Wolverines – Crocodiles 06.08.2022

Helsinki Wolverines isännöi Käpylän Velodromilla Seinäjoki Crocodilesia Vaahteraliigan playoff-pelien kannalta merkittävässä kohtaamisessa. Huikeiden vaiheiden jälkeen Crocodiles voittoon viimeisen minuutin touchdownilla. Lukemat vieraille 20-25 (7-13).
Lauantain vaahteraliigapelissä oli panosta ja tunteita katsomoihin jännitettäväksi. Kuten joukkueiden kohtaamiset viime aikoina ovat olleet, taas ratkaisua jouduttiin hakemaan pelin viimeisille hetkille saakka. Wolverines kiri Crocojen kahden TD:n eron kiinni neljännen neljänneksen lopulla, mutta pelikelloon jäi aikaa vierasjoukkueen yhteen draiviin. Seinäjokiset painoivat pallon väkisin Velodromin itäpäätyyn, ja ratkaisijaksi nousi huikean määrän työtä urakoinut Christian Powell iltapäivän ainoalla kiinniotollaan.
Jabari Harrisin kaksi Hail Mary-heittoa pelikellon umpeutuessa olivat onnistua, mutta tällä kertaa oli Crocojen vuoro voittaa. Joukkueiden ensimmäisen kohtaamisen ratkaisua jouduttiin odottamaan jatkoajan toiseen hyökkäyspariin, jonka tasoittavalla vuorolla Wolverines ratkaisi onnistuneella lisäpistepelillä. Nyt Crocot pääsivät kuittamaan kitkerän tappion. Näiden joukkueiden tunteita pursuavat pelit ovat hyvää viihdettä ja on suuret mahdollisuudet, että tällä kaudella tasatilanne 1-1 voitoissa puretaan välieräpelissä.
Wolverines teki TD:n ensimmäisellä draivillaan
Kotijoukkue Wolverines sai otteluun parhaan mahdollisen alun. Ahmojen ensimmäisen draivin kolmannessa pelissä Jabari Harris löysi Sebastien Sagnen, joka juoksi pallon kanssa maaliin yhteensä 51 jaardin TD:n. Sagne onnistui tekemään pelissä kaksi touchdownia ja miehestä oli tulla koko pelin ratkaisija pelikellon umpeutuessa. Jabari Harris pisti ilmaan huikean pitkän heiton, jota Sagne juoksi vastaanottamaan maalin tuntumaan. Croco-puolustus joutui rikkomaan Sagnea ja tällä kertaa häirintä kannatti. Wolverines ei onnistunut yliajalla saamassaan ylimääräisessä yrityksessä.
Jabari Harris heitti pelissä 266 jaardia ja kaksi touchdownia. Lisäksi mies juoksi yhden maalin. Wolverines osoitti, että hyökkäyksellä on suurten pelien potentiaalia, mutta linjapelin suhteen hienosäätöä tarvitaan yhä ennen kauden viimeisiä pelejä.
Ahmapuolustuksessa Curtis Slater teki seitsemän taklausta ja katkaisi kertaalleen Zachary Whiteheadin heiton. Eric Irvin ja Joseph Kordus palasivat takaisin pelaavaan kokoonpanoon. Irvin oli jälleen aggressivinen takakentällä, mutta pelasi ilmeisesti puolikuntoisena.
Wolverines epäonnistui pelissä kahdesti kenttäpotkumaalissaan ja yksi RJ Longin TD liputettiin pois samaisen laiturin ryhmityttyä väärin aloitusmuodostelmaan. Näistä riittää spekuloitavaa bye-viikolleen siirtyvälle joukkueelle.
Powell eteni yli 200 jaardia
Crocodiles laittoi takuuvarman Christian Powellin lauantaina urakkatöihin. Keskushyökkääjä kantoi palloa 32 kertaa ja teki kaksi touchdownia juoksuillaan. Powellin kolmas TD syntyi hänen ainoasta kiinniotostaan ja se ratkaisi pelin viimeisellä minuutilla. Kaikkiaan miehelle 196 juoksujaardia ja 10 yhdellä kiinniotolla. Upeat suorituksen huomioitiin Pohjola Vakuutuksen Vakuuttavimman Pelaajan palkinnolla.
Pelinrakentaja Whitehead pelasi jälleen tyylikkään pelin. Miehen 24 heitosta 18 päätyi omille laitureille ja tuloksena kaksi heittomaalia. Ison kiitoksen pelirauhastaan Whitehead voi antaa Crocojen hyökkäyslinjalle, joka päästi vastustajan vain kahdesti taklaamaan pallollista pelaajaa aloituslinjan takana. Laitahyökkääjistä Janne Särkelä onnistui kertaalleen maalinteossa ja toinen heitto-TD oli Powellin ratkaiseva suoritus.
