Crocodiles – Crusaders 31.07.2021

Seinäjoki Crocodiles otti kaksi tärkeää sarjapistettä kotikentällään lauantaina. Sarjanousija United Newland Crusaders taipui jännittävien vaiheiden jälkeen lukemin 32-25 (10-6).
Crocodiles saavutti kauden kolmannen voittonsa sarjanousijan kustannuksella, mutta helpolla pisteitä ei tarjoiltu isäntäjoukkueelle. Crusaders taisteli pelissä loppuun saakka ja hävisi nyt jo neljännen sarjapelin yhden maalisuorituksen pisteiden marginaalilla. Ainoastaan Roosters on onnistunut kukistamaan lohjalaiset selvin numeroin.
Crocodiles-hyökkäys tasapainossa
Seinäjoki Crocodilesin hyökkäys keräsi lauantain pelissä juoksu ja heittojaardeja täsmälleen saman määrän (215+215). Crocodiles aloitti pelin tuttuun tapaan Christian Powelin juoksuun luottaen, mutta pelin edetessä ja Crusadersin tukkiessa Powelin juoksuväylät pakaten fronttiinsa kahdeksan miehen seinän, tilaa aukesi hyvin Zack Greenleen heittopeleille.
Kotijoukkueen tuloksellinen pelaaja oli yllättäen laitahyökkääjä Joel Särkela. Särkelä keräsi kahdeksalla kiinniotollaan jaardeja yhteensä 153. Tämä on yksi jaardi enemmän, kuin Powellin juosten keräämä 152 jaardia. 22 kiinniottojaardinsa turvin Powell toki keräsi yhteensä jaardeja enemmän, mutta Särkelä voitti yhdysvaltalaisen TD-kilpailussa lukemin 2-1.
Crocodiles puolustus ei onnistunut horjuttamaan Crusadersin heittopeliä vastaavalla tavalla kuin Wolverines viikkoa aikaisemmin. Joukkueen ahkerin taklaaja oli takapuolustaja Antony Rodriques 5,5 taklauksellaan. Jaska Värinen keräsi saman verran taklauksia ja yhden pelinrakentaja säkityksen.
Crocodiles menetti ottelun viimeisellä neljänneksellä sivurajalle pelinrakentajansa Zack Greenleen. Nuori Arttu Aalto paikkasi miestä riittävällä rutiinilla, mutta voi vain toivo, että seinäjokisten huono tuuri yhdysvaltalaispelinrakentajien osalta ei saa jatkoa.
Crusaderin pelit viihdyttävät
United Newland Crusadersin pelit ovat seuran debyyttikaudella olleet tiukkoja ja viihdyttäviä. Kukaan ei ole enää aikoihin kyseenalaistanut joukkueen liigapaikkaa, mutta itse sarja ja nolla pistettä sarjataulukossa alkavat käydä Crusadesille kohtalokkaaksi. Joukkueen seuraava peli Royalsia vastaan tulee olemaan elämän ja kuoleman peli.
Lauantaina Robert Johnson palasi heittopelissään tasolle, joka merkitsee ketjun liikkumista rivakkaan tahtiin sivurajalla. Veteraanipelinrakentaja heitti pelissä 4 touchdownia ja saavutti 24 onnistumisellaan etenemistä 302 jaardia. Johnsonin kuluvalla kaudella saavuttamat 1051 total offence-jaardia nostavat miehen uratilaston yhteenlasketut jaardit lukemaan 24.949. Korkealla todennäköisyydellä 25.000 jaardin raja tulee täyteen Crusadersin seuraavassa ottelussa.
Crocodiles piti Kameron Harrisin juoksun kurissa, mutta heittopeleissä kerätyt jaardit nostivat miehen etenemisen lukemiin 206y. Laitahyökkääjä Finn Kearns sai lauantaina edellistä peliä enemmän tilaa ympärilleen ja keräsi kuudella kiinniotollaan 96 jaardia ja yhden touchdownin. Kolme joukkueen touchdowneista kirjattiin Harrisin piikkiin.
Crusadersin ahkerin taklaaja oli jälleen kerran yhdysvaltalaistukimies Michael Hall 8,5 taklauksellaan.
