Wolverines – Royals 01.08.2021

Helsinki Wolveries otti täydet sarjapisteet sunnuntaina Wasa Royalsia vastaan käydyssä taistelussa. Pisteet eivät tulleet helpolla. Ratkaisua saatiin vasta jatkoajan hyökkäyskilpailun toisen hyökkäysvuoroparin jälkeen 26-20 (6-0).
Hetken jo näytti siltä, että Wasa Royals ottaa korkojen kanssa revanssin viime kauden välieräpelin viimeisen minuutin tappiostaan. Vaasalaiset tasoittivat ottelun, kun pelikellossa oli aikaa jäljellä kaksi sekuntia. Onnistunut lisäpistepotku olisi sinetöinyt voiton Royalsille, mutta Wolverines-puolustus onnistui blokkaamaan Markkus Pylkkäsen yrityksen. Pylkkänen oli onnistunut ongelmitta kahdesta aiemmasta yhden pisteen suorituksestaan.
Wolverines säilytti oljenkortensa
Helsinki Wolverines on osoittautunut sitkeäksi viimeisten minuuttien joukkueeksi. Jälleen kerran Wolverines-pelin ratkaisu saatiin pelikellon lähestyessä loppuaan ja tässä tapauksessa peliajan jo päätyttyä. Ahmojen hyökkäyspeli ei ollut kaunista katsottavaa, mutta Royalsia vastaan jaardeja saatiin kerättyä lopulta 326 joista heittopelein 204. Pelinrakentaja Jordan Williams on kahdessa aiemmassa pelissään onnistunut lennättämään palloa ainoastaan 191 jaadia, mutta sunnuntaina mies onnistui tuplaamaan vaahteraliigajaardinsa. Kiinniottajista tehokkain oli jälleen akrobaattimainen Curtis Slater, joka viidellä kiinniotollaan kartutti jaardimääräänsä 146 verran. Ainoan heittopelillä tehdyn Wolverines-touchdownin teki kuitenkin Dajion Lynch.
Helsinkiläisten keskushyökkääjä Joonatan El Ouacef sai tehdä täiden työpäivän 21 yrityksellä kerättyjen 57 jaardin eteen. Vaikka jaardimäärä ei ole suuri, onnistui Wolverines sitomaan Royalsin puolustajia linjan keskustan tukkimiseen ja samalla tilaa avautui pelinrakentaja Williamsin omille juoksuille ja heitoille. Williams kantoi pallon maaliin itse kolme kertaa mukaan lukien jatkoajalla tehty pistesuoritus.
Wolverinesin suurimmat sankarit löytyivät sunnuntaina puolustuksesta. Micheal Mattinglyn ohjaama puolustus piti vaasalaiset hyvin kurissa ottelun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla ja venyi ratkaiseviin suorituksiin vaikeille hetkillä, jolloin Royalsille tarjottiin voiton avaimia.
Ahma-puolustus oli ottanut kauden kuudessa aiemmassa pelissään ainoastaan yhden syötönkatkon. Sunnuntaina niitä otettiin kolme kappaletta. Viljami Rautavirta käänsi pelin joukkueelleen kertaalleen ja kahdesti katkossa onnistui Eric Irvin. Irvinin jälkimmäinen katko tapahtui pelin viimeisellä neljännekselle tilanteessa, jossa Royals oli saanut pallon haltuunsa erinomaisesta kenttäasetelmasta. Irvinin loistopäivän kruunasi ratkaisevassa paikassa blokattu Royalsin lisäpistesuoritus. Eniten taklauksia kotijoukkueella keräsi Willy Lindfors (8 kpl).
Voitto Royalsista säilytti Wolverinesilla sen viimeisen oljenkorren playoff-pelien suhteen. Ahmojen on voitettava viimeisessä pelissään kovavireinen Roosters ja toivottava, että Crocodiles tai Butchers ei enää onnistu keräämään lisää sarjapsteitä.
oyals taistelee jatkossa sarjapaikasta
Wasa Royals piti sunnuntain pelissä voiton avaimia käsissään useampaankin otteeseen, mutta ei onnistunut ratkaisemaan tilanteita edukseen. Viimeisten sekuntien lisäpisteen epäonnistumisen lisäksi vaasalaiset eivät saaneet jatkoajalla potkumaalia haarukkaan.
Royals saapui Helsinkiin pienellä rosterilla mutta suurella taisteluhengellä. Hyökkäyksen ja puolustuksen linjoissa ei ollut varamiehiä ja useampi pelaaja pelasi teipein ja erilaisin sitein paikattuna. Päävalmentaja John Booker joutui kaivamaan pelikirjansa temppusivut esille ja onnistuikin hämmentämään vastustajaa useaan otteeseen odottamattomilla muodostelmillaan.
Lopulta joukkueen tehokkaimmaksi etenijäksi osoittautui kuitenkin jälleen kerran pelinrakentaja Brandon Gwinner. Vaasalaisten 144 juoksujaardista 114 kirjattiin Gwinnerille. Mies juoksi yhden touchdownin ja heitti kaksi. Näyttävin heitetyistä touchdowneista päätyi Tommy Kaczochan hyppysiin vaikeiden pomputtelujen jälkeen tasoittaen pelin kaksi sekuntia ennen peliajan päättymistä. Gwinnerin ja Kaczochan lisäksi maalinteossa onnistui laitahyökkääjä Jussi Kaas, joka kauden aiemmissa peleissä ei ollut saanut palloa haltuunsa kertaakaan.
Royals-puolustuksen ahkerin taklaaja oli jälleen kerran tukimies Sam Dickey. Tällä kertaa yhdysvaltalaisen tilastoihin kirjattiin 10 taklausta.
Mainittakoon vielä, että Royalsista Wolverinesiin siirtynyttä Royals-kasvatti Rufail Khalifaa ei nähty kentällä sunnuntaina.
Tappio Wolverinesille sysäsi vaasalaiset tiukkaan paikkaan. Joukkueen päävastustaja on nyt United Newland Crusades, jonka kanssa Royals tulee taistelemaan epäkiitollisesta sarjan peränpitäjän paikasta. Joukkueet kohtaavat maajoukkuetauon jälkeisenä perjantaina. Panoksena tuossa pelissä on todennäköisesti sarjapaikka. Tulevalle trillerille luo sopivat puitteet pelin ajoittuminen pahanenteisesti perjantaille, joka on samalla kuun 13. päivä.
