Eagles – Butchers 27.05.2022

Porvoon Butchers otti voiton selvin numeroin Karhulan keskuskentällä perjantaina. Ottelussa kolhuja kokenut isäntäjoukkue Eagles kaatui lukemin 0-44 (0-17).
Molemman joukkueet lähtivät otteluun hieman repaleisin rosterein. Eaglesilta sivussa oli puolustuksen linjapuolustaja Jamarcus Henderson ja hyökkäykseen hankitulla laituri Peter Andersonilla oli takanaan vain yksi harjoituskerta uuden joukkueensa kanssa. Butchersin tilanne näytti viikon aikana jopa lohduttomalta, mutta porvoolaiset saivat lopulta marssitettua kentälle kaikki kolme yhdysvaltalaispelaajaansa sekä argentiinalaispelaaja Enzo Affaticatin.
Ottelu käynnistyi tasaisissa merkeissä, mutta pelin luonne muuttui, kun Eaglesin yhdysvaltalaiselinrakentaja Chris Forcier liukastui kentällä kontaktitta ja sai tilanteessa ylävartalovamman. Kotkalaiset olivat pelinrakentajansa loukkaantumiseen mennessä onnistuneet kuljettamaan palloa kentällä tasaveroisesti Butchersin kanssa, mutta ilman pistesuorituksia. Ensimmäistä peliään pelannut Eaglesin Anderson osoitti vaarallisuutensa ja mies keräsi ottelun komeimmat jaardit, yhteensä 165 joista 125 kiinniotoillaan.
Forcierin tuuraajaksi nousi Niko Hannula, jonka pelaaminen oli ennen ottelua epävarmaa. Hannula kertoi Ruutu-haastattelussaan, että ei ollut ehtinyt harjoitella pelinrakentajan roolissa edeltävällä viikolla lainkaan. Pelipaikka on kuitenkin miehelle tuttu. Hän oli aloittavana QB:na viime kaudella useammassakin pelissä. Hannula aloitti pelinrakentajan paikalla näyttävästi onnistuen heitoissaan aluksi hienosti, mutta pelin lopulla pari hänen heitoistaan päätyi Butchersin haltuun.
Butchers tukki jälleen juoksuväylät
Butchers lähti ottelussa jo toistamiseen pysäyttämään vastustajan juoksua ja onnistui siinä erinomaisesti. Kotkalaisten juoksujaardit olivat ottelun päättyessä pakkasella 12 jaardia. Viiden miehen puolustuslinja antoi kovaa painetta Eagles pelinrakentajille ja otteluun saatu yhdysvaltalaistakapuolustaja Dana Plantt sai vastuulleen Eaglesin Andersonin varjostamisen. Perjantaina porvoolaispuolustuksen pelisuunnitelma onnistui erinomaisesti.
Butchers-pelinrakentaja Brandon Gwinner heitti otelussa viisi touchdownia ja eteni juosten 9,3 jaardin keskiarvolla. Tuttuun tapaan porvoolaisten jaardikuningas oli Mikko Seppänen, joka onnistui maalinteossa kolmasti. Pohjola Vakuutuksen vakuuttavimman pelaajan palkinto annetiin kuitenkin laitahyökkääjä Luukas Eerolalle, joka nappasi pallon maalialueella haltuunsa kaksi kertaa.
Butchersin Dante Edwards osoitti pelissä taitavansa pelaamisen molemmin puolin palloa ja onnistui sekä keskushyökkääjän, että puolustuslinjan rooleissaan. Suurimman juoksujaardimäärän porvoolaisista keräsi Mikael Fiskari, joka suoraviivaisin suorituksin eteni pallon kanssa pelin suurimmat juoksujaardit, 75 kpl.
Alun perin ottelusta poissaolevaksi ilmoitettu ex-potkupalloilija Enzo Affaticati antoi pelissä varoituksen potkupotentiaalistaan. Viiden lisäpistesuorituksen lisäksi argentiinalainen monotti vaivattoman näköisesti kenttäpotkumaalin aivan haarukan keskelle lähes 50 jaardista.
Pelinrakentajan loukkaantuminen toi mustia pilviä Eaglesin taivaalle. Kotkalaisten seuraava peli on onneksi vasta kahden viikon päästä, joten aikaa reagoimiseksi tilanteeseen on tavallista enemmän. Butchersin seuraava peli on edessä jo tulevana torstaina, jolloin vastaan asettuu kaksi tappiota kärsinyt United Newland Crusaders.
