Steelers – Crusaders 18.06.2022

Kuopio Steelers otti ylivoimaisen voiton United Newland Crusadersista. Lopulta varsin kapealla rosterilla Väinölänniemelle saapunut Crusaders taisteli, mutta taipui märällä kentällä kauden suurinumeroisimpaan tappioon 82-12 (49-6).
United Newland Crusaders saapui Väinölänniemelle 22 pelaajan rosterilla. Ottelun alkuasetelmat olivat valmiiksi vahvasti kuopiolaisten puolella, mutta pelipäivän kokoonpanot siirsivät asetelmaa Steelersin suuntaan entistä enemmän. Märkä nurmikenttä antoi peliin oman mausteensa, joka vaikutti molempien joukkueiden suorituksiin.
Ottelu lähti liikkeelle Steelersin pitkällä hyökkäysvuorolla, jonka päätteeksi Le’Anthony Reasnover siirsi kotijoukkueen johtoon juoksupelillään. Lyhyen Crusadersin hyökkäysvuoron jälkeen myös seuraava Reasnoverin kosketus palloon päätyi touchdowniin yhdysvaltalaisen kuljetettua pelinrakentaja Joey Bradleyn heiton maaliin 41 jaardin suorituksella.
Jälleen kerran Reasnover oli pitelemätön vastustajalleen ja pelin päätteeksi Reasnover palkittiin ottelun Vakuuttavimpana Pelaajana jo toista kertaa kauden aikana. Kotijoukkueen valmennus luovuttikin päävastuun juoksupeleistä joukkueen kotimaisille keskushyökkääjille Tuukka Lehtoselle ja Casper Backerille. Lehtonen keräsi keskushyökkääjistä eniten jaardeja (147) ja viimeisteli kaksi touhchdownia. Kuopiolaisten isoista sisemmistä laitahyökkääjistä Jani Lindqvist sai kauden ensimmäisen koppinsa ja onnistui saman tien maalin teossa.
Steelers-puolustus sai peliin tuoreen vahvistuksen Peter Lundströmin palattua yhdysvalloista näyttöjä antamasta. Lundström ei mahtunut vielä avaukseen, mutta onnistui kentälle päästyään mainiosti keräten kolme taklausta (2+2). Eniten taklauksia kirjattiin Roni Laineelle, joka neljän taklauksensa lisäksi nappasi kertaalleen vastustajan heiton katkona kiinni ja toimitti pallon maaliin saakka. Toinen syötönkatkosta maalin tehnyt oli hyvän pelin pelannut Iiro Pekkarinen. Myös Tino Ndongo onnistui nappaamaan intterin, mutta hänen maalisuorituksensa kirjattiin yhdestä puntin palautuksesta ja kertaalleen kolmen jaardin juoksupelistä.
Ottelun jälkeen Steelers-pelinrakentaja Bradley kertoi lauantain kaltaisten epätasaisten pelien olevan vaikeita molemmille pelin osapuolille.
Cedric Johnson onnistui jälleen TD:n teossa
Crusadersin osalta peli oli varsin murheellinen. Ylivoimaista vastustajaa ei kuitenkaan pelätty ja kapea miehistö taisteli pelissä loppuun asti selvästä uupumisestaan huolimatta. Miles Corpening oli yksi Crusadersin taistelun ilmentymistä miehen pysäyttäessä vastustajan etenemisen peräti 11 kertaa iltapäivän aikana. Nolan Corpenin keräsi joukkueelleen eniten edettyjä jaardeja ja onnistui kertaalleen kantamaan poimimansa rähmäyksen maaliin saakka kuuden pisteen arvoisesti.
Pelinrakentaja Shay Netterillä ei ollut niitä helpoimpia päiviään Kuopiossa. Yhdysvaltalainen säkitettiin peräti 7 kertaa ja vastustaja katkaisi hänen heittonsa kolmasti. Kaksi Netterin seitsemästä onnistuneesta heitosta päätyi Cedric Johnsonin haltuun ja jälleen kerran liukasliikkeinen laituri onnistui TD:n teossa. Johnsonin maali oli miehen 68 Vaahteraliigassa. Lukema on sama, johon Wolverinesin RJ Long nousi torstain maalillaan. Miehet jakavat liigan kaikkien aikojen maalitilaston kolmannen sijan nyt kahdestaan.
Pelin päättyessä Crusadersin jaarditilaston lukema oli negatiivinen. Steelers onnistuo työntämään Lohjalaisia taaksepäin yhteensä 20 jaardia pakkasen puolelle.
Molemmat joukkueet jäävät nyt juhannustauolle. UNC palaa kentille seuraavana jo 30.6. jolloin lohjalaiset saapuvat Velodromille Roostersin vieraaksi. Steelers saa keskittyä seuraavaan peliinsä muutaman päivän pitempään. Seuraava peli on sarja-asetelman kannalta tärkeä sarjakakkosen Wolverinesin saapuessa Vänärille lauantaina 2.7.
