1-1)
Date: May 28, 2022 Site: Helsinki Stadium: Velodromi Attendance: 173
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Kuopio Steelers | 0 | 6 | 0 | 9 | 15 |
Helsinki Wolverines | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2nd | 06:16 | STE | Lehtonen T 8 yd run (Ojainvali M kick failed) | |
6 plays, 51 yards, TOP 3:02 | 6 - 0 | |||
4th | 09:35 | STE | Team Steelers safety | |
8 - 0 | ||||
06:43 | STE | Paakki I-P 15 yd pass from Bradley J (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
5 plays, 39 yards, TOP 2:48 | 15 - 0 |
Kickoff time: 16.30 End of Game: 18.52 Total elapsed time: 2h 22min Referee: Immonen M Umpire: Kalliokoski J Linesman: Lehtinen J Line judge: Heinonen T Back judge: Janhuba R Field judge: Reiners J Side judge: Lindroos T Temperature: + 12 C Wind: 4 m/s Weather: Pilvinen |
Team Statistics |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Wolverines (May 28, 2022 at Helsinki)
Team Totals | STE | WOL |
FIRST DOWNS | 16 | 2 |
Rushing | 6 | 1 |
Passing | 8 | 0 |
Penalty | 2 | 1 |
Rushing Attempts | 38 | 19 |
Average Per Rush | 2.7 | 0.3 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 1 | 0 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 129 | 48 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 26 | 43 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 139 | 21 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 15-31-0 | 5-12-1 |
Average Per Attempt | 4.5 | 1.8 |
Average Per Completion | 9.3 | 4.2 |
Passing Touchdowns | 1 | 0 |
Total offense plays | 69 | 31 |
Average Gain Per Play | 3.5 | 0.8 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 1-0 | 1-1 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 3-25 | 8-70 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 5-144 | 6-225 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 28.8 | 37.5 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 28.8 | 37.3 |
Inside 20 | 1 | 1 |
50+ Yards | 0 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 2 | 0 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 3-170 | 2-99 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 56.7 | 49.5 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 30.3 | 29.5 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 3-1-0 | 0-0-0 |
Average Per Return | 0.3 | 0.0 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 2-40-0 | 3-79-0 |
Average Per Return | 20.0 | 26.3 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 1-26-0 | 0-0-0 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | 0 |
Possession Time | 32:05 | 15:55 |
1st Quarter | 7:26 | 4:34 |
2nd Quarter | 8:15 | 3:45 |
3rd Quarter | 8:48 | 3:12 |
4th Quarter | 7:36 | 4:24 |
Third-Down Conversions | 11 of 19 | 1 of 9 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 0 of 3 | 0 of 0 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 2-3 | 0-0 |
Touchdowns | 2-3 | 0-0 |
Field goals | 0-3 | 0-0 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 4-28 | 3-21 |
PAT Kicks | 1-2 | 0-0 |
Field Goals | 0-0 | 0-0 |
Points off turnovers | 6 | 0 |
Individual Statistics |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Wolverines (May 28, 2022 at Helsinki)
FUMBLES: Kuopio Steelers-Ndongo T 1-0. Helsinki Wolverines-Young W 1-1. |
Drive Chart |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Wolverines (May 28, 2022 at Helsinki)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
STE | 1st | S25 | 09:40 | Punt | W28 | 04:00 | Downs | 12-47 | 5:40 | ||
STE | 1st | S19 | 01:46 | Punt | S28 | 11:50 | Punt | 3-9 | 1:56 | ||
STE | 2nd | W47 | 10:35 | Punt | W40 | 09:24 | Downs | 4-7 | 1:11 | ||
STE | 2nd | S49 | 09:18 | Fumble | W00 | 06:16 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-51 | 3:02 | # |
STE | 2nd | S31 | 04:32 | Punt | W30 | 00:40 | Downs | 8-39 | 3:52 | # | |
STE | 3rd | S25 | 11:53 | Kickoff | S45 | 07:51 | Punt | 9-20 | 4:02 | ||
STE | 3rd | S12 | 05:47 | Punt | S22 | 04:06 | Punt | 6-10 | 1:41 | ||
STE | 3rd | S12 | 02:58 | Punt | W48 | 10:32 | Punt | 10-40 | 4:26 | ||
STE | 4th | W39 | 09:31 | Kickoff | W00 | 06:43 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-39 | 2:48 | # |
STE | 4th | S46 | 04:02 | Interception | W44 | 00:46 | Punt | 6-10 | 3:16 | ||
WOL | 1st | S49 | 12:00 | Kickoff | W47 | 09:40 | Punt | 3--4 | 2:20 | ||
WOL | 1st | W28 | 04:00 | Downs | W30 | 01:46 | Punt | 3-2 | 2:14 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W23 | 11:50 | Punt | W15 | 10:35 | Punt | 3--8 | 1:15 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W40 | 09:24 | Downs | S49 | 09:18 | Fumble | 1-11 | 0:06 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W27 | 06:10 | Kickoff | W28 | 04:32 | Punt | 3-1 | 1:38 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W30 | 00:40 | Downs | W33 | 00:00 | End of half | 2-3 | 0:40 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W45 | 07:51 | Punt | W38 | 05:47 | Punt | 3--7 | 2:04 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W41 | 04:06 | Punt | W46 | 02:58 | Punt | 3-5 | 1:08 | ||