Crocodiles-puolustus pelasi lähes parhaalla kokoonpanolla ja se näkyi kentän tapahtumissa. Wolverines-hyökkäys ei päässyt oikeastaan missään vaiheessa toivomaansa rytmiin Crocodilesin linjan rynniessä irti blokeista. Vastustajan pelinrakentaja onnistuttiin säkittämään kolme kertaa ja niissä kaikissa oli mukana Emmit Gooden.
Voitto merkitsee Crocodilesille hyvää asemaa pudotuspelien kotietua ratkottaessa. Ratkaisu on yhä seinäjokisten omissa käsissä, mutta runkosarjan loppuohjelma tulee olemaan vaikea. Jäljellä ovat vielä pelit Steelersiä, Roostersia sekä Butchersia vastaan. Wolverinesin polku pudotuspeihin on kevyempi ja pitää sisillä tulevan viikon lepovuoron. Helsinkiläisillä pelit vielä Eaglesia ja Crusadersia vastaan.
Tutustu: Ottelun livetilastot
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 06, 2022)
Scoring Summary |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 06, 2022 at Helsinki)
Seinajoki Crocodiles (7-2) vs. Helsinki Wolverines (6-4)
Date: Aug 06, 2022 Site: Helsinki Stadium: Velodromi Attendance: 178
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Seinajoki Crocodiles | 7 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 25 |
Helsinki Wolverines | 7 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 20 |
1st | 10:57 | WOL | Sagne S 51 yd pass from Harris J (Pulkkinen A kick) | |
3 plays, 54 yards, TOP 1:03 | 0 - 7 | |||
06:38 | CRO | Powell C 50 yd run (Sarkela Ja kick) | ||
8 plays, 70 yards, TOP 4:12 | 7 - 7 | |||
2nd | 09:19 | CRO | Sarkela Ja 32 yd pass from Whitehead Z (Sarkela Ja kick failed) | |
7 plays, 58 yards, TOP 3:30 | 13 - 7 | |||
3rd | 00:47 | CRO | Powell C 3 yd run (Syrjanen A kick failed) | |
10 plays, 65 yards, TOP 5:33 | 19 - 7 | |||
4th | 08:17 | WOL | Sagne S 55 yd pass from Harris J (Pulkkinen A kick) | |
1 play, 55 yards, TOP 1:11 | 19 - 14 | |||
02:56 | WOL | Harris J 27 yd run (Harris J rush failed) | ||
4 plays, 74 yards, TOP 1:25 | 19 - 20 | |||
00:20 | CRO | Powell C 10 yd pass from Whitehead Z (Powell C rush failed) | ||
8 plays, 58 yards, TOP 2:30 | 25 - 20 |
Kickoff time: 16.30 End of Game: 19.05 Total elapsed time: 2h 35min Referee: Immonen M Umpire: Kalevo J Linesman: Vierikko P Line judge: Lahtinen K Back judge: Suojanen R-V Field judge: Viitanen M Side judge: Lehtinen J Temperature: +20 Wind: 7 m/s Weather: Aurinkoinen |
Team Statistics |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 06, 2022 at Helsinki)
Team Totals | CRO | WOL |
FIRST DOWNS | 20 | 15 |
Rushing | 9 | 6 |
Passing | 9 | 7 |
Penalty | 2 | 2 |
NET YARDS RUSHING | 207 | 108 |
Rushing Attempts | 35 | 21 |
Average Per Rush | 5.9 | 5.1 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 2 | 1 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 210 | 132 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 3 | 24 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 178 | 266 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 19-27-1 | 9-23-0 |
Average Per Attempt | 6.6 | 11.6 |
Average Per Completion | 9.4 | 29.6 |
Passing Touchdowns | 2 | 2 |
Total offense plays | 62 | 44 |
Average Gain Per Play | 6.2 | 8.5 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 0-0 | 0-0 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 5-46 | 9-105 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 2-75 | 3-107 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 37.5 | 35.7 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 27.0 | 35.7 |
Inside 20 | 0 | 0 |
50+ Yards | 0 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 0 | 2 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 5-266 | 4-202 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 53.2 | 50.5 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 27.8 | 35.8 |
Touchbacks | 1 | 0 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 0-0-0 | 1-21-0 |
Average Per Return | 0.0 | 21.0 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 4-59-0 | 4-107-0 |
Average Per Return | 14.8 | 26.8 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 1-0-0 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | 0 |
Possession Time | 30:04 | 18:08 |
1st Quarter | 7:49 | 4:11 |
2nd Quarter | 8:01 | 3:59 |
3rd Quarter | 7:42 | 4:18 |
4th Quarter | 6:32 | 5:40 |
Third-Down Conversions | 5 of 13 | 5 of 10 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 3 of 5 | 0 of 1 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 2-3 | 0-2 |
Touchdowns | 2-3 | 0-2 |
Field goals | 0-3 | 0-2 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 3-18 | 0-0 |
PAT Kicks | 1-3 | 2-2 |
Field Goals | 0-0 | 0-2 |
Points off turnovers | 0 | 0 |
Individual Statistics |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 06, 2022 at Helsinki)
FUMBLES: Seinajoki Crocodiles-None. Helsinki Wolverines-None. |
Drive Chart |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 06, 2022 at Helsinki)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
CRO | 1st | C30 | 10:50 | Kickoff | W00 | 06:38 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-70 | 4:12 | |
CRO | 1st | C43 | 05:03 | Punt | W33 | 02:22 | Interception | 6-24 | 2:41 | ||
CRO | 1st | C42 | 00:49 | Punt | W00 | 09:19 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-58 | 3:30 | |
CRO | 2nd | C20 | 07:07 | Missed FG | W19 | 01:47 | Downs | 10-61 | 5:20 | # | |
