Wolverines – Crocodiles 03.09.2022

Seinäjoki Crocodiles ja Helsinki Wolverines tarjosivat vaahteraliigayleisölle huikean jännitysnäytelmän lauantaina. Välieräpelissä oli panoksena paikka Vaahteramalja XLIII-otteluun 10.9. Crocodiles vei kamppailun viimeisen minuutin TD:llä sinetöiden finaalipaikkansa lukemin 21-28 (7-6).
Wolverines ja Crocodiles ovat tarjoilleet yleisöilleen takuuvarmoja jännitysnäytelmiä keskinäisissä kohtaamisissaan eikä lauantainakaan tarvinnut pettyä. Tapahtumat kentällä etenivät vuorotahtiin kuin aiempien joukkueiden pelien käsikirjoitusta kopioiden. Wolverines nousi viimeisellä neljänneksellä kahden TD:n tappioasemasta tasoihin. Tällä kertaa seinäjokiset eivät päästäneet ratkaisua jatkoajalle, vaan sinetöivät pelin loppulukemat vain 21 sekuntia ennen pelin loppuvihellystä.
Ottelua edeltävä suuri kysymys oli Crocodilesin keskushyökkääjä Christian Powellin pelikunto. Kaksi peliä huilannut yhdysvaltalainen oli Myyrmäen jalkapallostadionin tasokkaalla turffilla kuin kotonaan ja intoutui kantamaan palloa peräti 30 kertaa. Lukema on miehen kauden suurin. Powell keräsi peleillään 167 jaardia, teki yhden TD:n ja ennen kaikkea säilytti pallon hallinnan joukkueellaan pitkien draivien ansiosta läpi pelin. Puhtaasti ansioistaan Powell valittiin jälleen kerran ottelun Vakuuttavimmaksi Pelaajaksi.
Wolverines lähti peliin pysäyttämään Seinäjoen juoksupeliä ja uskoi sen riittävän lauantaina voittoon. Tässä helsinkiläiset olivat väärässä. Kentällä nähtiin heittävä Crocodiles, jonka pelinrakentaja Zachary Whitehead onnistui löytämään laiturinsa 16 kertaa 25 yrityksestään. Crocodiles teki välieräpelissä kolme heittomaalia, joissa kaikissa eri vastaanottaja (Janne Särkelä, Kristian Ristilä, Anttoni Lampivuo).
Crocodiles puolustus onnistui pitämään Wolverinesin juoksevan pelinrakentajan hyvin pihdeissään, eikä Jabari Harris onnistunut karkaamaan pitkiin irtiottoihin toivomallaan tavalla.
Wolverines tuli taas kahden TD:n takaa tasoihin
Wolverinesin keskushyökkääjä William Young oli ottelun alussa joukkueensa kantavia voimia. Hitaan alkukauden jälkeen Young intoutui kauden viimeisissä peleissään venymään parhaaseensa ja pelin ensimmäisellä puolikkaalla Youngin juoksu yllättivät Crocodiles-puolustuksen useampaan kertaan. Wolverines oli puoliajalla yhden pisteen johdossa Sebastien Sagnen onnistuttua nappaamaan Harrisin heiton kiinni maalialueen reunalla.
Helsinkiläisten heikot hetket ajoittuivat pelin toisen puoliajan alkuun, jolloin Crocodiles pääsi karkaamaan kahden maalin karkumatkalle Whiteheadin heittomaaleilla. Ottelussa Wolverinesin kohtaloksi osoittautuivat heittopuolustuksen pienet virheet, joista seinäjokiset rankaisivat kovalla kädellä. Haastavaksi kotijoukkueen pelin tekivät myös rangaistukset, joita näin tärkeässä pelissä nähtiin aivan liian monta kappaletta. Wolverines otti pelissä kahdeksan rangaistusta, joilla takapakkia 59 jaardia, kun Crocojen rangaistusten määrä oli kolme.
Wolverines taisteli pelissä hienosti ja ailahtelevasti läpi kauden pelannut hyökkäyksen linja onnistui suojelemaan pelinrakentajaansa säkityksiltä. Ottelun ainoat säkitykset tehtiin ahmapuolustuken toimesta Jonis Heikkisen ja Ville Valastin suorittamina.
Ottelun jälkeen Wolverines-pelinrakentaja Jabari Harris myönsi, että Crocodiles ansaitsi voittonsa pelissä.
Tappio merkitsee Wolverinesille sijoittumista kolmanneksi kauden 2022 Vaahteraliigassa. Seinäjoki Crocodiles jatkaa taisteluaan vielä yhden pelin verran ja matkaa viikon kuluttua Kuopioon taistelemaan Suomen mestaruudesta.