WOL | 4th | W10 | 10:32 | Punt | W00 | 09:35 | * | SAFETY | 3--10 | 0:57 | |
WOL | 4th | W26 | 06:36 | Kickoff | W42 | 04:02 | Interception | 6-16 | 2:34 | ||
WOL | 4th | W19 | 00:46 | Punt | W16 | 00:00 | End of half | 1--3 | 0:46 |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Kuopio Steelers | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 07:26 | 08:15 | 08:48 | 07:36 | 15:41 | 16:24 | 32:05 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 2/4 | 2/4 | 5/7 | 2/4 | 4/8 | 7/11 | 11/19 | ||
Average field position | S22 | S44 | S16 | W47 | S35 | S31 | S33 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/1 | 0/2 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/3 | 0/0 | 0/3 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Helsinki Wolverines | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 04:34 | 03:45 | 03:12 | 04:24 | 08:19 | 07:36 | 15:55 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 0/2 | 0/2 | 0/2 | 1/3 | 0/4 | 1/5 | 1/9 | ||
Average field position | W39 | W30 | W43 | W18 | W33 | W28 | W30 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
WOL | 1st | S49 | 12:00 | Kickoff | W47 | 09:40 | Punt | 3--4 | 2:20 | ||
STE | 1st | S25 | 09:40 | Punt | W28 | 04:00 | Downs | 12-47 | 5:40 | ||
WOL | 1st | W28 | 04:00 | Downs | W30 | 01:46 | Punt | 3-2 | 2:14 | ||
STE | 1st | S19 | 01:46 | Punt | S28 | 11:50 | Punt | 3-9 | 1:56 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W23 | 11:50 | Punt | W15 | 10:35 | Punt | 3--8 | 1:15 | ||
STE | 2nd | W47 | 10:35 | Punt | W40 | 09:24 | Downs | 4-7 | 1:11 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W40 | 09:24 | Downs | S49 | 09:18 | Fumble | 1-11 | 0:06 | ||
STE | 2nd | S49 | 09:18 | Fumble | W00 | 06:16 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-51 | 3:02 | # |
WOL | 2nd | W27 | 06:10 | Kickoff | W28 | 04:32 | Punt | 3-1 | 1:38 | ||
STE | 2nd | S31 | 04:32 | Punt | W30 | 00:40 | Downs | 8-39 | 3:52 | # | |
WOL | 2nd | W30 | 00:40 | Downs | W33 | 00:00 | End of half | 2-3 | 0:40 | ||
STE | 3rd | S25 | 11:53 | Kickoff | S45 | 07:51 | Punt | 9-20 | 4:02 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W45 | 07:51 | Punt | W38 | 05:47 | Punt | 3--7 | 2:04 | ||
STE | 3rd | S12 | 05:47 | Punt | S22 | 04:06 | Punt | 6-10 | 1:41 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W41 | 04:06 | Punt | W46 | 02:58 | Punt | 3-5 | 1:08 | ||
STE | 3rd | S12 | 02:58 | Punt | W48 | 10:32 | Punt | 10-40 | 4:26 | ||
WOL | 4th | W10 | 10:32 | Punt | W00 | 09:35 | * | SAFETY | 3--10 | 0:57 | |
STE | 4th | W39 | 09:31 | Kickoff | W00 | 06:43 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-39 | 2:48 | # |
WOL | 4th | W26 | 06:36 | Kickoff | W42 | 04:02 | Interception | 6-16 | 2:34 | ||
STE | 4th | S46 | 04:02 | Interception | W44 | 00:46 | Punt | 6-10 | 3:16 | ||
WOL | 4th | W19 | 00:46 | Punt | W16 | 00:00 | End of half | 1--3 | 0:46 |
Defensive Statistics |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Wolverines (May 28, 2022 at Helsinki)
## | Kuopio Steelers | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
55 | Allen I | 5 | 2 | 6.0 | 4.5/18 | . | . | . | . | . | 2.0/10 | . |
45 | Campbell C | 3 | 5 | 5.5 | 0.5/1 | 1 | . | . | . | . | . | . |
82 | Lindqvist J | 4 | 2 | 5.0 | 2.0/18 | . | . | . | . | . | 2.0/18 | . |
31 | Pekkarinen I | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | 1-26 | . | . | . | . |
97 | Jaaskelainen JA | . | 3 | 1.5 | . | . | 1-0 | . | . | . | . | . |
21 | Choate N | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
35 | Lehtonen T | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
32 | Ojainvali M | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
2 | Vaija E | . | 2 | 1.0 | 0.5/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | 1 |
27 | Marshall I | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
43 | Tuominen T | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
28 | Bakker C | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
37 | Ndongo T | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
23 | Laine R | . | 1 | 0.5 | 0.5/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
TM | Team Steelers | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
## | Helsinki Wolverines | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
5 | Kordus J | 4 | 9 | 8.5 | 0.5/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
2 | Irvin E | 3 | 4 | 5.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
90 | Olavuo A | 2 | 6 | 5.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
