Steelers – Crocodiles 03.09.2021

Kuopio Steelers varmisti neljäntenä kautena perättäin paikan Vaahteraliigan loppuotteluun. Perjantain iltavalaistuksessa pelatussa välierässä Seinäjoki Crocodiles kaatui ylivoimaisen esityksen jälkeen lukemin 52-14 (28-7)
Kuopion Väinölänniemen isäntä pelasi perjantain illassa varsin tylyn pelin. Vastustajalta otettiin luulot pois heti ensimmäisellä hyökkäysvuorolla ja ensimmäisen neljänneksen jälkeen Steelers oli edetyissä jaardeissa edellä vastustajaansa jo lukemin 208-16 pelin ollessa tilanteessa 14-0.
Crocodiles pääsi pelin rytmiin mukaan ottelun toisella neljänneksellä, mutta pelin voittajasta ei ollut epäselvyyttä ensimmäisen neljänneksen kuopiolaisnäytöksen jälkeen.
Bradley yllätti juoksullaan
Kuopio Steelersin pelinrakentaja Joey Bradley on pelannut läpi kauden varsin ilmeetöntä peliä antaen tähtikeskushyökkääjä LeAnthony Reasnoverin kerätä kuopiolaishyökkäyksen suurimman huomion. Perjantain pelissä Bradley laittoi kroppaa likoon ennenäkemättömällä tavalla edeten juoksuillaan lähes sata jaardia. Kaikkiaan Steelers-hyökkäys antoi myrskyvaroituksen tulevalle finaalivastustajalleen järjestämällä kotiyleisölleen hienot kotipelien jäähyväiset tämän kauden osalta.
Reasnover oli jälleen kerran loistava 270 juoksujaardillaan sekä neljällä TD:llä. Kostealla Vänärin nurmella pelatussa iltavalaistuksessa myös laitahyökkääjä Jeff Alexandre onnistui hyvin keräten 107 jaardia ja kaksi touchdownia viidellä kiinniotollaan. Kaikkiaan Steelers tarjoili kotiyleisölleen suurten pelien illan. Bradley ja Reasnover vetäisivät kumpainenkin yhdet 80 jaardiset siivut ja Alexandrekin karkasi kertaalleen 60 jaardin TD-kiinniottoon.
Steelers-puolustus teki sen mitä kentällä piti tehdä pysäyttäen edellisessä pelissään hirmujaardeja juosseen Crocodilesin Christian Powelin. Perjantaina puolustajista eniten taklauksia keräsi Maurice Wright jr (7,5 kpl).
Ottelun jälkeen Pohjola Vakuutuksen vakuuttavimpana pelaajana palkittu Bradley kertoi vetäneensä pitkään henkeä 80 jaardin juoksunsa päätteeksi.
Greenlee vihdoinkin kentällä
Crocodiles sai välieräpeliin kentälle vihdoinkin ýhdysvaltalaispelinrakentajansa Zack Greenleen. Pelaamattomuus näkyi otteissa pelin alussa, eikä miehen 17 heitosta tavoittanut vastaanottajansa koo pelin aikana kuin neljä. Jaardeja heitoilla kertyi surulliset 24. Crocojen hyökkäyslinjalle täydet pisteet siitä, että liigan kovaotteisin puolustusfrontti ei onnistunut säkittämään toipilaana ollutta Greenleetä kertaakaan.
Croodiles on elänyt ja kuollut keskushyökkääjä Powellin onnistumisten tahtiin läpi kauden ja perjantaina oli vuoro päättä kausi siihen kuolemaan. Powell teki välierässä kaikkensa, mutta 146 jaardia ja kaksi touchdownia eivät varmaankaan lohduta ketään hävityn kuolemanpelin jälkeen.
Crocodilesin kausi päättyy neljänteen sijaan, joka on täsmälleen sama kuin edellisellä kaudella. Joukkueen kauden rikkoivat pelinrakentajiin liittyvät lukuisat murheet, eikä seinäjokiset päässeet pelaamaan parhaalla kokoonpanollaan kuin avauspelinsä, jossa Wasa Royals kaatui lukemin 33-0.
Kuopio Steelers jatkaa matkaansa Lahteen. Joukkueen päävalmentaja Pekka Utriainen on erityisen tyytyväinen joukkueen saamaan pitkään valmistautumisaikaan sunnuntaina 12.9. pelattavaan Vaahteramalja XLII peliin.