Newland Crusaders vs Seinajoki Crocodiles (Jul 31, 2021)
Scoring Summary |
Newland Crusaders vs Seinajoki Crocodiles (Jul 31, 2021 at Seinajoki)
Newland Crusaders (0-5) vs. Seinajoki Crocodiles (3-3)
Date: Jul 31, 2021 Site: Seinajoki Stadium: Jouppilanvuori Attendance: 478
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Newland Crusaders | 0 | 6 | 12 | 7 | 25 |
Seinajoki Crocodiles | 0 | 10 | 14 | 8 | 32 |
2nd | 07:40 | CRO | Maki-Maunus E 27 yd field goal | |
13 plays, 84 yards, TOP 7:05 | 0 - 3 | |||
02:35 | CRO | Greenlee Z 2 yd run (Maki-Maunus E kick) | ||
7 plays, 68 yards, TOP 3:26 | 0 - 10 | |||
00:05 | CRU | Harris K 19 yd pass from Johnson R (Hall M pass failed) | ||
9 plays, 70 yards, TOP 2:28 | 6 - 10 | |||
3rd | 06:55 | CRU | Harris K 8 yd pass from Johnson R (Johnson R pass failed) | |
12 plays, 65 yards, TOP 4:55 | 12 - 10 | |||
04:15 | CRO | Powell C 25 yd run (Maki-Maunus E kick) | ||
5 plays, 60 yards, TOP 2:30 | 12 - 17 | |||
01:05 | CRU | Harris K 53 yd pass from Johnson R (Johnson R pass failed) | ||
7 plays, 81 yards, TOP 3:04 | 18 - 17 | |||
00:49 | CRO | Sarkela Jo 50 yd pass from Greenlee Z (Maki-Maunus E kick) | ||
1 play, 50 yards, TOP 0:11 | 18 - 24 | |||
4th | 10:00 | CRO | Sarkela Jo 6 yd pass from Greenlee Z (Powell C pass from Greenlee Z) | |
4 plays, 52 yards, TOP 1:55 | 18 - 32 | |||
02:37 | CRU | Kearns F 40 yd pass from Johnson R (Hall M kick) | ||
5 plays, 69 yards, TOP 0:59 | 25 - 32 |
Kickoff time: 16.30 End of Game: 19.07 Total elapsed time: 2h 37min Referee: Lamminsalo V Umpire: Julkunen T Linesman: Vierikko P Line judge: Immonen M Back judge: Toijala H Field judge: Lindroos T Side judge: Naumanen A Temperature: +17 Wind: 1 m/s Weather: Melko pilvista |
Team Statistics |
Newland Crusaders vs Seinajoki Crocodiles (Jul 31, 2021 at Seinajoki)
Team Totals | CRU | CRO |
FIRST DOWNS | 20 | 18 |
Rushing | 4 | 8 |
Passing | 15 | 9 |
Penalty | 1 | 1 |
NET YARDS RUSHING | 65 | 215 |
Rushing Attempts | 17 | 32 |
Average Per Rush | 3.8 | 6.7 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 0 | 2 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 86 | 218 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 21 | 3 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 302 | 215 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 24-38-0 | 14-17-0 |
Average Per Attempt | 7.9 | 12.6 |
Average Per Completion | 12.6 | 15.4 |
Passing Touchdowns | 4 | 2 |
Total offense plays | 55 | 49 |
Average Gain Per Play | 6.7 | 8.8 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 0-0 | 1-0 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 6-45 | 5-41 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 3-101 | 0-0 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 33.7 | 0.0 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 33.7 | 0.0 |
Inside 20 | 1 | 0 |
50+ Yards | 0 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 1 | 0 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 4-142 | 6-344 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 35.5 | 57.3 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 21.2 | 44.5 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 0-0-0 | 1-0-0 |
Average Per Return | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 4-77-0 | 4-57-0 |
Average Per Return | 19.2 | 14.2 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | -6 |
Possession Time | 20:35 | 24:48 |
1st Quarter | 4:42 | 7:18 |
2nd Quarter | 4:09 | 7:51 |
3rd Quarter | 9:04 | 2:56 |
4th Quarter | 2:40 | 6:43 |
Third-Down Conversions | 8 of 13 | 3 of 8 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 1 of 2 | 1 of 2 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 2-3 | 3-3 |
Touchdowns | 2-3 | 2-3 |
Field goals | 0-3 | 1-3 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 0-0 | 2-21 |
PAT Kicks | 1-1 | 3-3 |
Field Goals | 0-0 | 1-2 |
Points off turnovers | 0 | 0 |
Individual Statistics |
Newland Crusaders vs Seinajoki Crocodiles (Jul 31, 2021 at Seinajoki)
FUMBLES: Newland Crusaders-None. Seinajoki Crocodiles-Aalto A 1-0. |
Drive Chart |
Newland Crusaders vs Seinajoki Crocodiles (Jul 31, 2021 at Seinajoki)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
CRU | 1st | V28 | 07:27 | Downs | C45 | 02:45 | Punt | 9-27 | 4:42 | ||
CRU | 2nd | V35 | 07:40 | Kickoff | V37 | 06:01 | Punt | 3-2 | 1:39 | ||
CRU | 2nd | V30 | 02:33 | Kickoff | C00 | 00:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-70 | 2:28 | # |
CRU | 3rd | V35 | 11:50 | Kickoff | C00 | 06:55 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 12-65 | 4:55 | # |
CRU | 3rd | V19 | 04:09 | Kickoff | C00 | 01:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-81 | 3:04 | |
CRU | 3rd | V35 | 00:48 | Kickoff | V21 | 11:55 | Punt | 3--14 | 0:53 | ||
CRU | 4th | V33 | 09:50 | Kickoff | C15 | 08:24 | Downs | 7-52 | 1:26 | # | |
CRU | 4th | V31 | 03:36 | Missed FG | C00 | 02:37 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-69 | 0:59 | |
CRO | 1st | C38 | 12:00 | Kickoff | V28 | 07:27 | Downs | 10-34 | 4:33 | ||
CRO | 1st | C06 | 02:45 | Punt | V10 | 07:40 | * | FIELD GOAL | 13-84 | 7:05 | # |
CRO | 2nd | C32 | 06:01 | Punt | V00 | 02:35 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-68 | 3:26 | # |
CRO | 2nd | C47 | 00:00 | Kickoff | C47 | 00:00 | End of half | 0-0 | 0:00 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C40 | 06:45 | Kickoff | V00 | 04:15 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-60 | 2:30 | |
CRO | 3rd | C50 | 01:00 | Kickoff | V00 | 00:49 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-50 | 0:11 | |