22 | Slater C | 3 | 3 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
97 | Egbudiwe B | 1 | 6 | 4.0 | 1.0/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
80 | Ketonen A | 3 | 1 | 3.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
10 | Aaltonen T | 3 | . | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
49 | Rautavirta V | 1 | 4 | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
91 | Heikkinen J | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | 2.0/13 | . | . | . | . | . | 2.0/13 | 1 |
21 | Poikonen M | 1 | 3 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
98 | Valasti V | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | 1.5/9 | . | . | . | 1 | . | 1.0/8 | . |
35 | Kylli A | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
7 | El Ouacef J | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
1 | Long RJ | 1 | . | 1.0 | 1.0/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
99 | Jousmaki J | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
65 | Waxlax E | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Wolverines (May 28, 2022 at Helsinki)
Kuopio Steelers: 9-Taivassalo M, 18-Karki O, 21-Choate N, 28-Bakker C, 35-Lehtonen T, 38-Hotti K, 52-Heikkinen J, 59-Tuppurainen T, 71-Ralli J, 74-Halonen J, 78-Keituri J, 82-Lindqvist J, 83-Kuikka N, 86-Juvonen S, 87-Paakki I-P, 93-Korhonen J. |
Helsinki Wolverines: 7-El Ouacef J, 14-Lindfors W, 19-Liukisala M, 28-Ikonen T, 30-Jokinen T, 33-Lugora S, 35-Kylli A, 41-Jarvinen J, 58-Puustinen V, 65-Waxlax E, 71-Lappalainen J, 74-Luomanpaa R, 78-Lipponen T, 83-Mantymaki A, 84-Pulkkinen A, 99-Jousmaki J. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Wolverines (May 28, 2022 at Helsinki)
Wolverines voitti arvonnan ja palauttaa etelapaadysta. | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 53 yards to the WOL12, Slater C return 39 yards to the STE49, out-of-bounds (Lehtonen T). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Ste49 | Young W rush over right guard for no gain to the STE49 (Jaaskelainen JA;Lindqvist J). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Ste49 | Harris J sacked for loss of 7 yards to the WOL44 (Lindqvist J). |
Wol | 3-17 | at Wol44 | Harris J rush scrambling for 3 yards to the WOL47 (Allen I). |
Wol | 4-14 | at Wol47 | Pulkkinen A punt 28 yards to the STE25, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 4 yards, TOP 02:20 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste25 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 09:40. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste25 | Reasnover L rush over left guard for 1 yard to the STE26, out-of-bounds (Aaltonen T). |
Ste | 2-9 | at Ste26 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 2 yards to the STE28 (Olavuo A). |
Ste | 3-7 | at Ste28 | Bradley J short middle pass complete to Marshall I for 9 yards to the STE37, 1ST DOWN STE (Irvin E;Kordus J). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste37 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete to Peurakumpu K, dropped pass. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste37 | Reasnover L rush over left guard for 19 yards to the WOL44, 1ST DOWN STE (Slater C). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol44 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 7 yards to the WOL37 (Irvin E). |
Ste | 2-3 | at Wol37 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for loss of 1 yard to the WOL38 (Egbudiwe B). |
Ste | 3-4 | at Wol38 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 4 yards to the WOL34, 1ST DOWN STE (Kordus J). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol34 | Bradley J short middle pass complete to Lindsten V for 1 yard to the WOL33 (Kordus J). |
Ste | 2-9 | at Wol33 | Bradley J short right pass incomplete to Peurakumpu K. |
Ste | 3-9 | at Wol33 | Bradley J screen left pass complete to Harju H for 5 yards to the WOL28, out-of-bounds (Aaltonen T). |
Ste | 4-4 | at Wol28 | Bradley J short right pass incomplete to Peurakumpu K (Valasti V). |
Drive: 12 plays, 47 yards, TOP 05:40 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol28 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 04:00. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol28 | Harris J short middle pass complete to Long RJ for 4 yards to the WOL32 (Vaija E;Campbell C). |
Wol | 2-6 | at Wol32 | Young W rush over right guard for 5 yards to the WOL37 (Lindqvist J). |
Wol | 3-1 | at Wol37 | Young W rush over right end for loss of 7 yards to the WOL30 (Allen I). |
Wol | 4-8 | at Wol30 | Pulkkinen A punt 43 yards to the STE27, Ndongo T return 2 yards to the STE29, PENALTY STE illegal block declined, PENALTY STE holding declined, PENALTY STE holding 10 yards to the STE19, 1st and 10, STE ball on STE19. |
