Steelers – Butchers 14.08.2021

Kuopio Steelers otti selvän voiton Porvoon Butchersista lauantai-iltapäivän kamppailussa. Puhtaalla tilastolla sarjassa jatkavat kuopiolaiset olivat parempia lukemin 51-0 (27-0). Voitto varmisti Steelersille sarjataulukkoon pistemäärän, jota haastajat eivät pääse enää ohittamaan.
Väinölänniemellä pelejään dominoimaan tottunut Steelers ei pettänyt kotiyleisöään lauantaina. Vastustaja riisuttiin pelissä täysin aseista ja omaa arsenaalia käytettiin tasapainoisesti läpi ottelun. Kuopiolaiset etenivät ottelussa 451 jaardia Butchersin yltäessä vaatimattomiin 61 jaardiin.
Markus Ojainvälin juhlaa
Lauantain pelin alkutahdit osoittivat suunnan iltapäivän maalikarkelolle. Butchers sai pelin ensimmäisen hyökkäysvuoron, joka päättyi tylyyn kolme-ja-ulos kohteluun. Steelers kuljetti omalla ensimmäisellä draivillaan palloa 77 jaardia aina Butchersin 8 jaardin linjalle, josta päivän nimi, Markus Ojainväli potkaisi päivän ensimmäisen kolmen pisteen suorituksensa. Ojainväli oli peleissä liekeissä ja onnistui lopulta kolme kertaa potkaisemaan kenttäpotkumaalin onnistuneesti haarukan lävitse. Lisäksi Steelersin potkaisija onnistui kaikissa kuudessa lisäpistesuorituksessaan ja kruunasi iltansa neljännellä neljänneksellä syötönkatkosta maaliin kantamallaan suorituksella. 21 pisteen ilta joukkueen potkaisijalta ei ole jokapäiväistä katseltavaa.
Kokonaisuudessaan Steelers palasi tasapainoisen pelin, jossa sekä hyökkäys, että puolustus hoitivat tehtävänsä rutiinilla. Liigan juoksutilaston suvereeni kärkimies LeAnthony Reasnover eteni pelissä juosten 169 jaardia ja nosti koko kauden jaardimääränsä 1.166 jaardiin. Hieman yllättäen myös maalipörssiä johtava (13 TD:tä) yhdysvaltalainen ei saanut päivän pelissä tililleen yhtään maalisuoritusta.
Totuttujen pisteidentekijöiden sijaan maaleja keräsivät lauantaina Steelersin vähemmälle palstatilalle jääneet pelaajat kuten Hannes Harju kahdella maalillaan sekä Isaak Marshall ja Adel Bafdile maaleillaan. Tukimies Maurice Wright Jr pääsi kertaalleen näyttämään Steelersin jo vakiopeliksi muuttuneen maalilinjajuoksun tappavan tehokkuuden.
Steelers puolustus osoitti dominanssinsa taklaamalla Butchersin pallonkantajan 10 kertaa aloituslinjan takana ja säkittämällä pelinrakentajan neljästi. Lauantain tehokkain oli Ikeem Allen 6,5 taklauksellaan sekä kahdella säkityksellä. Kaikkiaan Butchersin juoksujaardien pitäminen seitsemässä (7!) kertoo kaiken pelin luonteesta.
Markus Ojainväli repäisi ylivoimaiseen johtoon Vaahteraliigan potkaisijoiden pistetaulukossa. Lauantain 15 pistettä nostaa miehen pistesaldon jo lukemaan 55. Pohjola Vakuutuksen ottelun vakuuttavimman pelaajan palkinnolla palkittu Ojainväli otti oman onnistumisensa varsin rauhallisesti.
Butchers keskittyy seuraavaan peliinsä
Tuskin kukaan odotti Butchersin onnistuvan kukistamaan ylivoimaisena sarjassa edennyttä Steelersiä lauantaina. Joukkue lähti peliin kuitenkin ennakkoluulottomasti taistelemaan pisteistä esitellen hyökkäyksessään uuden yhdysvaltalaislaiturinsa Brandon Ihanzan. Tuore laitahyökkääjä nousikin joukkueensa parhaaksi kiinniottajaksi, mutta lauantaina tuohon sijaan yllettiin kolmella kiinniotolla ja 34 jaardilla. Jabari Harrisin edellisen pelin yli 400 jaardin ilotulitus oli kaukainen muisto, kun Steelersin puolustus murtautui Butchers-linjan läpi kerta toisensa jälkeen.
Porvoolaisten puolustuksessa nuori tukimiehen paikalla pelaava Timi Nuikka jatkoi upeita otteitaan. Lauantaina miehen tilille kirjattiin 11 taklausta, joilla porvoolaisen kauden kokonaismääräksi saadaan 45. Taklausten ohella Nuikka nappasi pelinrakentaja Joey Bradleyn heiton syötönkatkona hyppysiinsä kertaalleen. Nuikka on vain yhden taklauksen päässä suomalaispelaajien taklaustilaston kärkipaikkaa pitävästä Crocodilesin Jaska Värisestä. Joukkueiden kohdatessa tulevana lauantaina Porvoossa saatetaan runkosarjan kolmannen sijan ohella ratkaista kiinnitys kauden 2021 Matti Lindholm Trophyn voittoon. Palkinto annetaan runkosarjassa eniten taklauksia keränneelle suomalaispelaajalle.
Porvoon puolustajista erinomaisen pelin pelasi myös takapuolustaja Toni Nyström, joka taisteli läpi pelin kuopiolaisten ykköslaituri Jeff Alexandrea vastaan ja jätti ranskalaisen pelissä pisteittä. Ottelun jälkeisessä Ruutu-haastattelussa Nyström oli iloinen päästyään pelaamaan yhden sarjan parhaista laitureista vastaan onnistuen siinä.