Porvoo Butchers vs Kotka Eagles (May 27, 2022)
Scoring Summary |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kotka Eagles (May 27, 2022 at Kotka)
Porvoo Butchers (1/1) vs. Kotka Eagles (0/2)
Date: May 27, 2022 Site: Kotka Stadium: Karhulan keskuskent. Attendance: 400
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Porvoo Butchers | 7 | 10 | 0 | 27 | 44 |
Kotka Eagles | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1st | 08:13 | BUT | Seppanen M 21 yd pass from Gwinner B (Affaticati E kick) | |
3 plays, 23 yards, TOP 1:29 | 7 - 0 | |||
2nd | 04:26 | BUT | Gwinner B 6 yd run (Affaticati E kick) | |
12 plays, 81 yards, TOP 6:21 | 14 - 0 | |||
00:48 | BUT | Affaticati E 45 yd field goal | ||
5 plays, 13 yards, TOP 2:34 | 17 - 0 | |||
4th | 11:52 | BUT | Seppanen M 11 yd pass from Gwinner B (Affaticati E kick) | |
8 plays, 80 yards, TOP 3:10 | 24 - 0 | |||
08:04 | BUT | Eerola L 19 yd pass from Gwinner B (Affaticati E kick blockd) | ||
7 plays, 86 yards, TOP 0:00 | 30 - 0 | |||
06:23 | BUT | Eerola L 44 yd pass from Gwinner B (Affaticati E kick) | ||
3 plays, 50 yards, TOP 1:25 | 37 - 0 | |||
00:14 | BUT | Seppanen M 22 yd pass from Gwinner B (Affaticati E kick) | ||
8 plays, 54 yards, TOP 4:26 | 44 - 0 |
Kickoff time: 18.30 End of Game: 20.55 Total elapsed time: 2h 25min Referee: Toijala Umpire: Aaltonen Linesman: Riihijarvi Line judge: Lahtinen Back judge: Janjuba Field judge: Naumanen Side judge: Lindroos Temperature: 12c Wind: 3m/s Weather: Pilvinen |
Team Statistics |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kotka Eagles (May 27, 2022 at Kotka)
Team Totals | BUT | EAG |
FIRST DOWNS | 21 | 10 |
Rushing | 10 | 1 |
Passing | 9 | 7 |
Penalty | 2 | 2 |
NET YARDS RUSHING | 176 | -12 |
Rushing Attempts | 33 | 19 |
Average Per Rush | 5.3 | -0.6 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 1 | 0 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 188 | 40 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 12 | 52 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 212 | 150 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 12-24-1 | 13-23-2 |
Average Per Attempt | 8.8 | 6.5 |
Average Per Completion | 17.7 | 11.5 |
Passing Touchdowns | 5 | 0 |
Total offense plays | 57 | 42 |
Average Gain Per Play | 6.8 | 3.3 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 1-0 | 0-0 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 8-86 | 6-96 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 0-0 | 3-61 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 0.0 | 20.3 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 0.0 | 17.0 |
Inside 20 | 0 | 1 |
50+ Yards | 0 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 0 | 0 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 7-419 | 1-55 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 59.9 | 55.0 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 37.0 | 25.0 |
Touchbacks | 3 | 0 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 1-10-0 | 0-0-0 |
Average Per Return | 10.0 | 0.0 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 1-30-0 | 4-100-0 |
Average Per Return | 30.0 | 25.0 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 2-0-0 | 1-0-0 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | 0 |
Possession Time | 25:31 | 22:29 |
1st Quarter | 3:57 | 8:03 |
2nd Quarter | 8:55 | 3:05 |
3rd Quarter | 6:40 | 5:20 |
4th Quarter | 5:59 | 6:01 |
Third-Down Conversions | 8 of 12 | 2 of 9 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 1 of 2 | 1 of 3 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 3-3 | 0-2 |
Touchdowns | 2-3 | 0-2 |
Field goals | 1-3 | 0-2 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 3-26 | 1-10 |
PAT Kicks | 5-6 | 0-0 |
Field Goals | 1-1 | 0-1 |
Points off turnovers | 14 | 0 |
Individual Statistics |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kotka Eagles (May 27, 2022 at Kotka)
FUMBLES: Porvoo Butchers-Edwards D 1-0. Kotka Eagles-None. |
Drive Chart |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kotka Eagles (May 27, 2022 at Kotka)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
BUT | 1st | E23 | 09:42 | Punt | E00 | 08:13 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-23 | 1:29 | |
BUT | 1st | B37 | 03:10 | Downs | B26 | 00:42 | Interception | 3--11 | 2:28 | ||
BUT | 2nd | B19 | 10:47 | Punt | E00 | 04:26 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 12-81 | 6:21 | # |
BUT | 2nd | E42 | 02:34 | Downs | E29 | 12:00 | * | FIELD GOAL | 5-13 | 2:34 | # |
BUT | 3rd | B40 | 12:00 | Kickoff | E25 | 08:22 | Downs | 9-35 | 3:38 | ||