Tutustu: Ottelun tilastot
Newland Crusaders vs Kuopio Steelers (Jun 18, 2022)
Scoring Summary |
Newland Crusaders vs Kuopio Steelers (Jun 18, 2022 at Kuopio)
Newland Crusaders (0-4) vs. Kuopio Steelers (5-0)
Date: Jun 18, 2022 Site: Kuopio Stadium: Vainolanniemi Attendance: 305
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Newland Crusaders | 0 | 6 | 0 | 6 | 12 |
Kuopio Steelers | 21 | 28 | 17 | 16 | 82 |
1st | 07:12 | STE | Reasnover L 9 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | |
11 plays, 86 yards, TOP 4:48 | 0 - 7 | |||
06:09 | STE | Reasnover L 41 yd pass from Bradley J (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
1 play, 41 yards, TOP 0:10 | 0 - 14 | |||
04:56 | STE | Ndongo T 68 yd punt return (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
0 - 21 | ||||
2nd | 11:55 | STE | Ndongo T 3 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | |
7 plays, 43 yards, TOP 3:38 | 0 - 28 | |||
10:28 | STE | Lehtonen T 14 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
1 play, 14 yards, TOP 0:06 | 0 - 35 | |||
06:24 | CRU | Johnson C 1 yd pass from Netter S (Netter S pass failed) | ||
5 plays, 28 yards, TOP 1:22 | 6 - 35 | |||
03:33 | STE | Reasnover L 2 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
6 plays, 60 yards, TOP 2:35 | 6 - 42 | |||
00:38 | STE | Harju H 38 yd pass from Bradley J (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
2 plays, 40 yards, TOP 0:50 | 6 - 49 | |||
3rd | 11:44 | STE | Laine R 43 yd interception return (Ojainvali M kick) | |
6 - 56 | ||||
08:51 | STE | Lindqvist J 30 yd pass from Bradley J (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
5 plays, 75 yards, TOP 1:49 | 6 - 63 | |||
02:04 | STE | Ojainvali M 33 yd field goal | ||
7 plays, 61 yards, TOP 3:22 | 6 - 66 | |||
4th | 11:50 | STE | Lehtonen T 3 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | |
3 plays, 23 yards, TOP 0:48 | 6 - 73 | |||
10:57 | STE | Pekkarinen I 23 yd interception return (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
6 - 80 | ||||
08:27 | STE | Team Steelers safety | ||
6 - 82 | ||||
08:02 | CRU | Corpening N 68 yd fumble recovery (Salib M pass failed) | ||
12 - 82 |
Kickoff time: 16.30 End of Game: 19.28 Total elapsed time: 2h 58min Referee: Janhuba R Umpire: Immonen M Linesman: Lehtinen J Line judge: Vierikko P Back judge: Lamminsalo V Field judge: Viitanen M Side judge: Naumanen A Temperature: 16 C Wind: 4 m/s Weather: Pilvinen ja sateinen |
Team Statistics |
Newland Crusaders vs Kuopio Steelers (Jun 18, 2022 at Kuopio)
Team Totals | CRU | STE |
FIRST DOWNS | 1 | 22 |
Rushing | 0 | 13 |
Passing | 1 | 9 |
Penalty | 0 | 0 |
NET YARDS RUSHING | -58 | 322 |
Rushing Attempts | 19 | 36 |
Average Per Rush | -3.1 | 8.9 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 0 | 5 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 13 | 329 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 71 | 7 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 38 | 237 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 7-31-3 | 11-21-1 |
Average Per Attempt | 1.2 | 11.3 |
Average Per Completion | 5.4 | 21.5 |
Passing Touchdowns | 1 | 3 |
Total offense plays | 50 | 57 |
Average Gain Per Play | -0.4 | 9.8 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 1-0 | 3-3 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 7-31 | 9-95 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 8-278 | 0-0 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 34.8 | 0.0 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 26.2 | 0.0 |
Inside 20 | 1 | 0 |
50+ Yards | 3 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 0 | 0 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 4-199 | 13-780 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 49.8 | 60.0 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 32.2 | 41.5 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 1 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 0-0-0 | 1-68-1 |
Average Per Return | 0.0 | 68.0 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 12-220-0 | 4-70-0 |
Average Per Return | 18.3 | 17.5 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 1-0-0 | 3-71-2 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 2-69-1 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | 0 |
Possession Time | 21:25 | 26:35 |
1st Quarter | 3:29 | 8:31 |
2nd Quarter | 7:25 | 4:35 |
3rd Quarter | 5:05 | 6:55 |
4th Quarter | 5:26 | 6:34 |
Third-Down Conversions | 0 of 13 | 3 of 6 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 1 of 4 | 1 of 1 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 1-2 | 6-7 |
Touchdowns | 1-2 | 5-7 |
Field goals | 0-2 | 1-7 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 0-0 | 8-54 |
PAT Kicks | 0-0 | 11-11 |
Field Goals | 0-0 | 1-2 |
Points off turnovers | 12 | 21 |
Individual Statistics |
Newland Crusaders vs Kuopio Steelers (Jun 18, 2022 at Kuopio)
FUMBLES: Newland Crusaders-Netter S 1-0. Kuopio Steelers-Bakker C 2-2; Team Steelers 1-1. |
Drive Chart |
Newland Crusaders vs Kuopio Steelers (Jun 18, 2022 at Kuopio)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
CRU | 1st | C13 | 07:06 | Kickoff | C16 | 06:19 | Punt | 3-3 | 0:47 | ||
CRU | 1st | C22 | 06:03 | Kickoff | C16 | 04:56 | Punt | 3--6 | 1:07 | ||
CRU | 1st | C25 | 04:48 | Kickoff | C13 | 03:33 | Punt | 3--12 | 1:15 | ||
CRU | 2nd | C10 | 11:48 | Kickoff | C14 | 10:34 | Downs | 4-4 | 1:14 | ||
CRU | 2nd | C42 | 10:18 | Kickoff | C43 | 08:29 | Punt | 3-1 | 1:49 | ||
CRU | 2nd | S28 | 07:46 | Fumble | S00 | 06:24 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-28 | 1:22 | # |
CRU | 2nd | C31 | 03:26 | Kickoff | C11 | 01:28 | Punt | 3--20 | 1:58 | ||
CRU | 2nd | C23 | 00:32 | Kickoff | C20 | 00:00 | End of half | 1--3 | 0:32 | ||
CRU | 3rd | C23 | 11:56 | Kickoff | C23 | 11:44 | Interception | 1-0 | 0:12 | ||
CRU | 3rd | S30 | 11:29 | Kickoff | S26 | 10:40 | Interception | 2-4 | 0:49 | ||
CRU | 3rd | C20 | 08:51 | Kickoff | C18 | 07:38 | Punt | 3--2 | 1:13 | ||
CRU | 3rd | S46 | 06:48 | Fumble | C49 | 06:16 | Punt | 3--5 | 0:32 | ||
CRU | 3rd | S11 | 06:00 | Interception | S24 | 05:26 | Downs | 4--13 | 0:34 | # | |
CRU | 3rd | C12 | 01:59 | Kickoff | C01 | 00:38 | Punt | 3--11 | 1:21 | ||
CRU | 4th | C14 | 11:43 | Kickoff | C17 | 10:57 | Interception | 2-3 | 0:46 | ||
CRU | 4th | C15 | 10:52 | Kickoff | C00 | 08:27 | * | SAFETY | 4--15 | 2:25 | |