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Kuopio Steelers (Sep 03, 2021)
Scoring Summary |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Kuopio Steelers (Sep 03, 2021 at Kuopio)
Seinajoki Crocodiles (4-5) vs. Kuopio Steelers (8-1)
Date: Sep 03, 2021 Site: Kuopio Stadium: Vainolanniemi Attendance: 491
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Seinajoki Crocodiles | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 | 14 |
Kuopio Steelers | 14 | 14 | 7 | 17 | 52 |
1st | 09:53 | STE | Reasnover L 4 yd run (Alexandre J kick) | |
5 plays, 86 yards, TOP 2:07 | 0 - 7 | |||
00:06 | STE | Wright Jr M 3 yd run (Alexandre J kick) | ||
6 plays, 41 yards, TOP 1:57 | 0 - 14 | |||
2nd | 07:53 | CRO | Powell C 3 yd run (Maki-Maunus E kick) | |
9 plays, 66 yards, TOP 4:12 | 7 - 14 | |||
05:26 | STE | Alexandre J 60 yd pass from Bradley J (Alexandre J kick) | ||
6 plays, 80 yards, TOP 2:27 | 7 - 21 | |||
03:51 | STE | Reasnover L 5 yd run (Alexandre J kick) | ||
2 plays, 85 yards, TOP 0:26 | 7 - 28 | |||
3rd | 05:48 | STE | Reasnover L 9 yd run (Alexandre J kick) | |
4 plays, 45 yards, TOP 2:07 | 7 - 35 | |||
4th | 11:14 | STE | Alexandre J 15 yd pass from Bradley J (Alexandre J kick) | |
6 plays, 37 yards, TOP 3:48 | 7 - 42 | |||
08:54 | CRO | Powell C 37 yd run (Maki-Maunus E kick) | ||
5 plays, 73 yards, TOP 2:12 | 14 - 42 | |||
08:41 | STE | Reasnover L 80 yd run (Alexandre J kick) | ||
1 play, 80 yards, TOP 0:13 | 14 - 49 | |||
00:00 | STE | Alexandre J 29 yd field goal | ||
12 plays, 60 yards, TOP 6:47 | 14 - 52 |
Kickoff time: 18.30 End of Game: 21.13 Total elapsed time: 2h 43min Referee: Lamminsalo V Umpire: Immonen M Linesman: Vierikko P Line judge: Eloranta P Back judge: Toijala H Field judge: Julkunen T Side judge: Roimela P Temperature: + 9 C Wind: 7 m/s Weather: sadekuuroja |
Team Statistics |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Kuopio Steelers (Sep 03, 2021 at Kuopio)
Team Totals | CRO | STE |
FIRST DOWNS | 9 | 25 |
Rushing | 7 | 17 |
Passing | 2 | 7 |
Penalty | 0 | 1 |
NET YARDS RUSHING | 153 | 469 |
Rushing Attempts | 25 | 42 |
Average Per Rush | 6.1 | 11.2 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 2 | 5 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 157 | 472 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 4 | 3 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 24 | 155 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 4-17-0 | 11-19-0 |
Average Per Attempt | 1.4 | 8.2 |
Average Per Completion | 6.0 | 14.1 |
Passing Touchdowns | 0 | 2 |
Total offense plays | 42 | 61 |
Average Gain Per Play | 4.2 | 10.2 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 1-1 | 1-1 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 6-48 | 7-60 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 7-264 | 1-32 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 37.7 | 32.0 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 35.6 | 26.0 |
Inside 20 | 1 | 1 |
50+ Yards | 0 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 1 | 0 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 3-185 | 8-438 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 61.7 | 54.8 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 40.7 | 42.8 |
Touchbacks | 2 | 0 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 1-6-0 | 2-15-0 |
Average Per Return | 6.0 | 7.5 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 7-96-0 | 1-23-0 |
Average Per Return | 13.7 | 23.0 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | 0 |
Possession Time | 19:08 | 28:52 |
1st Quarter | 3:45 | 8:15 |
2nd Quarter | 6:58 | 5:02 |
3rd Quarter | 4:11 | 7:49 |
4th Quarter | 4:14 | 7:46 |
Third-Down Conversions | 2 of 10 | 7 of 10 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 1 of 1 | 0 of 1 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 1-1 | 6-6 |
Touchdowns | 1-1 | 5-6 |
Field goals | 0-1 | 1-6 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 0-0 | 0-0 |
PAT Kicks | 2-2 | 7-7 |
Field Goals | 0-0 | 1-1 |
Points off turnovers | 0 | 0 |
Individual Statistics |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Kuopio Steelers (Sep 03, 2021 at Kuopio)
FUMBLES: Seinajoki Crocodiles-Powell C 1-1. Kuopio Steelers-Lehtonen T 1-1. |
Drive Chart |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Kuopio Steelers (Sep 03, 2021 at Kuopio)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
CRO | 1st | C29 | 09:44 | Kickoff | C32 | 08:00 | Punt | 3-3 | 1:44 | ||
CRO | 1st | C07 | 03:49 | Fumble | C11 | 02:03 | Punt | 3-4 | 1:46 | ||