Vaasa Royals vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 01, 2021)
Scoring Summary |
Vaasa Royals vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 01, 2021 at Helsinki)
Vaasa Royals (1-5) vs. Helsinki Wolverines (3-4)
Date: Aug 01, 2021 Site: Helsinki Stadium: Velodromi Attendance: 122
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | OT | Score |
Vaasa Royals | 0 | 0 | 7 | 13 | 0 | 20 |
Helsinki Wolverines | 0 | 6 | 14 | 0 | 6 | 26 |
2nd | 04:05 | WOL | Williams J 13 yd run (Alakoski J kick blockd) | |
5 plays, 62 yards, TOP 1:45 | 0 - 6 | |||
3rd | 10:20 | WOL | Williams J 8 yd run (Williams J rush failed) | |
2 plays, 4 yards, TOP 0:25 | 0 - 12 | |||
07:01 | ROY | Gwinner B 42 yd run (Pylkkonen M kick) | ||
7 plays, 65 yards, TOP 3:19 | 7 - 12 | |||
00:09 | WOL | Lynch D 19 yd pass from Williams J (Slater C pass from Williams J) | ||
6 plays, 54 yards, TOP 2:10 | 7 - 20 | |||
4th | 07:33 | ROY | Kaas J 10 yd pass from Gwinner B (Pylkkonen M kick) | |
12 plays, 65 yards, TOP 4:36 | 14 - 20 | |||
00:02 | ROY | Kaczocha T 15 yd pass from Gwinner B (Pylkkonen M kick failed) | ||
8 plays, 76 yards, TOP 1:23 | 20 - 20 | |||
OT | 00:00 | WOL | Williams J 15 yd run | |
2 plays, 25 yards, TOP 0:00 | 20 - 26 |
Kickoff time: 16.30 End of Game: 19.26 Total elapsed time: 2h 56min Referee: Seppelin J Umpire: Karppinen J Linesman: Suojanen R-V Line judge: Riihijarvi J Back judge: Janhuba R Field judge: Makarainen M Side judge: Holmberg J Temperature: +20 Wind: 7 m/s Weather: Aurinkoinen |
Team Statistics |
Vaasa Royals vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 01, 2021 at Helsinki)
Team Totals | ROY | WOL |
FIRST DOWNS | 15 | 18 |
Rushing | 7 | 6 |
Passing | 5 | 6 |
Penalty | 3 | 6 |
NET YARDS RUSHING | 144 | 122 |
Rushing Attempts | 31 | 34 |
Average Per Rush | 4.6 | 3.6 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 1 | 3 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 174 | 139 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 30 | 17 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 135 | 204 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 16-32-3 | 12-25-0 |
Average Per Attempt | 4.2 | 8.2 |
Average Per Completion | 8.4 | 17.0 |
Passing Touchdowns | 2 | 1 |
Total offense plays | 63 | 59 |
Average Gain Per Play | 4.4 | 5.5 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 2-0 | 2-2 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 9-92 | 9-89 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 5-148 | 3-139 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 29.6 | 46.3 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 27.4 | 42.7 |
Inside 20 | 0 | 3 |
50+ Yards | 0 | 1 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 0 | 0 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 4-208 | 4-191 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 52.0 | 47.8 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 30.8 | 36.5 |
Touchbacks | 1 | 0 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 2-11-0 | 1-11-0 |
Average Per Return | 5.5 | 11.0 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 2-45-0 | 3-65-0 |
Average Per Return | 22.5 | 21.7 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 3-51-0 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | -5 | 0 |
Possession Time | 36:58 | 35:02 |
1st Quarter | 4:45 | 7:15 |
2nd Quarter | 7:27 | 4:33 |
3rd Quarter | 6:49 | 5:11 |
4th Quarter | 5:57 | 6:03 |
OT Quarter | 12:00 | 12:00 |
Third-Down Conversions | 3 of 13 | 2 of 11 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 2 of 3 | 1 of 5 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 2-4 | 4-6 |
Touchdowns | 2-4 | 4-6 |
Field goals | 0-4 | 0-6 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 2-10 | 1-10 |
PAT Kicks | 2-3 | 0-1 |
Field Goals | 0-1 | 0-0 |
Points off turnovers | 0 | 6 |
Individual Statistics |
Vaasa Royals vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 01, 2021 at Helsinki)
FUMBLES: Vaasa Royals-Gwinner B 2-0. Helsinki Wolverines-Williams J 1-1; Slater C 1-1. |
Drive Chart |
Vaasa Royals vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 01, 2021 at Helsinki)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
ROY | 1st | R01 | 10:48 | Punt | R04 | 09:21 | Punt | 3-3 | 1:27 | ||
ROY | 1st | R27 | 07:50 | Downs | R24 | 06:11 | Punt | 3--3 | 1:39 | ||
ROY | 1st | R10 | 01:39 | Downs | R48 | 10:26 | Punt | 6-38 | 3:13 | ||
ROY | 2nd | R11 | 07:55 | Punt | R25 | 05:50 | Punt | 5-14 | 2:05 | ||
ROY | 2nd | R30 | 04:00 | Kickoff | R44 | 01:05 | Interception | 5-14 | 2:55 | ||
ROY | 2nd | R01 | 00:48 | Fumble | R06 | 00:00 | End of half | 2-5 | 0:48 | ||
ROY | 3rd | R42 | 11:50 | Kickoff | R32 | 10:45 | Interception | 1--10 | 1:05 | ||
ROY | 3rd | R35 | 10:20 | Kickoff | W00 | 07:01 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-65 | 3:19 | |
ROY | 3rd | R18 | 04:25 | Punt | R24 | 02:19 | Punt | 3-6 | 2:06 | ||
ROY | 3rd | R35 | 00:09 | Kickoff | W00 | 07:33 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 12-65 | 4:36 | |
ROY | 4th | W31 | 04:22 | Fumble | W31 | 04:15 | Interception | 1-0 | 0:07 | ||
ROY | 4th | R24 | 01:25 | Downs | W00 | 00:02 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-76 | 1:23 | |
ROY | OT | W25 | 00:00 | Downs | W20 | 00:00 | Missed FG | 4-5 | 0:00 | ||
ROY | OT | W25 | 00:00 | Missed FG | W20 | 00:00 | Downs | 4-5 | 0:00 | ||
WOL | 1st | W42 | 12:00 | Kickoff | W38 | 10:48 | Punt | 3--4 | 1:12 | ||
WOL | 1st | R35 | 09:21 | Punt | R27 | 07:50 | Downs | 4-8 | 1:31 | ||
WOL | 1st | R49 | 06:11 | Punt | R10 | 01:39 | Downs | 10-39 | 4:32 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W28 | 10:26 | Punt | W43 | 07:55 | Punt | 4-15 | 2:31 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W38 | 05:50 | Punt | R00 | 04:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-62 | 1:45 | |
WOL | 2nd | W30 | 01:05 | Interception | R01 | 00:48 | Fumble | 1-69 | 0:17 | ||
WOL | 3rd | R04 | 10:45 | Interception | R00 | 10:20 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-4 | 0:25 | |
WOL | 3rd | W31 | 06:54 | Kickoff | R49 | 04:25 | Punt | 5-20 | 2:29 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W46 | 02:19 | Punt | R00 | 00:09 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-54 | 2:10 | |
WOL | 4th | W20 | 07:33 | Kickoff | W31 | 04:22 | Fumble | 6-11 | 3:11 | ||