Drive: 3 plays, 2 yards, TOP 02:14 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste19 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 01:46. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste19 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 7 yards to the STE26, out-of-bounds. |
Ste | 2-3 | at Ste26 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 2 yards to the STE28 (Olavuo A;Slater C). |
Ste | 3-1 | at Ste28 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for no gain to the STE28 (Olavuo A;Egbudiwe B). |
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 01:56 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 0, Helsinki Wolverines 0 |
Ste | 4-1 | at Ste28 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Ste | 4-1 | at Ste28 | Ojainvali M punt 49 yards to the WOL23, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 01:56 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol23 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 11:50. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol23 | Young W rush over left guard for 1 yard to the WOL24 (Lindqvist J;Allen I). |
Wol | 2-9 | at Wol24 | Harris J rush scrambling for loss of 1 yard to the WOL23 (Campbell C;Allen I). |
Wol | 3-10 | at Wol23 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 10:53. |
Wol | 3-10 | at Wol23 | Harris J sacked for loss of 8 yards to the WOL15 (Allen I). |
Wol | 4-18 | at Wol15 | Pulkkinen A punt 33 yards to the WOL48, Ndongo T return 0 yards to the WOL48, fumble by Ndongo T recovered by STE Ndongo T at WOL47. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 8 yards, TOP 01:15 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol47 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 10:35, STE ball on WOL47. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol47 | Lehtonen T rush over left end for 2 yards to the WOL45 (Rautavirta V). |
Ste | 2-8 | at Wol45 | Bradley J short right pass complete to Harju H for 5 yards to the WOL40, out-of-bounds (Aaltonen T). |
Ste | 3-3 | at Wol40 | Bradley J short left pass incomplete to Harju H (Aaltonen T). |
Ste | 4-3 | at Wol40 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete to Reasnover L. |
Drive: 4 plays, 7 yards, TOP 01:11 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol40 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 09:24. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol40 | Young W rush over right guard for 4 yards to the WOL44, fumble forced by Campbell C, fumble by Young W recovered by STE Jaaskelainen JA at STE49. |
Drive: 1 plays, 11 yards, TOP 00:06 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste49 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 09:18. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste49 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 3 yards to the WOL48. |
Ste | 2-7 | at Wol48 | Bradley J short middle pass complete to Paakki I-P for 24 yards to the WOL24, 1ST DOWN STE (Ketonen A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol24 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 9 yards to the WOL15 (Slater C;Irvin E). |
Ste | 2-1 | at Wol15 | Reasnover L rush over left guard for no gain to the WOL15 (Jousmaki J;Rautavirta V). |
Ste | 3-1 | at Wol15 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for 7 yards to the WOL8, 1ST DOWN STE (Ketonen A;Rautavirta V). |
Ste | 1-G | at Wol08 | Lehtonen T rush over right end for 8 yards to the WOL0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:16. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt failed. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 6, Helsinki Wolverines 0 | |||
Drive: 6 plays, 51 yards, TOP 03:08 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 57 yards to the WOL8, Irvin E return 19 yards to the WOL27 (Marshall I;Bakker C). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol27 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 06:10. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol27 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 06:10. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol27 | Harris J short middle pass incomplete to Long RJ. |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol27 | Harris J short left pass complete to Alakoski J for 4 yards to the WOL31 (Pekkarinen I;Ndongo T). |
Wol | 3-6 | at Wol31 | Harris J screen right pass complete to Long RJ for loss of 3 yards to the WOL28 (Vaija E;Laine R). |
Wol | 4-9 | at Wol28 | Pulkkinen A punt 41 yards to the STE31, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, 1 yards, TOP 01:38 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste31 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 04:32. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste31 | Bakker C rush over right guard for 1 yard to the STE32 (Kordus J;Waxlax E). |