Tutustu: Ottelun tilastot
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Sep 03, 2022)
Scoring Summary |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Sep 03, 2022 at Vantaa)
Seinajoki Crocodiles (8-4) vs. Helsinki Wolverines (8-4)
Date: Sep 03, 2022 Site: Vantaa Stadium: MUP Attendance: 290
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Seinajoki Crocodiles | 0 | 6 | 15 | 7 | 28 |
Helsinki Wolverines | 0 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 21 |
2nd | 10:04 | CRO | Powell C 1 yd run (Toivola H pass failed) | |
22 plays, 86 yards, TOP 11:07 | 6 - 0 | |||
08:05 | WOL | Sagne S 15 yd pass from Harris J (Jokinen T kick) | ||
4 plays, 72 yards, TOP 1:52 | 6 - 7 | |||
3rd | 07:25 | CRO | Ristila K 14 yd pass from Whitehead Z (Whitehead Z rush) | |
8 plays, 75 yards, TOP 4:28 | 14 - 7 | |||
03:47 | CRO | Sarkela Ja 47 yd pass from Whitehead Z (Maki-Maunus E kick) | ||
4 plays, 79 yards, TOP 2:18 | 21 - 7 | |||
02:10 | WOL | Harris J 21 yd run (Jokinen T kick) | ||
4 plays, 62 yards, TOP 1:26 | 21 - 14 | |||
4th | 01:48 | WOL | Sagne S 22 yd pass from Harris J (Jokinen T kick) | |
2 plays, 40 yards, TOP 0:45 | 21 - 21 | |||
00:21 | CRO | Lampivuo A 7 yd pass from Whitehead Z (Maki-Maunus E kick) | ||
8 plays, 77 yards, TOP 1:21 | 28 - 21 |
Kickoff time: 18.30 End of Game: 20.53 Total elapsed time: 2h 23min Referee: Janhuba R Umpire: Aaltonen E Linesman: Suojanen R-V Line judge: Kalliokoski J Back judge: Bruun J Field judge: Holmberg J Side judge: Karppinen J Temperature: +12 Wind: 4m/s Weather: Pilvinen |
Team Statistics |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Sep 03, 2022 at Vantaa)
Team Totals | CRO | WOL |
FIRST DOWNS | 21 | 14 |
Rushing | 13 | 8 |
Passing | 7 | 4 |
Penalty | 1 | 2 |
NET YARDS RUSHING | 198 | 166 |
Rushing Attempts | 42 | 24 |
Average Per Rush | 4.7 | 6.9 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 1 | 1 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 220 | 173 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 22 | 7 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 189 | 125 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 16-25-0 | 6-13-1 |
Average Per Attempt | 7.6 | 9.6 |
Average Per Completion | 11.8 | 20.8 |
Passing Touchdowns | 3 | 2 |
Total offense plays | 67 | 37 |
Average Gain Per Play | 5.8 | 7.9 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 1-0 | 0-0 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 3-35 | 8-59 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 3-76 | 3-96 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 25.3 | 32.0 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 24.3 | 32.0 |
Inside 20 | 0 | 1 |
50+ Yards | 0 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 0 | 2 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 5-273 | 4-234 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 54.6 | 58.5 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 30.8 | 39.0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 0-0-0 | 1-3-0 |
Average Per Return | 0.0 | 3.0 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 4-78-0 | 5-119-0 |
Average Per Return | 19.5 | 23.8 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 1--1-0 | 0-0-0 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | 0 |
Possession Time | 30:42 | 17:18 |
1st Quarter | 9:11 | 2:49 |
2nd Quarter | 5:56 | 6:04 |
3rd Quarter | 9:03 | 2:57 |
4th Quarter | 6:32 | 5:28 |
Third-Down Conversions | 5 of 12 | 2 of 6 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 3 of 4 | 0 of 1 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 3-3 | 1-2 |
Touchdowns | 3-3 | 1-2 |
Field goals | 0-3 | 0-2 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 0-0 | 2-12 |
PAT Kicks | 2-2 | 3-3 |
Field Goals | 0-0 | 0-0 |
Points off turnovers | 0 | 0 |
Individual Statistics |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Sep 03, 2022 at Vantaa)
FUMBLES: Seinajoki Crocodiles-Harju K 1-0. Helsinki Wolverines-None. |
Drive Chart |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Sep 03, 2022 at Vantaa)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
CRO | 1st | C14 | 09:11 | Punt | W00 | 10:04 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 22-86 | 11:07 | # |
CRO | 2nd | C32 | 07:59 | Kickoff | C44 | 05:40 | Punt | 5-12 | 2:19 | ||
CRO | 2nd | C23 | 01:48 | Punt | C41 | 00:13 | Punt | 5-18 | 1:35 | ||
CRO | 2nd | C20 | 00:00 | Interception | C20 | 00:00 | End of half | 0-0 | 0:00 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C25 | 11:53 | Kickoff | W00 | 07:25 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-75 | 4:28 | # |
CRO | 3rd | C21 | 06:05 | Punt | W00 | 03:47 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-79 | 2:18 | |
CRO | 3rd | C24 | 02:01 | Kickoff | W43 | 11:39 | Punt | 6-33 | 2:22 | ||
CRO | 4th | C08 | 07:17 | Downs | C40 | 02:33 | Downs | 9-32 | 4:44 | ||
CRO | 4th | C23 | 01:42 | Kickoff | W00 | 00:21 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-77 | 1:21 | # |
WOL | 1st | W24 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C41 | 09:11 | Punt | 6-35 | 2:49 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W28 | 09:57 | Kickoff | C00 | 08:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-72 | 1:52 | # |
WOL | 2nd | W26 | 05:40 | Punt | W50 | 01:48 | Punt | 6-24 | 3:52 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W32 | 00:13 | Punt | W38 | 00:00 | Interception | 2-6 | 0:13 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W40 | 07:18 | Kickoff | W37 | 06:05 | Punt | 3--3 | 1:13 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W38 | 03:36 | Kickoff | C00 | 02:10 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-62 | 1:26 | |