CRO | 1st | C34 | 00:05 | Kickoff | S00 | 07:53 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-66 | 4:12 | # |
CRO | 2nd | C25 | 05:21 | Kickoff | C38 | 04:17 | Punt | 4-13 | 1:04 | ||
CRO | 2nd | C35 | 03:51 | Kickoff | C34 | 02:28 | Punt | 3--1 | 1:23 | ||
CRO | 2nd | C19 | 00:19 | Punt | C17 | 00:00 | End of half | 1--2 | 0:19 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C36 | 11:54 | Kickoff | C38 | 11:45 | Fumble | 1-2 | 0:09 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C23 | 09:05 | Downs | C19 | 07:55 | Punt | 3--4 | 1:10 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C03 | 05:46 | Kickoff | C08 | 03:02 | Punt | 7-5 | 2:44 | ||
CRO | 4th | C27 | 11:06 | Kickoff | S00 | 08:54 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-73 | 2:12 | |
CRO | 4th | C35 | 08:34 | Kickoff | C35 | 06:47 | Punt | 3-0 | 1:47 | ||
STE | 1st | S14 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C00 | 09:53 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-86 | 2:07 | # |
STE | 1st | S22 | 08:00 | Punt | C07 | 03:49 | Fumble | 7-71 | 4:11 | ||
STE | 1st | C41 | 02:03 | Punt | C00 | 00:06 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-41 | 1:57 | # |
STE | 2nd | S20 | 07:53 | Kickoff | C00 | 05:26 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-80 | 2:27 | |
STE | 2nd | S15 | 04:17 | Punt | C00 | 03:51 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-85 | 0:26 | # |
STE | 2nd | S31 | 02:28 | Punt | C45 | 00:19 | Punt | 6-24 | 2:09 | ||
STE | 3rd | C38 | 11:45 | Fumble | C23 | 09:05 | Downs | 7-15 | 2:40 | ||
STE | 3rd | C45 | 07:55 | Punt | C00 | 05:48 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-45 | 2:07 | # |
STE | 3rd | C37 | 03:02 | Punt | C00 | 11:14 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-37 | 3:48 | # |
STE | 4th | S20 | 08:54 | Kickoff | C00 | 08:41 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-80 | 0:13 | |
STE | 4th | S29 | 06:47 | Punt | C11 | 00:00 | * | FIELD GOAL | 12-60 | 6:47 | # |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Seinajoki Crocodiles | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 03:45 | 06:58 | 04:11 | 04:14 | 10:43 | 08:25 | 19:08 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 0/2 | 1/3 | 0/3 | 1/2 | 1/5 | 1/5 | 2/10 | ||
Average field position | C23 | C26 | C20 | C31 | C24 | C24 | C24 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 1/1 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Kuopio Steelers | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 08:15 | 05:02 | 07:49 | 07:46 | 13:17 | 15:35 | 28:52 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/1 | 2/3 | 2/3 | 2/3 | 3/4 | 4/6 | 7/10 | ||
Average field position | S31 | S22 | C40 | S24 | S26 | S45 | S35 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/1 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/1 | 0/1 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
STE | 1st | S14 | 12:00 | Kickoff | C00 | 09:53 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-86 | 2:07 | # |
CRO | 1st | C29 | 09:44 | Kickoff | C32 | 08:00 | Punt | 3-3 | 1:44 | ||
STE | 1st | S22 | 08:00 | Punt | C07 | 03:49 | Fumble | 7-71 | 4:11 | ||
CRO | 1st | C07 | 03:49 | Fumble | C11 | 02:03 | Punt | 3-4 | 1:46 | ||
STE | 1st | C41 | 02:03 | Punt | C00 | 00:06 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-41 | 1:57 | # |
CRO | 1st | C34 | 00:05 | Kickoff | S00 | 07:53 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 9-66 | 4:12 | # |
STE | 2nd | S20 | 07:53 | Kickoff | C00 | 05:26 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-80 | 2:27 | |
CRO | 2nd | C25 | 05:21 | Kickoff | C38 | 04:17 | Punt | 4-13 | 1:04 | ||
STE | 2nd | S15 | 04:17 | Punt | C00 | 03:51 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-85 | 0:26 | # |
CRO | 2nd | C35 | 03:51 | Kickoff | C34 | 02:28 | Punt | 3--1 | 1:23 | ||
STE | 2nd | S31 | 02:28 | Punt | C45 | 00:19 | Punt | 6-24 | 2:09 | ||
CRO | 2nd | C19 | 00:19 | Punt | C17 | 00:00 | End of half | 1--2 | 0:19 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C36 | 11:54 | Kickoff | C38 | 11:45 | Fumble | 1-2 | 0:09 | ||
STE | 3rd | C38 | 11:45 | Fumble | C23 | 09:05 | Downs | 7-15 | 2:40 | ||
CRO | 3rd | C23 | 09:05 | Downs | C19 | 07:55 | Punt | 3--4 | 1:10 | ||
STE | 3rd | C45 | 07:55 | Punt | C00 | 05:48 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-45 | 2:07 | # |
CRO | 3rd | C03 | 05:46 | Kickoff | C08 | 03:02 | Punt | 7-5 | 2:44 | ||
STE | 3rd | C37 | 03:02 | Punt | C00 | 11:14 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-37 | 3:48 | # |
CRO | 4th | C27 | 11:06 | Kickoff | S00 | 08:54 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 5-73 | 2:12 | |