CRO | 2nd | C20 | 00:00 | Missed FG | C20 | 00:00 | End of half | 0-0 | 0:00 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C24 | 11:53 | Kickoff | C35 | 09:51 | Punt | 4-11 | 2:02 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C35 | 06:20 | Punt | W00 | 00:47 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 10-65 | 5:33 | # |
CRO | 4th | C24 | 09:16 | Downs | C24 | 09:28 | Punt | 3-0 | 0:00 | ||
CRO | 4th | C36 | 08:08 | Kickoff | W26 | 04:21 | Downs | 6-38 | 3:47 | ||
CRO | 4th | C42 | 02:50 | Kickoff | W00 | 00:20 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-58 | 2:30 | # |
WOL | 1st | W46 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C00 | 10:57 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-54 | 1:03 | |
WOL | 1st | W22 | 06:31 | Kickoff | W29 | 05:03 | Punt | 3-7 | 1:28 | ||
WOL | 1st | W20 | 02:22 | Interception | W24 | 00:49 | Punt | 3-4 | 1:33 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W33 | 09:05 | Kickoff | C15 | 07:07 | Missed FG | 6-52 | 1:58 | # | |
WOL | 2nd | W19 | 01:47 | Downs | C20 | 00:00 | Missed FG | 10-61 | 1:47 | # | |
WOL | 3rd | W27 | 09:51 | Punt | W20 | 06:20 | Punt | 5--7 | 3:31 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W35 | 00:39 | Kickoff | C24 | 09:16 | Downs | 8-41 | 3:23 | ||
WOL | 4th | W45 | 09:28 | Punt | C00 | 08:17 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-55 | 1:11 | |
WOL | 4th | W26 | 04:21 | Downs | C00 | 02:56 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-74 | 1:25 | |
WOL | 4th | W20 | 00:20 | Kickoff | C46 | 00:00 | End of half | 3-34 | 0:20 |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Seinajoki Crocodiles | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 07:49 | 08:01 | 07:42 | 06:32 | 15:50 | 14:14 | 30:04 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/4 | 1/3 | 2/3 | 1/3 | 2/7 | 3/6 | 5/13 | ||
Average field position | C38 | C20 | C29 | C39 | C33 | C34 | C34 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 2/2 | 1/2 | 0/0 | 0/1 | 3/4 | 0/1 | 3/5 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Helsinki Wolverines | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 04:11 | 03:59 | 04:18 | 05:40 | 08:10 | 09:58 | 18:08 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/3 | 2/3 | 0/1 | 2/3 | 3/6 | 2/4 | 5/10 | ||
Average field position | W29 | W26 | W31 | W30 | W28 | W30 | W29 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/1 | 0/0 | 0/1 | 0/1 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
WOL | 1st | W46 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C00 | 10:57 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-54 | 1:03 | |
CRO | 1st | C30 | 10:50 | Kickoff | W00 | 06:38 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-70 | 4:12 | |
WOL | 1st | W22 | 06:31 | Kickoff | W29 | 05:03 | Punt | 3-7 | 1:28 | ||
CRO | 1st | C43 | 05:03 | Punt | W33 | 02:22 | Interception | 6-24 | 2:41 | ||
WOL | 1st | W20 | 02:22 | Interception | W24 | 00:49 | Punt | 3-4 | 1:33 | ||
CRO | 1st | C42 | 00:49 | Punt | W00 | 09:19 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-58 | 3:30 | |
WOL | 2nd | W33 | 09:05 | Kickoff | C15 | 07:07 | Missed FG | 6-52 | 1:58 | # | |
CRO | 2nd | C20 | 07:07 | Missed FG | W19 | 01:47 | Downs | 10-61 | 5:20 | # | |
WOL | 2nd | W19 | 01:47 | Downs | C20 | 00:00 | Missed FG | 10-61 | 1:47 | # | |
CRO | 2nd | C20 | 00:00 | Missed FG | C20 | 00:00 | End of half | 0-0 | 0:00 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C24 | 11:53 | Kickoff | C35 | 09:51 | Punt | 4-11 | 2:02 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W27 | 09:51 | Punt | W20 | 06:20 | Punt | 5--7 | 3:31 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C35 | 06:20 | Punt | W00 | 00:47 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 10-65 | 5:33 | # |
WOL | 3rd | W35 | 00:39 | Kickoff | C24 | 09:16 | Downs | 8-41 | 3:23 | ||
CRO | 4th | C24 | 09:16 | Downs | C24 | 09:28 | Punt | 3-0 | 0:00 | ||
WOL | 4th | W45 | 09:28 | Punt | C00 | 08:17 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-55 | 1:11 | |
CRO | 4th | C36 | 08:08 | Kickoff | W26 | 04:21 | Downs | 6-38 | 3:47 | ||
WOL | 4th | W26 | 04:21 | Downs | C00 | 02:56 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-74 | 1:25 | |
CRO | 4th | C42 | 02:50 | Kickoff | W00 | 00:20 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-58 | 2:30 | # |
WOL | 4th | W20 | 00:20 | Kickoff | C46 | 00:00 | End of half | 3-34 | 0:20 |
Defensive Statistics |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 06, 2022 at Helsinki)
## | Seinajoki Crocodiles | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
44 | Tuokko A | 4 | 1 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
92 | Zins S | 3 | 1 | 3.5 | 1.5/4 | . | . | . | . | . | 0.5/2 | . |
43 | Koivumaki J | 3 | 1 | 3.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
34 | Varinen J | 3 | 1 | 3.5 | 1.0/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
24 | Jallow S | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
56 | Gooden E | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | 2.5/16 | . | . | . | . | . | 2.5/16 | 1 |
20 | Syrjanen A | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
99 | Zacok F | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | 1.0/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
21 | Toivola H | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
5 | Anessiadis T | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