BUT | 3rd | B20 | 03:02 | Missed FG | E00 | 11:52 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-80 | 3:10 | # |
BUT | 4th | B14 | 08:04 | Punt | E00 | 08:04 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-86 | 0:00 | # |
BUT | 4th | B50 | 07:48 | Interception | E00 | 06:23 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-50 | 1:25 | |
BUT | 4th | B46 | 04:40 | Interception | E00 | 00:14 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-54 | 4:26 | |
EAG | 1st | E20 | 12:00 | Kickoff | E37 | 09:42 | Punt | 4-17 | 2:18 | ||
EAG | 1st | E35 | 08:00 | Kickoff | B37 | 03:10 | Downs | 14-28 | 4:50 | # | |
EAG | 1st | E27 | 00:42 | Interception | E35 | 10:47 | Punt | 5-8 | 1:55 | ||
EAG | 2nd | E27 | 04:20 | Kickoff | E42 | 02:34 | Downs | 5-15 | 1:46 | ||
EAG | 3rd | E25 | 08:22 | Downs | B15 | 03:02 | Missed FG | 8-60 | 5:20 | # | |
EAG | 4th | E30 | 11:43 | Kickoff | E39 | 08:04 | Punt | 3-9 | 3:39 | ||
EAG | 4th | E29 | 07:57 | Kickoff | E29 | 07:48 | Interception | 1-0 | 0:09 | ||
EAG | 4th | E20 | 06:23 | Kickoff | E20 | 04:40 | Interception | 3-0 | 1:43 | ||
EAG | 4th | E20 | 00:14 | Kickoff | E20 | 00:00 | End of half | 0-0 | 0:14 |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Porvoo Butchers | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 03:57 | 08:55 | 06:40 | 05:59 | 12:52 | 12:39 | 25:31 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/2 | 2/3 | 2/3 | 3/4 | 3/5 | 5/7 | 8/12 | ||
Average field position | E43 | B38 | B30 | B48 | B47 | B39 | B43 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/1 | 1/1 | 0/0 | 1/2 | 1/2 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Kotka Eagles | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 08:03 | 03:05 | 05:20 | 06:01 | 11:08 | 11:21 | 22:29 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 2/5 | 0/2 | 0/0 | 0/2 | 2/7 | 0/2 | 2/9 | ||
Average field position | E27 | E27 | E25 | E24 | E27 | E24 | E25 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 1/2 | 0/1 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/3 | 0/0 | 1/3 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
EAG | 1st | E20 | 12:00 | Kickoff | E37 | 09:42 | Punt | 4-17 | 2:18 | ||
BUT | 1st | E23 | 09:42 | Punt | E00 | 08:13 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-23 | 1:29 | |
EAG | 1st | E35 | 08:00 | Kickoff | B37 | 03:10 | Downs | 14-28 | 4:50 | # | |
BUT | 1st | B37 | 03:10 | Downs | B26 | 00:42 | Interception | 3--11 | 2:28 | ||
EAG | 1st | E27 | 00:42 | Interception | E35 | 10:47 | Punt | 5-8 | 1:55 | ||
BUT | 2nd | B19 | 10:47 | Punt | E00 | 04:26 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 12-81 | 6:21 | # |
EAG | 2nd | E27 | 04:20 | Kickoff | E42 | 02:34 | Downs | 5-15 | 1:46 | ||
BUT | 2nd | E42 | 02:34 | Downs | E29 | 12:00 | * | FIELD GOAL | 5-13 | 2:34 | # |
BUT | 3rd | B40 | 12:00 | Kickoff | E25 | 08:22 | Downs | 9-35 | 3:38 | ||
EAG | 3rd | E25 | 08:22 | Downs | B15 | 03:02 | Missed FG | 8-60 | 5:20 | # | |
BUT | 3rd | B20 | 03:02 | Missed FG | E00 | 11:52 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-80 | 3:10 | # |
EAG | 4th | E30 | 11:43 | Kickoff | E39 | 08:04 | Punt | 3-9 | 3:39 | ||
BUT | 4th | B14 | 08:04 | Punt | E00 | 08:04 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-86 | 0:00 | # |
EAG | 4th | E29 | 07:57 | Kickoff | E29 | 07:48 | Interception | 1-0 | 0:09 | ||
BUT | 4th | B50 | 07:48 | Interception | E00 | 06:23 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-50 | 1:25 | |
EAG | 4th | E20 | 06:23 | Kickoff | E20 | 04:40 | Interception | 3-0 | 1:43 | ||
BUT | 4th | B46 | 04:40 | Interception | E00 | 00:14 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-54 | 4:26 | |
EAG | 4th | E20 | 00:14 | Kickoff | E20 | 00:00 | End of half | 0-0 | 0:14 |
Defensive Statistics |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kotka Eagles (May 27, 2022 at Kotka)
## | Porvoo Butchers | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
4 | Nuikka T | 3 | 1 | 3.5 | 0.5/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
52 | Makela J | 1 | 4 | 3.0 | 2.0/13 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
96 | Ilomaki R | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | 1.5/3 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
90 | Pajunen A | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | 1.0/7 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/7 | . |
10 | Plantt D | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
13 | Pakkanen U | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