WOL | 4th | W20 | 04:15 | Interception | R24 | 01:25 | Downs | 7-56 | 2:50 | ||
WOL | 4th | W44 | 00:00 | Kickoff | W44 | 00:00 | End of half | 4-0 | 12:00 | ||
WOL | OT | R25 | 00:00 | Downs | R00 | 00:00 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-25 | 0:00 |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Vaasa Royals | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 04:45 | 07:27 | 06:49 | 05:57 | 12:12 | 12:46 | 36:58 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 0/2 | 0/2 | 0/3 | 3/4 | 0/4 | 3/7 | 3/13 | ||
Average field position | R12 | R14 | R32 | R46 | R13 | R37 | R29 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 0/0 | 2/2 | 2/3 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Helsinki Wolverines | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 07:15 | 04:33 | 05:11 | 06:03 | 11:48 | 11:14 | 35:02 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/4 | 1/2 | 0/2 | 0/2 | 2/6 | 0/4 | 2/11 | ||
Average field position | R48 | W32 | R43 | W28 | W42 | W42 | W42 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/2 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 0/1 | 0/2 | 1/2 | 1/5 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
WOL | 1st | W42 | 12:00 | Kickoff | W38 | 10:48 | Punt | 3--4 | 1:12 | ||
ROY | 1st | R01 | 10:48 | Punt | R04 | 09:21 | Punt | 3-3 | 1:27 | ||
WOL | 1st | R35 | 09:21 | Punt | R27 | 07:50 | Downs | 4-8 | 1:31 | ||
ROY | 1st | R27 | 07:50 | Downs | R24 | 06:11 | Punt | 3--3 | 1:39 | ||
WOL | 1st | R49 | 06:11 | Punt | R10 | 01:39 | Downs | 10-39 | 4:32 | ||
ROY | 1st | R10 | 01:39 | Downs | R48 | 10:26 | Punt | 6-38 | 3:13 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W28 | 10:26 | Punt | W43 | 07:55 | Punt | 4-15 | 2:31 | ||
ROY | 2nd | R11 | 07:55 | Punt | R25 | 05:50 | Punt | 5-14 | 2:05 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W38 | 05:50 | Punt | R00 | 04:05 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-62 | 1:45 | |
ROY | 2nd | R30 | 04:00 | Kickoff | R44 | 01:05 | Interception | 5-14 | 2:55 | ||
WOL | 2nd | W30 | 01:05 | Interception | R01 | 00:48 | Fumble | 1-69 | 0:17 | ||
ROY | 2nd | R01 | 00:48 | Fumble | R06 | 00:00 | End of half | 2-5 | 0:48 | ||
ROY | 3rd | R42 | 11:50 | Kickoff | R32 | 10:45 | Interception | 1--10 | 1:05 | ||
WOL | 3rd | R04 | 10:45 | Interception | R00 | 10:20 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-4 | 0:25 | |
ROY | 3rd | R35 | 10:20 | Kickoff | W00 | 07:01 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-65 | 3:19 | |
WOL | 3rd | W31 | 06:54 | Kickoff | R49 | 04:25 | Punt | 5-20 | 2:29 | ||
ROY | 3rd | R18 | 04:25 | Punt | R24 | 02:19 | Punt | 3-6 | 2:06 | ||
WOL | 3rd | W46 | 02:19 | Punt | R00 | 00:09 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-54 | 2:10 | |
ROY | 3rd | R35 | 00:09 | Kickoff | W00 | 07:33 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 12-65 | 4:36 | |
WOL | 4th | W20 | 07:33 | Kickoff | W31 | 04:22 | Fumble | 6-11 | 3:11 | ||
ROY | 4th | W31 | 04:22 | Fumble | W31 | 04:15 | Interception | 1-0 | 0:07 | ||
WOL | 4th | W20 | 04:15 | Interception | R24 | 01:25 | Downs | 7-56 | 2:50 | ||
ROY | 4th | R24 | 01:25 | Downs | W00 | 00:02 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-76 | 1:23 | |
WOL | 4th | W44 | 00:00 | Kickoff | W44 | 00:00 | End of half | 4-0 | 12:00 | ||
ROY | OT | W25 | 00:00 | Downs | W20 | 00:00 | Missed FG | 4-5 | 0:00 | ||
ROY | OT | W25 | 00:00 | Missed FG | W20 | 00:00 | Downs | 4-5 | 0:00 | ||
WOL | OT | R25 | 00:00 | Downs | R00 | 00:00 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-25 | 0:00 |
Defensive Statistics |
Vaasa Royals vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 01, 2021 at Helsinki)
## | Vaasa Royals | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
5 | Dickey S | 6 | 8 | 10.0 | 2.0/5 | 1 | . | . | . | 1 | . | . |
90 | Arvila A | 5 | 3 | 6.5 | 2.0/9 | 1 | . | . | . | . | 1.5/8 | . |
51 | Maenpaa N | 3 | 3 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
74 | Lima R | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
34 | Majaniemi A | 1 | 5 | 3.5 | 0.5/2 | . | . | . | . | . | 0.5/2 | . |
20 | Penesumbu J | 3 | . | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
2 | Manty V | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
29 | Lundstrom P | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
97 | Kass M | . | 3 | 1.5 | 0.5/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
6 | Limam K | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
66 | Schmidt T | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
TM | Team Royals | . | . | . | . | . | 1-0 | . | . | . | . | . |
24 | Barrow N | . | . | . | . | . | 1-0 | . | . | . | . | . |
4 | Kaczocha T | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
## | Helsinki Wolverines | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
14 | Lindfors W | 6 | 4 | 8.0 | 1.0/6 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
35 | Kylli A | 7 | 1 | 7.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
49 | Rautavirta V | 3 | 1 | 3.5 | . | . | . | 1-36 | 1 | . | . | . |
2 | Slater C | 3 | . | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
42 | Koskenniemi P | 3 | . | 3.0 | 1.0/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
80 | Ketonen A | 3 | . | 3.0 | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
22 | Irvin E | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | 2.0/5 | . | . | 2-15 | . | 1 | . | . |
97 | Egbudiwe B | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
50 | Heikkinen J | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | 2.0/13 | 1 | . | . | . | . | 1.0/10 | . |
56 | Soininen O | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
1 | Lynch D | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
82 | Alakoski J | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
58 | Puustinen V | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
99 | Jousmaki J | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Vaasa Royals vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 01, 2021 at Helsinki)
Vaasa Royals: 3-Savolainen J, 7-Latikka L, 40-Suoste T, 45-Malinen T, 65-Lakehal B, 80-Hersi M, 83-Korkeamaki O, 84-Pylkkonen M, 86-Hochschild J, 91-Dolinin V, 95-Turkkila M. |
