Butchers – Crusaders 02.06.2022

Porvoon Butchers ja United Newland Crusaders pelasivat jännittävän vaahteraliigakamppailun, jossa voittaja ratkesi vasta viimeisellä neljänneksellä. Altavastaajana otteluun lähtenyt Crusaders antoi nuorelle porvoolaisjoukkueelle tiukan vastuksen. Butchers vei lopulta pelin 35-20 (21-20).
Lohjalainen United Newland Crusaders saapui märälle Porvoon keskuskentälle vahvalla taisteluilmeellä. Joukkue siirtyi pelissä näyttävillä heittopeleillään jo 0-13 johtoon ennen kuin Porvoo sai ensimmäiset pisteensä taululle. Crusaders antoi myrskyvaroituksen taitavien yksilöidensä onnistumisilla ja oli pelin puolivälissä vain yhden pisteen verran tappiolla johtaen edetyissä jaardeissa 161-199. Toisella puoliajalla Crusadersin tahti hyytyi ja Butchers hyödynsi vieraiden virheet korkealla onnistumisprosentilla.
Molemmat torstain liigajoukkueet säätivät pelipäivän rostereitaan aina ottelun käynnistymiseen saakka. Erityisesti Crusadersilla on ollut haasteita saada rosteriinsa riittävästi miehiä, mutta jälleen kerran palapelin palat loksahti paikalleen ja kentällä nähtiin toistaiseksi paras lohjalaisesitys.
Crusaders-puolustus onnistui pitämään Butchers-hyökkäyksen kurissa ja vastustajan eniten jaardeja kerännyt pelaaja oli pelinrakentaja Brandon Gwinner. Eniten taklauksia keräsivät Mario Olsson ja Matias Castagno molemmat kuudella taklauksellaan. Roostersissa keväällä keskushyökkääjän taitojaan esittelemässä käynyt Olsson on löytänyt itselle tärkeän roolin lohjalaisten puolustuksessa ja mies johtaa kolmen pelin jälkeen joukkueensa taklaustilastoa 15 pysäytyksellään.
Crusaders-pelinrakentaja Shay Netter heitti pelissä pallo eteenpäin 312 jaardia ja kolme heitoista päätyi maalialueelle saakka. Ensimmäisen TD:n pääarkkitehtina oli tosin kokenut Cedric Johnson, joka kuljetti koppaamaansa palloa suurimman osan 96 jaardin matkasta juoksemalla. Kaksi muuta touchdownia poimivat joukkueen espanjalaislaiturit Aaron David ja Matias Casagno.
Butchers hyödynsi vastustajan pallonmenetykset
Porvoon Butchers hyödynsi tarkasti vastustajansa pallonmenetykset ja onnistui pusertamaan tiukan taistelun päätteeksi voiton ottelusta. Helpolla tai kauniilla pelillä sitä ei saatu. Vastustaja pääsi kahden maalin karkumatkalle pelin alussa Butchersin pakattua puolustusboksinsa täyteen pelaajia ja Crusadersin taitavat laiturit käyttivät tyhjän tilan takakentällä hyödykseen.
Butchersin tuorein yhdysvaltalaispelaaja Dana Plantt käänsi joukkueensa kurssin palauttamalla Crusadersin aloituspotkun maalialueelle kaventaen pelin ja estäen lohjalaisten suuremman karkumatkan. Plant viimeisteli pelissä myös toisen TD:n pelinrakentaja Gwinnerin heitosta. Yksi pelin hienoimmista maaleista oli nuoren Daniel Rubinsteinin käsialaa. East City Giantsista lainassa oleva Rubinstein teki Vaahteraliigauransa ensimmäisen maalin heti ensikopistaan.
Butchersin puolustus onnistui pysäyttämään Crusaders hyökkäyksen seitsemän kertaa aloituslinjan takana. Eniten taklauksia kirjattiin Jesse Vuoksenturjalle, mutta ottelun Vakuuttavimman Pelaajan palkinnon pokkasi Atro Heinonen, joka kolmella pelinrakentajasäkillään nosti kauden säkkimääränsä jo viiteen. Lukema riittää toistaiseksi Vaahteraliigassa säkittäjien tilaston kärkipaikalle.
Crusaders siirtyy nyt bye-viikolleen ja joukkueelle tarjoutuu mahdollisuus paikata rivejään entistä ehompaan kuntoon. Butchers saa seuraavaan peliinsä vieraakseen joukkueen sarjan kärjestä. Steelers saapuu Porvoon keskuskentälle lauantaina 11.6. testaamaan nuoren porvoolaisjoukkueen todellisen tason.