## | Helsinki Wolverines | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
22 | Slater C | 4 | 6 | 7.0 | . | . | . | 1-0 | . | . | . | . |
2 | Irvin E | 4 | 1 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
21 | Poikonen M | 4 | 1 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
8 | Perrineau J | 2 | 5 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
5 | Kordus J | 2 | 5 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
90 | Olavuo A | 3 | 2 | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
91 | Heikkinen J | 3 | 2 | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
10 | Aaltonen T | 3 | . | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
35 | Kylli A | 3 | . | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
49 | Rautavirta V | 1 | 4 | 3.0 | 1.0/3 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
26 | Hyyriainen S | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
1 | Long RJ | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
37 | Lewis D | 2 | . | 2.0 | 1.0/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Calvache N | . | 3 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
18 | Egbudiwe B | . | 3 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
65 | Waxlax E | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
38 | Jaaskelainen S | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
82 | Alakoski J | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 06, 2022 at Helsinki)
Seinajoki Crocodiles: 11-Aalto A, 14-Koivumaki M, 22-Tuominiemi J, 26-Havulehto M, 29-Koskela W, 30-Hautala S, 33-Lundberg L, 35-Hietala L, 45-Korpela M, 46-Jarvenpaa T, 47-Hietala T, 52-Maki-Maunus E, 74-Koistinen J, 76-Lehtimaki R, 90-Kuusisto M, 94-Salmi S. |
Helsinki Wolverines: 3-Laalo R, 7-El Ouacef J, 10-Aaltonen T, 26-Hyyriainen S, 33-Lugora S, 38-Jaaskelainen S, 44-Calvache N, 46-Lindqvist J, 65-Waxlax E, 70-Miettinen V, 71-Lappalainen J, 81-Kantonen N, 82-Alakoski J, 83-Mantymaki A, 84-Pulkkinen A, 99-Jousmaki J. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 06, 2022 at Helsinki)
Sarkela Ja kickoff 63 yards to the WOL2, Lewis D return 44 yards to the WOL46 (Tuokko A). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol46 | Harris J pass incomplete to Long RJ, dropped pass. |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol46 | Harris J rush for 3 yards to the WOL49 (Varinen J;Jallow S). |
Wol | 3-7 | at Wol49 | Harris J pass complete to Sagne S for 51 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN WOL, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:57. |
Pulkkinen A kick attempt good. | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 7, Seinajoki Crocodiles 0 | |||
Drive: 3 plays, 54 yards, TOP 01:10 | |||
Alakoski J kickoff 50 yards to the CRO15, Syrjanen A return 15 yards to the CRO30 (Hyyriainen S). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro30 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 10:50. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro30 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the CRO32 (Heikkinen J). |
Cro | 2-8 | at Cro32 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 4 yards to the CRO36 (Irvin E). |
Cro | 3-4 | at Cro36 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Kasari J for 3 yards to the CRO39, out-of-bounds. |
Cro | 4-1 | at Cro39 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the CRO41, 1ST DOWN CRO (Perrineau J;Heikkinen J). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro41 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 4 yards to the CRO45 (Kylli A). |
Cro | 2-6 | at Cro45 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the CRO49 (Kordus J;Olavuo A). |
Cro | 3-2 | at Cro49 | Ristila K rush for 1 yard to the 50 yardline (Poikonen M). |
Cro | 4-1 | at Cro50 | Powell C rush for 50 yards to the WOL0, 1ST DOWN CRO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:38. |
Sarkela Ja kick attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 7, Helsinki Wolverines 7 | |||
Cro | 1-G | at Cro35 | PENALTY WOL personal foul (Heikkinen J) 15 yards to the 50 yardline. |
Drive: 8 plays, 70 yards, TOP 04:19 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 50 yards to the WOL0, Lewis D return 22 yards to the WOL22 (Tuokko A). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol22 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 06:31. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol22 | Harris J rush for 9 yards to the WOL31. |
Wol | 2-1 | at Wol31 | Young W rush for loss of 2 yards to the WOL29 (Zins S). |
Wol | 3-3 | at Wol29 | Harris J pass incomplete to Sagne S (Toivola H). |
Wol | 4-3 | at Wol29 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 05:03. |
Wol | 4-3 | at Wol29 | Pulkkinen A punt 28 yards to the CRO43, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, 7 yards, TOP 01:28 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro43 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 05:03. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro43 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for loss of 1 yard to the CRO42 (Lewis D). |
Cro | 2-11 | at Cro42 | Powell C rush for 10 yards to the WOL48, out-of-bounds (Kylli A). |
Cro | 3-1 | at Wol48 | Powell C rush for 9 yards to the WOL39, 1ST DOWN CRO (Olavuo A). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol39 | Powell C rush for 6 yards to the WOL33 (Kordus J;Rautavirta V). |