Runkosarjan voitto antaa Steelersille merkittävän edun sarjan ratkaisupeleissä. Ensimmäinen kuopiolaisille tarjoiltu valttikortti on oikeus välieräpelin päivän valitsemiseen ensimmäisenä. Näyttää siltä, että Steelersiä vastaan saapuva joukkue joutuu matkustamaan Väinölänniemelle perjantaina 3. syyskuuta.
Porvoo Butchers vs Kuopio Steelers (Aug 14, 2021)
Scoring Summary |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kuopio Steelers (Aug 14, 2021 at Kuopio)
Porvoo Butchers (3-3) vs. Kuopio Steelers (7-0)
Date: Aug 14, 2021 Site: Kuopio Stadium: Vainolanniemi Attendance: 351
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Porvoo Butchers | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Kuopio Steelers | 10 | 17 | 10 | 14 | 51 |
1st | 07:28 | STE | Ojainvali M 28 yd field goal | |
8 plays, 77 yards, TOP 2:23 | 0 - 3 | |||
03:10 | STE | Marshall I 15 yd pass from Bradley J (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
9 plays, 74 yards, TOP 2:48 | 0 - 10 | |||
2nd | 04:05 | STE | Harju H 17 yd pass from Bradley J (Ojainvali M kick) | |
7 plays, 59 yards, TOP 3:28 | 0 - 17 | |||
01:55 | STE | Harju H 12 yd pass from Bradley J (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
2 plays, 35 yards, TOP 0:50 | 0 - 24 | |||
00:26 | STE | Ojainvali M 15 yd field goal | ||
6 plays, 70 yards, TOP 0:38 | 0 - 27 | |||
3rd | 08:53 | STE | Bafdile A 59 yd punt return (Ojainvali M kick) | |
0 - 34 | ||||
04:31 | STE | Ojainvali M 22 yd field goal | ||
7 plays, 23 yards, TOP 2:23 | 0 - 37 | |||
4th | 08:04 | STE | Wright Jr M 3 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | |
11 plays, 80 yards, TOP 5:10 | 0 - 44 | |||
01:59 | STE | Ojainvali M 32 yd interception return (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
0 - 51 |
Kickoff time: 16.30 End of Game: 18.57 Total elapsed time: 2h 27min Referee: Seppelin J Umpire: Immonen M Linesman: Suojanen R-V Line judge: Vierikko P Back judge: Janhuba R Field judge: Makarainen M Side judge: Naumanen A Temperature: +17 Wind: 4 m/s Weather: Sateinen |
Team Statistics |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kuopio Steelers (Aug 14, 2021 at Kuopio)
Team Totals | BUT | STE |
FIRST DOWNS | 5 | 26 |
Rushing | 3 | 10 |
Passing | 1 | 12 |
Penalty | 1 | 4 |
Rushing Attempts | 27 | 34 |
Average Per Rush | 0.3 | 7.5 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 0 | 1 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 69 | 264 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 62 | 8 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 61 | 195 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 12-20-1 | 15-27-1 |
Average Per Attempt | 3.0 | 7.2 |
Average Per Completion | 5.1 | 13.0 |
Passing Touchdowns | 0 | 3 |
Total offense plays | 47 | 61 |
Average Gain Per Play | 1.4 | 7.4 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 1-0 | 0-0 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 5-47 | 8-59 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 8-343 | 1--2 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 42.9 | -2.0 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 25.8 | -2.0 |
Inside 20 | 2 | 0 |
50+ Yards | 1 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 1 | 0 |
Fair catch | 1 | 0 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 1-42 | 10-515 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 42.0 | 51.5 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | -1.0 | 29.8 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 0-0-0 | 6-117-1 |
Average Per Return | 0.0 | 19.5 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 9-217-0 | 1-43-0 |
Average Per Return | 24.1 | 43.0 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 1-0-0 | 1-32-1 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | 0 |
Possession Time | 23:32 | 24:28 |
1st Quarter | 5:24 | 6:36 |
2nd Quarter | 6:06 | 5:54 |
3rd Quarter | 7:04 | 4:56 |
4th Quarter | 4:58 | 7:02 |
Third-Down Conversions | 2 of 13 | 4 of 11 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 0 of 2 | 2 of 3 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 0-0 | 7-7 |
Touchdowns | 0-0 | 4-7 |
Field goals | 0-0 | 3-7 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 0-0 | 4-31 |
PAT Kicks | 0-0 | 6-6 |
Field Goals | 0-0 | 3-3 |
Points off turnovers | 0 | 7 |
Individual Statistics |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kuopio Steelers (Aug 14, 2021 at Kuopio)
FUMBLES: Porvoo Butchers-Team Butchers 1-0. Kuopio Steelers-None. |
Drive Chart |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kuopio Steelers (Aug 14, 2021 at Kuopio)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
BUT | 1st | B40 | 12:00 | Kickoff | B47 | 09:51 | Punt | 3-7 | 2:09 | ||
BUT | 1st | B28 | 07:28 | Kickoff | B18 | 05:58 | Punt | 3--10 | 1:30 | ||
BUT | 1st | B40 | 03:00 | Kickoff | B44 | 01:25 | Downs | 4-4 | 1:35 | ||
BUT | 2nd | B22 | 11:02 | Downs | B36 | 07:33 | Punt | 6-14 | 3:29 | ||
BUT | 2nd | B43 | 03:54 | Kickoff | B35 | 02:45 | Downs | 4--8 | 1:09 | ||
BUT | 2nd | B35 | 01:55 | Kickoff | B30 | 01:04 | Punt | 3--5 | 0:51 | ||
BUT | 2nd | B34 | 00:16 | Kickoff | S44 | 00:00 | End of half | 2-22 | 0:16 | ||
BUT | 3rd | B03 | 10:41 | Interception | B25 | 08:53 | Punt | 4-22 | 1:48 | ||
BUT | 3rd | B35 | 08:45 | Kickoff | B24 | 06:54 | Punt | 3--11 | 1:51 | ||
BUT | 3rd | S41 | 04:15 | Kickoff | S43 | 01:14 | Punt | 5--2 | 3:01 | ||
BUT | 4th | B29 | 08:04 | Kickoff | B45 | 05:14 | Punt | 6-16 | 2:50 | ||
BUT | 4th | S27 | 02:08 | Punt | S27 | 01:59 | Interception | 1-0 | 0:09 | ||
BUT | 4th | B31 | 01:54 | Kickoff | B39 | 00:00 | End of half | 3-8 | 1:54 | ||
STE | 1st | S15 | 09:51 | Punt | B08 | 07:28 | * | FIELD GOAL | 8-77 | 2:23 | |
STE | 1st | S26 | 05:58 | Punt | B00 | 03:10 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-74 | 2:48 | |
STE | 1st | B44 | 01:25 | Downs | B22 | 11:02 | Downs | 6-22 | 2:23 | ||