STE | 4th | S20 | 08:54 | Kickoff | C00 | 08:41 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-80 | 0:13 | |
CRO | 4th | C35 | 08:34 | Kickoff | C35 | 06:47 | Punt | 3-0 | 1:47 | ||
STE | 4th | S29 | 06:47 | Punt | C11 | 00:00 | * | FIELD GOAL | 12-60 | 6:47 | # |
Defensive Statistics |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Kuopio Steelers (Sep 03, 2021 at Kuopio)
## | Seinajoki Crocodiles | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
44 | Tuokko A | 7 | 3 | 8.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
45 | Korpela V-M | 3 | 8 | 7.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
77 | Lundberg L | 4 | 3 | 5.5 | 1.0/3 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
7 | Rodriques A | 4 | 1 | 4.5 | . | . | 1-0 | . | . | . | . | . |
99 | Zacok F | 2 | 5 | 4.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
34 | Varinen J | 3 | 2 | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
43 | Koivumaki Juh | 2 | 4 | 4.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
20 | Robitaille N | 3 | . | 3.0 | 1.0/1 | 1 | . | . | . | . | . | . |
24 | Jallow S | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
22 | Mehtonen M | . | 2 | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
56 | Hietala L | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
25 | Lehtonen V | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
26 | Havulehto M | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
2 | Toivola H | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
66 | Makinen M | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
## | Kuopio Steelers | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
8 | Wright Jr M | 5 | 5 | 7.5 | . | 1 | 1-0 | . | 1 | . | . | . |
29 | Steffen L | 2 | 6 | 5.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
3 | Radji S | 1 | 5 | 3.5 | 1.5/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
55 | Allen I | 1 | 3 | 2.5 | 1.5/2 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
41 | Seppanen K | . | 5 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
13 | Floret K | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
92 | Kauppinen M | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
23 | Laine R | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
59 | Tuppurainen T | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
1 | Bafdile A | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
99 | Lindqvist J | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
24 | Kuisma J | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
2 | Vaija E | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
35 | Lehtonen T | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Kuopio Steelers (Sep 03, 2021 at Kuopio)
Seinajoki Crocodiles: 21-Gavelin R, 22-Mehtonen M, 24-Jallow S, 26-Havulehto M, 30-Hautala S, 33-Yli-Rahko M, 44-Tuokko A, 47-Hietala Tim, 52-Maki-Maunus E, 56-Hietala L, 68-Saarikoski A, 70-Ristolainen J-P, 77-Lundberg L, 79-Kortesniemi A, 90-Kuusisto M, 94-Salmi S. |
Kuopio Steelers: 12-Vilpponen P, 24-Kuisma J, 28-Bakker C, 35-Lehtonen T, 37-Kurenniemi A, 43-Tuominen T, 44-Haukka R, 52-Heikkinen J, 59-Tuppurainen T, 67-Ovaskainen S, 78-Keituri J, 83-Kuikka N, 86-Juvonen S, 92-Kauppinen M, 93-Korhonen J, 97-Savolainen J. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Kuopio Steelers (Sep 03, 2021 at Kuopio)
Crocodiles voitti arvonnan ja siirsi. Steelers palauttaa. | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 59 yards to the STE6, Bafdile A return 23 yards to the STE29, PENALTY STE illegal block 15 yards to the STE14, 1st and 10, STE ball on STE14. | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste14 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 33 yards to the STE47, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Tuokko A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste47 | Reasnover L rush over left guard for 31 yards to the CRO22, 1ST DOWN STE (Rodriques A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro22 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 11 yards to the CRO11, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Tuokko A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro11 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 7 yards to the CRO4 (Koivumaki Juh;Zacok F). |
Ste | 2-3 | at Cro04 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 4 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 09:53. |
Alexandre J kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 7, Seinajoki Crocodiles 0 | |||