Helsinki Wolverines: 3-Laalo R, 4A-Jarvinen J, 5B-Stenman V, 20-Koivunen O, 27-Andersson L, 33-Lugora S, 42-Koskenniemi P, 43-Loven K, 45-Vuorinen M, 46-Lindqvist J, 56-Soininen O, 61-Kallio P, 62-Holmstrom A, 70-Miettinen V, 76-Risku A, 83-Mantymaki A, 88-Suoniemi K, 93-Vuorenlehto A, 99-Jousmaki J. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Vaasa Royals vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 01, 2021 at Helsinki)
Pylkkonen M kickoff 50 yards to the WOL15, Slater C return 27 yards to the WOL42, out-of-bounds. | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol42 | Williams J pass incomplete to Tuominen M. |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol42 | Williams J pass incomplete to Kantonen N, dropped pass. |
Wol | 3-10 | at Wol42 | Williams J sacked for loss of 4 yards to the WOL38 (Arvila A;Majaniemi A). |
Wol | 4-14 | at Wol38 | Loven K punt 61 yards to the ROY1, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 4 yards, TOP 01:12 | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy01 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 10:48. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy01 | Barrow N rush for 3 yards to the ROY4 (Lindfors W). |
Roy | 2-7 | at Roy04 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Kaczocha T. |
Roy | 3-7 | at Roy04 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Kaczocha T. |
Roy | 4-7 | at Roy04 | Barrow N punt 31 yards to the ROY35, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:27 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy35 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 9:21. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy35 | Williams J pass complete to Tuominen M for 6 yards to the ROY29 (Penesumbu J). |
Wol | 2-4 | at Roy29 | Williams J pass incomplete. |
Wol | 3-4 | at Roy29 | El Ouacef J rush for 3 yards to the ROY26 (Dickey S;Lima R). |
Wol | 4-1 | at Roy26 | El Ouacef J rush for loss of 1 yard to the ROY27 (Dickey S). |
Drive: 4 plays, 8 yards, TOP 01:31 | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy27 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 07:50. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy27 | Gwinner B pass complete to Kaczocha T for no gain to the ROY27 (Kylli A). |
Roy | 2-10 | at Roy27 | Barrow N rush for loss of 3 yards to the ROY24 (Irvin E). |
Roy | 3-13 | at Roy24 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Viinamaki R, dropped pass. |
Roy | 4-13 | at Roy24 | Barrow N punt 25 yards to the ROY49, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 3 yards, TOP 01:39 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy49 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 06:11. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy49 | Williams J pass complete to Slater C for 11 yards to the ROY38, 1ST DOWN WOL (Arvila A). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy38 | Williams J rush for 8 yards to the ROY30 (Manty V). |
Wol | 2-2 | at Roy30 | El Ouacef J rush for 4 yards to the ROY26, 1ST DOWN WOL (Dickey S;Maenpaa N). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy26 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 04:30. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy26 | Williams J rush for 6 yards to the ROY20 (Lundstrom P). |
Wol | 2-4 | at Roy20 | Williams J pass incomplete to Slater C. |
Wol | 3-4 | at Roy20 | El Ouacef J rush for 5 yards to the ROY15, 1ST DOWN WOL (Dickey S). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy15 | El Ouacef J rush for 4 yards to the ROY11 (Lima R). |
Wol | 2-6 | at Roy11 | Williams J rush for 1 yard to the ROY10 (Maenpaa N). |
Wol | 3-5 | at Roy10 | Williams J pass incomplete to Mantymaki A (Lundstrom P). |
Wol | 4-5 | at Roy10 | Williams J pass incomplete to Alakoski J. |
Drive: 10 plays, 39 yards, TOP 04:32 | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy10 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 01:39. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy10 | Kaczocha T rush for 6 yards to the ROY16 (Soininen O). |
Roy | 2-4 | at Roy16 | Gwinner B rush for 5 yards to the ROY21, 1ST DOWN ROY (Soininen O;Lindfors W). |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy21 | Gwinner B rush for no gain to the ROY21, out-of-bounds, PENALTY WOL holding 10 yards to the ROY31, 1ST DOWN ROY, NO PLAY. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy31 | Gwinner B pass complete to Barrow N for 11 yards to the ROY42, 1ST DOWN ROY (Kylli A). |
Drive: 3 plays, 32 yards, TOP 03:13 | |||
Vaasa Royals 0, Helsinki Wolverines 0 |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy42 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy42 | Kaczocha T rush for 4 yards to the ROY46 (Koskenniemi P). |
Roy | 2-6 | at Roy46 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Barrow N. |
Roy | 3-6 | at Roy46 | Gwinner B rush for 2 yards to the ROY48 (Lindfors W). |
Roy | 4-4 | at Roy48 | Barrow N punt 24 yards to the WOL28, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 6 plays, 38 yards, TOP 03:13 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol28 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 10:26. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol28 | Williams J rush for 10 yards to the WOL38, 1ST DOWN WOL (Arvila A). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol38 | Williams J pass incomplete to Kantonen N. |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol38 | El Ouacef J rush for 5 yards to the WOL43 (Lundstrom P;Dickey S). |
Wol | 3-5 | at Wol43 | Williams J pass incomplete to Slater C, PENALTY WOL holding off-setting, PENALTY ROY pass interference off-setting, NO PLAY. |
Wol | 3-5 | at Wol43 | Williams J pass incomplete to Slater C. |
Wol | 4-5 | at Wol43 | Loven K punt 47 yards to the ROY10, Kaczocha T return 1 yards to the ROY11 (Kylli A). |
Drive: 4 plays, 15 yards, TOP 02:31 | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy11 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 07:55. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy11 | Barrow N rush for 4 yards to the ROY15 (Lindfors W;Kylli A). |
Roy | 2-6 | at Roy15 | Gwinner B rush for 8 yards to the ROY23, 1ST DOWN ROY. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy23 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Viinamaki R. |
Roy | 2-10 | at Roy23 | Gwinner B rush for 2 yards to the ROY25 (Egbudiwe B). |
Roy | 3-8 | at Roy25 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Viinamaki R (Rautavirta V). |