Tutustu: Ottelun tilastot
Newland Crusaders vs Porvoo Butchers (Jun 02, 2022)
Scoring Summary |
Newland Crusaders vs Porvoo Butchers (Jun 02, 2022 at Porvoo)
Newland Crusaders (0-3) vs. Porvoo Butchers (2-1)
Date: Jun 02, 2022 Site: Porvoo Stadium: Keskuskentta Attendance: 250
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Newland Crusaders | 13 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 20 |
Porvoo Butchers | 7 | 14 | 7 | 7 | 35 |
1st | 05:31 | CRU | Johnson C 96 yd pass from Netter S (Lintunen T kick) | |
3 plays, 97 yards, TOP 1:03 | 7 - 0 | |||
02:47 | CRU | Castagno M 41 yd pass from Netter S (Lintunen T pass intcpt) | ||
3 plays, 39 yards, TOP 1:27 | 13 - 0 | |||
02:33 | BUT | Plant D 76 yd kickoff return (Seppanen M kick) | ||
13 - 7 | ||||
2nd | 11:49 | BUT | Rubinstein D 26 yd pass from Gwinner B (Seppanen M kick) | |
4 plays, 30 yards, TOP 1:48 | 13 - 14 | |||
07:49 | CRU | David A 20 yd pass from Netter S (Lintunen T kick) | ||
8 plays, 47 yards, TOP 3:48 | 20 - 14 | |||
02:01 | BUT | Edwards D 12 yd run (Seppanen M kick) | ||
9 plays, 68 yards, TOP 5:37 | 20 - 21 | |||
3rd | 06:48 | BUT | Plant D 22 yd pass from Gwinner B (Seppanen M kick) | |
9 plays, 62 yards, TOP 5:04 | 20 - 28 | |||
4th | 03:10 | BUT | Gwinner B 2 yd run (Seppanen M kick) | |
4 plays, 16 yards, TOP 2:32 | 20 - 35 |
Kickoff time: 18.30 End of Game: 20.56 Total elapsed time: 2h 26min Referee: Lamminsalo V Umpire: Aaltonen E Linesman: Kalliokoski J Line judge: Suojanen R-V Back judge: Janhuba R Field judge: Reiners J Side judge: Lindroos T Temperature: + 12 C Wind: 8 m/s Weather: Sateinen |
Team Statistics |
Newland Crusaders vs Porvoo Butchers (Jun 02, 2022 at Porvoo)
Team Totals | CRU | BUT |
FIRST DOWNS | 13 | 16 |
Rushing | 2 | 10 |
Passing | 11 | 6 |
Penalty | 0 | 0 |
NET YARDS RUSHING | -16 | 175 |
Rushing Attempts | 21 | 34 |
Average Per Rush | -0.8 | 5.1 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 0 | 2 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 41 | 182 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 57 | 7 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 312 | 125 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 16-29-0 | 8-18-0 |
Average Per Attempt | 10.8 | 6.9 |
Average Per Completion | 19.5 | 15.6 |
Passing Touchdowns | 3 | 2 |
Total offense plays | 50 | 52 |
Average Gain Per Play | 5.9 | 5.8 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 3-3 | 2-0 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 5-27 | 6-45 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 2-68 | 3-108 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 34.0 | 36.0 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 34.0 | 36.0 |
Inside 20 | 0 | 2 |
50+ Yards | 0 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 0 | 0 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 4-216 | 4-144 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 54.0 | 36.0 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 17.5 | 27.8 |
Touchbacks | 1 | 0 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Average Per Return | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 2-33-0 | 3-126-1 |
Average Per Return | 16.5 | 42.0 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 1-5-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | 0 |
Possession Time | 20:51 | 27:09 |
1st Quarter | 6:41 | 5:19 |
2nd Quarter | 4:56 | 7:04 |
3rd Quarter | 4:30 | 7:30 |
4th Quarter | 4:44 | 7:16 |
Third-Down Conversions | 7 of 11 | 6 of 11 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 1 of 2 | 1 of 1 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 1-3 | 2-2 |
Touchdowns | 1-3 | 2-2 |
Field goals | 0-3 | 0-2 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 1-3 | 5-25 |
PAT Kicks | 2-2 | 5-5 |
Field Goals | 0-0 | 0-0 |
Points off turnovers | 0 | 14 |
Individual Statistics |
Newland Crusaders vs Porvoo Butchers (Jun 02, 2022 at Porvoo)
FUMBLES: Newland Crusaders-Team Crusaders 2-2; Netter S 1-1. Porvoo Butchers-Gwinner B 1-0; Seppanen M 1-0. |
Drive Chart |
Newland Crusaders vs Porvoo Butchers (Jun 02, 2022 at Porvoo)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
CRU | 1st | C27 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C40 | 08:45 | Punt | 6-13 | 3:15 | ||
CRU | 1st | C03 | 06:34 | Punt | B00 | 05:31 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-97 | 1:03 | |
CRU | 1st | B39 | 04:14 | Punt | B00 | 02:47 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-39 | 1:27 | |
CRU | 1st | C29 | 02:28 | Kickoff | C35 | 01:37 | Fumble | 3-6 | 0:51 | ||
CRU | 2nd | B47 | 11:37 | Kickoff | B00 | 07:49 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-47 | 3:48 | # |
CRU | 2nd | C40 | 02:01 | Kickoff | C27 | 01:05 | Punt | 3--13 | 0:56 | ||
CRU | 3rd | C37 | 06:44 | Kickoff | B12 | 02:18 | Downs | 11-51 | 4:26 | # | |
CRU | 4th | C11 | 08:16 | Punt | C16 | 05:42 | Fumble | 4-5 | 2:34 | ||
CRU | 4th | C42 | 03:05 | Kickoff | B27 | 01:00 | Fumble | 9-31 | 2:05 | # | |
BUT | 1st | B30 | 08:45 | Punt | C48 | 06:34 | Punt | 4-22 | 2:11 | ||
BUT | 1st | B20 | 05:31 | Kickoff | B10 | 04:14 | Punt | 3--10 | 1:17 | ||
BUT | 1st | C00 | 02:33 | Kickoff | C00 | 02:33 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