CRU | 4th | C32 | 08:02 | Fumble | C32 | 08:02 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
CRU | 4th | C35 | 02:03 | Missed FG | C38 | 00:00 | End of half | 3-3 | 2:03 | ||
STE | 1st | S14 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C00 | 07:12 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 11-86 | 4:48 | # |
STE | 1st | C41 | 06:19 | Punt | C00 | 06:09 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-41 | 0:10 | |
STE | 1st | C00 | 04:56 | Punt | C00 | 04:56 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
STE | 1st | C43 | 03:33 | Punt | C00 | 11:55 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-43 | 3:38 | # |
STE | 2nd | C14 | 10:34 | Downs | C00 | 10:28 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-14 | 0:06 | # |
STE | 2nd | S24 | 08:29 | Punt | S28 | 07:46 | Fumble | 2-4 | 0:43 | ||
STE | 2nd | S40 | 06:08 | Kickoff | C00 | 03:33 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-60 | 2:35 | # |
STE | 2nd | C40 | 01:28 | Punt | C00 | 00:38 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-40 | 0:50 | |
STE | 3rd | C00 | 11:44 | Interception | C00 | 11:44 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
STE | 3rd | S25 | 10:40 | Interception | C00 | 08:51 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-75 | 1:49 | |
STE | 3rd | S31 | 07:38 | Punt | S47 | 06:48 | Fumble | 2-16 | 0:50 | ||
STE | 3rd | S01 | 06:16 | Punt | S01 | 06:00 | Interception | 2-0 | 0:16 | ||
STE | 3rd | S24 | 05:26 | Downs | C15 | 02:04 | * | FIELD GOAL | 7-61 | 3:22 | # |
STE | 3rd | C23 | 00:38 | Punt | C00 | 11:50 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-23 | 0:48 | # |
STE | 4th | C00 | 10:57 | Interception | C00 | 10:57 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
STE | 4th | C43 | 08:18 | Kickoff | C32 | 08:02 | Fumble | 1-11 | 0:16 | ||
STE | 4th | S35 | 07:52 | Kickoff | C35 | 02:03 | Missed FG | 9-30 | 5:49 | # |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Newland Crusaders | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 03:29 | 07:25 | 05:05 | 05:26 | 10:54 | 10:31 | 21:25 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 0/3 | 0/4 | 0/4 | 0/2 | 0/7 | 0/6 | 0/13 | ||
Average field position | C20 | C35 | C44 | C21 | C29 | C36 | C33 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 1/2 | 0/1 | 0/1 | 1/2 | 0/2 | 1/4 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Kuopio Steelers | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 08:31 | 04:35 | 06:55 | 06:34 | 13:06 | 13:29 | 26:35 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/2 | 1/1 | 1/2 | 0/1 | 2/3 | 1/3 | 3/6 | ||
Average field position | S43 | C48 | S31 | S46 | S48 | S35 | S42 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 1/1 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 0/0 | 1/1 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
STE | 1st | S14 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C00 | 07:12 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 11-86 | 4:48 | # |
CRU | 1st | C13 | 07:06 | Kickoff | C16 | 06:19 | Punt | 3-3 | 0:47 | ||
STE | 1st | C41 | 06:19 | Punt | C00 | 06:09 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-41 | 0:10 | |
CRU | 1st | C22 | 06:03 | Kickoff | C16 | 04:56 | Punt | 3--6 | 1:07 | ||
STE | 1st | C00 | 04:56 | Punt | C00 | 04:56 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
CRU | 1st | C25 | 04:48 | Kickoff | C13 | 03:33 | Punt | 3--12 | 1:15 | ||
STE | 1st | C43 | 03:33 | Punt | C00 | 11:55 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-43 | 3:38 | # |
CRU | 2nd | C10 | 11:48 | Kickoff | C14 | 10:34 | Downs | 4-4 | 1:14 | ||
STE | 2nd | C14 | 10:34 | Downs | C00 | 10:28 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-14 | 0:06 | # |
CRU | 2nd | C42 | 10:18 | Kickoff | C43 | 08:29 | Punt | 3-1 | 1:49 | ||
STE | 2nd | S24 | 08:29 | Punt | S28 | 07:46 | Fumble | 2-4 | 0:43 | ||
CRU | 2nd | S28 | 07:46 | Fumble | S00 | 06:24 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-28 | 1:22 | # |
STE | 2nd | S40 | 06:08 | Kickoff | C00 | 03:33 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-60 | 2:35 | # |
CRU | 2nd | C31 | 03:26 | Kickoff | C11 | 01:28 | Punt | 3--20 | 1:58 | ||
STE | 2nd | C40 | 01:28 | Punt | C00 | 00:38 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-40 | 0:50 | |
CRU | 2nd | C23 | 00:32 | Kickoff | C20 | 00:00 | End of half | 1--3 | 0:32 | ||
CRU | 3rd | C23 | 11:56 | Kickoff | C23 | 11:44 | Interception | 1-0 | 0:12 | ||
STE | 3rd | C00 | 11:44 | Interception | C00 | 11:44 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
CRU | 3rd | S30 | 11:29 | Kickoff | S26 | 10:40 | Interception | 2-4 | 0:49 | ||
STE | 3rd | S25 | 10:40 | Interception | C00 | 08:51 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-75 | 1:49 | |
CRU | 3rd | C20 | 08:51 | Kickoff | C18 | 07:38 | Punt | 3--2 | 1:13 | ||
STE | 3rd | S31 | 07:38 | Punt | S47 | 06:48 | Fumble | 2-16 | 0:50 | ||
CRU | 3rd | S46 | 06:48 | Fumble | C49 | 06:16 | Punt | 3--5 | 0:32 | ||
STE | 3rd | S01 | 06:16 | Punt | S01 | 06:00 | Interception | 2-0 | 0:16 | ||
CRU | 3rd | S11 | 06:00 | Interception | S24 | 05:26 | Downs | 4--13 | 0:34 | # | |
STE | 3rd | S24 | 05:26 | Downs | C15 | 02:04 | * | FIELD GOAL | 7-61 | 3:22 | # |
CRU | 3rd | C12 | 01:59 | Kickoff | C01 | 00:38 | Punt | 3--11 | 1:21 | ||
STE | 3rd | C23 | 00:38 | Punt | C00 | 11:50 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-23 | 0:48 | # |
CRU | 4th | C14 | 11:43 | Kickoff | C17 | 10:57 | Interception | 2-3 | 0:46 | ||
STE | 4th | C00 | 10:57 | Interception | C00 | 10:57 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
CRU | 4th | C15 | 10:52 | Kickoff | C00 | 08:27 | * | SAFETY | 4--15 | 2:25 | |
STE | 4th | C43 | 08:18 | Kickoff | C32 | 08:02 | Fumble | 1-11 | 0:16 | ||
CRU | 4th | C32 | 08:02 | Fumble | C32 | 08:02 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
STE | 4th | S35 | 07:52 | Kickoff | C35 | 02:03 | Missed FG | 9-30 | 5:49 | # | |
CRU | 4th | C35 | 02:03 | Missed FG | C38 | 00:00 | End of half | 3-3 | 2:03 |
Defensive Statistics |
Newland Crusaders vs Kuopio Steelers (Jun 18, 2022 at Kuopio)
## | Newland Crusaders | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
1 | Corpening M | 10 | 2 | 11.0 | . | 1 | 1-1 | . | . | . | . | . |
20 | Moreira S | 4 | 3 | 5.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
3 | Tchiyoko B-W | 5 | . | 5.0 | . | 1 | . | 1-0 | . | . | . | . |