WOL | 4th | W27 | 11:39 | Punt | C08 | 07:17 | Downs | 9-65 | 4:22 | # | |
WOL | 4th | C40 | 02:33 | Downs | C00 | 01:48 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-40 | 0:45 | |
WOL | 4th | W37 | 00:07 | Kickoff | W37 | 00:00 | End of half | 1-0 | 0:07 |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Seinajoki Crocodiles | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 09:11 | 05:56 | 09:03 | 06:32 | 15:07 | 15:35 | 30:42 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/3 | 2/4 | 1/2 | 1/3 | 3/7 | 2/5 | 5/12 | ||
Average field position | C14 | C27 | C23 | C15 | C23 | C20 | C21 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 2/2 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 0/1 | 2/2 | 1/2 | 3/4 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Helsinki Wolverines | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 02:49 | 06:04 | 02:57 | 05:28 | 08:53 | 08:25 | 17:18 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/2 | 0/1 | 0/1 | 1/2 | 1/3 | 1/3 | 2/6 | ||
Average field position | W24 | W28 | W39 | W41 | W27 | W40 | W34 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/1 | 0/0 | 0/1 | 0/1 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
WOL | 1st | W24 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C41 | 09:11 | Punt | 6-35 | 2:49 | ||
CRO | 1st | C14 | 09:11 | Punt | W00 | 10:04 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 22-86 | 11:07 | # |
WOL | 2nd | W28 | 09:57 | Kickoff | C00 | 08:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-72 | 1:52 | # |
CRO | 2nd | C32 | 07:59 | Kickoff | C44 | 05:40 | Punt | 5-12 | 2:19 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W26 | 05:40 | Punt | W50 | 01:48 | Punt | 6-24 | 3:52 | ||
CRO | 2nd | C23 | 01:48 | Punt | C41 | 00:13 | Punt | 5-18 | 1:35 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W32 | 00:13 | Punt | W38 | 00:00 | Interception | 2-6 | 0:13 | ||
CRO | 2nd | C20 | 00:00 | Interception | C20 | 00:00 | End of half | 0-0 | 0:00 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C25 | 11:53 | Kickoff | W00 | 07:25 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-75 | 4:28 | # |
WOL | 3rd | W40 | 07:18 | Kickoff | W37 | 06:05 | Punt | 3--3 | 1:13 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C21 | 06:05 | Punt | W00 | 03:47 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-79 | 2:18 | |
WOL | 3rd | W38 | 03:36 | Kickoff | C00 | 02:10 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-62 | 1:26 | |
CRO | 3rd | C24 | 02:01 | Kickoff | W43 | 11:39 | Punt | 6-33 | 2:22 | ||
WOL | 4th | W27 | 11:39 | Punt | C08 | 07:17 | Downs | 9-65 | 4:22 | # | |
CRO | 4th | C08 | 07:17 | Downs | C40 | 02:33 | Downs | 9-32 | 4:44 | ||
WOL | 4th | C40 | 02:33 | Downs | C00 | 01:48 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-40 | 0:45 | |
CRO | 4th | C23 | 01:42 | Kickoff | W00 | 00:21 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-77 | 1:21 | # |
WOL | 4th | W37 | 00:07 | Kickoff | W37 | 00:00 | End of half | 1-0 | 0:07 |
Defensive Statistics |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Sep 03, 2022 at Vantaa)
## | Seinajoki Crocodiles | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
44 | Tuokko A | 5 | 1 | 5.5 | 1.0/6 | . | . | 1--1 | . | . | . | . |
43 | Koivumaki J | 2 | 6 | 5.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
92 | Zins S | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
34 | Varinen J | 1 | 5 | 3.5 | 0.5/0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
99 | Zacok F | . | 5 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
24 | Jallow S | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | 0.5/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
7 | Pinheiro A | . | 4 | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
56 | Gooden E | . | 3 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
1 | Alanko O | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
26 | Havulehto M | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
17 | Sarkela Ja | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
14 | Koivumaki M | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
9 | Harju K | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
30 | Hautala S | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
5 | Anessiadis T | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
## | Helsinki Wolverines | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
29 | Reels A | 2 | 13 | 8.5 | 0.5/3 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
18 | Egbudiwe B | 4 | 8 | 8.0 | 1.5/3 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
22 | Slater C | 3 | 10 | 8.0 | 0.5/0 | 1 | . | . | . | . | . | . |
91 | Heikkinen J | 4 | 1 | 4.5 | 1.0/7 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/7 | . |
5 | Kordus J | 3 | 3 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
8 | Perrineau J | 2 | 5 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
2 | Irvin E | 3 | 2 | 4.0 | 1.0/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
98 | Valasti V | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | 1.0/5 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/5 | . |
15 | Kyei M | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
10 | Aaltonen T | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
21 | Poikonen M | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | 0.5/3 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Calvache N | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
38 | Jaaskelainen S | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
14 | Lindfors W | . | 2 | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
50 | Olavuo A | . | 2 | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
65 | Waxlax E | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