BUT | 1st | C30 | 01:37 | Fumble | C00 | 11:49 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-30 | 1:48 | |
BUT | 2nd | B32 | 07:38 | Kickoff | C00 | 02:01 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-68 | 5:37 | # |
BUT | 2nd | B35 | 01:05 | Punt | C39 | 00:00 | End of half | 7-26 | 1:05 | ||
BUT | 3rd | B38 | 11:52 | Kickoff | C00 | 06:48 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-62 | 5:04 | |
BUT | 3rd | B12 | 02:18 | Downs | C45 | 08:16 | Punt | 10-43 | 6:02 | ||
BUT | 4th | C16 | 05:42 | Fumble | C00 | 03:10 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-16 | 2:32 | # |
BUT | 4th | B27 | 01:00 | Fumble | B25 | 00:00 | End of half | 2--2 | 1:00 |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Newland Crusaders | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 06:41 | 04:56 | 04:30 | 04:44 | 11:37 | 09:14 | 20:51 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 3/4 | 2/3 | 1/3 | 1/1 | 5/7 | 2/4 | 7/11 | ||
Average field position | C30 | C46 | C37 | C26 | C35 | C30 | C33 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/2 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/2 | 1/2 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Porvoo Butchers | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 05:19 | 07:04 | 07:30 | 07:16 | 12:23 | 14:46 | 27:09 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 0/3 | 2/3 | 2/2 | 2/3 | 2/6 | 4/5 | 6/11 | ||
Average field position | C45 | B33 | B25 | C45 | B47 | B40 | B44 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 1/1 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 0/0 | 1/1 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
CRU | 1st | C27 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C40 | 08:45 | Punt | 6-13 | 3:15 | ||
BUT | 1st | B30 | 08:45 | Punt | C48 | 06:34 | Punt | 4-22 | 2:11 | ||
CRU | 1st | C03 | 06:34 | Punt | B00 | 05:31 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-97 | 1:03 | |
BUT | 1st | B20 | 05:31 | Kickoff | B10 | 04:14 | Punt | 3--10 | 1:17 | ||
CRU | 1st | B39 | 04:14 | Punt | B00 | 02:47 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-39 | 1:27 | |
BUT | 1st | C00 | 02:33 | Kickoff | C00 | 02:33 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 0-0 | 0:00 | |
CRU | 1st | C29 | 02:28 | Kickoff | C35 | 01:37 | Fumble | 3-6 | 0:51 | ||
BUT | 1st | C30 | 01:37 | Fumble | C00 | 11:49 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-30 | 1:48 | |
CRU | 2nd | B47 | 11:37 | Kickoff | B00 | 07:49 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-47 | 3:48 | # |
BUT | 2nd | B32 | 07:38 | Kickoff | C00 | 02:01 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-68 | 5:37 | # |
CRU | 2nd | C40 | 02:01 | Kickoff | C27 | 01:05 | Punt | 3--13 | 0:56 | ||
BUT | 2nd | B35 | 01:05 | Punt | C39 | 00:00 | End of half | 7-26 | 1:05 | ||
BUT | 3rd | B38 | 11:52 | Kickoff | C00 | 06:48 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-62 | 5:04 | |
CRU | 3rd | C37 | 06:44 | Kickoff | B12 | 02:18 | Downs | 11-51 | 4:26 | # | |
BUT | 3rd | B12 | 02:18 | Downs | C45 | 08:16 | Punt | 10-43 | 6:02 | ||
CRU | 4th | C11 | 08:16 | Punt | C16 | 05:42 | Fumble | 4-5 | 2:34 | ||
BUT | 4th | C16 | 05:42 | Fumble | C00 | 03:10 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-16 | 2:32 | # |
CRU | 4th | C42 | 03:05 | Kickoff | B27 | 01:00 | Fumble | 9-31 | 2:05 | # | |
BUT | 4th | B27 | 01:00 | Fumble | B25 | 00:00 | End of half | 2--2 | 1:00 |
Defensive Statistics |
Newland Crusaders vs Porvoo Butchers (Jun 02, 2022 at Porvoo)
## | Newland Crusaders | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
12 | Castagno M | 5 | 2 | 6.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
24 | Olsson M | . | 12 | 6.0 | 1.0/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
61 | Rajala M | . | 10 | 5.0 | 1.0/2 | . | . | . | . | . | 0.5/2 | . |
17 | Seppala A | 3 | 3 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
1 | Corpening M | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
33 | Nordstrom H | 1 | 3 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
51 | Palander H | . | 4 | 2.0 | 0.5/1 | . | . | . | . | . | 0.5/1 | . |
5 | Corpening N | . | 4 | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
10 | Salib M | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
59 | Savolainen R | . | 2 | 1.0 | 0.5/0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
11 | Maenpaa H | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
37 | David A | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
## | Porvoo Butchers | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
97 | Vuoksenturja J | 4 | 4 | 6.0 | 2.5/8 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/5 | . |
4 | Nuikka T | 4 | 1 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
99 | Heinonen A | 4 | 1 | 4.5 | 3.0/17 | 1 | . | . | . | . | 3.0/17 | . |
52 | Makela J | 3 | 3 | 4.5 | 1.0/3 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/3 | . |
11 | Seppanen M | 4 | . | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
10 | Plant D | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
29 | Eerola L | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
43 | Paananen J | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