STE | 2nd | S41 | 07:33 | Punt | B00 | 04:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-59 | 3:28 | |
STE | 2nd | B35 | 02:45 | Downs | B00 | 01:55 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-35 | 0:50 | |
STE | 2nd | S25 | 01:04 | Punt | B05 | 00:26 | * | FIELD GOAL | 6-70 | 0:38 | |
STE | 3rd | B34 | 11:51 | Kickoff | B25 | 10:41 | Interception | 4-9 | 1:10 | ||
STE | 3rd | B00 | 08:53 | Punt | B00 | 08:53 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
STE | 3rd | B35 | 06:54 | Punt | B12 | 04:31 | * | FIELD GOAL | 7-23 | 2:23 | |
STE | 3rd | S20 | 01:14 | Punt | B00 | 08:04 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 11-80 | 5:10 | |
STE | 4th | S10 | 05:14 | Punt | S29 | 02:08 | Punt | 4-19 | 3:06 | ||
STE | 4th | B00 | 01:59 | Interception | B00 | 01:59 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Porvoo Butchers | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 05:24 | 06:06 | 07:04 | 04:58 | 11:30 | 12:02 | 23:32 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 0/3 | 1/4 | 0/3 | 1/3 | 1/7 | 1/6 | 2/13 | ||
Average field position | B36 | B33 | B32 | B44 | B34 | B38 | B36 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/1 | 0/1 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/2 | 0/0 | 0/2 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Kuopio Steelers | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 06:36 | 05:54 | 04:56 | 07:02 | 12:30 | 11:58 | 24:28 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/3 | 1/3 | 1/2 | 1/3 | 2/6 | 2/5 | 4/11 | ||
Average field position | S32 | S43 | S50 | S10 | S38 | S40 | S38 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 1/1 | 0/1 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 1/2 | 1/1 | 2/3 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
BUT | 1st | B40 | 12:00 | Kickoff | B47 | 09:51 | Punt | 3-7 | 2:09 | ||
STE | 1st | S15 | 09:51 | Punt | B08 | 07:28 | * | FIELD GOAL | 8-77 | 2:23 | |
BUT | 1st | B28 | 07:28 | Kickoff | B18 | 05:58 | Punt | 3--10 | 1:30 | ||
STE | 1st | S26 | 05:58 | Punt | B00 | 03:10 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-74 | 2:48 | |
BUT | 1st | B40 | 03:00 | Kickoff | B44 | 01:25 | Downs | 4-4 | 1:35 | ||
STE | 1st | B44 | 01:25 | Downs | B22 | 11:02 | Downs | 6-22 | 2:23 | ||
BUT | 2nd | B22 | 11:02 | Downs | B36 | 07:33 | Punt | 6-14 | 3:29 | ||
STE | 2nd | S41 | 07:33 | Punt | B00 | 04:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-59 | 3:28 | |
BUT | 2nd | B43 | 03:54 | Kickoff | B35 | 02:45 | Downs | 4--8 | 1:09 | ||
STE | 2nd | B35 | 02:45 | Downs | B00 | 01:55 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-35 | 0:50 | |
BUT | 2nd | B35 | 01:55 | Kickoff | B30 | 01:04 | Punt | 3--5 | 0:51 | ||
STE | 2nd | S25 | 01:04 | Punt | B05 | 00:26 | * | FIELD GOAL | 6-70 | 0:38 | |
BUT | 2nd | B34 | 00:16 | Kickoff | S44 | 00:00 | End of half | 2-22 | 0:16 | ||
STE | 3rd | B34 | 11:51 | Kickoff | B25 | 10:41 | Interception | 4-9 | 1:10 | ||
BUT | 3rd | B03 | 10:41 | Interception | B25 | 08:53 | Punt | 4-22 | 1:48 | ||
STE | 3rd | B00 | 08:53 | Punt | B00 | 08:53 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
BUT | 3rd | B35 | 08:45 | Kickoff | B24 | 06:54 | Punt | 3--11 | 1:51 | ||
STE | 3rd | B35 | 06:54 | Punt | B12 | 04:31 | * | FIELD GOAL | 7-23 | 2:23 | |
BUT | 3rd | S41 | 04:15 | Kickoff | S43 | 01:14 | Punt | 5--2 | 3:01 | ||
STE | 3rd | S20 | 01:14 | Punt | B00 | 08:04 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 11-80 | 5:10 | |
BUT | 4th | B29 | 08:04 | Kickoff | B45 | 05:14 | Punt | 6-16 | 2:50 | ||
STE | 4th | S10 | 05:14 | Punt | S29 | 02:08 | Punt | 4-19 | 3:06 | ||
BUT | 4th | S27 | 02:08 | Punt | S27 | 01:59 | Interception | 1-0 | 0:09 | ||
STE | 4th | B00 | 01:59 | Interception | B00 | 01:59 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
BUT | 4th | B31 | 01:54 | Kickoff | B39 | 00:00 | End of half | 3-8 | 1:54 |
Defensive Statistics |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kuopio Steelers (Aug 14, 2021 at Kuopio)
## | Porvoo Butchers | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
4 | Nuikka T | 6 | 6 | 9.0 | . | . | . | 1-0 | . | . | . | . |
3 | Reels A | 5 | 7 | 8.5 | 1.0/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
5 | Roiko N | 2 | 9 | 6.5 | 0.5/3 | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
27 | Suomalainen JP | 3 | 2 | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
23 | Nystrom T | 3 | 2 | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
43 | Paananen J | 2 | 4 | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Kurvinen V | 1 | 4 | 3.0 | 0.5/3 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
8 | Pennanen N | . | 6 | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
45 | Fiskari M | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
11 | Seppanen M | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
59 | Paananen R | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
20 | Stigzelius W | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
10 | McAllen S | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
49 | Sinisalo H | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
90 | Pajunen A | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
12 | Makela J | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
25 | Oksanen T | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
## | Kuopio Steelers | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
55 | Allen I | 3 | 7 | 6.5 | 3.5/20 | . | . | . | . | . | 2.0/12 | . |
8 | Wright Jr M | 4 | 3 | 5.5 | 1.0/13 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
3 | Radji S | 3 | 5 | 5.5 | 3.0/22 | . | . | . | . | . | 2.0/19 | . |
13 | Floret K | 3 | 2 | 4.0 | 2.0/6 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
29 | Steffen L | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
92 | Kauppinen M | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Haukka R | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