9 | Karlsson R | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | 2-0 | . | . | . | . |
55 | Vuoksenturja J | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | 0.5/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
99 | Heinonen A | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | 1.0/12 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/12 | . |
43 | Paananen J | . | 3 | 1.5 | 0.5/5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
11 | Seppanen M | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
7 | Edwards D | 1 | . | 1.0 | 1.0/7 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/7 | . |
45 | Fiskari M | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
59 | Paananen R | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
31 | Affaticati E | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
## | Kotka Eagles | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
24 | Kamppi R | 5 | 2 | 6.0 | 1.0/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
7 | Jokinen A | 3 | 5 | 5.5 | 0.5/5 | . | . | . | . | . | 0.5/5 | . |
55 | Haltia T | 4 | 2 | 5.0 | . | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . |
87 | Pentti A | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
75 | Pontinen R | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 1.0/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
21 | Hyvarinen V | 3 | . | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
23 | Silto E | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
0 | Kallio V | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | 1-0 | 1 | . | . | . |
52 | Partanen K | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Karvinen T | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
25 | Tirkkonen H | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
97 | Heitmann N | . | 1 | 0.5 | 0.5/5 | . | . | . | . | . | 0.5/5 | . |
53 | Siiskonen Ju | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
51 | Valtonen T | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kotka Eagles (May 27, 2022 at Kotka)
Porvoo Butchers: 4-Nuikka T, 7-Edwards D, 9-Karlsson R, 10-Plantt D, 11-Seppanen M, 12-Gwinner B, 13-Pakkanen U, 22-Raappana J, 25-Peltonen E, 26-Vahakuopus H, 29-Eerola L, 31-Affaticati E, 43-Paananen J, 44-Kurvinen V, 45-Fiskari M, 50-Bowen M, 51-Asovaara Ju, 52-Makela J, 55-Vuoksenturja J, 59-Paananen R, 60-Myllyla J, 65-Asovaara Jo, 70-Paakkonen V, 73-Pirkola T, 74-Rantanen E, 76-Siltakorpi S, 78-Korpinoro K, 90-Pajunen A, 94-Kolkka J, 96-Ilomaki R, 99-Heinonen A. |
Kotka Eagles: 0-Kallio V, 3-Kivi D, 4-Hannula N, 5-Forcier C, 6-Raudver M, 7-Jokinen A, 8-Lehtinen Y, 9-Anderson P, 10-Viinamaki S, 11-Soderlund A, 14-Kivikko S, 16-Mutabazi L, 17-Sebastiao P, 20-Mykkanen T, 21-Hyvarinen V, 23-Silto E, 24-Kamppi R, 25-Tirkkonen H, 33-Hamalainen V, 40-Langi V, 44-Karvinen T, 51-Valtonen T, 52-Partanen K, 53-Siiskonen Ju, 55-Haltia T, 59-Kuusela V, 64-Raudas E, 68-Puustinen W, 69-Muuri M, 71-Siiskonen Jo, 75-Pontinen R, 81-Aarrevuo M, 87-Pentti A, 88-Aho L, 97-Heitmann N. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kotka Eagles (May 27, 2022 at Kotka)
But | 1-10 | at But35 | BUT ball on BUT35. |
Affaticati E kickoff 65 yards to the EAG0, touchback. | |||
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag20 | Forcier C pass complete to Anderson P for 27 yards to the EAG47, 1ST DOWN EAG, out-of-bounds. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag47 | Hamalainen V rush for 7 yards to the BUT46 (Nuikka T). |
Eag | 2-3 | at But46 | Forcier C sacked for loss of 7 yards to the EAG47 (Pajunen A). |
Eag | 3-10 | at Eag47 | Forcier C pass complete to Hamalainen V for loss of 10 yards to the EAG37 (Makela J;Paananen J). |
Eag | 4-20 | at Eag37 | Hannula N punt -14 yards to the EAG23. |
Drive: 4 plays, 17 yards, TOP 02:18 | |||
But | 1-10 | at Eag23 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 09:42. |
But | 1-10 | at Eag23 | Gwinner B pass incomplete (Kallio V). |
But | 2-10 | at Eag23 | Fiskari M rush for 2 yards to the EAG21 (Valtonen T;Pontinen R). |
But | 3-8 | at Eag21 | Gwinner B pass complete to Seppanen M for 21 yards to the EAG0, 1ST DOWN BUT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:13. |
Affaticati E kick attempt good. | |||
Porvoo Butchers 7, Kotka Eagles 0 | |||
Drive: 3 plays, 23 yards, TOP 01:42 | |||
Affaticati E kickoff 60 yards to the EAG5, Viinamaki S return 30 yards to the EAG35, out-of-bounds. | |||
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag35 | KOTKA EAGLES drive start at 08:00, Hamalainen V rush for 3 yards to the EAG38 (Paananen J;Pajunen A). |