Roy | 4-8 | at Roy25 | Barrow N punt 38 yards to the WOL37, Slater C return 11 yards to the WOL48, PENALTY WOL personal foul 10 yards to the WOL38, 1ST DOWN WOL, 1st and 10, WOL ball on WOL38. |
Drive: 5 plays, 14 yards, TOP 02:05 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol38 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 05:50. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol38 | Williams J pass complete to Slater C for 34 yards to the ROY28, 1ST DOWN WOL, out-of-bounds. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy28 | El Ouacef J rush for 2 yards to the ROY26 (Maenpaa N;Majaniemi A), PENALTY ROY face mask 12 yards to the ROY14, 1ST DOWN WOL. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy14 | 1st and 10. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy14 | El Ouacef J rush for 1 yard to the ROY13 (Kass M;Dickey S). |
Wol | 2-9 | at Roy13 | Williams J pass incomplete to Tuominen M. |
Wol | 3-9 | at Roy13 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 04:10. |
Wol | 3-9 | at Roy13 | Timeout Vaasa Royals, clock 04:10. |
Wol | 3-9 | at Roy13 | Williams J rush for 13 yards to the ROY0, 1ST DOWN WOL, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:05. |
Alakoski J kick attempt failed (blocked), returned by Kaczocha T - no score (blocked by Dickey S). | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 6, Vaasa Royals 0 | |||
Drive: 5 plays, 62 yards, TOP 01:50 | |||
Alakoski J kickoff 64 yards to the ROY1, Viinamaki R return 14 yards to the ROY15 (Kylli A), PENALTY WOL face mask 15 yards to the ROY30, 1st and 10, ROY ball on ROY30. | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy30 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 04:00. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy30 | Gwinner B rush for 2 yards to the ROY32 (Egbudiwe B;Puustinen V). |
Roy | 2-8 | at Roy32 | Gwinner B rush for no gain to the ROY32, PENALTY ROY holding 10 yards to the ROY22, NO PLAY. |
Roy | 2-18 | at Roy22 | Gwinner B pass complete to Tuovinen A for 11 yards to the ROY33 (Kylli A). |
Roy | 3-7 | at Roy33 | PENALTY ROY delay of game (Gwinner B) 5 yards to the ROY28. |
Roy | 3-12 | at Roy28 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Kaczocha T, PENALTY WOL pass interference (Lynch D) 14 yards to the ROY42, 1ST DOWN ROY, NO PLAY. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy42 | Gwinner B rush for 2 yards to the ROY44 (Lindfors W;Heikkinen J). |
Roy | 2-8 | at Roy44 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Barrow N, dropped pass. |
Roy | 3-8 | at Roy44 | Gwinner B pass intercepted by Irvin E at the WOL30, Irvin E return 15 yards to the WOL45, PENALTY ROY pass interference declined, PENALTY WOL unsportsmanlike conduct 15 yards to the WOL30, 1ST DOWN WOL, 1st and 10, WOL ball on WOL30. |
Drive: 5 plays, 14 yards, TOP 02:55 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol30 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 01:05. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol30 | Williams J pass complete to Slater C for 50 yards to the ROY20, fumble forced by Dickey S, fumble by Slater C recovered by ROY Barrow N at ROY1. |
Drive: 1 plays, 69 yards, TOP 00:17 | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy01 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 00:48. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy01 | Barrow N rush for 7 yards to the ROY8 (Jousmaki J;Irvin E). |
Roy | 2-3 | at Roy08 | Timeout Vaasa Royals, clock 00:35. |
Roy | 2-3 | at Roy08 | Barrow N rush for loss of 2 yards to the ROY6 (Irvin E). |
Roy | 3-5 | at Roy06 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 2 plays, 5 yards, TOP 00:48 | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 6, Vaasa Royals 0 |
Roy | 3-5 | at Roy06 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, WOL ball on WOL35. |
Drive: 2 plays, 5 yards, TOP 00:48 | |||
Alakoski J kickoff 54 yards to the ROY11, Viinamaki R return 31 yards to the ROY42 (Irvin E;Alakoski J). | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy42 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 11:50. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy42 | Gwinner B rush for no gain to the ROY42, PENALTY ROY false start 5 yards to the ROY37, NO PLAY. |
Roy | 1-15 | at Roy37 | PENALTY ROY delay of game (Gwinner B) 5 yards to the ROY32. |
Roy | 1-20 | at Roy32 | Gwinner B pass intercepted by Rautavirta V at the ROY40, Rautavirta V return 36 yards to the ROY4 (Schmidt T). |
Drive: 1 plays, minus 10 yards, TOP 01:05 | |||
Wol | 1-G | at Roy04 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 10:45. |
Wol | 1-G | at Roy04 | El Ouacef J rush for loss of 4 yards to the ROY8 (Dickey S). |
Wol | 2-G | at Roy08 | Williams J rush for 8 yards to the ROY0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:20. |
Williams J rush attempt failed. | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 12, Vaasa Royals 0 | |||
Drive: 2 plays, 4 yards, TOP 00:25 | |||
Alakoski J kickoff 32 yards to the ROY33, out-of-bounds, ROY ball on ROY35. | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy35 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 10:20. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy35 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Kaczocha T. |
Roy | 2-10 | at Roy35 | Barrow N rush for 2 yards to the ROY37 (Lindfors W;Rautavirta V). |
Roy | 3-8 | at Roy37 | Gwinner B rush for 7 yards to the ROY44 (Lindfors W). |
Roy | 4-1 | at Roy44 | PENALTY WOL offside defense 5 yards to the ROY49, 1ST DOWN ROY. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy49 | Gwinner B pass complete to Majaniemi A for 9 yards to the WOL42, out-of-bounds (Ketonen A). |
Roy | 2-1 | at Wol42 | Gwinner B rush for loss of 6 yards to the WOL48 (Lindfors W). |
Roy | 3-7 | at Wol48 | Gwinner B pass complete to Barrow N for 6 yards to the WOL42 (Rautavirta V). |
Roy | 4-1 | at Wol42 | Gwinner B rush for 42 yards to the WOL0, 1ST DOWN ROY, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:01. |
Pylkkonen M kick attempt good. | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 12, Vaasa Royals 7 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 65 yards, TOP 03:26 | |||