Drive: 5 plays, 86 yards, TOP 02:16 | |||
Alexandre J kickoff 53 yards to the CRO12, Powell C return 17 yards to the CRO29 (Steffen L;Wright Jr M). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro29 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 09:44. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro29 | Powell C rush over right guard for 2 yards to the CRO31 (Wright Jr M;Seppanen K). |
Cro | 2-8 | at Cro31 | Deadball foul, PENALTY STE offside defense 5 yards to the CRO36, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 2-3 | at Cro36 | Greenlee | short left pass incomplete to Plu B. |
Cro | 3-3 | at Cro36 | Greenlee | short right pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 1 yard to the CRO37. |
Cro | 4-2 | at Cro37 | PENALTY CRO delay of game (Sarkela Ja) 5 yards to the CRO32. |
Cro | 4-7 | at Cro32 | Sarkela Ja punt 46 yards to the STE22, fair catch by Bafdile A. |
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:44 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste22 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 08:00. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste22 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 9 yards to the STE31 (Rodriques A). |
Ste | 2-1 | at Ste31 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 7 yards to the STE38 (Rodriques A;Lundberg L), PENALTY STE holding (Lindsten V) 10 yards to the STE21, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 2-11 | at Ste21 | Bradley J short right pass complete to Lindsten V for 11 yards to the STE32, 1ST DOWN STE (Rodriques A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste32 | Bradley J rush over right end for 14 yards to the STE46, 1ST DOWN STE (Korpela V-M). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste46 | Bradley J short middle pass complete to Harju H for 11 yards to the CRO43, 1ST DOWN STE (Tuokko A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro43 | Lehtonen T rush over left guard for 5 yards to the CRO38 (Jallow S). |
Ste | 2-5 | at Cro38 | Lehtonen T rush over left tackle for 11 yards to the CRO27, 1ST DOWN STE (Korpela V-M). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro27 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for 17 yards to the CRO10, fumble forced by Robitaille N, fumble by Lehtonen T recovered by CRO Rodriques A at CRO7. |
Drive: 7 plays, 71 yards, TOP 04:11 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro07 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 03:49. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro07 | Powell C rush over left guard for 5 yards to the CRO12 (Wright Jr M). |
Cro | 2-5 | at Cro12 | Deadball foul, PENALTY CRO false start (Sarkela Jo) 5 yards to the CRO7, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro07 | Powell C rush draw play for 4 yards to the CRO11 (Vaija E;Seppanen K), PENALTY CRO illegal block declined. |
Cro | 3-6 | at Cro11 | Greenlee | short right pass incomplete to Lehtonen V (Wright Jr M). |
Cro | 4-6 | at Cro11 | Sarkela Ja punt 44 yards to the STE45, Bafdile A return 14 yards to the CRO41 (Mehtonen M;Tuokko A). |
Drive: 3 plays, 4 yards, TOP 01:46 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro41 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 02:03. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro41 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 5 yards to the CRO36 (Koivumaki Juh). |
Ste | 2-5 | at Cro36 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 8 yards to the CRO28, 1ST DOWN STE (Rodriques A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro28 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for loss of 3 yards to the CRO31 (Lundberg L). |
Ste | 2-13 | at Cro31 | Bradley J short left pass incomplete to Lindsten V, dropped pass. |
Ste | 3-13 | at Cro31 | Bradley J deep right pass complete to Alexandre J for 28 yards to the CRO3, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Robitaille N). |
Ste | 1-G | at Cro03 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 00:12. |
Ste | 1-G | at Cro03 | Wright Jr M rush over left tackle for 3 yards to the CRO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:06. |
Alexandre J kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 14, Seinajoki Crocodiles 0 | |||
Drive: 6 plays, 41 yards, TOP 01:58 | |||
Alexandre J kickoff 52 yards to the CRO13, Rodriques A return 6 yards to the CRO19, out-of-bounds (Bafdile A), deadball foul, PENALTY STE unsportsmanlike conduct (Bafdile A) 15 yards to the CRO34, 1st and 10, CRO ball on CRO34. | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro34 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 00:05. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro34 | Greenlee | short left pass complete to Plu B for 4 yards to the CRO38. |