49 | Lahikainen J | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Kurvinen V | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | 2-0 | . | . | . | . | . |
96 | Ilomaki R | . | 1 | 0.5 | 0.5/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | 1 |
7 | Edwards D | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | 1-5 | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Newland Crusaders vs Porvoo Butchers (Jun 02, 2022 at Porvoo)
Newland Crusaders: 10-Salib M, 37-David A, 39-Lehtola S, 44-Zorban S, 87-Lintunen T. |
Porvoo Butchers: 16-Kuosmanen C, 26-Vahakuopus H, 30-Lindell S, 44-Kurvinen V, 60-Myllyla J, 73-Pirkola T, 78-Korpinoro K. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Newland Crusaders vs Porvoo Butchers (Jun 02, 2022 at Porvoo)
Butchers voitti arvonnan ja siirsi. Crusaders palauttaa pohjoisesta. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru35 | BUT ball on BUT35. |
Seppanen M kickoff 38 yards to the CRU27, fair catch by Arias S. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru27 | Netter S deep middle pass incomplete to Corpening N. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru27 | Arias S rush over left tackle for 8 yards to the CRU35 (Nuikka T). |
Cru | 3-2 | at Cru35 | Arias S rush over left guard for 2 yards to the CRU37, 1ST DOWN CRU (Vuoksenturja J;Makela J). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru37 | Netter S deep middle pass incomplete to Johnson C. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru37 | Deadball foul, PENALTY CRU delay of game (Netter S) 5 yards to the CRU32, NO PLAY. |
Cru | 2-15 | at Cru32 | Netter S sacked for loss of 3 yards to the CRU29 (Makela J). |
Cru | 3-18 | at Cru29 | Netter S rush scrambling for 11 yards to the CRU40 (Nuikka T). |
Cru | 4-7 | at Cru40 | Lintunen T punt 30 yards to the BUT30, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 6 plays, 13 yards, TOP 03:15 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But30 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 08:45. |
But | 1-10 | at But30 | Lindell S rush over right guard for 15 yards to the BUT45, 1ST DOWN BUT (Corpening N;Corpening M). |
But | 1-10 | at But45 | Lindell S rush over left guard for 8 yards to the CRU47 (Seppala A). |
But | 2-2 | at Cru47 | Lindell S rush over right guard for loss of 1 yard to the CRU48 (Olsson M;Rajala M). |
But | 3-3 | at Cru48 | Fumble by Gwinner B, Gwinner B short right pass incomplete to Rubinstein D. |
But | 4-3 | at Cru48 | Seppanen M punt 45 yards to the CRU3, downed. |
Drive: 4 plays, 22 yards, TOP 02:11 | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru03 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 06:34. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru03 | Netter S short middle pass incomplete to Corpening N. |
Cru | 2-10 | at Cru03 | Lehtola S rush over right guard for 1 yard to the CRU4 (Vuoksenturja J). |
Cru | 3-9 | at Cru04 | Netter S deep right pass complete to Johnson C for 96 yards to the BUT0, 1ST DOWN CRU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 05:31. |
Lintunen T kick attempt good. | |||
Newland Crusaders 7, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Drive: 3 plays, 97 yards, TOP 01:03 | |||
Lintunen T kickoff 65 yards to the BUT0, touchback. | |||
But | 1-10 | at But20 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 05:31. |
But | 1-10 | at But20 | Edwards D rush over right guard for 5 yards to the BUT25 (Seppala A). |
But | 2-5 | at But25 | Gwinner B deep middle pass incomplete to Seppanen M. |
But | 3-5 | at But25 | Gwinner B rush scrambling for no gain to the BUT25, out-of-bounds (Olsson M), PENALTY BUT holding (Paakkonen V) 10 yards to the BUT15, NO PLAY. |
But | 3-15 | at But15 | Gwinner B deep middle pass incomplete to Eerola L. |
But | 4-15 | at But15 | Deadball foul, PENALTY BUT false start (Korpinoro K) 5 yards to the BUT10, NO PLAY. |
But | 4-20 | at But10 | Fumble by Seppanen M, Seppanen M punt 29 yards to the BUT39, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 10 yards, TOP 01:17 | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at But39 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 04:14. |
Cru | 1-10 | at But39 | Corpening N rush over right guard for 2 yards to the BUT37 (Vuoksenturja J;Nuikka T). |
Cru | 2-8 | at But37 | Netter S rush quarterback draw for loss of 4 yards to the BUT41 (Ilomaki R;Vuoksenturja J). |
Cru | 3-12 | at But41 | Netter S deep right pass complete to Castagno M for 41 yards to the BUT0, 1ST DOWN CRU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:47. |
Cru | 1-G | at But03 | Deadball foul, PENALTY CRU 12 men on the field 5 yards to the BUT8, NO PLAY. |
Lintunen T pass attempt failed (intercepted), returned by Ilomaki R - no score. | |||
Newland Crusaders 13, Porvoo Butchers 0 | |||
Drive: 3 plays, 39 yards, TOP 01:41 | |||
Lintunen T kickoff 41 yards to the BUT24, Plant D return 76 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:33. | |||
Seppanen M kick attempt failed, PENALTY CRU offside defense (Zorban S) 2 yards to the CRU1, NO PLAY. | |||
Seppanen M kick attempt good. | |||
Newland Crusaders 13, Porvoo Butchers 7 | |||