85 | Emos M | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
0 | Sagne S | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Sep 03, 2022 at Vantaa)
Seinajoki Crocodiles: 11-Aalto A, 14-Koivumaki M, 22-Tuominiemi J, 26-Havulehto M, 30-Hautala S, 33-Lundberg L, 35-Hietala L, 45-Korpela M, 46-Jarvenpaa T, 47-Hietala T, 52-Maki-Maunus E, 74-Koistinen J, 76-Lehtimaki R, 83-Lampivuo A, 87-Suokas J, 90-Kuusisto M, 94-Salmi S. |
Helsinki Wolverines: 3-Laalo R, 7-El Ouacef J, 9-Auervuolle A, 14-Lindfors W, 15-Kyei M, 26-Hyyrylainen J, 28-Ikonen T, 30-Jokinen T, 33-Lugora S, 34-Tuominen M, 35-Kylli A, 38-Jaaskelainen S, 42-Koskenniemi P, 44-Calvache N, 46-Lindqvist J, 49-Rautavirta V, 50-Olavuo A, 65-Waxlax E, 70-Miettinen V, 76-Risku A, 81-Kantonen N, 82-Alakoski J, 84-Pulkkinen A, 99-Jousmaki J. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Sep 03, 2022 at Vantaa)
Sarkela Ja kickoff 54 yards to the WOL11, Slater C return 13 yards to the WOL24 (Tuokko A). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol24 | PENALTY WOL false start 5 yards to the WOL19. |
Wol | 1-15 | at Wol19 | Harris J pass incomplete to Sagne S. |
Wol | 2-15 | at Wol19 | Harris J rush for no gain to the WOL19 (Koivumaki J). |
Wol | 3-15 | at Wol19 | Harris J pass complete to Tuominen M for 35 yards to the CRO46, 1ST DOWN WOL (Alanko O). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro46 | Harris J rush for 4 yards to the CRO42 (Zins S;Varinen J). |
Wol | 2-6 | at Cro42 | Young W rush for 1 yard to the CRO41 (Varinen J;Zacok F). |
Wol | 3-5 | at Cro41 | Harris J pass incomplete to Sagne S. |
Wol | 4-5 | at Cro41 | Pulkkinen A punt 27 yards to the CRO14, downed. |
Drive: 6 plays, 35 yards, TOP 02:49 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro14 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 09:11. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro14 | Powell C rush for 7 yards to the CRO21 (Heikkinen J). |
Cro | 2-3 | at Cro21 | Powell C rush for 6 yards to the CRO27, 1ST DOWN CRO (Egbudiwe B;Reels A). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro27 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Harju K for 1 yard to the CRO28 (Slater C). |
Cro | 2-9 | at Cro28 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 12 yards to the CRO40, 1ST DOWN CRO (Reels A;Slater C). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro40 | Whitehead Z pass intercepted by Slater C at the WOL40, Slater C return to the WOL40, PENALTY WOL offside defense 5 yards to the CRO45, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro45 | 1st and 5. |
Cro | 1-5 | at Cro45 | Powell C rush for 7 yards to the WOL48, 1ST DOWN CRO (Slater C;Reels A). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol48 | Whitehead Z rush for 1 yard to the WOL47 (Valasti V;Kordus J). |
Cro | 2-9 | at Wol47 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 3 yards to the WOL44 (Slater C;Reels A). |
Cro | 3-6 | at Wol44 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Powell C for 4 yards to the WOL40 (Kordus J). |
Cro | 4-2 | at Wol40 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the WOL36, 1ST DOWN CRO (Slater C;Irvin E). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol36 | Whitehead Z sacked for loss of 7 yards to the WOL43 (Heikkinen J). |
Cro | 2-17 | at Wol43 | Powell C rush for 13 yards to the WOL30 (Slater C;Irvin E). |
Cro | 3-4 | at Wol30 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Kasari J, dropped pass. |
Cro | 4-4 | at Wol30 | Whitehead Z rush for 5 yards to the WOL25, 1ST DOWN CRO (Reels A). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol25 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Kasari J for 8 yards to the WOL17 (Aaltonen T). |
Cro | 2-2 | at Wol17 | Powell C rush for 1 yard to the WOL16 (Egbudiwe B;Perrineau J). |
Cro | 3-1 | at Wol16 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the WOL12, 1ST DOWN CRO (Egbudiwe B). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol12 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Harju K. |
Cro | 2-10 | at Wol12 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the WOL8 (Reels A;Perrineau J). |
Drive: 18 plays, 78 yards, TOP 11:14 | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 0, Helsinki Wolverines 0 |
Cro | 3-6 | at Wol08 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Cro | 3-6 | at Wol08 | Whitehead Z rush for 7 yards to the WOL1, 1ST DOWN CRO (Egbudiwe B). |
Cro | 1-G | at Wol01 | Powell C rush for no gain to the WOL1 (Slater C;Reels A). |
Cro | 2-G | at Wol01 | Powell C rush for no gain to the WOL1 (Egbudiwe B;Perrineau J). |
Cro | 3-G | at Wol01 | Powell C rush for 1 yard to the WOL0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:04. |
Toivola H pass attempt failed. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 6, Helsinki Wolverines 0 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 57 yards to the WOL8, out-of-bounds, PENALTY CRO offside defense (Sarkela Ja) 5 yards to the CRO30, NO PLAY. | |||
Drive: 22 plays, 86 yards, TOP 11:14 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 62 yards to the WOL8, Slater C return 29 yards to the WOL37, out-of-bounds, PENALTY WOL illegal block 9 yards to the WOL28, 1st and 10, WOL ball on WOL28. | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol28 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 09:57. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol28 | Young W rush for 7 yards to the WOL35 (Pinheiro A;Zacok F). |