CRO | 4th | C48 | 11:55 | Punt | V00 | 10:00 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-52 | 1:55 | # |
CRO | 4th | C15 | 08:24 | Downs | V25 | 03:36 | Missed FG | 7-60 | 4:48 | ||
CRO | 4th | C47 | 02:30 | Kickoff | V42 | 00:00 | 0:00 | 4-11 | 0:00 |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Newland Crusaders | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 04:42 | 04:09 | 09:04 | 02:40 | 08:51 | 11:44 | 20:35 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/2 | 2/3 | 5/6 | 0/2 | 3/5 | 5/8 | 8/13 | ||
Average field position | V28 | V32 | V29 | V32 | V31 | V30 | V30 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/2 | 0/0 | 1/2 | 1/2 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Seinajoki Crocodiles | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 07:18 | 07:51 | 02:56 | 06:43 | 15:09 | 09:39 | 24:48 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 2/3 | 0/2 | 0/0 | 1/3 | 2/5 | 1/3 | 3/8 | ||
Average field position | C22 | C39 | C45 | C31 | C30 | C38 | C34 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/1 | 1/1 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/2 | 0/0 | 1/2 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
CRO | 1st | C38 | 12:00 | Kickoff | V28 | 07:27 | Downs | 10-34 | 4:33 | ||
CRU | 1st | V28 | 07:27 | Downs | C45 | 02:45 | Punt | 9-27 | 4:42 | ||
CRO | 1st | C06 | 02:45 | Punt | V10 | 07:40 | * | FIELD GOAL | 13-84 | 7:05 | # |
CRU | 2nd | V35 | 07:40 | Kickoff | V37 | 06:01 | Punt | 3-2 | 1:39 | ||
CRO | 2nd | C32 | 06:01 | Punt | V00 | 02:35 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-68 | 3:26 | # |
CRU | 2nd | V30 | 02:33 | Kickoff | C00 | 00:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-70 | 2:28 | # |
CRO | 2nd | C47 | 00:00 | Kickoff | C47 | 00:00 | End of half | 0-0 | 0:00 | ||
CRU | 3rd | V35 | 11:50 | Kickoff | C00 | 06:55 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 12-65 | 4:55 | # |
CRO | 3rd | C40 | 06:45 | Kickoff | V00 | 04:15 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-60 | 2:30 | |
CRU | 3rd | V19 | 04:09 | Kickoff | C00 | 01:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-81 | 3:04 | |
CRO | 3rd | C50 | 01:00 | Kickoff | V00 | 00:49 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-50 | 0:11 | |
CRU | 3rd | V35 | 00:48 | Kickoff | V21 | 11:55 | Punt | 3--14 | 0:53 | ||
CRO | 4th | C48 | 11:55 | Punt | V00 | 10:00 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-52 | 1:55 | # |
CRU | 4th | V33 | 09:50 | Kickoff | C15 | 08:24 | Downs | 7-52 | 1:26 | # | |
CRO | 4th | C15 | 08:24 | Downs | V25 | 03:36 | Missed FG | 7-60 | 4:48 | ||
CRU | 4th | V31 | 03:36 | Missed FG | C00 | 02:37 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-69 | 0:59 | |
CRO | 4th | C47 | 02:30 | Kickoff | V42 | 00:00 | 0:00 | 4-11 | 0:00 |
Defensive Statistics |
Newland Crusaders vs Seinajoki Crocodiles (Jul 31, 2021 at Seinajoki)
## | Newland Crusaders | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
34 | Hall M | 5 | 7 | 8.5 | 0.5/0 | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
1 | Szatmari D | 4 | 4 | 6.0 | 0.5/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
21 | Riihelainen A | 3 | 2 | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
95 | Heino J | 3 | 1 | 3.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
25 | Salonen K | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
27 | Golita Z-H | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . |
4 | Nixon M | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
3 | Thomas J | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
10 | Kearns F | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
26 | Sundell L | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
91 | Jaaskelainen JA | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
7 | Lankinen M | . | 2 | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
51 | Palander H | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
99 | Tiilikainen M | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
## | Seinajoki Crocodiles | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
7 | Rodriques A | 5 | 1 | 5.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
34 | Varinen J | 2 | 7 | 5.5 | 1.0/7 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/7 | . |
45 | Korpela V-M | 1 | 9 | 5.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Tuokko A | 3 | 3 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
66 | Makinen M | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
43 | Koivumaki Juh | . | 5 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
99 | Zacok F | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
2 | Toivola H | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
26 | Havulehto M | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
52 | Maki-Maunus E | 1 | . | 1.0 | 1.0/14 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/14 | . |
18 | Sarkela Jo | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
22 | Mehtonen M | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
85 | Rantala P | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
20 | Robitaille N | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
55 | Hannelin A | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
77 | Lundberg L | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Newland Crusaders vs Seinajoki Crocodiles (Jul 31, 2021 at Seinajoki)