Seppanen M kickoff 36 yards to the CRU29, David A return 0 yards to the CRU29 (Eerola L;Heinonen A). | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru29 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 02:28. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru29 | Netter S short right pass complete to Johnson C for 9 yards to the CRU38, out-of-bounds (Lahikainen J). |
Cru | 2-1 | at Cru38 | Lehtola S rush over left guard for 2 yards to the CRU40, 1ST DOWN CRU (Heinonen A). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru40 | Netter S sacked for loss of 5 yards to the CRU35 (Heinonen A), fumble by Netter S recovered by BUT Edwards D at CRU35, Edwards D for 5 yards to the CRU30, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, 6 yards, TOP 00:51 | |||
But | 1-10 | at Cru30 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 01:37, BUT ball on CRU30. |
But | 1-10 | at Cru30 | Edwards D rush over left end for 3 yards to the CRU27, out-of-bounds (Castagno M). |
But | 2-7 | at Cru27 | Gwinner B sacked for loss of 3 yards to the CRU30 (Rajala M;Palander H). |
But | 3-10 | at Cru30 | Lindell S rush over left guard for 4 yards to the CRU26 (Nordstrom H;Rajala M). |
Drive: 3 plays, 4 yards, TOP 02:00 | |||
Newland Crusaders 13, Porvoo Butchers 7 |
But | 4-6 | at Cru26 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
But | 4-6 | at Cru26 | Gwinner B deep left pass complete to Rubinstein D for 26 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN BUT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:49. |
Seppanen M kick attempt good. | |||
Porvoo Butchers 14, Newland Crusaders 13 | |||
Drive: 4 plays, 30 yards, TOP 02:00 | |||
Seppanen M kickoff 45 yards to the CRU20, Johnson C return 33 yards to the BUT47, out-of-bounds. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at But47 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 11:37. |
Cru | 1-10 | at But47 | Corpening N rush over right tackle for loss of 1 yard to the BUT48 (Vuoksenturja J). |
Cru | 2-11 | at But48 | Corpening N rush over left guard for 2 yards to the BUT46 (Vuoksenturja J). |
Cru | 3-9 | at But46 | Netter S short left pass complete to Johnson C for 10 yards to the BUT36, 1ST DOWN CRU (Seppanen M). |
Cru | 1-10 | at But36 | Netter S rush scrambling for no gain to the BUT36 (Edwards D;Makela J). |
Cru | 2-10 | at But36 | Netter S screen left pass complete to Corpening N for 9 yards to the BUT27, out-of-bounds (Plant D). |
Cru | 3-1 | at But27 | Netter S short left pass complete to Corpening N for 7 yards to the BUT20, 1ST DOWN CRU (Plant D). |
Cru | 1-10 | at But20 | Netter S deep right pass incomplete. |
Cru | 2-10 | at But20 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 07:57. |
Cru | 2-10 | at But20 | Netter S deep left pass complete to David A for 20 yards to the BUT0, 1ST DOWN CRU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:49. |
Lintunen T kick attempt good, PENALTY BUT offside defense declined. | |||
Newland Crusaders 20, Porvoo Butchers 14 | |||
Drive: 8 plays, 47 yards, TOP 03:59 | |||
Lintunen T kickoff 64 yards to the BUT1, Eerola L return 31 yards to the BUT32 (Salib M). | |||
But | 1-10 | at But32 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 07:38. |
But | 1-10 | at But32 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 07:38. |
But | 1-10 | at But32 | Edwards D rush over left end for 1 yard to the BUT33, out-of-bounds (Corpening M). |
But | 2-9 | at But33 | Edwards D rush over right guard for 4 yards to the BUT37 (Seppala A;Olsson M). |
But | 3-5 | at But37 | Deadball foul, PENALTY BUT false start (Peltonen E) 5 yards to the BUT32, NO PLAY. |
But | 3-10 | at But32 | Gwinner B deep middle pass complete to Seppanen M for 23 yards to the CRU45, 1ST DOWN BUT. |
But | 1-10 | at Cru45 | Edwards D rush over right guard for 5 yards to the CRU40 (Nordstrom H;Rajala M). |
But | 2-5 | at Cru40 | Gwinner B short left pass complete to Eerola L for 18 yards to the CRU22, 1ST DOWN BUT. |
But | 1-10 | at Cru22 | Gwinner B S; pass complete to Eerola L for 7 yards to the CRU15 (Corpening M). |
But | 2-3 | at Cru15 | Edwards D rush over right tackle for 3 yards to the CRU12, 1ST DOWN BUT (Rajala M;Corpening N). |
But | 1-10 | at Cru12 | Gwinner B deep left pass incomplete to Plant D. |
But | 2-10 | at Cru12 | Edwards D rush over right tackle for 12 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN BUT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:01. |
Seppanen M kick attempt good. | |||
Porvoo Butchers 21, Newland Crusaders 20 | |||
Drive: 9 plays, 68 yards, TOP 05:37 | |||
Seppanen M kickoff 25 yards to the CRU40, out-of-bounds, CRU ball on CRU40. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru40 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 02:01. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru40 | Netter S sacked for loss of 8 yards to the CRU32 (Heinonen A). |
Cru | 2-18 | at Cru32 | Netter S short left pass incomplete to Johnson C (Seppanen M). |
Cru | 3-18 | at Cru32 | Timeout Newland Crusaders, clock 01:15. |
Cru | 3-18 | at Cru32 | Netter S pass incomplete, QB hurry by Ilomaki R. |
Cru | 4-18 | at Cru32 | Deadball foul, PENALTY CRU delay of game 5 yards to the CRU27, NO PLAY. |