Wol | 2-3 | at Wol35 | Young W rush for 4 yards to the WOL39, 1ST DOWN WOL (Zins S;Koivumaki J). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol39 | Young W rush for 46 yards to the CRO15, 1ST DOWN WOL (Tuokko A). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro15 | Harris J pass complete to Sagne S for 15 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN WOL, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:05. |
Jokinen T kick attempt good. | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 7, Seinajoki Crocodiles 6 | |||
Drive: 4 plays, 72 yards, TOP 01:58 | |||
Pulkkinen A kickoff 56 yards to the CRO9, Powell C return 23 yards to the CRO32 (Lindfors W;Calvache N). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro32 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 07:59. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro32 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the CRO36 (Kordus J). |
Cro | 2-6 | at Cro36 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Powell C for 6 yards to the CRO42, 1ST DOWN CRO (Slater C;Poikonen M). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro42 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 07:20. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro42 | Whitehead Z sacked for loss of 5 yards to the CRO37 (Valasti V). |
Cro | 2-15 | at Cro37 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 7 yards to the CRO44 (Kyei M). |
Cro | 3-8 | at Cro44 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Sarkela Ja (Kyei M). |
Cro | 4-8 | at Cro44 | Sarkela Ja punt 30 yards to the WOL26, downed. |
Drive: 5 plays, 12 yards, TOP 02:19 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol26 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 05:40. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol26 | Young W rush for 11 yards to the WOL37, 1ST DOWN WOL, out-of-bounds. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol37 | Harris J rush for 6 yards to the WOL43 (Koivumaki J). |
Wol | 2-4 | at Wol43 | Young W rush for 5 yards to the WOL48, 1ST DOWN WOL (Tuokko A;Varinen J). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol48 | PENALTY WOL delay of game (Harris J) 5 yards to the WOL43. |
Wol | 1-15 | at Wol43 | Harris J pass complete to Emos M for 5 yards to the WOL48 (Koivumaki J;Hautala S). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol48 | Young W rush for 1 yard to the WOL49 (Zins S). |
Wol | 3-9 | at Wol49 | Harris J rush for 1 yard to the 50 yardline (Gooden E;Zacok F). |
Wol | 4-8 | at Wol50 | Pulkkinen A punt 27 yards to the CRO23, fair catch by Koivumaki J. |
Drive: 6 plays, 24 yards, TOP 03:52 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro23 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 01:48. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro23 | Whitehead Z rush for 9 yards to the CRO32 (Reels A). |
Cro | 2-1 | at Cro32 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the CRO34, 1ST DOWN CRO (Heikkinen J). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro34 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 01:11. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro34 | Whitehead Z rush for 6 yards to the CRO40, out-of-bounds. |
Cro | 2-4 | at Cro40 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete. |
Cro | 3-4 | at Cro40 | Powell C rush for 1 yard to the CRO41 (Reels A;Egbudiwe B). |
Cro | 4-3 | at Cro41 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 00:41. |
Cro | 4-3 | at Cro41 | Sarkela Ja punt 29 yards to the WOL30, Irvin E return to the CRO23 (Lundberg L), PENALTY WOL 12 men on the field off-setting, PENALTY WOL personal foul off-setting, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 4-3 | at Cro41 | Sarkela Ja punt 30 yards to the WOL29, Slater C return 3 yards to the WOL32 (Harju K;Koivumaki M). |
Drive: 5 plays, 18 yards, TOP 01:35 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol32 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 00:13. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol32 | Harris J rush for 6 yards to the WOL38 (Zins S). |
Wol | 2-4 | at Wol38 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 00:03. |
Wol | 2-4 | at Wol38 | Harris J pass intercepted by Tuokko A at the CRO21, Tuokko A return -1 yards to the CRO20 (Sagne S;Emos M). |
Drive: 2 plays, 6 yards, TOP 00:13 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro20 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 00:00. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro20 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Helsinki Wolverines 7, Seinajoki Crocodiles 6 |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro20 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, WOL ball on WOL35. |
Pulkkinen A kickoff 58 yards to the CRO7, Lampivuo A return 18 yards to the CRO25 (Calvache N). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro25 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 11:53. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro25 | Powell C rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRO24 (Irvin E). |
Cro | 2-11 | at Cro24 | Whitehead Z rush for 8 yards to the CRO32 (Reels A;Egbudiwe B). |
Cro | 3-3 | at Cro32 | Powell C rush for 7 yards to the CRO39, 1ST DOWN CRO (Irvin E). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro39 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Powell C for 41 yards to the WOL20, 1ST DOWN CRO (Heikkinen J). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol20 | Jallow S rush for loss of 2 yards to the WOL22 (Egbudiwe B), PENALTY CRO illegal motion declined. |
Cro | 2-12 | at Wol22 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Kasari J for 6 yards to the WOL16 (Aaltonen T). |
Cro | 3-6 | at Wol16 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Harju K for 2 yards to the WOL14, fumble forced by Slater C, fumble by Harju K recovered by CRO Harju K at WOL14. |