Cro | 2-4 | at Wol33 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Ristila K. |
Cro | 3-4 | at Wol33 | Whitehead Z pass intercepted by Slater C at the WOL0, Slater C return 0 yards to the WOL0, touchback. |
Drive: 6 plays, 24 yards, TOP 02:41 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol20 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 02:22. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol20 | Young W rush for no gain to the WOL20 (Koivumaki J;Gooden E). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol20 | Harris J rush for 4 yards to the WOL24 (Koivumaki J). |
Wol | 3-6 | at Wol24 | Harris J pass incomplete. |
Wol | 4-6 | at Wol24 | Pulkkinen A punt 34 yards to the CRO42, fair catch by Koivumaki J. |
Drive: 3 plays, 4 yards, TOP 01:33 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro42 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 00:49. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro42 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRO47 (Perrineau J). |
Drive: 1 plays, 5 yards, TOP 03:44 | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 7, Helsinki Wolverines 7 |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cro47 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cro47 | Powell C rush for 9 yards to the WOL44, 1ST DOWN CRO (Calvache N;Slater C). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol44 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 2 yards to the WOL42 (Slater C). |
Cro | 2-8 | at Wol42 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the WOL40 (Perrineau J;Calvache N). |
Cro | 3-6 | at Wol40 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the WOL38 (Egbudiwe B;Slater C). |
Cro | 4-4 | at Wol38 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Kasari J for 6 yards to the WOL32, 1ST DOWN CRO (Kylli A). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol32 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 32 yards to the WOL0, 1ST DOWN CRO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 09:19. |
Sarkela Ja kick attempt failed. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 13, Helsinki Wolverines 7 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 58 yards, TOP 03:44 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 48 yards to the WOL17, Slater C return 16 yards to the WOL33 (Tuokko A). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol33 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 09:05. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol33 | Harris J pass complete to Long RJ for 44 yards to the CRO23, 1ST DOWN WOL (Varinen J). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro23 | Harris J rush for 10 yards to the CRO13, 1ST DOWN WOL (Tuokko A). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro13 | Harris J pass incomplete to Sagne S (Anessiadis T). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Cro13 | Young W rush for loss of 2 yards to the CRO15 (Varinen J). |
Wol | 3-12 | at Cro15 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 07:17. |
Wol | 3-12 | at Cro15 | Harris J pass incomplete to Long RJ, dropped pass (Tuokko A). |
Wol | 4-12 | at Cro15 | Pulkkinen A field goal attempt from 34 MISSED - wide right, spot at CRO20, clock 07:07. |
Drive: 6 plays, 52 yards, TOP 01:58 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro20 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 07:07. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro20 | Powell C rush for no gain to the CRO20 (Heikkinen J). |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro20 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 6 yards to the CRO26, out-of-bounds (Irvin E). |
Cro | 3-4 | at Cro26 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 7 yards to the CRO33, 1ST DOWN CRO, out-of-bounds (Aaltonen T). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro33 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 10 yards to the CRO43, 1ST DOWN CRO (Slater C). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro43 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRO48 (Poikonen M). |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cro48 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Sarkela Jo, PENALTY WOL holding 10 yards to the WOL42, 1ST DOWN CRO, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol42 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 10 yards to the WOL32, 1ST DOWN CRO (Long RJ). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol32 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Sarkela Ja, PENALTY WOL pass interference (Long RJ) 15 yards to the WOL17, 1ST DOWN CRO, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol17 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Sarkela Jo (Kordus J). |
Cro | 2-10 | at Wol17 | Powell C rush for 8 yards to the WOL9 (Poikonen M;Slater C). |
Cro | 3-2 | at Wol09 | Powell C rush for no gain to the WOL9, PENALTY CRO holding (Makinen O) 10 yards to the WOL19, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 3-12 | at Wol19 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Sarkela Jo. |
Cro | 4-12 | at Wol19 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 01:54. |