Ste | 2-9 | at Ste32 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for loss of 6 yards to the STE26 (Valasti V), PENALTY WOL face mask (Valasti V) 15 yards to the STE47, 1ST DOWN STE, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste47 | Bradley J screen left pass complete to Reasnover L for 3 yards to the 50 yardline (Kordus J;Poikonen M). |
Ste | 2-7 | at Ste50 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 4 yards to the WOL46, out-of-bounds (Irvin E). |
Ste | 3-3 | at Wol46 | Bradley J short middle pass complete to Lindsten V for 21 yards to the WOL25, 1ST DOWN STE (Irvin E;Slater C). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol25 | Bradley J rush scrambling for 3 yards to the WOL22 (Kordus J). |
Ste | 2-7 | at Wol22 | Harju H rush over right end for 2 yards to the WOL20, out-of-bounds. |
Ste | 3-5 | at Wol20 | Bradley J sacked for loss of 10 yards to the WOL30 (Heikkinen J). |
Ste | 4-15 | at Wol30 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 00:46. |
Ste | 4-15 | at Wol30 | Bradley J short left pass incomplete to Harju H (Slater C). |
Drive: 8 plays, 39 yards, TOP 03:52 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol30 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 00:40. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol30 | Harris J short right pass complete to Long RJ for 9 yards to the WOL39, out-of-bounds (Ojainvali M). |
Wol | 2-1 | at Wol39 | Harris J rush scrambling for no gain to the WOL39, out-of-bounds (Campbell C), PENALTY STE offside defense (Allen I) 5 yards to the WOL44, 1ST DOWN WOL, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol44 | Harris J sacked for loss of 11 yards to the WOL33 (Lindqvist J). |
Wol | 2-21 | at Wol33 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 2 plays, 3 yards, TOP 00:40 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 6, Helsinki Wolverines 0 |
Wol | 2-21 | at Wol33 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, WOL ball on WOL35. |
Drive: 2 plays, 3 yards, TOP 00:40 | |||
Jokinen T kickoff 55 yards to the STE10, Ndongo T return 15 yards to the STE25, out-of-bounds (Ketonen A). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste25 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 11:53. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste25 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for loss of 2 yards to the STE23 (Kordus J;Valasti V). |
Ste | 2-12 | at Ste23 | Bradley J screen right pass complete to Reasnover L for 6 yards to the STE29 (Slater C). |
Ste | 3-6 | at Ste29 | Bradley J screen right pass complete to Reasnover L for 6 yards to the STE35, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste35 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete to Marshall I. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste35 | Lehtonen T rush over left guard for 9 yards to the STE44 (Kordus J;Rautavirta V). |
Ste | 3-1 | at Ste44 | Lehtonen T rush over left guard for 4 yards to the STE48, 1ST DOWN STE (Egbudiwe B;Kordus J). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste48 | Bradley J sacked for loss of 3 yards to the STE45 (Heikkinen J). |
Ste | 2-13 | at Ste45 | Bradley J deep left pass incomplete to Marshall I, dropped pass. |
Ste | 3-13 | at Ste45 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 08:03. |
Ste | 3-13 | at Ste45 | Bradley J short right pass incomplete to Harju H, dropped pass. |
Ste | 4-13 | at Ste45 | Ojainvali M punt 10 yards to the WOL45, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 9 plays, 20 yards, TOP 04:02 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol45 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 07:51. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol45 | Young W rush over right guard for loss of 1 yard to the WOL44 (Allen I). |
Wol | 2-11 | at Wol44 | Harris J sacked for loss of 2 yards to the WOL42 (Allen I). |
Wol | 3-13 | at Wol42 | Harris J rush over right tackle for 1 yard to the WOL43 (Lindqvist J). |
Wol | 4-12 | at Wol43 | Deadball foul, PENALTY WOL false start (Mantymaki A) 5 yards to the WOL38, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 4-17 | at Wol38 | Pulkkinen A punt 48 yards to the STE14, Ndongo T return -2 yards to the STE12 (Ketonen A). |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 7 yards, TOP 02:04 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste12 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 05:47. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste12 | Bradley J deep left pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste12 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 6 yards to the STE18, out-of-bounds (Slater C). |