Cro | 4-4 | at Wol14 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Ristila K for 14 yards to the WOL0, 1ST DOWN CRO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:25. |
Cro | 1-G | at Wol03 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 07:25. |
Whitehead Z rush attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 14, Helsinki Wolverines 7 | |||
Drive: 8 plays, 75 yards, TOP 04:35 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 56 yards to the WOL9, Slater C return 31 yards to the WOL40 (Tuokko A). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol40 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 07:18. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol40 | Harris J rush for 8 yards to the WOL48, PENALTY WOL holding (Olavuo A) 10 yards to the WOL30, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 1-20 | at Wol30 | Harris J pass complete to Young W for 7 yards to the WOL37 (Varinen J). |
Wol | 2-13 | at Wol37 | Harris J pass incomplete to Tuominen M. |
Wol | 3-13 | at Wol37 | Harris J pass incomplete to Tuominen M, dropped pass. |
Wol | 4-13 | at Wol37 | Pulkkinen A punt 42 yards to the CRO21, fair catch by Koivumaki J. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 3 yards, TOP 01:13 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro21 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 06:05. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro21 | Powell C rush for 6 yards to the CRO27 (Perrineau J). |
Cro | 2-4 | at Cro27 | Powell C rush for 27 yards to the WOL46, 1ST DOWN CRO (Slater C). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol46 | Powell C rush for 6 yards to the WOL40 (Kordus J), PENALTY WOL offside defense 5 yards to the WOL41, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 1-5 | at Wol41 | Powell C rush for loss of 6 yards to the WOL47 (Reels A;Poikonen M). |
Cro | 2-11 | at Wol47 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 47 yards to the WOL0, 1ST DOWN CRO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:47. |
Maki-Maunus E kick attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 21, Helsinki Wolverines 7 | |||
Drive: 4 plays, 79 yards, TOP 02:29 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 46 yards to the WOL19, Kyei M return 19 yards to the WOL38, out-of-bounds (Sarkela Ja). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol38 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 03:36. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol38 | Young W rush for 7 yards to the WOL45 (Varinen J;Koivumaki J). |
Wol | 2-3 | at Wol45 | Harris J rush for 18 yards to the CRO37, 1ST DOWN WOL (Tuokko A). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro37 | Harris J rush for 16 yards to the CRO21, 1ST DOWN WOL (Jallow S). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro21 | Harris J rush for 21 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN WOL, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:10. |
Jokinen T kick attempt good, PENALTY CRO offside defense declined. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 21, Helsinki Wolverines 14 | |||
Drive: 4 plays, 62 yards, TOP 01:35 | |||
Pulkkinen A kickoff 60 yards to the CRO5, Lampivuo A return 19 yards to the CRO24 (Poikonen M). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro24 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 02:01. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro24 | Powell C rush for 4 yards to the CRO28 (Heikkinen J;Reels A). |
Cro | 2-6 | at Cro28 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 6 yards to the CRO34, 1ST DOWN CRO (Kyei M). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro34 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Kasari J for 17 yards to the WOL49, 1ST DOWN CRO (Kordus J). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Wol49 | Powell C rush for 6 yards to the WOL43 (Kordus J;Reels A). |
Drive: 4 plays, 33 yards, TOP 02:22 | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 21, Helsinki Wolverines 14 |
Cro | 2-4 | at Wol43 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
Cro | 2-4 | at Wol43 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Harju K. |
Cro | 3-4 | at Wol43 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Ristila K. |
Cro | 4-4 | at Wol43 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 11:44. |
Cro | 4-4 | at Wol43 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 11:44. |
Cro | 4-4 | at Wol43 | Sarkela Ja punt 16 yards to the WOL27, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 6 plays, 33 yards, TOP 02:22 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol27 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 11:39. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol27 | Young W rush for 8 yards to the WOL35 (Jallow S;Zins S). |
Wol | 2-2 | at Wol35 | Young W rush for 1 yard to the WOL36 (Koivumaki J;Gooden E). |
Wol | 3-1 | at Wol36 | Harris J rush for 2 yards to the WOL38, 1ST DOWN WOL (Koivumaki J;Gooden E). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol38 | Harris J pass complete to Sagne S for 41 yards to the CRO21, 1ST DOWN WOL. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro21 | Young W rush for 4 yards to the CRO17 (Pinheiro A;Koivumaki J). |
Wol | 2-6 | at Cro17 | Harris J pass incomplete to Long RJ, PENALTY CRO pass interference (Tuokko A) 15 yards to the CRO2, 1ST DOWN WOL, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 1-G | at Cro02 | Harris J rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRO3 (Jallow S;Varinen J). |
Wol | 2-G | at Cro03 | Harris J pass incomplete to Egbudiwe B. |
Wol | 3-G | at Cro03 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 08:08. |