Newland Crusaders: 3-Thomas J, 6-Makela M, 8-Riihimaki M, 11-Maenpaa H, 15-Teeriniemi A, 17-Makela V, 20-Cousinerie C, 63-Hurme J, 69-Bowen M, 77-Takanen S, 91-Jaaskelainen JA. |
Seinajoki Crocodiles: 10-Landen J, 11-Aalto A, 22-Mehtonen M, 26-Havulehto M, 30-Hautala S, 47-Hietala Tim, 52-Maki-Maunus E, 55-Hannelin A, 56-Hietala L, 66-Makinen M, 68-Saarikoski A, 75-Lafargue A, 79-Kortesniemi A, 90-Kuusisto M. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Newland Crusaders vs Seinajoki Crocodiles (Jul 31, 2021 at Seinajoki)
Thomas J kickoff 45 yards to the CRO20, Robitaille N return 18 yards to the CRO38 (Szatmari D). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro38 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRO43 (Golita Z-H). |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cro43 | Lehtonen V rush for 2 yards to the CRO45 (Heino J). |
Cro | 3-3 | at Cro45 | Powell C rush for 3 yards to the CRO48, 1ST DOWN CRO (Heino J;Lankinen M). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro48 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRU47 (Riihelainen A). |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cru47 | Greenlee Z rush for 15 yards to the CRU32, 1ST DOWN CRO, out-of-bounds. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru32 | Powell C rush for 7 yards to the CRU25, PENALTY CRO illegal block 16 yards to the CRU41. |
Cro | 1-19 | at Cru41 | 1st and 19. |
Cro | 1-19 | at Cru41 | Powell C rush for 6 yards to the CRU35 (Golita Z-H). |
Cro | 2-13 | at Cru35 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 3 yards to the CRU32 (Hall M;Riihelainen A). |
Cro | 3-10 | at Cru32 | PENALTY CRU offside defense 5 yards to the CRU27. |
Cro | 3-5 | at Cru27 | Powell C rush for no gain to the CRU27 (Tiilikainen M;Hall M). |
Cro | 4-5 | at Cru27 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Powell C for loss of 1 yard to the CRU28 (Szatmari D;Hall M). |
Drive: 10 plays, 34 yards, TOP 04:33 | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru28 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 07:27. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru28 | Harris K rush for 3 yards to the CRU31 (Lundberg L;Koivumaki Juh). |
Cru | 2-7 | at Cru31 | Johnson R pass complete to Al-Said K for 5 yards to the CRU36 (Rodriques A). |
Cru | 3-2 | at Cru36 | Johnson R pass complete to Kearns F for 4 yards to the CRU40, 1ST DOWN CRU (Rodriques A). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru40 | Harris K rush for 7 yards to the CRU47 (Korpela V-M). |
Cru | 2-3 | at Cru47 | Johnson R pass complete to Makela V for 7 yards to the CRO46, 1ST DOWN CRU (Varinen J). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro46 | Harris K rush for 13 yards to the CRO33, 1ST DOWN CRU (Koivumaki Juh;Toivola H). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro33 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Kearns F. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cro33 | Harris K rush for no gain to the CRO33, PENALTY CRU holding (Ilander M) 10 yards to the CRO43, NO PLAY. |
Cru | 2-20 | at Cro43 | Johnson R pass complete to Al-Said K for 5 yards to the CRO38 (Rodriques A). |
Cru | 3-15 | at Cro38 | Johnson R sacked for loss of 7 yards to the CRO45 (Varinen J). |
Cru | 4-22 | at Cro45 | Hall M punt 39 yards to the CRO6, Robitaille N return 0 yards to the CRO6 (Salonen K;Riihelainen A). |
Drive: 9 plays, 27 yards, TOP 04:42 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro06 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 02:45. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro06 | Powell C rush for no gain to the CRO6 (Lankinen M;Hall M). |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro06 | Greenlee Z rush for 9 yards to the CRO15, out-of-bounds. |
Cro | 3-1 | at Cro15 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the CRO17, 1ST DOWN CRO (Szatmari D;Hall M). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro17 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 6 yards to the CRO23 (Salonen K). |
Cro | 2-4 | at Cro23 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRO28, 1ST DOWN CRO (Hall M). |
Drive: 5 plays, 22 yards, TOP 07:05 | |||
Newland Crusaders 0, Seinajoki Crocodiles 0 |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro28 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro28 | Powell C rush for 1 yard to the CRO29 (Heino J). |
Cro | 2-9 | at Cro29 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 45 yards to the CRU26, 1ST DOWN CRO (Riihelainen A). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru26 | Powell C rush for 1 yard to the CRU25 (Szatmari D). |
Cro | 2-9 | at Cru25 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 24 yards to the CRU1, 1ST DOWN CRO (Nixon M;Salonen K). |
Cro | 1-G | at Cru01 | PENALTY CRO false start (Anttila L) 5 yards to the CRU6. |
Cro | 1-G | at Cru06 | Greenlee Z pass incomplete to Sarkela Jo. |
Cro | 2-G | at Cru06 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Lehtonen V for 1 yard to the CRU5 (Hall M). |
Cro | 3-G | at Cru05 | PENALTY CRO false start (Sarkela Ja) 5 yards to the CRU10. |
Cro | 3-G | at Cru10 | Greenlee Z pass incomplete to Sarkela Ja. |
Cro | 4-G | at Cru10 | Maki-Maunus E field goal attempt from 27 GOOD, clock 07:40. |
Seinajoki Crocodiles 3, Newland Crusaders 0 | |||
Drive: 13 plays, 84 yards, TOP 07:05 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 62 yards to the CRU3, out-of-bounds, CRU ball on CRU35. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru35 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 07:40. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru35 | Harris K rush for 1 yard to the CRU36 (Zacok F;Rantala P). |