17 | Seppala A | 4 | . | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
5 | Corpening N | 3 | 1 | 3.5 | . | . | 1-68 | . | 1 | . | . | . |
33 | Nordstrom H | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | 1.0/5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
12 | Castagno M | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
88 | Ristimaki T | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
37 | David A | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
51 | Palander H | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
54 | Berndtsson O | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
55 | Ilander M | . | . | . | . | . | 1-0 | . | . | . | . | . |
## | Kuopio Steelers | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
23 | Laine R | 4 | . | 4.0 | . | . | . | 1-43 | 2 | . | . | . |
97 | Jaaskelainen JA | 3 | 2 | 4.0 | 3.5/14 | . | . | . | . | . | 2.0/12 | . |
48 | Kouoh J | 2 | 4 | 4.0 | 1.0/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
24 | Lundstrom P | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | 1.0/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Haukka R | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
27 | Marshall I | 1 | 3 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
55 | Allen I | 2 | . | 2.0 | 2.0/17 | . | . | . | . | . | 2.0/17 | . |
45 | Campbell C | 2 | . | 2.0 | 1.0/5 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/5 | . |
52 | Heikkinen J | 2 | . | 2.0 | 1.0/8 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/8 | . |
82 | Lindqvist J | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | 1.0/6 | 1 | . | . | . | 1 | 1.0/6 | . |
59 | Tuppurainen T | . | 4 | 2.0 | 1.0/6 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/6 | . |
43 | Tuominen T | . | 3 | 1.5 | 0.5/0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
31 | Pekkarinen I | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | 1-23 | 2 | . | . | . |
2 | Vaija E | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
38 | Hotti K | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
88 | Ndongo T | . | . | . | . | . | . | 1-5 | . | . | . | . |
TM | Team Steelers | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Newland Crusaders vs Kuopio Steelers (Jun 18, 2022 at Kuopio)
Newland Crusaders: 10-Salib M, 16-Halonen J, 25-Holmstrom J, 39-Lehtola S, 51-Palander H. |
Kuopio Steelers: 9-Taivassalo M, 12-Peurakumpu K, 24-Lundstrom P, 28-Bakker C, 35-Lehtonen T, 38-Hotti K, 44-Haukka R, 52-Heikkinen J, 59-Tuppurainen T, 71-Ralli J, 74-Halonen J, 82-Lindqvist J, 83-Kuikka N, 86-Juvonen S, 87-Paakki I-P, 93-Korhonen J. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Newland Crusaders vs Kuopio Steelers (Jun 18, 2022 at Kuopio)
Castagno M kickoff 52 yards to the STE13, Reasnover L return 1 yards to the STE14 (Seppala A). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste14 | Reasnover L rush for no gain to the STE14 (Moreira S;Berndtsson O). |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste14 | Bradley J pass complete to Paakki I-P for 10 yards to the STE24, 1ST DOWN STE (Corpening N). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste24 | Reasnover L rush for 11 yards to the STE35, 1ST DOWN STE (Tchiyoko B-W). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste35 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste35 | Reasnover L rush for 27 yards to the CRU38, 1ST DOWN STE (Corpening M). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru38 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Marshall I, dropped pass. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Cru38 | Lehtonen T rush for 1 yard to the CRU37 (Nordstrom H). |
Ste | 3-9 | at Cru37 | Choate N rush for 2 yards to the CRU35. |
Ste | 4-7 | at Cru35 | Bradley J pass complete to Lindsten V for 26 yards to the CRU9, 1ST DOWN STE (Corpening M). |
Ste | 1-G | at Cru09 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Lindsten V, dropped pass. |
Ste | 2-G | at Cru09 | Reasnover L rush for 9 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:12. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 7, Newland Crusaders 0 | |||
Drive: 11 plays, 86 yards, TOP 04:54 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 63 yards to the CRU2, Corpening M return 11 yards to the CRU13 (Haukka R). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru13 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 07:06. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru13 | Netter S pass incomplete to Arias S. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru13 | Netter S pass complete to Castagno M for 3 yards to the CRU16 (Laine R). |
Cru | 3-7 | at Cru16 | Netter S pass incomplete to Castagno M (Vaija E). |
Cru | 4-7 | at Cru16 | Castagno M punt 11 yards to the CRU27 (blocked by Lindqvist J), PENALTY STE personal foul (Campbell C) 15 yards to the CRU42, 1st and 10, STE ball on CRU41. |
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 00:47 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru41 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 06:19. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru41 | Bradley J pass complete to Reasnover L for 41 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:09. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 14, Newland Crusaders 0 | |||
Ste | 1-G | at Ste35 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 06:09. |
Drive: 1 plays, 41 yards, TOP 00:16 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 61 yards to the CRU4, Corpening M return 18 yards to the CRU22 (Kouoh J). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru22 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 06:03. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru22 | Corpening N rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRU21 (Jaaskelainen JA;Kouoh J). |
Cru | 2-11 | at Cru21 | Netter S pass incomplete to Johnson C (Pekkarinen I). |
Cru | 3-11 | at Cru21 | PENALTY CRU false start (Castagno M) 5 yards to the CRU16. |
Cru | 3-16 | at Cru16 | Netter S pass incomplete to Castagno M (Vaija E). |
Cru | 4-16 | at Cru16 | Castagno M punt 52 yards to the STE32, Ndongo T return 68 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:56. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 6 yards, TOP 01:07 | |||