Cru | 4-23 | at Cru27 | Lintunen T punt 38 yards to the BUT35, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 13 yards, TOP 00:56 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But35 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 01:05. |
But | 1-10 | at But35 | Gwinner B rush scrambling for 11 yards to the BUT46, 1ST DOWN BUT (Castagno M). |
But | 1-10 | at But46 | Timeout Porvoo Butchers, clock 00:53. |
But | 1-10 | at But46 | Deadball foul, PENALTY BUT false start (Siltakorpi S) 5 yards to the BUT41, NO PLAY. |
But | 1-15 | at But41 | Gwinner B short middle pass incomplete to Eerola L. |
But | 2-15 | at But41 | Gwinner B rush scrambling for 13 yards to the CRU46 (Nordstrom H). |
But | 3-2 | at Cru46 | Timeout Porvoo Butchers, clock 00:36. |
But | 3-2 | at Cru46 | Lindell S rush over left guard for 4 yards to the CRU42, 1ST DOWN BUT (Nordstrom H;Olsson M). |
But | 1-10 | at Cru42 | Timeout Porvoo Butchers, clock 00:30. |
But | 1-10 | at Cru42 | Gwinner B deep left pass incomplete to Eerola L. |
But | 2-10 | at Cru42 | Gwinner B deep left pass incomplete to Eerola L. |
But | 3-10 | at Cru42 | Edwards D rush over right guard for 3 yards to the CRU39 (Seppala A;Olsson M). |
But | 4-7 | at Cru39 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 7 plays, 26 yards, TOP 01:05 | |||
Porvoo Butchers 21, Newland Crusaders 20 |
But | 4-7 | at Cru39 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, CRU ball on CRU35. |
Drive: 7 plays, 26 yards, TOP 01:05 | |||
Lintunen T kickoff 46 yards to the BUT19, Plant D return 19 yards to the BUT38 (Maenpaa H;Castagno M). | |||
But | 1-10 | at But38 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 11:52. |
But | 1-10 | at But38 | Lindell S rush over left guard for no gain to the BUT38 (Olsson M;Rajala M). |
But | 2-10 | at But38 | Gwinner B deep right pass incomplete to Seppanen M. |
But | 3-10 | at But38 | Gwinner B short middle pass complete to Seppanen M for 10 yards to the BUT48, 1ST DOWN BUT (Seppala A). |
But | 1-10 | at But48 | Edwards D rush over right guard for 3 yards to the CRU49 (Castagno M). |
But | 2-7 | at Cru49 | Lindell S rush over right tackle for 9 yards to the CRU40, 1ST DOWN BUT (Olsson M;Rajala M). |
But | 1-10 | at Cru40 | Gwinner B rush scrambling for 14 yards to the CRU26, 1ST DOWN BUT, out-of-bounds (Castagno M). |
But | 1-10 | at Cru26 | Lindell S rush over right guard for 2 yards to the CRU24 (Rajala M;Palander H). |
But | 2-8 | at Cru24 | Lindell S rush over right end for 2 yards to the CRU22 (Seppala A;Olsson M). |
But | 3-6 | at Cru22 | Gwinner B deep middle pass complete to Plant D for 22 yards to the CRU0, 1ST DOWN BUT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:48. |
Seppanen M kick attempt good. | |||
Porvoo Butchers 28, Newland Crusaders 20 | |||
Drive: 9 plays, 62 yards, TOP 05:08 | |||
Seppanen M kickoff 28 yards to the CRU37, on-side kick, recovered by CRU David A on CRU37. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru37 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 06:44. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru37 | Netter S screen left pass complete to Corpening N for 2 yards to the CRU39 (Paananen J). |
Cru | 2-8 | at Cru39 | Netter S short right pass complete to David A for 4 yards to the CRU43 (Makela J). |
Cru | 3-4 | at Cru43 | Netter S short left pass complete to Johnson C for 12 yards to the BUT45, 1ST DOWN CRU (Nuikka T). |
Cru | 1-10 | at But45 | Netter S screen left pass complete to Johnson C for 5 yards to the BUT40, out-of-bounds. |
Cru | 2-5 | at But40 | Lehtola S rush over right guard for 2 yards to the BUT38 (Kurvinen V). |
Cru | 3-3 | at But38 | Netter S short right pass incomplete to Johnson C. |
Cru | 4-3 | at But38 | Netter S short middle pass complete to David A for 23 yards to the BUT15, 1ST DOWN CRU (Seppanen M). |
Cru | 1-10 | at But15 | Netter S deep left pass incomplete. |
Cru | 2-10 | at But15 | Netter S rush over left guard for 7 yards to the BUT8 (Seppanen M). |
Cru | 3-3 | at But08 | Netter S deep left pass incomplete to Corpening N. |
Cru | 4-3 | at But08 | Netter S sacked for loss of 4 yards to the BUT12 (Heinonen A). |
Drive: 11 plays, 51 yards, TOP 04:26 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But12 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 02:18. |
But | 1-10 | at But12 | Lindell S rush over right guard for loss of 1 yard to the BUT11 (Olsson M;Savolainen R). |
But | 2-11 | at But11 | Gwinner B rush scrambling for 16 yards to the BUT27, 1ST DOWN BUT, out-of-bounds. |
But | 1-10 | at But27 | Gwinner B short left pass incomplete to Seppanen M, dropped pass. |
But | 2-10 | at But27 | Gwinner B rush scrambling for 17 yards to the BUT44, 1ST DOWN BUT. |
But | 1-10 | at But44 | Lindell S rush over right guard for 3 yards to the BUT47 (Olsson M;Palander H). |
Drive: 5 plays, 35 yards, TOP 06:02 | |||
Porvoo Butchers 28, Newland Crusaders 20 |
But | 2-7 | at But47 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
But | 2-7 | at But47 | Lindell S rush over right guard for 6 yards to the CRU47 (Rajala M;Olsson M). |
But | 3-1 | at Cru47 | Gwinner B short left pass complete to Eerola L for 3 yards to the CRU44, 1ST DOWN BUT (Corpening N;Castagno M). |
But | 1-10 | at Cru44 | Lindell S rush over right guard for 3 yards to the CRU41 (Savolainen R;Palander H). |