Cru | 2-9 | at Cru36 | Johnson R rush for 1 yard to the CRU37 (Zacok F). |
Cru | 3-8 | at Cru37 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Paivaniemi E (Toivola H). |
Cru | 4-8 | at Cru37 | Hall M punt 31 yards to the CRO32, fair catch by Robitaille N. |
Drive: 3 plays, 2 yards, TOP 01:39 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro32 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 06:01. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro32 | Powell C rush for no gain to the CRO32 (Hall M;Palander H). |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro32 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Powell C for 23 yards to the CRU45, 1ST DOWN CRO (Golita Z-H;Salonen K). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru45 | Greenlee Z rush for 35 yards to the CRU10, 1ST DOWN CRO, out-of-bounds. |
Cro | 1-G | at Cru10 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 04:07. |
Cro | 1-G | at Cru10 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 7 yards to the CRU3 (Riihelainen A). |
Cro | 2-G | at Cru03 | Greenlee Z rush for 1 yard to the CRU2 (Szatmari D). |
Cro | 3-G | at Cru02 | Greenlee Z pass incomplete to Powell C (Hall M). |
Cro | 4-G | at Cru02 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 02:45. |
Cro | 4-G | at Cru02 | Greenlee Z rush for 2 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:35. |
Maki-Maunus E kick attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 10, Newland Crusaders 0 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 68 yards, TOP 03:28 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 60 yards to the CRU5, Kearns F return 25 yards to the CRU30 (Varinen J;Mehtonen M). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru30 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 02:33. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru30 | Johnson R pass complete to Harris K for 7 yards to the CRU37. |
Cru | 2-3 | at Cru37 | PENALTY CRO offside defense 5 yards to the CRU42, 1ST DOWN CRU. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru42 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Kearns F, dropped pass. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru42 | Johnson R pass complete to Paivaniemi E for 5 yards to the CRU47 (Rodriques A). |
Cru | 3-5 | at Cru47 | Johnson R pass complete to Al-Said K for 7 yards to the CRO46, 1ST DOWN CRU (Korpela V-M;Varinen J). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro46 | Johnson R pass complete to Paivaniemi E for 19 yards to the CRO27, 1ST DOWN CRU (Tuokko A). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro27 | Johnson R pass complete to Kearns F for 13 yards to the CRO14, 1ST DOWN CRU, out-of-bounds. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro14 | PENALTY CRU delay of game 5 yards to the CRO19. |
Cru | 1-15 | at Cro19 | Johnson R pass incomplete. |
Cru | 2-15 | at Cro19 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 00:18. |
Cru | 2-15 | at Cro19 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Kearns F. |
Cru | 3-15 | at Cro19 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 00:12. |
Cru | 3-15 | at Cro19 | Johnson R pass complete to Harris K for 19 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN CRU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:05. |
Hall M pass attempt failed. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 10, Newland Crusaders 6 | |||
Drive: 9 plays, 70 yards, TOP 02:33 | |||
Thomas J kickoff 45 yards to the CRO20, Powell C return 27 yards to the CRO47 (Thomas J). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro47 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 00:00. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro47 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Seinajoki Crocodiles 10, Newland Crusaders 6 |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro47 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, CRO ball on CRO35. |
Sarkela Ja kickoff 48 yards to the CRU17, Kearns F return 18 yards to the CRU35 (Tuokko A). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru35 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 11:50. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru35 | Harris K rush for 4 yards to the CRU39 (Zacok F;Korpela V-M). |
Cru | 2-6 | at Cru39 | Johnson R pass complete to Harris K for 5 yards to the CRU44 (Korpela V-M;Tuokko A). |
Cru | 3-1 | at Cru44 | Johnson R pass complete to Kearns F for 13 yards to the CRO43, 1ST DOWN CRU (Rodriques A). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro43 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Al-Said K. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cro43 | Harris K rush for 8 yards to the CRO35 (Varinen J;Koivumaki Juh). |
Cru | 3-2 | at Cro35 | Johnson R pass complete to Kearns F for 7 yards to the CRO28, 1ST DOWN CRU (Rodriques A;Tuokko A). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro28 | Harris K rush for 4 yards to the CRO24 (Makinen M). |
Cru | 2-6 | at Cro24 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Kearns F. |
Cru | 3-6 | at Cro24 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 08:54. |
Cru | 3-6 | at Cro24 | Johnson R pass complete to Harris K for 9 yards to the CRO15, 1ST DOWN CRU (Korpela V-M;Varinen J). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro15 | Johnson R pass complete to Makela V for 6 yards to the CRO9. |