Eag | 2-7 | at Eag38 | Hamalainen V rush for 1 yard to the EAG39 (Vuoksenturja J;Paananen R). |
Eag | 3-6 | at Eag39 | Forcier C pass complete to Anderson P for 7 yards to the EAG46, 1ST DOWN EAG (Plantt D). |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag46 | Forcier C pass incomplete to Aarrevuo M. |
Eag | 2-10 | at Eag46 | Hamalainen V rush for 6 yards to the BUT48 (Plantt D). |
Eag | 3-4 | at But48 | Forcier C pass incomplete to Anderson P. |
Eag | 4-4 | at But48 | Forcier C rush for 9 yards to the BUT39, 1ST DOWN EAG, out-of-bounds. |
Eag | 1-10 | at But39 | Timeout Kotka Eagles, clock 05:05. |
Eag | 1-10 | at But39 | Forcier C pass incomplete to Hamalainen V. |
Eag | 2-10 | at But39 | Forcier C pass incomplete to Viinamaki S. |
Eag | 3-10 | at But39 | Forcier C pass complete to Hamalainen V for 21 yards to the BUT18, 1ST DOWN EAG (Nuikka T). |
Eag | 1-10 | at But18 | Hamalainen V rush for no gain to the BUT18 (Makela J;Paananen J). |
Eag | 2-10 | at But18 | Forcier C sacked for loss of 12 yards to the BUT30 (Heinonen A). |
Eag | 3-22 | at But30 | Forcier C pass incomplete to Anderson P. |
Eag | 4-22 | at But30 | Forcier C sacked for loss of 7 yards to the BUT37 (Edwards D). |
Drive: 14 plays, 28 yards, TOP 04:50 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But37 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 03:10. |
But | 1-10 | at But37 | Fiskari M rush for no gain to the BUT37 (Haltia T;Pentti A). |
But | 2-10 | at But37 | Gwinner B pass complete to Peltonen E for 5 yards to the BUT42 (Kallio V). |
But | 3-5 | at But42 | PENALTY BUT 12 men on the field 5 yards to the BUT37. |
But | 3-10 | at But37 | Gwinner B rush for 28 yards to the EAG35 (Haltia T), PENALTY BUT holding 11 yards to the BUT26, NO PLAY. |
But | 3-21 | at But26 | Gwinner B pass intercepted by Kallio V at the EAG27, Kallio V return 0 yards to the EAG27. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 11 yards, TOP 02:28 | |||
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag27 | KOTKA EAGLES drive start at 00:42. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag27 | Forcier C pass incomplete to Aarrevuo M (Affaticati E). |
Eag | 2-10 | at Eag27 | Forcier C pass complete to Anderson P for 11 yards to the EAG38, 1ST DOWN EAG. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag38 | Forcier C pass complete to Lehtinen Y for no gain to the EAG38. |
Drive: 3 plays, 11 yards, TOP 01:55 | |||
Porvoo Butchers 7, Kotka Eagles 0 |
Eag | 2-10 | at Eag38 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Eag | 2-10 | at Eag38 | Forcier C pass complete to Lehtinen Y for loss of 6 yards to the EAG32 (Makela J). |
Eag | 3-16 | at Eag32 | Forcier C rush for 3 yards to the EAG35, out-of-bounds. |
Eag | 4-13 | at Eag35 | Hannula N punt 46 yards to the BUT19. |
Drive: 5 plays, 8 yards, TOP 01:55 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But19 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 10:47. |
But | 1-10 | at But19 | Edwards D rush for 51 yards to the EAG30, out-of-bounds (Karvinen T), PENALTY BUT holding 8 yards to the BUT27, NO PLAY. |
But | 1-18 | at But27 | Gwinner B pass complete to Seppanen M for 6 yards to the BUT33 (Kamppi R). |
But | 2-12 | at But33 | Edwards D rush for 1 yard to the BUT34, fumble by Edwards D recovered by BUT TM at BUT34. |
But | 3-11 | at But34 | Gwinner B pass complete to Eerola L for 13 yards to the BUT47, 1ST DOWN BUT. |
But | 1-10 | at But47 | Edwards D rush for 10 yards to the EAG43, 1ST DOWN BUT (Haltia T). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag43 | Fiskari M rush for 8 yards to the EAG35, out-of-bounds (Jokinen A;Pentti A). |
But | 2-2 | at Eag35 | Edwards D rush for 3 yards to the EAG32, 1ST DOWN BUT (Kamppi R;Pontinen R). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag32 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Nuikka T (Hyvarinen V). |
But | 2-10 | at Eag32 | Gwinner B rush for 2 yards to the EAG30, out-of-bounds. |
But | 3-8 | at Eag30 | Gwinner B rush for 10 yards to the EAG20, 1ST DOWN BUT (Kamppi R;Siiskonen Ju). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag20 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Seppanen M. |
But | 2-10 | at Eag20 | Edwards D rush for 2 yards to the EAG18 (Haltia T). |
But | 3-8 | at Eag18 | Gwinner B pass incomplete, PENALTY EAG pass interference 12 yards to the EAG6, 1ST DOWN BUT, NO PLAY. |
But | 1-G | at Eag06 | Gwinner B rush for 6 yards to the EAG0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:26. |