Drive: 1 plays, 4 yards, TOP 04:12 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 14, Seinajoki Crocodiles 0 |
Cro | 2-6 | at Cro38 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Cro | 2-6 | at Cro38 | Greenlee | short left pass complete to Sarkela Ja for 10 yards to the CRO48, 1ST DOWN CRO, out-of-bounds (Laine R). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro48 | Powell C rush over right guard for 7 yards to the STE45 (Wright Jr M). |
Cro | 2-3 | at Ste45 | Greenlee | screen left pass incomplete to Plu B. |
Cro | 3-3 | at Ste45 | Powell C rush over right guard for 21 yards to the STE24, 1ST DOWN CRO, out-of-bounds (Floret K). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Ste24 | Powell C rush over left guard for loss of 1 yard to the STE25 (Allen I;Radji S). |
Cro | 2-11 | at Ste25 | Deadball foul, PENALTY STE offside defense (Radji S) 5 yards to the STE20, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 2-6 | at Ste20 | Greenlee | short left pass complete to Plu B for 9 yards to the STE11, 1ST DOWN CRO (Steffen L). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Ste11 | Powell C rush over right tackle for 8 yards to the STE3 (Kauppinen M). |
Cro | 2-2 | at Ste03 | Powell C rush over left end for 3 yards to the STE0, 1ST DOWN CRO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:53. |
Maki-Maunus E kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 14, Seinajoki Crocodiles 7 | |||
Drive: 9 plays, 66 yards, TOP 04:12 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 61 yards to the STE4, touchback. | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste20 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 07:53. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste20 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 6 yards to the STE26, out-of-bounds (Tuokko A). |
Ste | 2-4 | at Ste26 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 3 yards to the STE29 (Koivumaki Juh;Korpela V-M). |
Ste | 3-1 | at Ste29 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 5 yards to the STE34, 1ST DOWN STE (Tuokko A), PENALTY STE offside defense declined. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste34 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete to Alexandre J. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste34 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 6 yards to the STE40 (Varinen J;Koivumaki Juh). |
Ste | 3-4 | at Ste40 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 05:35. |
Ste | 3-4 | at Ste40 | Bradley J short right pass complete to Alexandre J for 60 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 05:26. |
Alexandre J kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 21, Seinajoki Crocodiles 7 | |||
Drive: 6 plays, 80 yards, TOP 02:32 | |||
Alexandre J kickoff 52 yards to the CRO13, Rodriques A return 12 yards to the CRO25, out-of-bounds (Kuisma J). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro25 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 05:21. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro25 | Powell C rush over right guard for 13 yards to the CRO38, 1ST DOWN CRO (Lindqvist J). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro38 | Greenlee | screen left pass incomplete to Lehtonen V. |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro38 | Greenlee | short right pass incomplete to Sarkela Ja. |
Cro | 3-10 | at Cro38 | Greenlee | deep right pass incomplete. |
Cro | 4-10 | at Cro38 | Sarkela Ja punt 47 yards to the STE15, downed, deadball foul, PENALTY CRO unsportsmanlike conduct off-setting, PENALTY STE unsportsmanlike conduct off-setting. |
Drive: 4 plays, 13 yards, TOP 01:04 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste15 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 04:17. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste15 | Bradley J rush over right end for 80 yards to the CRO5, 1ST DOWN STE (Varinen J). |
Ste | 1-G | at Cro05 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 03:59. |
Ste | 1-G | at Cro05 | Reasnover L rush over right end for 5 yards to the CRO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:51. |
Alexandre J kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 28, Seinajoki Crocodiles 7 | |||
Drive: 2 plays, 85 yards, TOP 00:26 | |||