Cru | 2-4 | at Cro09 | PENALTY CRU false start 5 yards to the CRO14. |
Cru | 2-9 | at Cro14 | Harris K rush for 6 yards to the CRO8 (Varinen J;Toivola H). |
Cru | 3-3 | at Cro08 | Johnson R pass complete to Harris K for 8 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN CRU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:55. |
Johnson R pass attempt failed. | |||
Newland Crusaders 12, Seinajoki Crocodiles 10 | |||
Drive: 12 plays, 65 yards, TOP 05:05 | |||
Thomas J kickoff 40 yards to the CRO25, Robitaille N return 15 yards to the CRO40 (Szatmari D). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro40 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 06:45. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro40 | Powell C rush for 3 yards to the CRO43 (Hall M). |
Cro | 2-7 | at Cro43 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 12 yards to the CRU45, 1ST DOWN CRO (Hall M). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru45 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 18 yards to the CRU27, 1ST DOWN CRO (Nixon M). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru27 | Lehtonen V rush for 2 yards to the CRU25 (Kearns F). |
Cro | 2-8 | at Cru25 | Powell C rush for 25 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN CRO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:15. |
Maki-Maunus E kick attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 17, Newland Crusaders 12 | |||
Drive: 5 plays, 60 yards, TOP 02:36 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 62 yards to the CRU3, Nixon M return 16 yards to the CRU19 (Sarkela Jo). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru19 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 04:09. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru19 | Harris K rush for 1 yard to the CRU20 (Makinen M;Hannelin A). |
Cru | 2-9 | at Cru20 | Johnson R pass complete to Makela V for 6 yards to the CRU26. |
Cru | 3-3 | at Cru26 | Harris K rush for 4 yards to the CRU30, 1ST DOWN CRU (Varinen J;Korpela V-M). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru30 | Johnson R pass complete to Riihimaki M for 3 yards to the CRU33 (Koivumaki Juh;Korpela V-M). |
Cru | 2-7 | at Cru33 | Harris K rush for 11 yards to the CRU44, 1ST DOWN CRU (Tuokko A). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru44 | Johnson R pass complete to Riihimaki M for 3 yards to the CRU47 (Koivumaki Juh;Korpela V-M). |
Cru | 2-7 | at Cru47 | Johnson R pass complete to Harris K for 53 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN CRU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 01:05. |
Johnson R pass attempt failed. | |||
Newland Crusaders 18, Seinajoki Crocodiles 17 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 81 yards, TOP 03:09 | |||
Thomas J kickoff 12 yards to the CRU47, Rodriques A return -3 yards to the 50 yardline. | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro50 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 01:00. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro50 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 50 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN CRO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:49. |
Maki-Maunus E kick attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 24, Newland Crusaders 18 | |||
Drive: 1 plays, 50 yards, TOP 00:12 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 62 yards to the CRU3, out-of-bounds, CRU ball on CRU35. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru35 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 00:48. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru35 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Kearns F. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru35 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Riihimaki M (Koivumaki Juh). |
Cru | 3-10 | at Cru35 | Johnson R sacked for loss of 14 yards to the CRU21 (Maki-Maunus E). |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 14 yards, TOP 00:53 | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 24, Newland Crusaders 18 |
Cru | 4-24 | at Cru21 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
Cru | 4-24 | at Cru21 | Hall M punt 31 yards to the CRO48, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 14 yards, TOP 00:53 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro48 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 11:55. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro48 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Lehtonen V for 14 yards to the CRU38, 1ST DOWN CRO (Sundell L). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru38 | PENALTY CRU offside defense (Jaaskelainen JA) 5 yards to the CRU33. |
Cro | 1-5 | at Cru33 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 7 yards to the CRU26, 1ST DOWN CRO (Salonen K). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru26 | PENALTY CRU personal foul (Tiilikainen M) 15 yards to the CRU11, 1ST DOWN CRO. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru11 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRU6 (Szatmari D;Golita Z-H). |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cru06 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 10:10. |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cru06 | Greenlee Z pass complete to Sarkela Jo for 6 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN CRO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:00. |