37 | Kurenniemi A | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
99 | Lindqvist J | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | 0.5/3 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
2 | Vaija E | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
93 | Korhonen J | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
1 | Bafdile A | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
23 | Laine R | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
28 | Bakker C | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
41 | Seppanen K | . | 2 | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
32 | Ojainvali M | . | . | . | . | . | . | 1-32 | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kuopio Steelers (Aug 14, 2021 at Kuopio)
Porvoo Butchers: 6-Robinson J, 9-Gronvall M, 12-Makela J, 13-Pakkanen U, 14-Benitez-Perez A, 15-Hakonen A, 20-Stigzelius W, 21-Aaltonen V, 22-Cross D, 27-Suomalainen JP, 33-Raappana J, 51-Asovaara Ju. |
Kuopio Steelers: 28-Bakker C, 32-Ojainvali M, 35-Lehtonen T, 37-Kurenniemi A, 44-Haukka R, 52-Heikkinen J, 53-Vaattovaara P, 67-Ovaskainen S, 78-Keituri J, 83-Kuikka N, 86-Juvonen S, 92-Kauppinen M, 93-Korhonen J, 97-Savolainen J. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kuopio Steelers (Aug 14, 2021 at Kuopio)
But | 1-10 | at But35 | STE ball on STE35. |
Ojainvali M kickoff 58 yards to the BUT7, Seppanen M return 33 yards to the BUT40 (Kurenniemi A). | |||
But | 1-10 | at But40 | Harris J pass complete to Siiskonen M for 5 yards to the BUT45 (Vaija E;Floret K). |
But | 2-5 | at But45 | McAllen S rush for 2 yards to the BUT47 (Radji S;Seppanen K). |
But | 3-3 | at But47 | Harris J rush for no gain to the BUT47 (Allen I;Wright Jr M). |
But | 4-3 | at But47 | Seppanen M punt 40 yards to the STE13, Harju H return 2 yards to the STE15 (McAllen S). |
Drive: 3 plays, 7 yards, TOP 02:09 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste15 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 09:51. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste15 | Reasnover L rush for 12 yards to the STE27, 1ST DOWN STE (Nuikka T). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste27 | Reasnover L rush for 8 yards to the STE35 (Nuikka T;Reels A). |
Ste | 2-2 | at Ste35 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for 16 yards to the BUT49, 1ST DOWN STE (Paananen J). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But49 | Reasnover L rush for 38 yards to the BUT11, 1ST DOWN STE (Oksanen T;Nystrom T). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But11 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Alexandre J. |
Ste | 2-10 | at But11 | Lehtonen T rush for 1 yard to the BUT10 (Pajunen A;Reels A). |
Ste | 3-9 | at But10 | Lehtonen T rush for 2 yards to the BUT8 (Nuikka T). |
Ste | 4-7 | at But08 | Ojainvali M field goal attempt from 28 GOOD, clock 07:28. |
Kuopio Steelers 3, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Drive: 8 plays, 77 yards, TOP 02:23 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 45 yards to the BUT20, Seppanen M return 8 yards to the BUT28 (Haukka R). | |||
But | 1-10 | at But28 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 07:28. |
But | 1-10 | at But28 | PENALTY BUT personal foul 10 yards to the BUT18. |
But | 1-20 | at But18 | Harris J pass complete to Ihanza B for 6 yards to the BUT24 (Bafdile A). |
But | 2-14 | at But24 | Harris J pass incomplete to Ihanza B. |
But | 3-14 | at But24 | Harris J rush for loss of 6 yards to the BUT18 (Allen I;Lindqvist J). |
But | 4-20 | at But18 | Seppanen M punt 56 yards to the STE26, Bafdile A return 0 yards to the STE26 (Nuikka T). |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 10 yards, TOP 01:30 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste26 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 05:58. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste26 | PENALTY STE personal foul 10 yards to the STE16. |
Ste | 1-20 | at Ste16 | Reasnover L rush for 11 yards to the STE27 (Reels A). |
Ste | 2-9 | at Ste27 | Reasnover L rush for 4 yards to the STE31 (Kurvinen V;Pennanen N). |
Ste | 3-5 | at Ste31 | Bradley J pass incomplete. |
Ste | 4-5 | at Ste31 | Bradley J pass complete to Alexandre J for 12 yards to the STE43, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Nuikka T;Paananen J). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste43 | Lehtonen T rush for 20 yards to the BUT37, 1ST DOWN STE (Kurvinen V). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But37 | Lehtonen T rush for 15 yards to the BUT22, 1ST DOWN STE (Fiskari M). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But22 | Reasnover L rush for 7 yards to the BUT15 (Roiko N). |
Ste | 2-3 | at But15 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Alexandre J. |
Ste | 3-3 | at But15 | Bradley J pass complete to Marshall I for 15 yards to the BUT0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:10. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 10, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Drive: 9 plays, 74 yards, TOP 02:58 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 57 yards to the BUT8, Seppanen M return 32 yards to the BUT40. | |||
But | 1-10 | at But40 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 03:00. |
But | 1-10 | at But40 | Harris J sacked for loss of 6 yards to the BUT34 (Allen I). |
But | 2-16 | at But34 | McAllen S rush for 3 yards to the BUT37 (Wright Jr M). |
But | 3-13 | at But37 | Harris J pass complete to Nikkinen S for 10 yards to the BUT47, out-of-bounds. |
But | 4-3 | at But47 | Reels A rush for loss of 3 yards to the BUT44 (Radji S). |
Drive: 4 plays, 4 yards, TOP 01:35 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at But44 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 01:25. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But44 | Reasnover L rush for no gain to the BUT44 (Pennanen N;Roiko N). |