But | 2-7 | at Cru41 | Deadball foul, PENALTY BUT delay of game (Gwinner B) 5 yards to the CRU46, NO PLAY. |
But | 2-12 | at Cru46 | Gwinner B short left pass complete to Seppanen M for 46 yards to the CRU0, clock 09:10, PENALTY BUT pass interference 15 yards to the BUT39, NO PLAY, PENALTY BUT ineligible downfield on pass declined. |
But | 2-27 | at But39 | Gwinner B deep middle pass incomplete to Rubinstein D. |
But | 3-27 | at But39 | Gwinner B short left pass complete to Eerola L for 16 yards to the CRU45, out-of-bounds (Castagno M). |
But | 4-11 | at Cru45 | Seppanen M punt 34 yards to the CRU11, downed. |
Drive: 10 plays, 43 yards, TOP 06:02 | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru11 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 08:16. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru11 | Netter S sacked for loss of 5 yards to the CRU6 (Vuoksenturja J). |
Cru | 2-15 | at Cru06 | Netter S short right pass complete to David A for 35 yards to the CRU41, 1ST DOWN CRU (Seppanen M). |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru41 | Netter S sacked for loss of 4 yards to the CRU37 (Kurvinen V), PENALTY CRU holding 10 yards to the CRU31, NO PLAY. |
Cru | 1-20 | at Cru31 | Lehtola S rush over right guard for 1 yard to the CRU32 (Vuoksenturja J;Makela J). |
Cru | 2-19 | at Cru32 | Team Crusaders rush for loss of 7 yards to the CRU25, fumble by Team Crusaders recovered by BUT Kurvinen V at CRU16. |
Drive: 4 plays, 5 yards, TOP 02:34 | |||
But | 1-10 | at Cru16 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 05:42. |
But | 1-10 | at Cru16 | Edwards D rush over right guard for 11 yards to the CRU5, 1ST DOWN BUT (Rajala M;David A). |
But | 1-G | at Cru05 | Gwinner B rush over left guard for 2 yards to the CRU3 (Olsson M;Corpening N). |
But | 2-G | at Cru03 | Edwards D rush over right end for 1 yard to the CRU2 (Corpening M;Olsson M). |
But | 3-G | at Cru02 | Timeout Porvoo Butchers, clock 03:15. |
But | 3-G | at Cru02 | Gwinner B rush over left tackle for 2 yards to the CRU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:10, PENALTY CRU offside defense declined. |
Seppanen M kick attempt good. | |||
Porvoo Butchers 35, Newland Crusaders 20 | |||
Drive: 4 plays, 16 yards, TOP 02:37 | |||
Seppanen M kickoff 23 yards to the CRU42, on-side kick, recovered by CRU Heino J on CRU42. | |||
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru42 | NEWLAND CRUSADERS drive start at 03:05. |
Cru | 1-10 | at Cru42 | Corpening N rush over left end for 3 yards to the CRU45, out-of-bounds. |
Cru | 2-7 | at Cru45 | Netter S deep left pass incomplete. |
Cru | 3-7 | at Cru45 | Netter S short right pass complete to Johnson C for 9 yards to the BUT46, 1ST DOWN CRU (Eerola L). |
Cru | 1-10 | at But46 | Netter S short left pass incomplete to David A. |
Cru | 2-10 | at But46 | Netter S short right pass complete to Johnson C for 20 yards to the BUT26, 1ST DOWN CRU (Makela J). |
Cru | 1-10 | at But26 | Netter S deep right pass incomplete to Johnson C. |
Cru | 2-10 | at But26 | Netter S short right pass complete to Johnson C for 10 yards to the BUT16, 1ST DOWN CRU, out-of-bounds (Nuikka T). |
Cru | 1-10 | at But16 | Netter S deep right pass incomplete to Johnson C. |
Cru | 2-10 | at But16 | Team Crusaders rush for loss of 4 yards to the BUT20, fumble by Team Crusaders recovered by BUT Kurvinen V at BUT27. |
Drive: 9 plays, 31 yards, TOP 02:05 | |||
But | 1-10 | at But27 | PORVOO BUTCHERS drive start at 01:00. |
But | 1-10 | at But27 | BUTCHERS rush kneel down for loss of 1 yard to the BUT26. |
But | 2-11 | at But26 | BUTCHERS rush kneel down for loss of 1 yard to the BUT25. |
But | 3-12 | at But25 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 2 plays, minus 2 yards, TOP 01:00 | |||
Porvoo Butchers 35, Newland Crusaders 20 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Newland Crusaders vs Porvoo Butchers (Jun 02, 2022 at Porvoo)
Newland Crusaders Porvoo Butchers Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 16 34 50 OVERALL.......... 33 19 52 1ST DOWN......... 5 14 19 1ST DOWN......... 17 5 22 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 3 0 3 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 0 1 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 2 2 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 7 9 16 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 9 4 13 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 1 2 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 2 1 3 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 3 3 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 1 1 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 1 5 6 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 2 5 7 4TH DOWN......... 0 2 2 4TH DOWN......... 0 1 1 Newland Crusaders Porvoo Butchers Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 16 34 50 ............... 33 19 52 |
Pirteästi kautensa aloittanut Porvoon Butchers saa vastaansa kaksi ensimmäistä peliään hävinneen United Newland Crusadersin. Molemmat joukkueet ovat parsineet alkukauden peleihinsä rosterit kasaan niukoista reserveistä. Torstaina näemme tuoko kesäkuu helpotusta haasteeseen.