Greenlee Z pass attempt to Powell C good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 32, Newland Crusaders 18 | |||
Drive: 4 plays, 52 yards, TOP 02:05 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 50 yards to the CRU15, Nixon M return 18 yards to the CRU33 (Havulehto M). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru33 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 09:50. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru33 | Johnson R pass complete to Makela V for 20 yards to the CRO47, 1ST DOWN CRU (Tuokko A;Robitaille N). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro47 | Johnson R pass complete to Kearns F for 18 yards to the CRO29, 1ST DOWN CRU (Toivola H). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro29 | Harris K rush for 11 yards to the CRO18, 1ST DOWN CRU (Makinen M). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro18 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Riihimaki M. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cro18 | Harris K rush for 3 yards to the CRO15 (Korpela V-M;Makinen M). |
Cru | 3-7 | at Cro15 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Makela V. |
Cru | 4-7 | at Cro15 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Kearns F. |
Drive: 7 plays, 52 yards, TOP 01:26 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro15 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 08:24. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro15 | Aalto A rush for no gain to the CRO15, fumble by Aalto A recovered by CRO Powell C at CRO15, Powell C for 5 yards to the CRO20 (Szatmari D;Hall M). |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cro20 | Powell C rush for 2 yards to the CRO22 (Nixon M). |
Cro | 3-3 | at Cro22 | Powell C rush for 50 yards to the CRU28, 1ST DOWN CRO, out-of-bounds (Thomas J). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru28 | Powell C rush for 3 yards to the CRU25 (Hall M). |
Cro | 2-7 | at Cru25 | Powell C rush for no gain to the CRU25, PENALTY CRO holding 10 yards to the CRU35, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 2-17 | at Cru35 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRU30 (Kearns F). |
Cro | 3-12 | at Cru30 | Powell C rush for 5 yards to the CRU25 (Jaaskelainen JA). |
Cro | 4-7 | at Cru25 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 04:30. |
Cro | 4-7 | at Cru25 | Maki-Maunus E field goal attempt from 35 BLOCKED, recovered by CRO Crocodiles at CRU31 spot at CRU31, clock 03:36 (blocked by Golita Z-H). |
Drive: 7 plays, 60 yards, TOP 05:47 | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru31 | Johnson R pass complete to Harris K for 20 yards to the CRO49, 1ST DOWN CRU. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cro49 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Kearns F (Toivola H). |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cro49 | Johnson R pass incomplete to Kearns F, dropped pass. |
Cru | 3-10 | at Cro49 | Harris K rush for 9 yards to the CRO40 (Korpela V-M;Varinen J). |
Cru | 4-1 | at Cro40 | Johnson R pass complete to Kearns F for 40 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN CRU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:37. |
Hall M kick attempt good. | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 32, Newland Crusaders 25 | |||
Cru | 1-G | at Cru35 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 02:37. |
Drive: 5 plays, 69 yards, TOP 00:00 | |||
Thomas J kickoff 18 yards to the CRO47, on-side kick, recovered by CRO Havulehto M on CRO47. | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro47 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 02:30. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro47 | Powell C rush for 14 yards to the CRU39, 1ST DOWN CRO (Heino J). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cru39 | Crocodiles rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRU40. |
Cro | 2-11 | at Cru40 | Crocodiles rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRU41. |
Cro | 3-12 | at Cru41 | Crocodiles rush for loss of 1 yard to the CRU42. |
Drive: 4 plays, 11 yards, TOP 00:00 | |||
Seinajoki Crocodiles 32, Newland Crusaders 25 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Newland Crusaders vs Seinajoki Crocodiles (Jul 31, 2021 at Seinajoki)
Newland Crusaders Seinajoki Crocodiles Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 15 40 55 OVERALL.......... 32 17 49 1ST DOWN......... 8 16 24 1ST DOWN......... 16 7 23 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 0 1 1 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 2 2 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 4 2 6 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 5 8 13 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 4 5 9 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 0 3 3 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 1 2 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 1 2 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 2 0 2 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 1 7 8 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 3 1 4 4TH DOWN......... 0 2 2 4TH DOWN......... 1 1 2 Newland Crusaders Seinajoki Crocodiles Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 15 40 55 ............... 32 17 49 |
Lauantaina Seinäjoen Joupiskalla kohtaavat kaksi tappioputkessa olevaa joukkuetta. Crocodiles ajautui haasteisiin pelinrakentajavaikeuksiensa takia ja Crusadersille sarjan avausvoiton hakeminen on ollut todella vaikeaa.