Cro | 4-12 | at Wol19 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Sarkela Jo. |
Drive: 10 plays, 61 yards, TOP 05:20 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol19 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 01:47. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol19 | Harris J pass complete to Kantonen N for 22 yards to the WOL41, 1ST DOWN WOL (Tuokko A;Toivola H). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol41 | Harris J pass incomplete to Tuominen M, dropped pass (Anessiadis T). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol41 | Harris J pass incomplete. |
Wol | 3-10 | at Wol41 | Harris J rush for 14 yards to the CRO45, 1ST DOWN WOL (Jallow S;Zacok F). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro45 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 00:58. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro45 | Harris J pass complete to Long RJ for 44 yards to the CRO1, PENALTY WOL ineligible downfield on pass 5 yards to the 50 yardline, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 1-15 | at Wol50 | Harris J rush for 13 yards to the CRO37, out-of-bounds. |
Wol | 2-2 | at Cro37 | Harris J pass incomplete, PENALTY CRO offside defense (Syrjanen A) 5 yards to the CRO32, 1ST DOWN WOL, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro32 | Harris J pass incomplete to Long RJ (Syrjanen A). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Cro32 | Harris J rush for 6 yards to the CRO26, out-of-bounds (Varinen J). |
Wol | 3-4 | at Cro26 | Harris J rush for 6 yards to the CRO20, 1ST DOWN WOL (Zins S). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro20 | Harris J pass incomplete to Emos M. |
Wol | 2-10 | at Cro20 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 00:06. |
Wol | 2-10 | at Cro20 | Pulkkinen A field goal attempt from 37 MISSED - wide right, spot at CRO20, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 10 plays, 61 yards, TOP 01:47 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro20 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Seinajoki Crocodiles 13, Helsinki Wolverines 7 |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro20 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, WOL ball on WOL35. |
Alakoski J kickoff 48 yards to the CRO17, Syrjanen A return 7 yards to the CRO24 (Hyyriainen S). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro24 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 11:53. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro24 | Powell C rush for 11 yards to the CRO35, 1ST DOWN CRO (Aaltonen T). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro35 | Powell C rush for loss of 3 yards to the CRO32 (Rautavirta V). |
Cro | 2-13 | at Cro32 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 3 yards to the CRO35 (Poikonen M). |
Cro | 3-10 | at Cro35 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Kasari J. |
Cro | 4-10 | at Cro35 | Syrjanen A punt 44 yards to the WOL21, Slater C return 21 yards to the WOL42, PENALTY WOL illegal block (Jousmaki J) 15 yards to the WOL27, 1st and 10, WOL ball on WOL27. |
Drive: 4 plays, 11 yards, TOP 02:02 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol27 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 09:51. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol27 | Harris J pass complete to Sagne S for 6 yards to the WOL33 (Anessiadis T). |
Wol | 2-4 | at Wol33 | El Ouacef J rush for 5 yards to the WOL38, 1ST DOWN WOL (Koivumaki J). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol38 | Harris J sacked for loss of 4 yards to the WOL34 (Gooden E). |
Wol | 2-14 | at Wol34 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 07:55. |
Wol | 2-14 | at Wol34 | Harris J sacked for loss of 11 yards to the WOL23 (Gooden E). |
Wol | 3-25 | at Wol23 | Harris J sacked for loss of 3 yards to the WOL20 (Zins S;Gooden E). |
Wol | 4-28 | at Wol20 | Pulkkinen A punt 45 yards to the CRO35, fair catch by Syrjanen A. |
Drive: 5 plays, minus 7 yards, TOP 03:31 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro35 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 06:20. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro35 | Powell C rush for no gain to the CRO35 (Rautavirta V;Perrineau J). |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro35 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Kasari J for 6 yards to the CRO41 (Aaltonen T). |
Cro | 3-4 | at Cro41 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 11 yards to the WOL48, 1ST DOWN CRO (Poikonen M). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol48 | Whitehead Z rush for no gain to the WOL48, PENALTY CRO holding (Hvitfelt T) 10 yards to the CRO42, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 1-20 | at Cro42 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 10 yards to the WOL48 (Slater C). |
Cro | 2-10 | at Wol48 | Powell C pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 28 yards to the WOL20, 1ST DOWN CRO (Lewis D), PENALTY WOL offside defense declined. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol20 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the WOL16 (Slater C). |
Cro | 2-6 | at Wol16 | Powell C rush for 6 yards to the WOL10, 1ST DOWN CRO (Kordus J;Slater C). |
Cro | 1-G | at Wol10 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the WOL8 (Waxlax E;Kordus J). |