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 21, Newland Crusaders 0 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 58 yards to the CRU7, Corpening M return 18 yards to the CRU25 (Marshall I). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru25 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 04:48. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru25 | Netter S pass incomplete to Corpening N (Laine R). |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru25 | Netter S sacked for loss of 7 yards to the CRU18 (Allen I). |
Cru | 3-17 | at Cru18 | PENALTY CRU false start (Johnson C) 5 yards to the CRU13. |
Cru | 3-22 | at Cru13 | Netter S pass incomplete to Johnson C. |
Cru | 4-22 | at Cru13 | Castagno M punt 30 yards to the CRU43, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 12 yards, TOP 01:15 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru43 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 03:33. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru43 | Lehtonen T rush for 13 yards to the CRU30, 1ST DOWN STE (Ristimaki T;Corpening M). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru30 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for no gain to the CRU30, PENALTY STE ineligible downfield on pass 5 yards to the CRU35, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-15 | at Cru35 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Harju H, dropped pass. |
Ste | 2-15 | at Cru35 | Lehtonen T rush for 7 yards to the CRU28 (Corpening M). |
Ste | 3-8 | at Cru28 | Bradley J pass complete to Lindsten V for 9 yards to the CRU19, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Seppala A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru19 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for 10 yards to the CRU9, 1ST DOWN STE (Castagno M). |
Ste | 1-G | at Cru09 | Reasnover L rush for 6 yards to the CRU3 (Tchiyoko B-W). |
Drive: 6 plays, 40 yards, TOP 03:45 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 21, Newland Crusaders 0 |
Ste | 2-G | at Cru03 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Ste | 2-G | at Cru03 | Ndongo T rush for 3 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:55. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 28, Newland Crusaders 0 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 43 yards, TOP 03:45 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 48 yards to the CRU17, Corpening N return -7 yards to the CRU10 (Marshall I;Kouoh J). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru10 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 11:48. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru10 | Netter S sacked for loss of 5 yards to the CRU5 (Campbell C). |
Cru | 2-15 | at Cru05 | Netter S pass incomplete to Castagno M. |
Cru | 3-15 | at Cru05 | Netter S pass incomplete to Johnson C. |
Cru | 4-15 | at Cru05 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 11:00. |
Cru | 4-15 | at Cru05 | Castagno M punt 32 yards to the CRU37, Ndongo T return to the CRU5, out-of-bounds, PENALTY STE roughing the kicker (Tuominen T) 5 yards to the CRU10, NO PLAY. |
Cru | 4-10 | at Cru10 | Castagno M punt 10 yards to the CRU20, out-of-bounds, PENALTY STE offside defense 5 yards to the CRU15, NO PLAY. |
Cru | 4-5 | at Cru15 | Team Crusaders rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRU14. |
Drive: 4 plays, 4 yards, TOP 01:14 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru14 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 10:34. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru14 | Lehtonen T rush for 14 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:28. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 35, Newland Crusaders 0 | |||
Drive: 1 plays, 14 yards, TOP 00:16 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 61 yards to the CRU4, Corpening N return 38 yards to the CRU42, out-of-bounds (Pekkarinen I). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru42 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 10:18. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru42 | Netter S pass complete to Johnson C for 5 yards to the CRU47 (Laine R). |
Cru | 2-5 | at Cru47 | Netter S sacked for loss of 4 yards to the CRU43 (Tuppurainen T;Lindqvist J). |
Cru | 3-9 | at Cru43 | Netter S pass incomplete to Johnson C, PENALTY CRU personal foul declined. |
Cru | 4-9 | at Cru43 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 08:39. |
Cru | 4-9 | at Cru43 | Castagno M punt 33 yards to the STE24, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, 1 yards, TOP 01:49 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste24 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 08:29. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste24 | Reasnover L rush for 6 yards to the STE30 (Corpening M). |
Ste | 2-4 | at Ste30 | Team Steelers rush for no gain to the STE30, fumble by Team Steelers recovered by CRU Ilander M at STE28. |
Drive: 2 plays, 4 yards, TOP 00:43 | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Ste28 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 07:46. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Ste28 | Netter S pass incomplete to Castagno M. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Ste28 | Netter S pass complete to Corpening N for 8 yards to the STE20. |
Cru | 3-2 | at Ste20 | Arias S rush for no gain to the STE20 (Lindqvist J). |
Cru | 4-2 | at Ste20 | Netter S pass complete to Corpening N for 19 yards to the STE1, 1ST DOWN CRU (Laine R), PENALTY STE pass interference declined. |
Cru | 1-G | at Ste01 | Netter S pass complete to Johnson C for 1 yard to the STE0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:24. |
Netter S pass attempt failed. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 35, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Drive: 5 plays, 28 yards, TOP 01:38 | |||
Castagno M kickoff 40 yards to the STE25, Lindsten V return 15 yards to the STE40, out-of-bounds (David A). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste40 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 06:08. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste40 | Bradley J pass complete to Paakki I-P for 12 yards to the CRU48, 1ST DOWN STE (Tchiyoko B-W). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru48 | Reasnover L rush for 12 yards to the CRU36, 1ST DOWN STE (Corpening N). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru36 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for 34 yards to the CRU2, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds. |