Ste | 2-10 | at But44 | Bradley J pass complete to Alexandre J for 14 yards to the BUT30, 1ST DOWN STE (Nystrom T). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But30 | Reasnover L rush for 4 yards to the BUT26 (Reels A). |
Drive: 3 plays, 18 yards, TOP 02:23 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 10, Porvoo Butchers 0 |
Ste | 2-6 | at But26 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Ste | 2-6 | at But26 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Marshall I (Roiko N). |
Ste | 3-6 | at But26 | Bradley J pass complete to Alexandre J for 2 yards to the BUT24 (Nuikka T). |
Ste | 4-4 | at But24 | Reasnover L rush for 2 yards to the BUT22 (Paananen R). |
Drive: 6 plays, 22 yards, TOP 02:23 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But22 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 11:02. |
But | 1-10 | at But22 | Harris J pass incomplete to Ihanza B. |
But | 2-10 | at But22 | McAllen S rush for 4 yards to the BUT26 (Allen I;Radji S). |
But | 3-6 | at But26 | Harris J pass incomplete, PENALTY STE offside defense 5 yards to the BUT31, NO PLAY. |
But | 3-1 | at But31 | McAllen S rush for 1 yard to the BUT32, 1ST DOWN BUT (Allen I). |
But | 1-10 | at But32 | Harris J rush for 1 yard to the BUT33. |
But | 2-9 | at But33 | Harris J pass complete to Siiskonen M for 2 yards to the BUT35 (Vaija E). |
But | 3-7 | at But35 | Harris J pass complete to McAllen S for 1 yard to the BUT36 (Wright Jr M). |
But | 4-6 | at But36 | Seppanen M punt 44 yards to the STE20, Bafdile A return 21 yards to the STE41 (Suomalainen JP). |
Drive: 6 plays, 14 yards, TOP 03:29 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste41 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 07:33. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste41 | Reasnover L rush for 6 yards to the STE47 (Nystrom T;Reels A). |
Ste | 2-4 | at Ste47 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for 28 yards to the BUT25, 1ST DOWN STE (Nystrom T). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But25 | Bradley J pass incomplete, PENALTY STE illegal formation off-setting, PENALTY BUT offside defense off-setting, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But25 | Reasnover L rush for 3 yards to the BUT22 (Roiko N;Fiskari M). |
Ste | 2-7 | at But22 | Reasnover L rush for 6 yards to the BUT16 (Roiko N). |
Ste | 3-1 | at But16 | Reasnover L rush for 4 yards to the BUT12, 1ST DOWN STE (Paananen J;Nuikka T). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But12 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Ste | 2-10 | at But12 | PENALTY STE false start 5 yards to the BUT17. |
Ste | 2-15 | at But17 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for 17 yards to the BUT0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:05. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 17, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 59 yards, TOP 03:39 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 55 yards to the BUT10, McAllen S return 33 yards to the BUT43 (Kurenniemi A). | |||
But | 1-10 | at But43 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 03:54. |
But | 1-10 | at But43 | Harris J pass complete to Siiskonen M for 3 yards to the BUT46 (Steffen L). |
But | 2-7 | at But46 | Harris J rush for no gain to the BUT46, out-of-bounds (Lindqvist J). |
But | 3-7 | at But46 | Timeout Porvoo Butchers, clock 03:09. |
But | 3-7 | at But46 | Harris J rush for 2 yards to the BUT48 (Wright Jr M). |
But | 4-5 | at But48 | Team Butchers rush for loss of 13 yards to the BUT35 (Wright Jr M). |
Drive: 4 plays, minus 8 yards, TOP 01:09 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at But35 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 02:45. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But35 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for 12 yards to the BUT23, 1ST DOWN STE, PENALTY BUT personal foul 11 yards to the BUT12, 1ST DOWN STE. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But12 | 1st and 10. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But12 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for 12 yards to the BUT0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 01:55. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 24, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Drive: 2 plays, 35 yards, TOP 00:50 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 52 yards to the BUT13, out-of-bounds, BUT ball on BUT35. | |||
But | 1-10 | at But35 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 01:55. |
But | 1-10 | at But35 | Harris J pass complete to Seppanen M for 8 yards to the BUT43, out-of-bounds. |
But | 2-2 | at But43 | Harris J sacked for loss of 13 yards to the BUT30 (Radji S). |
But | 3-15 | at But30 | Harris J pass incomplete to Seppanen M. |
But | 4-15 | at But30 | Seppanen M punt 45 yards to the STE25, fair catch by Bafdile A. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 5 yards, TOP 00:51 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste25 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 01:04. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste25 | Bradley J pass complete to Reasnover L for 20 yards to the STE45, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Paananen J). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste45 | Reasnover L rush for 33 yards to the BUT22, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Reels A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But22 | PENALTY BUT personal foul (Reels A) 11 yards to the BUT11, 1ST DOWN STE. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But11 | Wright Jr M rush for no gain to the BUT11 (Reels A;Fiskari M). |
Ste | 2-10 | at But11 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 00:46. |