Affaticati E kick attempt good. | |||
Porvoo Butchers 14, Kotka Eagles 0 | |||
Drive: 12 plays, 65 yards, TOP 06:27 | |||
Affaticati E kickoff 55 yards to the EAG10, Anderson P return 17 yards to the EAG27 (Heinonen A;Fiskari M). | |||
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag27 | KOTKA EAGLES drive start at 04:20. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag27 | Forcier C pass complete to Anderson P for 29 yards to the BUT44, 1ST DOWN EAG. |
Eag | 1-10 | at But44 | Hamalainen V rush for 1 yard to the BUT43 (Pakkanen U). |
Eag | 2-9 | at But43 | Forcier C pass incomplete to Viinamaki S, PENALTY EAG holding 9 yards to the EAG48, NO PLAY. |
Eag | 2-18 | at Eag48 | Forcier C pass complete to Aarrevuo M for 13 yards to the BUT39 (Pakkanen U). |
Eag | 3-5 | at But39 | Forcier C pass incomplete to Anderson P. |
Eag | 4-5 | at But39 | Forcier C rush for loss of 19 yards to the EAG42. |
Drive: 5 plays, 15 yards, TOP 01:46 | |||
But | 1-10 | at Eag42 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 02:34. |
But | 1-10 | at Eag42 | Fiskari M rush for 20 yards to the EAG22, 1ST DOWN BUT (Hyvarinen V). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag22 | Fiskari M rush for 3 yards to the EAG19 (Haltia T). |
But | 2-7 | at Eag19 | Gwinner B sacked for loss of 10 yards to the EAG29 (Jokinen A;Heitmann N). |
But | 3-17 | at Eag29 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Peltonen E (Karvinen T). |
But | 4-17 | at Eag29 | Affaticati E field goal attempt from 45 GOOD, clock 00:48. |
Porvoo Butchers 17, Kotka Eagles 0 | |||
Affaticati E kickoff 63 yards to the EAG2, Anderson P return to the EAG30, out-of-bounds, PENALTY EAG personal foul 45 yards to the EAG20, NO PLAY. | |||
But | 1-G | at Eag20 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 5 plays, 13 yards, TOP 02:34 | |||
Porvoo Butchers 17, Kotka Eagles 0 |
But | 1-G | at Eag20 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, EAG ball on EAG35. |
Drive: 5 plays, 13 yards, TOP 02:34 | |||
Jokinen A kickoff 55 yards to the BUT10, Seppanen M return 30 yards to the BUT40 (Tirkkonen H). | |||
But | 1-10 | at But40 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 12:00. |
But | 1-10 | at But40 | Gwinner B pass complete to Kurvinen V for 6 yards to the BUT46 (Hyvarinen V). |
But | 2-4 | at But46 | Gwinner B pass incomplete. |
But | 3-4 | at But46 | Edwards D rush for 11 yards to the EAG43, 1ST DOWN BUT (Haltia T;Jokinen A). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag43 | Edwards D rush for loss of 1 yard to the EAG44 (Kamppi R). |
But | 2-11 | at Eag44 | Gwinner B rush for 13 yards to the EAG31, 1ST DOWN BUT, out-of-bounds. |
But | 1-10 | at Eag31 | Fiskari M rush for 6 yards to the EAG25 (Kamppi R). |
But | 2-4 | at Eag25 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Seppanen M. |
But | 3-4 | at Eag25 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Plantt D (Hyvarinen V). |
But | 4-4 | at Eag25 | Gwinner B pass incomplete. |
Drive: 9 plays, 35 yards, TOP 03:38 | |||
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag25 | KOTKA EAGLES drive start at 08:22. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag25 | Hannula N pass complete to Anderson P for 11 yards to the EAG36, 1ST DOWN EAG, out-of-bounds. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag36 | PENALTY BUT personal foul 15 yards to the BUT49, 1ST DOWN EAG. |
Eag | 1-10 | at But49 | Raudver M rush for loss of 2 yards to the EAG49 (Vuoksenturja J;Nuikka T). |
Eag | 2-12 | at Eag49 | Hannula N pass complete to Anderson P for 29 yards to the BUT22, 1ST DOWN EAG. |
Eag | 1-10 | at But22 | Hannula N pass complete to Viinamaki S for 8 yards to the BUT14, out-of-bounds (Karlsson R). |
Eag | 2-2 | at But14 | Hannula N pass incomplete. |
Eag | 3-2 | at But14 | PENALTY BUT offside defense 4 yards to the BUT10, 1ST DOWN EAG. |
Eag | 1-G | at But10 | Raudver M rush for loss of 4 yards to the BUT14 (Makela J;Ilomaki R). |
Eag | 2-G | at But14 | PENALTY EAG false start 5 yards to the BUT19. |
Eag | 2-G | at But19 | Hannula N rush for no gain to the BUT19 (Vuoksenturja J), PENALTY EAG false start 6 yards to the BUT25, NO PLAY. |
Eag | 2-G | at But25 | Hannula N pass complete to Anderson P for 10 yards to the BUT15 (Seppanen M). |
Eag | 3-G | at But15 | Jokinen A field goal attempt from 35 MISSED - wide left, spot at BUT20, clock 03:02. |
Drive: 8 plays, 60 yards, TOP 05:20 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But20 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 03:02. |