Wol | 3-G | at Cro03 | Young W rush for 1 yard to the CRO2 (Zacok F;Pinheiro A). |
Wol | 4-G | at Cro02 | Harris J rush for loss of 6 yards to the CRO8 (Tuokko A). |
Drive: 9 plays, 65 yards, TOP 04:22 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro08 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 07:17. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro08 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRO13 (Kordus J;Perrineau J). |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cro13 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRO18, 1ST DOWN CRO (Perrineau J;Slater C). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro18 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRO23 (Valasti V;Reels A). |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cro23 | Powell C rush for 3 yards to the CRO26 (Waxlax E;Olavuo A). |
Cro | 3-2 | at Cro26 | Powell C rush for 6 yards to the CRO32, 1ST DOWN CRO (Slater C;Lindfors W). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro32 | Jallow S rush for 6 yards to the CRO38 (Egbudiwe B;Olavuo A). |
Cro | 2-4 | at Cro38 | Jallow S rush for 1 yard to the CRO39 (Valasti V). |
Cro | 3-3 | at Cro39 | Whitehead Z rush for 2 yards to the CRO41 (Perrineau J). |
Cro | 4-1 | at Cro41 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 02:41. |
Cro | 4-1 | at Cro41 | Powell C rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRO40 (Egbudiwe B;Slater C). |
Drive: 9 plays, 32 yards, TOP 04:44 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro40 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 02:33. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro40 | PENALTY CRO personal foul (Makinen M) 15 yards to the CRO25, 1ST DOWN WOL. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Cro25 | Young W rush for 3 yards to the CRO22 (Zacok F;Pinheiro A). |
Wol | 2-7 | at Cro22 | Harris J pass complete to Sagne S for 22 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN WOL, TOUCHDOWN, clock 01:48. |
Wol | 1-G | at Cro03 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 01:48. |
Wol | 1-G | at Cro03 | PENALTY WOL 12 men on the field 5 yards to the CRO8. |
Jokinen T kick attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 21, Helsinki Wolverines 21 | |||
Drive: 2 plays, 40 yards, TOP 00:51 | |||
Pulkkinen A kickoff 60 yards to the CRO5, Lampivuo A return 18 yards to the CRO23 (Jaaskelainen S). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro23 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 01:42. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro23 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete. |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro23 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete to Harju K. |
Cro | 3-10 | at Cro23 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the CRO25 (Egbudiwe B), PENALTY WOL personal foul (Valasti V) 15 yards to the CRO40, 1ST DOWN CRO. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro40 | 1st and 10. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro40 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Powell C for 8 yards to the CRO48, out-of-bounds. |
Cro | 2-2 | at Cro48 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the 50 yardline, 1ST DOWN CRO (Reels A;Egbudiwe B). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro50 | Powell C rush for 43 yards to the WOL7, 1ST DOWN CRO (Irvin E). |
Cro | 1-G | at Wol07 | Whitehead Z pass incomplete. |
Cro | 2-G | at Wol07 | Whitehead Z pass complete to Lampivuo A for 7 yards to the WOL0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:21. |
Maki-Maunus E kick attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 28, Helsinki Wolverines 21 | |||
Drive: 8 plays, 77 yards, TOP 01:35 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 55 yards to the WOL10, Sagne S return 31 yards to the WOL41, Slater C for loss of 4 yards to the WOL37, out-of-bounds (Havulehto M). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol37 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 00:07, WOL ball on WOL37. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol37 | Harris J pass incomplete to Sagne S (Anessiadis T). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol37 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:07 | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 28, Helsinki Wolverines 21 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Helsinki Wolverines (Sep 03, 2022 at Vantaa)
Seinajoki Crocodiles Helsinki Wolverines Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 40 27 67 OVERALL.......... 24 13 37 1ST DOWN......... 17 10 27 1ST DOWN......... 13 6 19 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 5 0 5 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 3 1 4 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 4 4 8 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 2 1 3 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 3 7 10 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 2 2 4 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 3 0 3 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 3 2 5 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 2 3 5 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 1 3 4 4TH DOWN......... 3 1 4 4TH DOWN......... 1 0 1 Seinajoki Crocodiles Helsinki Wolverines Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 40 27 67 ............... 24 13 37 |
Helsinki Wolverines ja Seinäjoki Crocodiles kohtaavat lauantaina Vaahteraliigan toisessa välieräpelissä. Panoksena on paikka viikon päästä pelattavaan Vaahteramalja XLIII-peliin. Wolverinesin kotiottelu pelataan poikkeuksellisesti Myyrmäen jalkapallostadionilla.