Pylkkonen M kickoff 55 yards to the WOL10, Slater C return 21 yards to the WOL31, out-of-bounds. | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol31 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 06:54. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol31 | Williams J pass complete to El Ouacef J for no gain to the WOL31 (Manty V). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol31 | Williams J rush for 5 yards to the WOL36, out-of-bounds, PENALTY ROY personal foul (Penesumbu J) 15 yards to the ROY49, 1ST DOWN WOL. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy49 | 1st and 10. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy49 | PENALTY WOL false start (Tammero T) 5 yards to the WOL46. |
Wol | 1-15 | at Wol46 | Williams J pass incomplete to Alakoski J. |
Wol | 2-15 | at Wol46 | Williams J pass incomplete to Tuominen M. |
Wol | 3-15 | at Wol46 | El Ouacef J rush for 5 yards to the ROY49 (Maenpaa N;Lima R). |
Wol | 4-10 | at Roy49 | Loven K punt 31 yards to the ROY18, Kaczocha T return 10 yards to the ROY28, out-of-bounds, PENALTY ROY illegal block 10 yards to the ROY18, 1st and 10, ROY ball on ROY18. |
Drive: 5 plays, 20 yards, TOP 02:29 | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy18 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 04:25. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy18 | Gwinner B rush for loss of 1 yard to the ROY17 (Koskenniemi P). |
Roy | 2-11 | at Roy17 | Gwinner B pass complete to Barrow N for 5 yards to the ROY22 (Kylli A). |
Roy | 3-6 | at Roy22 | Gwinner B rush for 2 yards to the ROY24 (Kylli A). |
Roy | 4-4 | at Roy24 | Barrow N punt 30 yards to the WOL46, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, 6 yards, TOP 02:06 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol46 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 02:19. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol46 | El Ouacef J rush for 6 yards to the ROY48 (Dickey S). |
Wol | 2-4 | at Roy48 | Williams J pass complete to Slater C for 28 yards to the ROY20, 1ST DOWN WOL, out-of-bounds. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy20 | Williams J rush for 1 yard to the ROY19 (Majaniemi A;Dickey S). |
Wol | 2-9 | at Roy19 | Williams J pass incomplete to Slater C (Kaczocha T). |
Wol | 3-9 | at Roy19 | Williams J pass incomplete to Slater C. |
Wol | 4-9 | at Roy19 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 00:13. |
Wol | 4-9 | at Roy19 | Williams J pass complete to Lynch D for 19 yards to the ROY0, 1ST DOWN WOL, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:09. |
Wol | 1-G | at Roy03 | PENALTY WOL false start 5 yards to the ROY8. |
Williams J pass attempt to Slater C good. | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 20, Vaasa Royals 7 | |||
Drive: 6 plays, 54 yards, TOP 02:10 | |||
Alakoski J kickoff 41 yards to the ROY24, out-of-bounds, ROY ball on ROY35. | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy35 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 00:09. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy35 | Barrow N rush for 6 yards to the ROY41, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 1 plays, 6 yards, TOP 04:36 | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 20, Vaasa Royals 7 |
Roy | 2-4 | at Roy41 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
Roy | 2-4 | at Roy41 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Tuovinen A. |
Roy | 3-4 | at Roy41 | Gwinner B pass complete to Kaczocha T for 4 yards to the ROY45, 1ST DOWN ROY (Slater C). |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy45 | Gwinner B rush for loss of 3 yards to the ROY42, fumble forced by Heikkinen J, fumble by Gwinner B recovered by ROY Schmidt T at ROY42. |
Roy | 2-13 | at Roy42 | Gwinner B pass complete to Tuovinen A for 1 yard to the ROY43 (Koskenniemi P). |
Roy | 3-12 | at Roy43 | Gwinner B pass complete to Kaczocha T for 22 yards to the WOL35, 1ST DOWN ROY (Slater C), PENALTY WOL holding declined. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Wol35 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Kaas J (Ketonen A). |
Roy | 2-10 | at Wol35 | Barrow N rush for 3 yards to the WOL32 (Egbudiwe B). |
Roy | 3-7 | at Wol32 | Gwinner B pass complete to Viinamaki R for 5 yards to the WOL27 (Lindfors W). |
Roy | 4-2 | at Wol27 | Gwinner B rush for 17 yards to the WOL10, 1ST DOWN ROY (Ketonen A). |
Roy | 1-G | at Wol10 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 07:44. |
Roy | 1-G | at Wol10 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Tuovinen A. |
Roy | 2-G | at Wol10 | Gwinner B pass complete to Kaas J for 10 yards to the WOL0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:33. |
Pylkkonen M kick attempt good. | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 20, Vaasa Royals 14 | |||
Drive: 12 plays, 65 yards, TOP 04:36 | |||
Pylkkonen M kickoff 65 yards to the WOL0, touchback. | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol20 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 07:33. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol20 | El Ouacef J rush for 6 yards to the WOL26 (Dickey S;Majaniemi A). |
Wol | 2-4 | at Wol26 | El Ouacef J rush for 10 yards to the WOL36, 1ST DOWN WOL (Penesumbu J). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol36 | Williams J rush for 7 yards to the WOL43, PENALTY WOL holding 10 yards to the WOL33. |
Wol | 1-13 | at Wol33 | 1st and 13. |
Wol | 1-13 | at Wol33 | El Ouacef J rush for 3 yards to the WOL36 (Lima R;Kass M). |
Wol | 2-10 | at Wol36 | Williams J rush for no gain to the WOL36 (Maenpaa N). |
Wol | 3-10 | at Wol36 | Williams J sacked for loss of 6 yards to the WOL30 (Arvila A), fumble by Williams J recovered by ROY Team Royals at WOL31. |
Drive: 6 plays, 11 yards, TOP 03:11 | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Wol31 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 04:22. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Wol31 | Gwinner B pass intercepted by Irvin E at the WOL0, Irvin E return 0 yards to the WOL0, touchback. |
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:07 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol20 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 04:15. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol20 | El Ouacef J rush for 3 yards to the WOL23 (Arvila A). |