Ste | 2-10 | at But11 | Reasnover L rush for 6 yards to the BUT5 (Nuikka T;Pennanen N). |
Ste | 3-4 | at But05 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 00:32. |
Ste | 3-4 | at But05 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Alexandre J (Nystrom T). |
Ste | 4-4 | at But05 | Ojainvali M field goal attempt from 15 GOOD, clock 00:26. |
Kuopio Steelers 27, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Drive: 6 plays, 70 yards, TOP 00:48 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 55 yards to the BUT10, Seppanen M return 24 yards to the BUT34 (Haukka R;Korhonen J). | |||
But | 1-10 | at But34 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 00:16. |
But | 1-10 | at But34 | McAllen S rush for 22 yards to the STE44, 1ST DOWN BUT (Floret K). |
But | 1-10 | at Ste44 | Timeout Porvoo Butchers, clock 00:05. |
But | 1-10 | at Ste44 | Seppanen M rush for no gain to the STE44 (Floret K;Wright Jr M). |
But | 2-10 | at Ste44 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 2 plays, 22 yards, TOP 00:16 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 27, Porvoo Butchers 0 |
But | 2-10 | at Ste44 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, BUT ball on BUT35. |
Drive: 2 plays, 22 yards, TOP 00:16 | |||
Seppanen M kickoff 42 yards to the STE23, Radji S return 43 yards to the BUT34 (Seppanen M). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at But34 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 11:51. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But34 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Marshall I. |
Ste | 2-10 | at But34 | Reasnover L rush for 8 yards to the BUT26 (Nuikka T). |
Ste | 3-2 | at But26 | Reasnover L rush for 6 yards to the BUT20, 1ST DOWN STE (Nuikka T;Roiko N). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But20 | PENALTY STE false start (Lindsten V) 5 yards to the BUT25. |
Ste | 1-15 | at But25 | Bradley J pass intercepted by Nuikka T at the BUT3, Nuikka T return 0 yards to the BUT3. |
Drive: 4 plays, 9 yards, TOP 01:10 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But03 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 10:41. |
But | 1-10 | at But03 | McAllen S rush for 18 yards to the BUT21, 1ST DOWN BUT (Bafdile A;Steffen L). |
But | 1-10 | at But21 | Team Butchers rush for loss of 2 yards to the BUT19, fumble by Team Butchers recovered by BUT Team Butchers at BUT19. |
But | 2-12 | at But19 | Harris J pass complete to Ihanza B for 6 yards to the BUT25 (Steffen L). |
But | 3-6 | at But25 | Harris J pass incomplete to Seppanen M. |
But | 4-6 | at But25 | Seppanen M punt 34 yards to the STE41, Bafdile A return 59 yards to the BUT0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:53. |
Drive: 4 plays, 22 yards, TOP 01:48 | |||
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 34, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 60 yards to the BUT5, Seppanen M return 30 yards to the BUT35 (Radji S;Vaija E). | |||
But | 1-10 | at But35 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 08:45. |
But | 1-10 | at But35 | McAllen S rush for 1 yard to the BUT36 (Allen I;Wright Jr M). |
But | 2-9 | at But36 | Harris J rush for no gain to the BUT36, PENALTY BUT holding (Siltakorpi S) 10 yards to the BUT26, NO PLAY. |
But | 2-19 | at But26 | Harris J pass incomplete to Seppanen M. |
But | 3-19 | at But26 | Harris J rush for loss of 2 yards to the BUT24, out-of-bounds (Floret K). |
But | 4-21 | at But24 | Seppanen M punt 41 yards to the STE35, Bafdile A return 30 yards to the BUT35 (Suomalainen JP). |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 11 yards, TOP 01:51 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at But35 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 06:54. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But35 | Reasnover L rush for loss of 6 yards to the BUT41 (Kurvinen V;Roiko N). |
Ste | 2-16 | at But41 | Reasnover L rush for 17 yards to the BUT24, 1ST DOWN STE (Roiko N;Pennanen N). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But24 | Lehtonen T rush for 4 yards to the BUT20 (Reels A). |
Ste | 2-6 | at But20 | PENALTY BUT unsportsmanlike conduct (Pennanen N) 5 yards to the BUT15, 1ST DOWN STE. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But15 | Lehtonen T rush for 3 yards to the BUT12 (Roiko N;Pennanen N). |
Ste | 2-7 | at But12 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Lindsten V. |
Ste | 3-7 | at But12 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Marshall I. |
Ste | 4-7 | at But12 | Ojainvali M field goal attempt from 22 GOOD, clock 04:31. |
Kuopio Steelers 37, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 23 yards, TOP 02:39 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 58 yards to the BUT7, McAllen S return 52 yards to the STE41 (Bakker C). | |||
But | 1-10 | at Ste41 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 04:15. |
But | 1-10 | at Ste41 | McAllen S rush for 2 yards to the STE39 (Lindqvist J;Allen I). |
But | 2-8 | at Ste39 | Harris J pass complete to Nikkinen S for 7 yards to the STE32, out-of-bounds (Laine R). |
But | 3-1 | at Ste32 | Harris J pass incomplete to Ihanza B, PENALTY STE offside defense 4 yards to the STE28, 1ST DOWN BUT, NO PLAY. |
But | 1-10 | at Ste28 | Harris J rush for loss of 5 yards to the STE33 (Allen I). |
But | 2-15 | at Ste33 | Harris J sacked for loss of 6 yards to the STE39 (Radji S;Allen I). |
But | 3-21 | at Ste39 | Harris J pass complete to McAllen S for loss of 4 yards to the STE43 (Floret K). |
But | 4-25 | at Ste43 | Seppanen M punt 43 yards to the STE0, touchback. |
Drive: 5 plays, minus 2 yards, TOP 03:01 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste20 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 01:14. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste20 | Timeout Porvoo Butchers, clock 01:14. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste20 | Bradley J pass complete to Lindsten V for 6 yards to the STE26, out-of-bounds (Nuikka T). |