Torstain isäntäjoukkue on kerännyt kahdesta ensimmäisestä pelistään yhden voiton eikä se toinenkaan ollut kaukana avauspelissä Seinäjoella. Joukkueen nuoret pelaajat ovat nousseet peleissä esiin ratkaisijoina, ja joukkueeseen värvätyt vahvistukset ovat onnistuneet rooleissaan hyvin. Alkukauden yllättäjä on ollut argentiinalainen Enzo Affaticati, jonka komeat potkut ovat ilahduttaneet porvoolaisia toukokuun peleissä. Seuran julkaisemasta alustavasta rosterista ei Crusaders-pelin osalta kuitenkaan löydy Affaticatin nimeä.
Butchers on edennyt alkukauden peleissä juoksupainotteisesti, mutta heittojen ja juoksujen tuottamat jaardimäärät ovat lähes tasoissa. Juoksuilla eniten jaardeja on kerännyt pelinrakentaja Brandon Gwinner ja kiinniotoilla nuori Luukas Eerola. Crusadersia vastaan Gwinner joutuu erityisesti huomioimaan vastustajan takakentällä pelaavien Corpeningin veljesten liikkeitä. Toistaiseksi porvoolaispelinrakentajan syöttö on katkaistu vasta kertaalleen.
Butchersin tehokkain taklaaja on toistaiseksi ollut Timi Nuikka yhteensä 11 taklauksellaan. Kahteen suuntaan pelaaminen saattaa kuitenkin haitata viime kauden huippulukemien kaltaisten suoritusten saavuttamista. Tuttuun tapaan porvoolaispuolustus on ollut tarkkana vastustajien heittojen kanssa. Tähän mennessä syötönkatkoja on napattu kolme kappaletta. Kotkassa tulikasteensa saanut yhdysvaltalainen takapuolustaja Dana Plantt on nyt saanut muutaman harjoituksen alleen ja lähtee torstain peliin paremmin valmistautuneena.
Crusadersilla edelleen tiivis rosteri
Lohjalainen Crusaders pukee alustavan rosterin perusteella torstain peliin 24 pelaajaa. Edellisessä kamppailussa näkyvästi mukana ollut unkarilaislinjamies Zalan Sorban ei ole listattuna joukkueen alustavaan rosteriin, mutta muutoin tiivis urakkaryhmä on taas kasassa.
UNC on kärsinyt kahdessa avauspelissään tappiot. Kapealla miehityksellä pelaavan joukkueen tempo on hyytynyt molempien pelien lopussa ymmärrettävistä syitä ja vastustajat ovat karanneet kauas tavoittamattomiin. 9-10 linjamiehellä pelaava joukkue on silmin nähden hyytynyt pelien lopuissa. Crusaders-hyökkäys on edennyt peleissään heittämällä enemmän kuin vastustajat (368y), mutta kaksi juoksujaardia kahdessa pelissä kertoo linjapeliin liittyvistä haasteista.
Ottelupäivän aattona Cruaders lisäsi pelaavaan kokoonpanoonsa 19-vuotiaan espanjalaislaituri Aaron Davidin. David siirtyy Lohjalle Zaragoza Hurricanesista Espanjan sarjasta.
Joukkueen ahkerimpina taklaajina ovat ahertaneet Nolan Corpenin (11,5), Henri Nordström (10) ja Mario Ollson (9). Heittopuolustuksessa tehokkain on ollut Ben-Wohl Tchiyoko. Torstain pelissä paluun kentälle tekee Roosters-pelin huilannut Miles Corpening joka Tchiyokon ohella saa vastuulleen nuorten porvoolaislaiturien varjostamisen.
Ottelun ennakkosuosikki on Butchers. Porvoolaiset eivät voi kuitenkaan lähteä peliin takit auki, koska Crusaders-rosterista löytyy sen kapeudesta huolimatta suuri määrä taitoa ja kokemusta. Joukkueet kohtasivat kaudella 2021 kaksi kertaa. Molemmat ottelut päättyivät niukasti Butchersin voittoon ( 34-27 ja 20-12).
Vaahteraliigan neljännen kierroksen ottelu Porvoon Butchers – United Newland Crusaders potkaistaan vauhtiin Porvoon keskuskentällä torstaina 02.06. klo 18.30.