Ste | 3-4 | at Ste18 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 4 yards to the STE22, 1ST DOWN STE (Egbudiwe B;Olavuo A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste22 | Bradley J short right pass incomplete to Harju H, QB hurry by Heikkinen J. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste22 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for 9 yards to the STE31 (Slater C;Kordus J), PENALTY WOL offside defense off-setting, PENALTY STE holding off-setting, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste22 | Bradley J screen right pass incomplete to Reasnover L. |
Ste | 3-10 | at Ste22 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete to Harju H (Slater C). |
Ste | 4-10 | at Ste22 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 04:12. |
Ste | 4-10 | at Ste22 | Ojainvali M punt 37 yards to the WOL41, fair catch by Slater C. |
Drive: 6 plays, 10 yards, TOP 01:41 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol41 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 04:06. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol41 | Young W rush over left end for 5 yards to the WOL46, out-of-bounds (Jaaskelainen JA;Campbell C). |
Wol | 2-5 | at Wol46 | Harris J pass incomplete, QB hurry by Vaija E. |
Wol | 3-5 | at Wol46 | Harris J deep left pass incomplete to Tuominen M. |
Wol | 4-5 | at Wol46 | Pulkkinen A punt 32 yards to the STE22, downed, PENALTY STE holding (Pekkarinen I) 10 yards to the STE12, 1st and 10, STE ball on STE12. |
Drive: 3 plays, 5 yards, TOP 01:08 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste12 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 02:58. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste12 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste12 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 3 yards to the STE15 (Kordus J;Olavuo A). |
Ste | 3-7 | at Ste15 | Bradley J short middle pass complete to Paakki I-P for 10 yards to the STE25, 1ST DOWN STE. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste25 | Bradley J sacked for loss of 8 yards to the STE17 (Valasti V). |
Ste | 2-18 | at Ste17 | Bradley J short right pass complete to Paakki I-P for 12 yards to the STE29 (Kylli A). |
Ste | 3-6 | at Ste29 | Bradley J screen left pass complete to Harju H for 7 yards to the STE36, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 6 plays, 24 yards, TOP 04:26 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 6, Helsinki Wolverines 0 |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste36 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste36 | Bradley J short right pass complete to Paakki I-P for 10 yards to the STE46, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Kordus J). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste46 | Reasnover L rush over left guard for 6 yards to the WOL48, out-of-bounds (Irvin E). |
Ste | 2-4 | at Wol48 | Bradley J short right pass incomplete to Marshall I. |
Ste | 3-4 | at Wol48 | Bradley J short right pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Ste | 4-4 | at Wol48 | Ojainvali M punt 38 yards to the WOL10, fair catch by Slater C. |
Drive: 10 plays, 40 yards, TOP 04:26 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol10 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 10:32. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol10 | Young W rush over left guard for 6 yards to the WOL16 (Campbell C). |
Wol | 2-4 | at Wol16 | Harris J short right pass incomplete to Tuominen M, dropped pass. |
Wol | 3-4 | at Wol16 | Deadball foul, PENALTY WOL delay of game (Harris J) 5 yards to the WOL11, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 3-9 | at Wol11 | Deadball foul, PENALTY WOL false start (Miettinen V) 5 yards to the WOL6, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 3-14 | at Wol06 | Harris J rush scrambling for loss of 6 yards to the WOL0, Team Steelers safety, clock 09:35. |
Kuopio Steelers 8, Helsinki Wolverines 0 | |||
Drive: 3 plays, minus 10 yards, TOP 01:01 | |||
Pulkkinen A kickoff 44 yards to the STE36, Ndongo T return 25 yards to the WOL39 (El Ouacef J). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol39 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 09:31. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol39 | Reasnover L rush over left guard for 2 yards to the WOL37 (Rautavirta V;Heikkinen J). |
Ste | 2-8 | at Wol37 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 2 yards to the WOL35 (Poikonen M;Irvin E), PENALTY WOL face mask 15 yards to the WOL20, 1ST DOWN STE. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol20 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for no gain to the WOL20 (Kordus J;Egbudiwe B). |
Ste | 2-10 | at Wol20 | Bradley J short left pass complete to Harju H for 5 yards to the WOL15 (Poikonen M). |