But | 1-10 | at But20 | Edwards D rush for no gain to the BUT20 (Pentti A). |
But | 2-10 | at But20 | Gwinner B rush for 6 yards to the BUT26 (Kamppi R). |
But | 3-4 | at But26 | Gwinner B pass complete to Kurvinen V for 18 yards to the BUT44, 1ST DOWN BUT (Kallio V;Jokinen A). |
But | 1-10 | at But44 | Edwards D rush for loss of 1 yard to the BUT43 (Pontinen R). |
But | 2-11 | at But43 | Gwinner B pass complete to Plantt D for 33 yards to the EAG24, 1ST DOWN BUT (Hyvarinen V). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag24 | Fiskari M rush for 10 yards to the EAG14, 1ST DOWN BUT (Jokinen A). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag14 | Fiskari M rush for 3 yards to the EAG11 (Pontinen R;Pentti A). |
Drive: 7 plays, 69 yards, TOP 03:19 | |||
Porvoo Butchers 17, Kotka Eagles 0 |
But | 2-7 | at Eag11 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
But | 2-7 | at Eag11 | Gwinner B pass complete to Seppanen M for 11 yards to the EAG0, 1ST DOWN BUT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:52. |
Affaticati E kick attempt good. | |||
Porvoo Butchers 24, Kotka Eagles 0 | |||
Drive: 8 plays, 80 yards, TOP 03:19 | |||
Affaticati E kickoff 64 yards to the EAG1, Viinamaki S return 29 yards to the EAG30 (Ilomaki R). | |||
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag30 | KOTKA EAGLES drive start at 11:43. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag30 | Hamalainen V rush for 7 yards to the EAG37 (Vuoksenturja J). |
Eag | 2-3 | at Eag37 | Hamalainen V rush for 2 yards to the EAG39 (Pajunen A). |
Eag | 3-1 | at Eag39 | Lehtinen Y rush for no gain to the EAG39 (Karlsson R). |
Eag | 4-1 | at Eag39 | Hannula N punt 29 yards to the BUT32, Paananen J return 10 yards to the BUT42, PENALTY BUT personal foul 15 yards to the BUT27, 1st and 10, BUT ball on BUT27, PENALTY BUT unsportsmanlike conduct 13 yards to the BUT14, 1st and 10, BUT ball on BUT 14. |
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 03:39 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But14 | Gwinner B rush for 38 yards to the EAG48, 1ST DOWN BUT. |
But | 1-10 | at Eag48 | Fiskari M rush for 9 yards to the EAG39 (Jokinen A;Silto E). |
But | 2-1 | at Eag39 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Kurvinen V (Karvinen T). |
But | 3-1 | at Eag39 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Eerola L (Silto E). |
But | 4-1 | at Eag39 | Fiskari M rush for 1 yard to the EAG38, 1ST DOWN BUT (Haltia T). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag38 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Eerola L. |
But | 2-10 | at Eag38 | Fiskari M rush for 3 yards to the EAG35 (Heitmann N), PENALTY EAG personal foul 19 yards to the EAG19, 1ST DOWN BUT, NO PLAY. |
But | 1-10 | at Eag19 | Gwinner B pass complete to Eerola L for 19 yards to the EAG0, 1ST DOWN BUT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:04. |
Affaticati E kick attempt failed (blocked) (blocked by Haltia T). | |||
Porvoo Butchers 30, Kotka Eagles 0 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 86 yards, TOP 00:00 | |||
Affaticati E kickoff 60 yards to the EAG5, Anderson P return 24 yards to the EAG29 (Nuikka T). | |||
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag29 | KOTKA EAGLES drive start at 07:57. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag29 | Hannula N pass intercepted by Karlsson R at the 50 yardline, Karlsson R return 0 yards to the 50 yardline. |
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:09 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But50 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 07:48. |
But | 1-10 | at But50 | Fiskari M rush for 5 yards to the EAG45 (Partanen K). |
But | 2-5 | at Eag45 | Fiskari M rush for 1 yard to the EAG44 (Jokinen A). |
But | 3-4 | at Eag44 | Gwinner B pass complete to Eerola L for 44 yards to the EAG0, 1ST DOWN BUT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:23. |
Affaticati E kick attempt good. | |||
Porvoo Butchers 37, Kotka Eagles 0 | |||
But | 1-G | at But35 | PENALTY BUT roughing the kicker 15 yards to the 50 yardline. |
Drive: 3 plays, 50 yards, TOP 01:25 | |||
Affaticati E kickoff 50 yards to the EAG0, touchback. | |||
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag20 | KOTKA EAGLES drive start at 06:23. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag20 | Hamalainen V rush for 1 yard to the EAG21 (Heinonen A;Makela J). |
Eag | 2-9 | at Eag21 | Hamalainen V rush for loss of 1 yard to the EAG20 (Ilomaki R). |