Cro | 2-G | at Wol08 | Whitehead Z rush for 5 yards to the WOL3, out-of-bounds (Kordus J). |
Cro | 3-G | at Wol03 | Powell C rush for 3 yards to the WOL0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:47. |
Syrjanen A kick attempt failed. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 19, Helsinki Wolverines 7 | |||
Drive: 10 plays, 65 yards, TOP 05:41 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 55 yards to the WOL10, Lewis D return 25 yards to the WOL35, out-of-bounds. | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol35 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 00:39. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol35 | Harris J pass incomplete to Sagne S. |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol35 | Young W rush for 8 yards to the WOL43 (Koivumaki J). |
Drive: 2 plays, 8 yards, TOP 03:23 | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 19, Helsinki Wolverines 7 |
Wol | 3-2 | at Wol43 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
Wol | 3-2 | at Wol43 | Young W rush for 17 yards to the CRO40, 1ST DOWN WOL (Syrjanen A;Jallow S). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro40 | Harris J pass complete to Long RJ for 10 yards to the CRO30, 1ST DOWN WOL (Syrjanen A). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro30 | Harris J rush for 8 yards to the CRO22 (Zins S). |
Wol | 2-2 | at Cro22 | Mantymaki A rush for loss of 2 yards to the CRO24 (Zacok F). |
Wol | 3-4 | at Cro24 | Harris J pass incomplete to Emos M, QB hurry by Gooden E. |
Wol | 4-4 | at Cro24 | Harris J pass incomplete to Slater C. |
Drive: 8 plays, 41 yards, TOP 03:23 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro24 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 09:16. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro24 | Powell C rush for no gain to the CRO24 (Rautavirta V;Heikkinen J). |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro24 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Sarkela Ja. |
Cro | 3-10 | at Cro24 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Kasari J (Aaltonen T). |
Cro | 4-10 | at Cro24 | Syrjanen A punt 31 yards to the WOL45, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:00 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol45 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 09:28. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol45 | Harris J pass complete to Sagne S for 55 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN WOL, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:17. |
Pulkkinen A kick attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 19, Helsinki Wolverines 14 | |||
Drive: 1 plays, 55 yards, TOP 01:20 | |||
Alakoski J kickoff 48 yards to the CRO17, Syrjanen A return 19 yards to the CRO36 (Hyyriainen S;Alakoski J). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro36 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 08:08. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro36 | Powell C rush for 3 yards to the CRO39 (Egbudiwe B;Olavuo A). |
Cro | 2-7 | at Cro39 | Powell C rush for 26 yards to the WOL35, 1ST DOWN CRO (Irvin E;Slater C). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol35 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the WOL30 (Heikkinen J). |
Cro | 2-5 | at Wol30 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the WOL26 (Olavuo A). |
Cro | 3-1 | at Wol26 | PENALTY CRO false start 5 yards to the WOL31. |
Cro | 3-6 | at Wol31 | Whitehead Z rush for 5 yards to the WOL26 (Olavuo A). |
Cro | 4-1 | at Wol26 | Powell C rush for no gain to the WOL26 (Irvin E), PENALTY CRO illegal formation declined. |
Drive: 6 plays, 38 yards, TOP 03:47 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol26 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 04:21. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol26 | Harris J pass incomplete to Long RJ. |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol26 | Harris J rush for no gain to the WOL26, PENALTY WOL holding (Ramirez N) 10 yards to the WOL16, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 2-20 | at Wol16 | Harris J pass complete to Long RJ for 12 yards to the WOL28, out-of-bounds. |
Wol | 3-8 | at Wol28 | Harris J pass complete to Sagne S for 45 yards to the CRO27, 1ST DOWN WOL (Toivola H). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro27 | Harris J rush for 27 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN WOL, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:56. |
Harris J rush attempt failed. | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 20, Seinajoki Crocodiles 19 | |||
Wol | 1-G | at Wol35 | PENALTY WOL unsportsmanlike conduct (El Ouacef J) 15 yards to the WOL20. |
Drive: 4 plays, 74 yards, TOP 01:31 | |||
Alakoski J kickoff 56 yards to the CRO24, Sarkela Jo return 18 yards to the CRO42 (Jaaskelainen S;Calvache N). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro42 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 02:50. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro42 | Powell C rush for 10 yards to the WOL48, 1ST DOWN CRO (Perrineau J). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol48 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Kasari J for 11 yards to the WOL37, 1ST DOWN CRO (Long RJ). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol37 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the WOL33, out-of-bounds (Kordus J;Rautavirta V). |