Wol | 2-7 | at Wol23 | Williams J pass complete to Tuominen M for 16 yards to the WOL39, 1ST DOWN WOL (Penesumbu J). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol39 | El Ouacef J rush for no gain to the WOL39 (Lima R), PENALTY ROY face mask (Maenpaa N) 15 yards to the ROY46, 1ST DOWN WOL. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy46 | 1st and 10. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy46 | PENALTY ROY unsportsmanlike conduct (Penesumbu J) 15 yards to the ROY31, 1ST DOWN WOL. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy31 | El Ouacef J rush for 2 yards to the ROY29 (Dickey S;Majaniemi A). |
Wol | 2-8 | at Roy29 | El Ouacef J rush for 6 yards to the ROY23 (Majaniemi A). |
Wol | 3-2 | at Roy23 | Timeout Vaasa Royals, clock 01:40. |
Wol | 3-2 | at Roy23 | El Ouacef J rush for loss of 3 yards to the ROY26 (Kass M;Arvila A). |
Wol | 4-5 | at Roy26 | Timeout Vaasa Royals, clock 01:30. |
Wol | 4-5 | at Roy26 | Williams J pass complete to Mantymaki A for 2 yards to the ROY24 (Dickey S). |
Drive: 7 plays, 56 yards, TOP 02:50 | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy24 | VAASA ROYALS drive start at 01:25. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy24 | Gwinner B pass complete to Hochschild J for 20 yards to the ROY44, 1ST DOWN ROY, out-of-bounds. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy44 | Gwinner B rush for 17 yards to the WOL39, 1ST DOWN ROY, out-of-bounds. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Wol39 | Gwinner B rush for 12 yards to the WOL27, 1ST DOWN ROY (Lynch D). |
Roy | 1-10 | at Wol27 | Gwinner B pass complete to Tuovinen A for 6 yards to the WOL21, out-of-bounds (Ketonen A). |
Roy | 2-4 | at Wol21 | Gwinner B pass complete to Barrow N for 3 yards to the WOL18, out-of-bounds. |
Roy | 3-1 | at Wol18 | Gwinner B rush for 3 yards to the WOL15, 1ST DOWN ROY. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Wol15 | Gwinner B pass incomplete to Kaas J (Ketonen A). |
Roy | 2-10 | at Wol15 | Timeout Vaasa Royals, clock 00:08. |
Roy | 2-10 | at Wol15 | Gwinner B pass complete to Kaczocha T for 15 yards to the WOL0, 1ST DOWN ROY, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:02. |
Roy | 1-G | at Wol03 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 00:02. |
Pylkkonen M kick attempt failed. | |||
Vaasa Royals 20, Helsinki Wolverines 20 | |||
Drive: 8 plays, 76 yards, TOP 01:25 | |||
Pylkkonen M kickoff 38 yards to the WOL27, Irvin E return 17 yards to the WOL44 (Arvila A). | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol44 | HELSINKI WOLVERINES drive start at 00:00. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol44 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Vaasa Royals 20, Helsinki Wolverines 20 | |||
Drive: 2 plays, 25 yards, TOP 00:00 | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 26, Vaasa Royals 20 |
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol44 | Start of OT quarter, clock 00:00, WOL ball on ROY25. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy25 | 1st and 10. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy25 | Williams J pass complete to Lynch D for 5 yards to the ROY20 (Maenpaa N). |
Wol | 2-5 | at Roy20 | Williams J pass complete to Slater C for 4 yards to the ROY16 (Lundstrom P). |
Wol | 3-1 | at Roy16 | El Ouacef J rush for no gain to the ROY16 (Dickey S;Manty V). |
Wol | 4-1 | at Roy16 | Timeout Helsinki Wolverines, clock 00:00. |
Wol | 4-1 | at Roy16 | El Ouacef J rush for no gain to the ROY16 (Arvila A;Manty V). |
Drive: 4 plays, 0 yards, TOP 12:00 | |||
Roy | 1-10 | at Roy16 | ROY ball on WOL25. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Wol25 | Gwinner B rush for loss of 5 yards to the WOL30, fumble by Gwinner B recovered by ROY Gwinner B at WOL30. |
Roy | 2-15 | at Wol30 | Gwinner B pass complete to Kaczocha T for 7 yards to the WOL23 (Slater C). |
Roy | 3-8 | at Wol23 | Gwinner B rush for 3 yards to the WOL20 (Rautavirta V). |
Roy | 4-5 | at Wol20 | Timeout Vaasa Royals, clock 00:00. |
Roy | 4-5 | at Wol20 | Pylkkonen M field goal attempt from 30 BLOCKED, recovered by ROY Team Royals at WOL25 spot at WOL25, clock 00:00 (blocked by Irvin E). |
Drive: 4 plays, 5 yards, TOP 00:00 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol25 | ROY ball on WOL25. |
Roy | 1-10 | at Wol25 | Gwinner B rush for 2 yards to the WOL23, out-of-bounds (Lindfors W). |
Roy | 2-8 | at Wol23 | Gwinner B sacked for loss of 10 yards to the WOL33 (Heikkinen J). |
Roy | 3-18 | at Wol33 | Gwinner B rush for 13 yards to the WOL20 (Rautavirta V). |
Roy | 4-5 | at Wol20 | Gwinner B pass incomplete. |
Drive: 4 plays, 5 yards, TOP 00:00 | |||
Wol | 1-10 | at Wol20 | WOL ball on ROY25. |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy25 | Williams J pass complete to Lynch D for 10 yards to the ROY15, 1ST DOWN WOL (Limam K). |
Wol | 1-10 | at Roy15 | Williams J rush for 15 yards to the ROY0, 1ST DOWN WOL, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:00. |
Helsinki Wolverines 26, Vaasa Royals 20 | |||
Wol | 1-G | at Roy03 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 2 plays, 25 yards, TOP 00:00 | |||
Helsinki Wolverines 26, Vaasa Royals 20 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Vaasa Royals vs Helsinki Wolverines (Aug 01, 2021 at Helsinki)
Vaasa Royals Helsinki Wolverines Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 30 33 63 OVERALL.......... 32 27 59 1ST DOWN......... 14 12 26 1ST DOWN......... 16 10 26 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 2 0 2 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 2 3 5 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 2 4 6 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 4 9 13 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 5 5 10 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 2 0 2 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 1 1 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 2 0 2 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 5 7 12 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 2 5 7 4TH DOWN......... 2 1 3 4TH DOWN......... 2 3 5 Vaasa Royals Helsinki Wolverines Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 30 33 63 ............... 32 27 59 |
Helsinki Wolverines ja Wasa Royals pelaavat sunnuntaina Käpylän Velodromilla tärkeän sarjapelin. Normaalia lyhempi sarjakausi tekee jokaisesta kamppailusta merkityksellisen ja kumpikin joukkue tarvitsee kipeästi sarjapisteitä parantaakseen asemiaan sarjataulukossa.