Ste | 2-4 | at Ste26 | Lehtonen T rush for 10 yards to the STE36, 1ST DOWN STE (Roiko N;Kurvinen V). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste36 | Bradley J pass complete to Harju H for 11 yards to the STE47, 1ST DOWN STE (Paananen J;Roiko N). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste47 | PENALTY STE personal foul (5) 15 yards to the BUT38, 1ST DOWN STE. |
Drive: 3 plays, 12 yards, TOP 05:10 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 37, Porvoo Butchers 0 |
Ste | 1-10 | at But38 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
Ste | 1-10 | at But38 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Alexandre J, PENALTY STE ineligible downfield on pass (Weber B) 5 yards to the BUT43, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-15 | at But43 | Lehtonen T rush for 8 yards to the BUT35 (Nuikka T;Reels A). |
Ste | 2-7 | at But35 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Alexandre J. |
Ste | 3-7 | at But35 | Lehtonen T rush for 2 yards to the BUT33 (Roiko N;Suomalainen JP). |
Ste | 4-5 | at But33 | Bradley J pass complete to Alexandre J for 13 yards to the BUT20, 1ST DOWN STE (Nystrom T). |
Ste | 1-10 | at But20 | Lehtonen T rush for 4 yards to the BUT16 (Sinisalo H;Pennanen N). |
Ste | 2-6 | at But16 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Alexandre J. |
Ste | 3-6 | at But16 | Bradley J pass complete to Lindsten V for 13 yards to the BUT3, 1ST DOWN STE (Suomalainen JP). |
Ste | 1-G | at But03 | Wright Jr M rush for 3 yards to the BUT0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:04. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 44, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Drive: 11 plays, 50 yards, TOP 05:10 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 36 yards to the BUT29, Aaltonen V return 0 yards to the BUT29. | |||
But | 1-10 | at But29 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 08:04. |
But | 1-10 | at But29 | Harris J pass complete to Seppanen M for 5 yards to the BUT34 (Haukka R). |
But | 2-5 | at But34 | Harris J pass incomplete to Ihanza B. |
But | 3-5 | at But34 | Harris J pass complete to Ihanza B for 12 yards to the BUT46, 1ST DOWN BUT, out-of-bounds, PENALTY STE offside defense declined. |
But | 1-10 | at But46 | Harris J pass incomplete to Ihanza B. |
But | 2-10 | at But46 | Harris J sacked for loss of 6 yards to the BUT40 (Allen I;Radji S). |
But | 3-16 | at But40 | Harris J rush for 5 yards to the BUT45 (Korhonen J). |
But | 4-11 | at But45 | Seppanen M punt 40 yards to the STE15, Bafdile A return 5 yards to the STE20 (Suomalainen JP;Paananen J), PENALTY STE holding (Radji S) 10 yards to the STE10, 1st and 10, STE ball on STE10. |
Drive: 6 plays, 16 yards, TOP 02:50 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste10 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 05:14. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste10 | Bakker C rush for 11 yards to the STE21, 1ST DOWN STE (Reels A;Makela J). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste21 | Bakker C rush for loss of 2 yards to the STE19 (Reels A). |
Ste | 2-12 | at Ste19 | Harju H rush for 6 yards to the STE25 (Kurvinen V;Reels A). |
Ste | 3-6 | at Ste25 | Bradley J pass complete to Marshall I for 4 yards to the STE29 (Stigzelius W). |
Ste | 4-2 | at Ste29 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 02:19. |
Ste | 4-2 | at Ste29 | Ojainvali M punt -2 yards to the STE27, downed. |
Drive: 4 plays, 19 yards, TOP 03:06 | |||
But | 1-10 | at Ste27 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 02:08. |
But | 1-10 | at Ste27 | Harris J pass intercepted by Ojainvali M at the BUT32, Ojainvali M return 32 yards to the BUT0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 01:59. |
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:09 | |||
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 51, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 39 yards to the BUT26, Siiskonen M return 5 yards to the BUT31 (Radji S). | |||
But | 1-10 | at But31 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 01:54. |
But | 1-10 | at But31 | Aaltonen V rush for 1 yard to the BUT32 (Kauppinen M). |
But | 2-9 | at But32 | Aaltonen V rush for 1 yard to the BUT33 (Kauppinen M). |
But | 3-8 | at But33 | Aaltonen V rush for 6 yards to the BUT39 (Kauppinen M;Seppanen K). |
But | 4-2 | at But39 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 3 plays, 8 yards, TOP 01:54 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 51, Porvoo Butchers 0 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kuopio Steelers (Aug 14, 2021 at Kuopio)
Porvoo Butchers Kuopio Steelers Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 23 24 47 OVERALL.......... 34 27 61 1ST DOWN......... 9 9 18 1ST DOWN......... 21 9 30 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 0 1 1 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 0 2 2 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 1 2 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 3 4 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 4 7 11 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 7 4 11 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 2 0 2 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 2 2 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 5 6 11 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 2 5 7 4TH DOWN......... 2 0 2 4TH DOWN......... 1 2 3 Porvoo Butchers Kuopio Steelers Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 23 24 47 ............... 34 27 61 |
Vaahteraliigan kärkijoukkue Kuopio Steelers saa lauantaina vieraakseen Väinölänniemelle sarjassa kolmantena majailevan Butchersin. Steelers voi voitolla varmistaa runkosarjan voiton ja kaikki siihen liittyvät etuoikeudet jatkopeleissä.