Cro | 2-6 | at Wol33 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the WOL29 (Kordus J). |
Cro | 3-2 | at Wol29 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the WOL27, 1ST DOWN CRO (Slater C;Perrineau J). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol27 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 00:57. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol27 | Powell C rush for 1 yard to the WOL26 (Egbudiwe B;Perrineau J). |
Cro | 2-9 | at Wol26 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 00:43. |
Cro | 2-9 | at Wol26 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 16 yards to the WOL10, 1ST DOWN CRO (Irvin E). |
Cro | 1-G | at Wol10 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 00:25. |
Cro | 1-G | at Wol10 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Powell C for 10 yards to the WOL0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:20. |
Powell C rush attempt failed. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 25, Helsinki Wolverines 20 | |||
Cro | 1-G | at Cro35 | PENALTY WOL unsportsmanlike conduct (Kordus J) 15 yards to the 50 yardline. |
Drive: 8 plays, 58 yards, TOP 02:30 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 50 yards to the WOL0, touchback. | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol20 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 00:20. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol20 | PENALTY WOL delay of game (Harris J) 5 yards to the WOL15. |
Wol | 1-15 | at Wol15 | Harris J rush for 2 yards to the WOL17, out-of-bounds (Jallow S). |
Wol | 2-13 | at Wol17 | Harris J pass complete to Long RJ for 21 yards to the WOL38, 1ST DOWN WOL (Jallow S). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol38 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 00:08. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol38 | Harris J pass incomplete to Sagne S, PENALTY CRO pass interference 16 yards to the CRO46, 1ST DOWN WOL, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro46 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 00:00. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro46 | Harris J pass incomplete to Tuominen M (Syrjanen A). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Cro46 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 3 plays, 34 yards, TOP 00:20 | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 25, Helsinki Wolverines 20 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 06, 2022 at Helsinki)
Seinajoki Crocodiles Helsinki Wolverines Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 35 27 62 OVERALL.......... 18 26 44 1ST DOWN......... 16 10 26 1ST DOWN......... 7 14 21 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 0 0 0 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 2 0 2 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 5 1 6 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 0 1 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 5 7 12 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 5 4 9 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 3 0 3 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 4 5 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 2 3 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 2 3 5 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 1 5 6 4TH DOWN......... 3 2 5 4TH DOWN......... 0 1 1 Seinajoki Crocodiles Helsinki Wolverines Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 35 27 62 ............... 18 26 44 |
Vaahteraliigan isojen pelien viikonlopun päättää Helsinki Wolverinesin ja Crocodilesin kohtaaminen. Ottelussa panokset ovat suuret ja taustalla tunnelataukset siitä kovemmasta päästä.
Wolverinesilla on mahdollisuus käytännössä varmistaa playoff-pelien kotietu voittamalla seinäjokiset tämän iltapäivän pelissään. Ahmat veivät joukkueiden edellisen kohtaamisen jatkoajalle päättyneessä trillerissä hyökkäyskilpailussa tehdyllä lisäpistesuorituksella, ja pelin jälkitunnelmissa joukkueen päävalmentaja nappasi tunteenpurkauksestaan kahden pelin toimitsijakiellon. Seinäjokisille jäi paljon crokohampaiden koloihin ja nyt on aika päästää kaikki ulos kentällä klo 16:30 alkaen.
Crocodiles pääsee otteluun lähes parhaalla mahdollisella kokoonpanollaan. Aloituskokoonpano kertoo, että sivussa ollut Filip Zacok on jälleen mukana pelissä kuten myös edellisen pelin huilannut Artur Pinheiro. Puolustuslinja on asetettu ennakkotietojen mukaan neljä miehen ryhmitykseen, joten painetta Wolvojen hyökkäyslinjalle aiotaan laittaa heti pelin alusta alkaen.
Myös Wolverines on saanut täydennystä viikon takaiseen Porvoo-peliin verrattuna. Puolustuksen johtava pelaaja Ville Valasti on edelleen poissa kokoonpanosta, mutta joukkueen taklaustilaston kärjet, Joseph Kordus ja Eric Irvin palaavat kentälle. Kokoonpanossa ovat mukana myös edellisestä pelistä puuttuneet Jonis Heikkinen sekä useamman pelin levännyt James Perrineau.
Forecan sääennusteen mukaan taivas selkenee peliin sopivasti ja ottelu voidaan viedä läpi hyvässä kelissä. Runsaiden sateiden jäljiltä Velon betoni on kuitenkin petollinen ja tulee varmasti vaikuttamaan joukkueiden pelivalintoihin. Pelataan normipelikirjalla tai onko odotettavissa yllätyksiä. Sen näkee parhaiten saapumalla katsomon aistimaan kuuman tunnelman.