Helsinki Wolverines (2-4) on toistaiseksi onnistunut voittamaan ainoastaan sarjanousija Crusadersin kauden peleistään. Kahdella voitollaan joukkue on toistaiseksi kuivilla putoamiskurimuksesta, mutta juuri Royals on joukkue jolle ahmat ei saisi hävitä peliä.
Wasa Royals (1-4) pelaa sunnuntaina veitsi kurkullaan. Voitto Wolverinesista nostaisi joukkueen sarjataulukossa Wolverinesin edelle, mutta tappio merkitsisi suuria haasteita loppukauden peleihin. Vaahteraliigakauden 2021 asetelmaan tuo väkevän mausteensa divisioonajoukkueiden halu nousta kokeilemaan siipiään Vaahteraliigassa kaudella 2022.
Wolvoilla vaikea kausi
Helsinki Wolverinesin kausi on ollut täynnä turbulenssia. Joukkueen alkuperäinen pelaajapalapeli ei ole toteutunut suunnitellussa muodossa ja erityisesti pelinrakentajahaasteet ovat lopulta suistaneet joukkueen jopa putoamisuhan alle. Wolvoilla on toki vielä teoreettiset mahdollisuudet yltää välieriin, mutta se edellyttää voittoa kahdesta jäljellä olevasta pelistä (Royals, Roosters) ja lisäksi apuja muilta joukkueilta.
Ahmat venyivät tiukkaan voittoon edellisellä kierroksella United Newland Crusadersia vastaan. Voiton takuuna oli vahva juoksupeli, jossa tuloksen tekijöinä olivat Joonatan El Ouacef ja pelinrakentaja Jordan Williams. Sunnuntaina juoksuhaluinen pelinrakentaja tulee olemaan merkitty mies Wolverinesin on löydettävä pelikirjastaan uusia sivuja vaasalaisten puolustuksen horjuttamiseksi. Käytännössä tämä merkitsee heittopelin aktivointia. Toistaiseksi pelinrakentaja Williams on onnistunut kuljettamaan palloa heittopeleillään kahdessa ottelussaan yhteensä ainoastaan 191 jaardia.
Sunnuntain erityismausteena tulee olemaan Wolverines-takapuolustaja Rufail Khalifan ensimmäinen peli kasvattajaseuraansa vastaan. Maajoukkueleirillekin valittu Khalifa pelasi alkukauden Puolassa ja osoitti Crusaders-pelissä olevansa erinomaisessa pelikunnossa. Kookas takapuolustaja antaa päävalmentaja Michael Mattinglylle useita uusia mahdollisuuksia rosterinsa ryhmittelyyn. Ottelun pelaajalistalla Khalifa on merkitty turvallisesti kulmapuolustajan paikalle, mutta saattaa siirtyä pelin aikana myös lähemmäs juoksupelin ydintä.
Royalsilla pakkovoiton paikka
Niukalla rosterillaan taisteleva Royals on sunnuntaina kauden ensimmäisen pakkovoittonsa edessä. Joukkueella on teoriassa mahdollisuus vielä playff-peleihin, mutta käytännössä taistelu sarjapaikasta on vaasalaisille enemmän realismia. Putoamisen näkökulmasta sunnuntain peli on ns. neljän pisteen ottelu, jossa voitolla hankitut kaksi sarjapistettä nostaisivat vaasalaiset tasapisteisiin Wolverinesin kanssa, mutta samalla helsinkiläisten edelle keskinäisen pelin voiton turvin.
Royalsin hyökkäyksen eteneminen on perustunut kuluvalla kaudella jopa liikaa pelinrakentaja Brandon Gwinnerin juoksupeliin. Keskushyökkääjät Tom Suoste ja Nico Barrow ovat olleet merkittyjä miehiä eikä tilastoihin ole suomalaiskeskushyökkääjille kertynyt totutusti jaardeja.
Vaasalaisten laitahyökkääjistä Tommy Kaczocha tulee todennäköisesti saamaan päällystakikseen shut-down-korneri Dajion Lynchin, joka on onnistunut pimentämään sarjan aikana jo useampia liigan tähtilaitureita. Vaasalaisten saksalaisvahvistus Jan Hochschild pelasi viikko sitten Butchersia vastaan kauden parhaan pelinsä ja tulee aiheuttamaan Wolverines-takakentälle haasteita sunnuntain aikana.
Royalsin linjajätti Raymond Lima on saanut paikkansa kuntoon ja urakoi vaasalaislinjassa kahteen suuntaan. Tilastomerkinnät miehellä ovat vähissä, mutta kaksi hyökkäyslinjan blokkaajaa sitova pelaaja on Royalsille äärimmäisen arvokas.
Joukkueiden edellinen kohtaaminen oli yksi viime kauden tiukimmista. Wolverines voitti Royalsin Vaasassa pelatussa välieräpelissä niukasti 41-43. Ottelu ratkesi viimeisen minuutin potkumaaliin,
Vaahteraliigan 7. kierroksen peli Helsinki Wolverines – Wasa Royals potkaistaan käyntiin lauantaina 1.8. Helsingissä Käpylän Velodromilla klo 16.00. Lippuja taisteluun voi ostaa ennakkoon Lippu.fi. Suora lähetys Ruutu+ kanavalla käynnistyy jo 16.00.
Tutustu: Wolverines rosteri
Tutustu: Royals rosteri