Ste | 1-G | at Cru02 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Ste | 2-G | at Cru02 | Reasnover L rush for no gain to the CRU2, PENALTY STE unsportsmanlike conduct (Reasnover L) 25 yards to the CRU27, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 2-G | at Cru27 | Bradley J pass complete to Paakki I-P for 25 yards to the CRU2 (Castagno M). |
Ste | 3-G | at Cru02 | Reasnover L rush for 2 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:33. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 42, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Drive: 6 plays, 60 yards, TOP 02:42 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 58 yards to the CRU7, Johnson C return 24 yards to the CRU31 (Lundstrom P). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru31 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 03:26. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru31 | Arias S rush for 3 yards to the CRU34 (Campbell C). |
Cru | 2-7 | at Cru34 | Netter S pass incomplete to Corpening N. |
Cru | 3-7 | at Cru34 | PENALTY CRU delay of game (Netter S) 5 yards to the CRU29. |
Cru | 3-12 | at Cru29 | Netter S sacked for loss of 8 yards to the CRU21 (Lindqvist J;Tuppurainen T), fumble by Netter S recovered by CRU Arias S at CRU16. |
Cru | 4-25 | at Cru16 | PENALTY CRU delay of game (Castagno M) 5 yards to the CRU11. |
Cru | 4-30 | at Cru11 | Castagno M punt 29 yards to the CRU40, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 20 yards, TOP 01:58 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru40 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 01:28. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru40 | Bradley J pass complete to Lindsten V for 2 yards to the CRU38 (Moreira S). |
Ste | 2-8 | at Cru38 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for 38 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:38, PENALTY CRU offside defense declined. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 49, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Drive: 2 plays, 40 yards, TOP 00:56 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 56 yards to the CRU9, Corpening N return 14 yards to the CRU23 (Marshall I;Tuppurainen T). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru23 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 00:32. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru23 | Netter S sacked for loss of 3 yards to the CRU20 (Jaaskelainen JA). |
Cru | 2-13 | at Cru20 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 1 plays, minus 3 yards, TOP 00:32 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 49, Newland Crusaders 6 |
Cru | 2-13 | at Cru20 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, STE ball on STE35. |
Drive: 1 plays, minus 3 yards, TOP 00:32 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 56 yards to the CRU9, Johnson C return 14 yards to the CRU23 (Tuppurainen T;Lundstrom P). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru23 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 11:56. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru23 | Netter S pass intercepted by Laine R at the CRU43, Laine R return 43 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:44. |
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:12 | |||
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 56, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Ste | 1-G | at Ste35 | PENALTY STE unsportsmanlike conduct (Laine R) 15 yards to the STE20. |
Pekkarinen I kickoff 65 yards to the CRU15, Johnson C return 0 yards to the CRU15, Corpening N for 55 yards to the STE30 (Haukka R;Kouoh J). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Ste30 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 11:29, CRU ball on STE30. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Ste30 | Netter S pass complete to Corpening M for 4 yards to the STE26 (Laine R). |
Cru | 2-6 | at Ste26 | Netter S pass intercepted by Ndongo T at the STE20, Ndongo T return 5 yards to the STE25. |
Drive: 2 plays, 4 yards, TOP 00:49 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste25 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 10:40. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste25 | Reasnover L rush for 35 yards to the CRU40, 1ST DOWN STE (Corpening N). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru40 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Cru40 | Lehtonen T rush for 3 yards to the CRU37 (Moreira S). |
Ste | 3-7 | at Cru37 | Lehtonen T rush for 7 yards to the CRU30, 1ST DOWN STE (Seppala A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru30 | Bradley J pass complete to Lindqvist J for 30 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:51. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good, PENALTY CRU offside defense declined. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 63, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Drive: 5 plays, 75 yards, TOP 01:49 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 65 yards to the CRU0, touchback. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru20 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 08:51. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru20 | Netter S pass incomplete to Johnson C. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru20 | Netter S pass complete to David A for loss of 2 yards to the CRU18 (Lundstrom P). |
Cru | 3-12 | at Cru18 | Netter S pass incomplete to Arias S. |
Cru | 4-12 | at Cru18 | Castagno M punt 51 yards to the STE31, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 2 yards, TOP 01:13 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste31 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 07:38. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste31 | Bakker C rush for 8 yards to the STE39 (Moreira S). |
Ste | 2-2 | at Ste39 | Bakker C rush for 8 yards to the STE47, fumble forced by Corpening M, fumble by Bakker C recovered by CRU Corpening M at STE47, Corpening M for 1 yard to the STE46. |
Drive: 2 plays, 16 yards, TOP 00:50 | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Ste46 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 06:48, CRU ball on STE46. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Ste46 | Netter S pass incomplete to Castagno M (Pekkarinen I). |