Vaahteraliigan kahdeksannen kierroksen ottelussa molemmat joukkueet lähtevät peliin levänneinä. Vierailevan Butchersin edellisestä ottelusta on aikaa jo kolme viikkoa joukkueen pelattua edellisen pelinsä 23.7. Kaksi pistettä kelpaa varmasti molemmille, mutta sarja-asetelman näkökulmasta kuopiolaisille voitto on jatkon kannalta merkityksellisempi. Joukkue voisi lähteä paineetta runkosarjan viimeiseen peliinsä Hankoon 22.8. varma runkosarjan voitto takataskussaan.
Butchersin näkökulmasta kauden toistaiseksi tärkein peli siintää viikon päässä pelattavassa Crocodiles pelissä, jossa ratkaistaan todennäköisesti sarjan 3. ja 4. sija.
Steelers ei häviä Väinölänniemellä
Steelers lähtee lauantain peliinsä säilyttämään tahratonta tilastoaan Väinölänniemellä. Kausi on edennyt voittoisissa merkeissä ja hallitseva mestari on onnistunut siirtämään ennen kautta Roostersille asetetun ennakkosuosikin paineet itselle. Joukkueen kivenkova puolustus on sarjan tilastojen kärjessä vain 14,2 päästetyn pisteen keskiarvolla. Hyökkäyksen puolella Steelersin painopiste on ollut juoksuissa, joita on vyörytetty peleissä 262.2 jaardin tahtiin pelikohtaisesti.
Lauantain pelissä Steelers saattaa lähteä hiomaan heittohyökkäystään kuntoon porvoolaisten kustannuksella. Butchersin heittopuolustus on tilastojen valossa liigan heikoin ja tämä antaa kuopiolaisille tilaisuuden hioa pelinrakentaja Joey Bradleyn ja laitureiden ajoituksia kuntoon.
Butchers esittelee uuden kanadalaislaiturin
Butchers menetti alkukauden peleissään joukkueen syömähampaaksi kaavaillun RJ Longin (WR). Lauantain peliin aukkoa paikkaan on hankittu kanadalainen Brandon Ihanza. 24-vuotias Ihanza on pelannut yliopistouransa Saint Mary’s Universityssä Halifaxissa, jossa esiintyi kentällä laitahyökkääjän roolin ohella takapuolustajana. Ihanza täydentää Butchersin laadukasta laituriryhmää, jossa ahkerimpina kiinniottajina ovat olleet maajoukkuemiehet Mikko Seppänen ja Marcus Siiskonen sekä keskushyökkääjä Sean McAllen.
Butchers siirsi hyökkäyksensä painopisteen juoksusta heittopeliin joukkueen viimeisimmässä pelissään. Wasa Royalsia vastaan pelinrakentaja Jabari Harris heitti palloa eteenpäin peräti 412 jaardia näpäyttäen kaikkia, jotka ovat epäilleet miehen heittotaitoja. Lauantaina vastaan asettuu sarjan toiseksi tehokkain heittopuolustus, joka on poiminut vastustajan pelinrakentaja heittoja haltuunsa 11 kertaa.
Porvoolaisten playoff-paikka varmistui torstaina Wolverinesin hävittyä pelinsä Velodromilla Roostersille. Viime kaudella jumbosijalle jätetty teurastajaryhmä on saavuttanut ensimmäisen tavoitteensa, mutta ei ole vielä kylläinen.
Peli Veikkauksen valikoimassa
Steelers-Butchers on mukana Veikkauksen voittajavedoissa päivän parina.
Pelaamaan pääset tästä: Päivän pari
Steelers lähtee otteluun suurena ennakkosuosikkina. Joukkue haluaa varmasti esittää jälleen parastaan kotiyleisölleen ja samalla varmistaa runkosarjan paalupaikan itselle.
Vaahteraliigan 8. kierroksen päätöspeli Steelers – Butchers pelataan lauantaina 14. elokuuta Kuopion Väinölänniemellä. Ottelu potkaistaan käyntiin klo 16.30 Liput ennakkoon Suora Ruutu+ lähetys käyntiin jo 16.00.
Tutustu: Steelers rosteri
Tutustu: Butchers rosteri