Ste | 3-5 | at Wol15 | Bradley J short middle pass complete to Paakki I-P for 15 yards to the WOL0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:43. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 15, Helsinki Wolverines 0 | |||
Drive: 5 plays, 39 yards, TOP 02:55 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 60 yards to the WOL5, Irvin E return 21 yards to the WOL26 (Choate N). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol26 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 06:36. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol26 | Harris J short right pass complete to Tuominen M for 7 yards to the WOL33, out-of-bounds (Pekkarinen I). |
Wol | 2-3 | at Wol33 | Harris J short right pass incomplete. |
Wol | 3-3 | at Wol33 | Harris J rush scrambling for 12 yards to the WOL45, 1ST DOWN WOL, out-of-bounds (Campbell C). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol45 | Harris J short left pass complete to Kantonen N for 9 yards to the STE46, out-of-bounds, PENALTY WOL ineligible downfield on pass (Risku A) 5 yards to the WOL40, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 1-15 | at Wol40 | Harris J short middle pass incomplete to Slater C. |
Wol | 2-15 | at Wol40 | Young W rush over right tackle for 2 yards to the WOL42 (Tuominen T;Campbell C). |
Wol | 3-13 | at Wol42 | Harris J deep left pass intercepted by Pekkarinen I at the STE20, Pekkarinen I return 26 yards to the STE46, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 6 plays, 16 yards, TOP 02:34 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste46 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 04:02. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste46 | Reasnover L rush over right end for no gain to the STE46, out-of-bounds. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste46 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 7 yards to the WOL47 (Olavuo A;Poikonen M). |
Ste | 3-3 | at Wol47 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 3 yards to the WOL44, 1ST DOWN STE (Olavuo A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Wol44 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for no gain to the WOL44 (Kordus J;Egbudiwe B). |
Ste | 2-10 | at Wol44 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 01:54. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Wol44 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for 2 yards to the WOL42 (Olavuo A;Egbudiwe B). |
Ste | 3-8 | at Wol42 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 01:40. |
Ste | 3-8 | at Wol42 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for loss of 2 yards to the WOL44 (Long RJ). |
Ste | 4-10 | at Wol44 | Ojainvali M punt 10 yards to the WOL34, downed, PENALTY WOL unsportsmanlike conduct (Kordus J) 15 yards to the WOL19, 1st and 10, WOL ball on WOL19. |
Drive: 6 plays, 10 yards, TOP 03:16 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol19 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 00:46. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol19 | Young W rush over left tackle for 2 yards to the WOL21 (Jaaskelainen JA;Campbell C). |
Wol | 2-8 | at Wol21 | Deadball foul, PENALTY WOL false start 5 yards to the WOL16, NO PLAY. |
10 second run-off. Game over. | |||
Wol | 2-13 | at Wol16 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 1 plays, minus 3 yards, TOP 00:46 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 15, Helsinki Wolverines 0 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Wolverines (May 28, 2022 at Helsinki)
Kuopio Steelers Helsinki Wolverines Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 35 34 69 OVERALL.......... 15 16 31 1ST DOWN......... 15 10 25 1ST DOWN......... 7 6 13 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 3 0 3 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 0 1 1 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 1 1 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 2 3 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 10 8 18 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 2 3 5 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 3 0 3 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 3 3 6 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 1 9 10 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 3 4 7 4TH DOWN......... 0 3 3 4TH DOWN......... 0 0 0 Kuopio Steelers Helsinki Wolverines Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 35 34 69 ............... 15 16 31 |
Lauantai-iltapäivän vaahteraliigakamppailussa vastakkain asettuvat ensimmäiset pelinsä voittaneet Wolverines ja Steelers. Kuopiolaiset lähtevät peliin ennakkosuosikkina. Wolverines on voitanut Steelersin Vaahteraliigassa edellisen kerran kesäkuussa 2019.