Cru | 2-10 | at Ste46 | PENALTY CRU false start (Corpening N) 5 yards to the CRU49. |
Cru | 2-15 | at Cru49 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 06:44. |
Cru | 2-15 | at Cru49 | Netter S pass incomplete to Johnson C (Laine R). |
Cru | 3-15 | at Cru49 | Netter S pass incomplete to Castagno M. |
Cru | 4-15 | at Cru49 | Castagno M punt 50 yards to the STE1, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 5 yards, TOP 00:32 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste01 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 06:16. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste01 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste01 | PENALTY STE false start (Choate N) 0 yards to the STE1. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste01 | Bradley J pass intercepted by Tchiyoko B-W at the STE11, Tchiyoko B-W return 0 yards to the STE11. |
Drive: 2 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:16 | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Ste11 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 06:00. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Ste11 | Netter S pass incomplete to Johnson C. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Ste11 | Netter S pass incomplete to Johnson C (Hotti K). |
Cru | 3-10 | at Ste11 | PENALTY CRU false start (Berndtsson O) 5 yards to the STE16. |
Cru | 3-15 | at Ste16 | Netter S pass incomplete to David A. |
Cru | 4-15 | at Ste16 | Netter S sacked for loss of 8 yards to the STE24 (Heikkinen J). |
Drive: 4 plays, minus 13 yards, TOP 00:34 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste24 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 05:26. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste24 | Lehtonen T rush for 43 yards to the CRU33, 1ST DOWN STE (Tchiyoko B-W). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru33 | Lehtonen T rush for 7 yards to the CRU26 (Palander H). |
Ste | 2-3 | at Cru26 | Lehtonen T rush for 7 yards to the CRU19, 1ST DOWN STE (Ristimaki T;Nordstrom H). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru19 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Choate N (Corpening N). |
Ste | 2-10 | at Cru19 | Bakker C rush for 2 yards to the CRU17 (Moreira S). |
Ste | 3-8 | at Cru17 | Bakker C rush for 2 yards to the CRU15 (Corpening N;Moreira S). |
Ste | 4-6 | at Cru15 | Ojainvali M field goal attempt from 33 GOOD, clock 02:04. |
Kuopio Steelers 66, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 61 yards, TOP 03:27 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 62 yards to the CRU3, Corpening N return 9 yards to the CRU12 (Haukka R). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru12 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 01:59. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru12 | Netter S pass incomplete to Johnson C (Hotti K). |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru12 | Netter S pass incomplete. |
Cru | 3-10 | at Cru12 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 01:43. |
Cru | 3-10 | at Cru12 | Netter S sacked for loss of 10 yards to the CRU2 (Allen I). |
Cru | 4-20 | at Cru02 | PENALTY CRU delay of game (Castagno M) 1 yards to the CRU1. |
Cru | 4-21 | at Cru01 | Castagno M punt 22 yards to the CRU23, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 11 yards, TOP 01:21 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru23 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 00:38. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru23 | Lehtonen T rush for 20 yards to the CRU3, 1ST DOWN STE (Ristimaki T). |
Drive: 1 plays, 20 yards, TOP 00:55 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 66, Newland Crusaders 6 |
Ste | 1-G | at Cru03 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
Ste | 1-G | at Cru03 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Marshall I. |
Ste | 2-G | at Cru03 | Lehtonen T rush for 3 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:50. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 73, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Drive: 3 plays, 23 yards, TOP 00:55 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 65 yards to the CRU0, Corpening M return 14 yards to the CRU14 (Marshall I;Lundstrom P). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru14 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 11:43. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru14 | Arias S rush for 3 yards to the CRU17 (Kouoh J). |
Cru | 2-7 | at Cru17 | Netter S pass intercepted by Pekkarinen I at the CRU23, Pekkarinen I return 23 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:57. |
Drive: 2 plays, 3 yards, TOP 00:46 | |||
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 80, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Pekkarinen I kickoff 62 yards to the CRU3, Corpening N return 0 yards to the CRU3, Corpening M for 12 yards to the CRU15. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru15 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 10:52, CRU ball on CRU15. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru15 | Arias S rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRU14 (Jaaskelainen JA). |
Cru | 2-11 | at Cru14 | Salib M sacked for loss of 9 yards to the CRU5 (Jaaskelainen JA). |
Cru | 3-20 | at Cru05 | Arias S rush for 3 yards to the CRU8 (Tuominen T;Jaaskelainen JA). |
Cru | 4-17 | at Cru08 | Team Crusaders rush for loss of 8 yards to the CRU0, Team Steelers safety, clock 08:27. |
Kuopio Steelers 82, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Drive: 4 plays, minus 15 yards, TOP 02:34 | |||
Castagno M kickoff 54 yards to the STE26, Ndongo T return 31 yards to the CRU43, out-of-bounds. | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru43 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 08:18. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru43 | Bakker C rush for 3 yards to the CRU40, fumble forced by Tchiyoko B-W, fumble by Bakker C recovered by CRU Corpening N at CRU32, Corpening N for 68 yards to the STE0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:02. |
Drive: 1 plays, 11 yards, TOP 00:16 | |||
Salib M pass attempt failed. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 82, Newland Crusaders 12 | |||