Lauantain isäntäjoukkue Crocodilesilla on takana kaksi kirvelevää tappiota. Kauden toisessa Botnia Bowlissa Royals yllätti seinäjokiset pahemman kerran 15-13 (8-0) voitollaan ja myös kauden toisesta Kuopion vierailusta tuloksena toinen tappio lukemin 31-13 (17-7). Crocodiles tarvitsee kipeästi voittoja pitääkseen playoff-haaveensa elossa.
Sarjanousija Crusaders on osoittanut pelaavansa liigatasoista jenkkifutista, mutta voittoja joukkue ei ole onnistunut vielä nappaamaan. Tiukat pelit ovat kääntyneet vastustajille pahimmillaan jatkoajalla tai pelin viimeisillä sekunneilla ja nyt voittojen hankkiminen alkaa olla elämisen ehto liigapaikan säilyttämisen näkökulmasta.
Crocoilla tuloksen teon paikka
Crocodiles lähtee lauantain peliin hakemaan sarjapisteitä tiukassa tilanteessa. Joukkueen jäljellä olevista vastustajista ainoastaan Crusaders on sarjataulukossa seinäjokisten alapuolella, joten ennakkoasetelmissa voiton saavuttaminen pitäisi olla varmaa kauraa. Todellisuudessa näin ei kuitenkaan ole. Crusaders on osoittanut pelaavansa hyvää jenkkifutista ja Robert Johnsonin hyvänä päivänä pallo saa edelleen kyytiä takakentällä vanhaan tahtiin. Filip Zacokin johtamalla Crocodiles frontilla tulee olemaan täysi päivätyö liigan kokeneimman pelinrakentajan pysäyttämisessä.
Crocodilesin alkukauden peli on rakentunut vahvasti keskushyökkääjä Christian Powellin voimajuoksun ympärille. Kuopiossa Steelersin lujan puolustus piti Powellin juoksun kurissa ja pakotti tuoreen pelinrakentajan, Zack Greenleen laittamaan pallon ilmaan. Greenlee osoitti omaavansa vahvan heittokäden onnistuen Kuopiossa 14 kertaa 31 heittoyrityksellä. Kaksi syötönkatkoa kertoo paitsi Steelers-puolustuksen onnistumisista, mutta myös ajoitusten olevan vielä hakusessa laiturien kanssa.
rusaders heräsi karuun arkeen
United Newland Crusaders tuntuu yhtäkkiä heränneen karuun vaahteraliiga-arkeen. Sarjanousija voi hakea hetken tuntumaa sarjan vauhtiin, mutta jossain vaiheessa kautta tulosta on synnyttävä. Muutoin tulee noutaja. Sarjan puolessa välissä lohjalaiset ovat vailla voittoja ja kuluvan viikon aikana seurassa turvauduttiin suuriin korjausliikkeisiin. Joukkueeseen värvättiin kolme korkean profiilin pelaajaa, joista kahdella taskussaan USA:n passit. Crusadersin kannalta ikävää on se, että kukaan uusista pelaajista ei karenssisäännön takia voi osallista lauantaina peliin Seinäjoella.
Viime sunnuntain pelissä Wolverinesia vastaan Crusaders-hyökkäys keräsi toistaiseksi kauden vaatimattomimmat hyökkäysjaardinsa (173). Pelinrakentaja Robert Johnson tuntui olevan pahasti epävireessä ja vasta ottelun toisella puoliajalla näkyvissä oli heräämisen merkkejä. Lauantaina Seinäjoella Crusadersin hyökkäyspelin tulee parantua merkittävästi, mikäli nimenomaan Crocodilesin kustannuksella on tarkoitus avata sarjan pistetili.
Crocodiles lähtee peliin selvänä ennakkosuosikkina, mutta pisteet jaetaan vasta tuomarin nostaessa pallon päänsä päälle neljännen neljänneksen päättyessä.
Vaahteraliigan 7. kierroksen ottelu Seinäjoki Crocodiles – United Newland Crusaders potkaistaan käyntiin Seinäjoen Joupiskalla lauantaina klo 16.30 Liput turvallisesti ennakkoon Suora lähetys Ruutu+ kanavalla käyntiin jo 16.00.
Tutustu: Crocodiles rosteri
Tutustu: Crusaders rosteri