Eag | 3-10 | at Eag20 | Hannula N pass intercepted by Karlsson R at the BUT46, Karlsson R return 0 yards to the BUT46. |
Drive: 3 plays, 0 yards, TOP 01:43 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But46 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 04:40. |
But | 1-10 | at But46 | Vahakuopus H rush for 2 yards to the BUT48 (Jokinen A). |
But | 2-8 | at But48 | Vahakuopus H rush for 6 yards to the EAG46 (Kamppi R). |
But | 3-2 | at Eag46 | Fiskari M rush for 7 yards to the EAG39, 1ST DOWN BUT (Karvinen T). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag39 | Vahakuopus H rush for no gain to the EAG39 (Pontinen R). |
But | 2-10 | at Eag39 | Gwinner B pass complete to Peltonen E for 14 yards to the EAG25, 1ST DOWN BUT (Silto E). |
But | 1-10 | at Eag25 | Vahakuopus H rush for 2 yards to the EAG23 (Silto E). |
But | 2-8 | at Eag23 | Vahakuopus H rush for 1 yard to the EAG22 (Pentti A). |
But | 3-7 | at Eag22 | Gwinner B pass complete to Seppanen M for 22 yards to the EAG0, 1ST DOWN BUT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:14. |
Affaticati E kick attempt good. | |||
Porvoo Butchers 44, Kotka Eagles 0 | |||
Drive: 8 plays, 54 yards, TOP 04:26 | |||
Affaticati E kickoff 65 yards to the EAG0, touchback. | |||
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag20 | KOTKA EAGLES drive start at 00:14. |
Eag | 1-10 | at Eag20 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Porvoo Butchers 44, Kotka Eagles 0 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Porvoo Butchers vs Kotka Eagles (May 27, 2022 at Kotka)
Porvoo Butchers Kotka Eagles Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 32 25 57 OVERALL.......... 16 26 42 1ST DOWN......... 18 7 25 1ST DOWN......... 8 9 17 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 1 1 2 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 1 2 3 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 2 3 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 0 0 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 8 5 13 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 3 7 10 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 1 2 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 3 4 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 1 1 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 1 5 6 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 1 6 7 4TH DOWN......... 1 1 2 4TH DOWN......... 2 1 3 Porvoo Butchers Kotka Eagles Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 32 25 57 ............... 16 26 42 |
Kotka Eagles saa perjantaina vieraakseen Porvoon Butchersin. Molemmat joukkueet kokivat tappion sekä kolhuja avauspelissään ja nyt haetaan avauspisteitä sarjataulukkoon.
Kotka Eagles avasi vaahteraliigauransa tappiolla Helsinki Roostersille. Joukkue on nyt kokenut divaripallon ja liigan vauhdin eron ja valmistautuu kohtaamaan Butchersin kotiavauksessaan. Eagles hyökkäys saa kentälle perjantaina merkittävän vahvistuksen, kun yhdysvaltalainen laituri Peter Anderson avaa kautensa Suomessa. Pelinrakentaja Chris Forcier saa heitoilleen tasokkaan kohteen ja pakottaa porvoolaiset huomioimaan tämän puolustusryhmityksessään.
Kotkalaispuolustuksen yhdysvaltalainen Jamarcus Henderson sai kolhuja kauden avauksessa. Hänet on kirjattu pelin epävarmojen listalle. Samalla listalla on myös Eagles-takakentän Veikko Kallio, jonka nimi löytyy kuitenkin avaajien listalta.
Tiukka taistelu verotti Butchers-rosteria
Edellisen kierroksen tiukka taistelu Seinäjoella verotti Porvoon Butchersin ennestään tiivistä rosteria. Harmillisesti pelitilanteiden kolhut kohdistuivat myös joukkueen ulkomaalaisvahvistuksiin, joista sekä argentiinalainen laituri Enzo Affaticati sekä yhdysvaltalainen keskushyökkääjä Dante Edwards joutuivat jättämään kentän kesken pelin. Edwards on kirjattu porvoolaisten avauskokoonpanoon, mutta Affaticati ei pue perjantain peliin. Argentiinalaisen paikalla avauskokoonpanon laiturina pelaa lajilegenda Ville Kurvinen.
Butchers onnistui Seinäjoella pysäyttämään all-stars keskushyökkääjä Christian Powelin pakkaamalla puolustuksen boxinsa täyteen massaa. Eaglesin Ville Hämäläinen on yksi liigan parhaista kotimaisista keskushyökkääjistä, joten myös perjantaina juoksupelin pysäyttäminen on tärkeää. Kotkalaisten laiturikaluston vahvistuminen ei kuitenkaan salli yksinomaan juoksupeliin keskittymistä mustapaitaisille.
Porvoon nuorella joukkueella tulee olemaan toinen kiireinen viikonloppu. Perjantain vaahteraliigapelin ohella osa pelaajista taistelee sunnuntaina U20-sarjan mestaruudesta kotikentällään.