Castagno M kickoff 53 yards to the STE12, Ndongo T return 23 yards to the STE35 (Seppala A). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste35 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 07:52. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste35 | Lehtonen T rush for 11 yards to the STE46, 1ST DOWN STE (Corpening M). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste46 | Lehtonen T rush for no gain to the STE46 (Corpening M). |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste46 | Lehtonen T rush for 11 yards to the CRU43, 1ST DOWN STE (Nordstrom H;Moreira S). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru43 | Bakker C rush for 6 yards to the CRU37 (Corpening M). |
Ste | 2-4 | at Cru37 | Bakker C rush for 17 yards to the CRU20, 1ST DOWN STE (Corpening M;David A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cru20 | Bakker C rush for loss of 5 yards to the CRU25 (Nordstrom H). |
Ste | 2-15 | at Cru25 | Bakker C rush for 5 yards to the CRU20 (Corpening M). |
Ste | 3-10 | at Cru20 | Bakker C rush for no gain to the CRU20 (Corpening M), PENALTY STE holding (Vontie L) 10 yards to the CRU30, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 3-20 | at Cru30 | Bakker C rush for 10 yards to the CRU20 (Corpening M). |
Ste | 4-10 | at Cru20 | PENALTY STE unsportsmanlike conduct (Vontie L) 15 yards to the CRU35. |
Ste | 4-25 | at Cru35 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 02:10. |
Ste | 4-25 | at Cru35 | Pekkarinen I field goal attempt from 53 MISSED - wide left, spot at CRU35, clock 02:03. |
Drive: 9 plays, 30 yards, TOP 05:49 | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru35 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 02:03. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru35 | Arias S rush for no gain to the CRU35 (Tuominen T;Haukka R). |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru35 | Arias S rush for 4 yards to the CRU39 (Heikkinen J). |
Cru | 3-6 | at Cru39 | Arias S rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRU38 (Kouoh J;Tuominen T). |
Cru | 4-7 | at Cru38 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 02:03 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 82, Newland Crusaders 12 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Newland Crusaders vs Kuopio Steelers (Jun 18, 2022 at Kuopio)
Newland Crusaders Kuopio Steelers Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 11 39 50 OVERALL.......... 36 21 57 1ST DOWN......... 5 13 18 1ST DOWN......... 17 15 32 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 0 0 0 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 4 0 4 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 2 2 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 2 0 2 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 1 12 13 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 8 4 12 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 0 0 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 0 0 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 2 10 12 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 4 1 5 4TH DOWN......... 2 2 4 4TH DOWN......... 0 1 1 Newland Crusaders Kuopio Steelers Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 11 39 50 ............... 36 21 57 |
Vaahteraliigaa puhtaalla pelillä johtava Kuopio Steelers saa lauantaina vieraakseen vielä ilman voittoja taistelevan United Newland Crusadersin. Lohjalaiset ovat viimeisin kokoonpano, joka on onnistunut voittamaan Steelersin liigapelissä.
Kuopio Steelers on edennyt Vaahteraliigassa vakuuttavasti voittaen kaikki vastustajansa alkukauden sarjassa. Voittojen arvoa nostaa se, että ne on otettu sarjarankingin parhaista joukkueista (Wolverines, Crocodiles, Roosters, Butchers). Lohjalaisen Crusadersin alkukausi on ollut kivikkoinen. Kokoonpanohaasteiden ääressä tuskaillut joukkue on jaksanut venyä otteluiden alkupuolella kohtuullisesti, mutta kahteen suuntaan urakoivat pelaajat ovat väsähtäneet pelien edetessä ja vastustajat ovat menneet menojaan. Lauantain ottelussa on vain yksi ennakkosuosikki, Steelers.
Voitosta voittoon edennyt Steelers on profiloitunut alkukauden peleissä juoksevaksi joukkueiksi. Juoksu-uhka on silloin parhaimmillaan, kun hyökkäysvalikoimaan kuuluu myös vaarallinen heittopeli. Kuopiolaisten peli- ja pelaajavalikoimasta löytyvät molemmat. Keskushyökkääjä Le’Anthony Reasnover on sarjan juoksijatilaston kärkinimi (154,5 yds/g) ja pelinrakentaja Joel Bradley on laittanut palloa lentoon sarjan parhaalla onnistumisprosentilla (62,0 %). Lauantaina Steelersin tähtiä vastaan asettuu sarjan kolmanneksi tehokkain heittopuolustus ja toiseksi heikoin juoksupuolustus. Odotettavissa lienee juoksupainotteista peliä Vänärille.
Steelers-puolustukseen palaa yhden ottelun pelikiellostaan vapautunut Ikeem Allen, joka tulee olemaan lohjalaispuolustukselle vaikeasti pidäteltävä.
Crusadersilla kauden levein rosteri
United Newland Crusaders marssittaa Väinölänniemen kentälle toistaiseksi leveimmän rosterinsa. Mukaan on saatu jälleen uusia liigadebyytin tekeviä pelimiehiä. Keskimmäisen tukimiehen paikalle värvätty espanjalainen Sandro Moreira on siirtynyt Crusaders-paitaan Osos Rivaksesta. Tuorein pelikokemus kokeneella 32-vuotiaalla pelimiehellä on meksikolaisesta Gallos Negros-joukkueesta.
Crusadersin joukkue on täynnä taitavia pelaajia, joilla ratkaisupotentiaalia pelissä kuin pelissä. Joukkueen haasteena on edelleen rosterin kapeus, joka pakottaa taitavat yksilöt väsyttämään itsensä kahden suunnan pelaamisellaan. Joukkue on saanut koota rivejään yli yhden vapaan viikonlopun ja Kuopiossa saatamme nähdä enemmän tai vähemmän uudistunut Crusaders, joka lähtee taisteluun levänneenä ja hitusen leveämmällä kokoonpanolla.
Wolverinesin RJ Long siirtyi torstaina tekemällään TD:llä yksin Vaahteraliigan maalintekijätaulukon kolmannelle sijalle (68 kpl). Crusadersin Cedric Johnsonilla (67 kpl) on mahdollisuus tasoittaa tilanne tai jopa siirtyä taas Longin edelle onnistuessaan hyvin Kuopiossa.
Viime kaudella joukkueiden kohdatessa Crusaders toteutti jymy-yllätyksen voittamalla Steelersin Hangossa pelatussa maalikarkelossa lukemin 58–50 (28 – 7). Lauantain pelin alkuasetelmien perusteella yllätys olisi tällä kertaa eri tasolla. Epätasaiseksi ennustettu vaahteraliigakamppailu potkaistaan käyntiin Kuopion Väinölänniemellä lauantaina klo 16.30.