Wolverines ja Crocodiles pelasivat runkosarjassa kaksi tasaista ottelua joista ensimmäinen päättyi varsin kuumien vaiheiden jälkeen Wolverinesin jatkoaikavoittoon 34 – 36 Seinäjoen Wirokit Stadionilla. Joukkueiden toinen kohtaaminen pelattiin Helsingin Velodromilla ja pisteet matkasivat Crocodilesin mukana Pohjanmaalle lukemin 20-25. Perjantaina Myyrmäen illassa on odotettavissa tasainen taistelu paikasta Vaahteramaljaan.
Crocodilesin hyökkäys on kaudella 2022 perustunut väkivahvan Christian Powelin luoman juoksu-uhan pohjalle. Vastustajat ovat keskittyneet varjostamaan yhdysvaltalaiskeskushyökkääjää, jolloin pelinrakentaja Zachary Whitehead on löytänyt laitureitaan vapaina, ja joukkue on päässyt etenemään heittopelein enemmän jaardeja kuin juoksuin. Powell on toki edennyt kentän pintaa pitkin 1139 jaardia tehnyt 19 touchdownia, joten miehen loukkaantuminen kauden lopulla on ollut kova paikka Crocodilesille. Lauantain välierän kuumin kysymys lienee Powellin pelikunto. Mies on merkitty Crocojen aloituskokoonpanoon omalle paikalleen keskushyökkääjäksi.
Seinäjokisten puolustus oli Vaahteraliigan runkosarjassa toiseksi paras juoksujen pysäyttäjä. Crocodilesin pelottava puolustuslinja piti vastustajan juoksupelin keskimäärin alle sadassa jaardissa sijoittuen tilastoissa kakkoseksi heti Steelersin jälkeen. Lauantain peliin päävalmentaja Andy Bezaire ryhmittää kovimmat syömähampaansa, Seth Zinsin, Filip Zacokin, Artur Pinheiron ja Emmit Goodenin metsästämään vastustajan pelinrakentajaa läpisyöksyillään.
Wolverines lähtee pysäyttämään Powelia
Helsinki Wolverines on valinnut taktiikakseen Crocodilesin juoksun pysäyttämisen. Joukkueella on yksi ylimäärinen kiintiöjenkki harjoitusvahvuudessaan ja viime peleissä päävalmentaja Michael Mattingly on vuorotellut tukimies Alvin Reelsin ja takapuolustaja Darius Lewisin peluuttamista. Lauantaina on Reels pelivuorossa ja käytännössä se tarkoittaa joukkueen juoksupuolustuksen vahvistamista.
Wolverinesin X-faktor lauantaina on pelaavaan kokoonpanoon palaava Ville Valasti. Joukkueen johtava puolustaja ei ole ehtinyt pelaamaan vielä kertaakaan Crocoja vastaan tällä kaudella ja menohaluja miehelläi rittää. Lauantain pelissä tullaan näkemään kahden mahdollisesti sarjan kovimman puolustuslinjan taistelu Valastin johtaman nelikon pyrkiessä nokittamaan Crocodiles-linjan suorituksia.
Wolverines-pelinrakentaja Jabari Harris heitti Vaahteraliigan runkosarjassa eniten touchdowneja ja miehen heittojen onnistumisprosentti oli sarjan toiseksi paras (59,9%). Liikkuvalla pelinrakentajalla on laitureinaan useita ykköskorin pelaajia, mutta halutessaan mies karkaa itse juoksuun. Harrisin omasta juoksu-uhasta todisteena 15 touchdownia, joilla hän sijoittuu koko liigan juosten tehtyjen touchdownien tilaston kolmoseksi edellään ainoastaan Crocojen Powell ja liigan ykkösjuoksija Steelersin Le’Anthony Reasnover. Menestyäkseen lauantaina seinäjokisten on varjostettava dual threath pelinrakentajan jokaista liikettä.
Vaahteraliigan 2. välieräpeli Helinki Wolverines – Seinäjoki Crocodiles potkaistaan vauhtiin lauantaina klo 18:30. Paikkana poikkeuksellisesti Myyrmäen jalkapallostadion.