Kuopio Steelers ja Helsinki Wolverines ovat valmistautuneet sarjakauteen tankkaamalla rostereitaan kestämään pitkän kauden rasitukset. Steelersin kokoonpano on miehitykseltään valmiimpi joukkueen saadessa täyden määrän vahvistuksia lauantain peliin. Wolverines lähtee peliin ilman kahta kiintiöjenkkiään, joiden odotetaan olevan mukana joukkueen seuraavassa pelissä kesäkuun alussa.
Wolverines pukee lauantain kotiotteluunsa lähes saman avauskokoonpanon, kuin kauden ensimmäiseen peliinsä. Laiturien vahvuudesta puuttuu edelleen ELF:ssä viime kaudella pelannut Martin Emos, joten pelinrakentaja Jabari Harrisin heittojen kohteina ovat kotimaiset Niko Kantonen, Matias Tuominen, Juuso Alakoski sekä veteraanipelaaja RJ Long.
Crusadersia vastaan Long ja keskushyökkääjä William Young saivat pukea veryttelyasut päälleen jo ensimmäisen neljänneksen jälkeen jättäen maalintekovastuut suomalaispelaajille. Steelersia vastaa samaa ylellisyyttä ei liene tarjolla.
Wolverines puolustus jatkaa vahvalla miehityksellä etulinjassaan Ville Valasti, Benjamin Egbudive, Aleksi Olavuo ja Jonis Heikkinen. Tukimieskerroksesta espanjalaisvahvistus Noam Calvache on edelleen poissa, mutta lisäyksenä edelliseen peliin Willy Lindfors on listattu mukaan kokoonpanoon.
Steelers paikkasi nopeasti rosteriaukkonsa
Kuopio Steelers menetti kauden avauspelissään kaksi arvokasta import-pelaajaansa. Keskimmäisen tukimiehen paikalle loukkaantuneen Cody Leonardin korvaajaksi on värvätty kovat ylipistotilastot omaava Colby Campbell. Puolustuslinjan Boris Degas on korvattu toisella ranskalaispelaajalla, kun Julien Kouoh tekee dybyyttinsä Vaahteraliigassa. Kouoh ei ollut pelaavassa kokoonpanossa kauden avauksessa.
Steelers esitteli Roosters-pelissä laajan valikoiman lyhytsyöttöpelejään, joissa suurikokoiset sisemmät laitahyökkääjät olivat isoissa rooleissa. Pelit on nyt scoutattu läpi Suomen ja mielenkiintoista onkin seurata millaisia yllätyksiä päävalmentaja Pekka Utriainen Wolverinesia vastaan loihtii pelikirjastaan.
Ottelun mielenkiintoisena yksityiskohtana ovat joukkueiden yli satakiloiset TE:t. Steelersin Villen Lindsten (106 kg) tyhjensi palkintopöydän Roosters-pelissä ja Jani Lindqvist (125 kg) sekä Iiro-Pekka Paakki (110 kg) säestivät vuorotellen kuopiolaishyökkäyksen etenemistä. Vastakkaisella puolella hyökkäyksessä samassa roolissa pelaa Asko Mäntymäki (103 kg) sekä Ville Valasti (115 kg), joka kauden alla kertoi luopuneensa tutusta #55 paidastaan voidakseen pelata pallollisena myös hyökkäyksen puolella. Herroista ainakin kaksoisrooleissa pelaavat Lindqvist ja Valasti saattavat kolistella toisiaan molemmin puolin palloa lauantain tiimellyksessä.
Vaahteraliigan kärkikamppailu Wolverines – Steelers palataan lauantaina 28.5. Helsingissä Käpylän Velodromilla. Ottelun kickoff klo 16.30.