Alexandre J kickoff 61 yards to the CRO4, out-of-bounds, CRO ball on CRO35. | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro35 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 03:51. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro35 | Powell C rush over right guard for 4 yards to the CRO39 (Seppanen K;Radji S). |
Cro | 2-6 | at Cro39 | Greenlee | rush scrambling for 16 yards to the STE45, out-of-bounds, PENALTY CRO holding (Anttila L) 10 yards to the CRO29, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 2-16 | at Cro29 | Deadball foul, PENALTY STE offside defense (Lindqvist J) 5 yards to the CRO34, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 2-11 | at Cro34 | Greenlee | short right pass incomplete to Sarkela Jo. |
Cro | 3-11 | at Cro34 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 02:44. |
Cro | 3-11 | at Cro34 | Greenlee | pass incomplete. |
Cro | 4-11 | at Cro34 | Sarkela Ja punt 36 yards to the STE30, Floret K return 1 yards to the STE31 (Mehtonen M;Lehtonen V). |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 1 yards, TOP 01:23 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste31 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 02:28. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste31 | Bradley J short left pass complete to Marshall I for 11 yards to the STE42, 1ST DOWN STE (Korpela V-M;Tuokko A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste42 | Bradley J screen left pass complete to Alexandre J for loss of 1 yard to the STE41 (Robitaille N). |
Ste | 2-11 | at Ste41 | Bradley J short middle pass complete to Marshall I for 13 yards to the CRO46, 1ST DOWN STE (Tuokko A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro46 | Bradley J screen left pass complete to Reasnover L for 1 yard to the CRO45 (Varinen J). |
Ste | 2-9 | at Cro45 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 01:02. |
Ste | 2-9 | at Cro45 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for no gain to the CRO45 (Koivumaki Juh;Zacok F). |
Ste | 3-9 | at Cro45 | Bradley J short left pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Ste | 4-9 | at Cro45 | Alexandre J punt 32 yards to the CRO13, Rodriques A return 6 yards to the CRO19 (Steffen L). |
Drive: 6 plays, 24 yards, TOP 02:09 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro19 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 00:19. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro19 | Powell C rush over left guard for loss of 2 yards to the CRO17 (Radji S). |
Cro | 2-12 | at Cro17 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 1 plays, minus 2 yards, TOP 00:19 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 28, Seinajoki Crocodiles 7 |
Cro | 2-12 | at Cro17 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, STE ball on STE35. |
Drive: 1 plays, minus 2 yards, TOP 00:19 | |||
Alexandre J kickoff 59 yards to the CRO6, Plu B return 30 yards to the CRO36, out-of-bounds. | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro36 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 11:54. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro36 | Powell C rush over right guard for 2 yards to the CRO38, fumble forced by Wright Jr M, fumble by Powell C recovered by STE Wright Jr M at CRO38. |
Drive: 1 plays, 2 yards, TOP 00:09 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro38 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 11:45. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro38 | Bradley J screen left pass complete to Alexandre J for 5 yards to the CRO33, out-of-bounds. |
Ste | 2-5 | at Cro33 | Bradley J short right pass incomplete to Marshall I. |
Ste | 3-5 | at Cro33 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 7 yards to the CRO26, 1ST DOWN STE (Jallow S;Korpela V-M). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro26 | Reasnover L rush over left end for 1 yard to the CRO25 (Zacok F). |
Ste | 2-9 | at Cro25 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 1 yard to the CRO24 (Lundberg L). |
Ste | 3-8 | at Cro24 | Bradley J screen right pass complete to Lindsten V for 1 yard to the CRO23, out-of-bounds (Rodriques A;Tuokko A). |
Ste | 4-7 | at Cro23 | Bradley J short right pass incomplete to Alexandre J. |
Drive: 7 plays, 15 yards, TOP 02:40 | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro23 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 09:05. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro23 | Powell C rush over right tackle for 1 yard to the CRO24 (Radji S;Wright Jr M). |
Cro | 2-9 | at Cro24 | Greenlee | deep right pass incomplete to Sarkela Ja. |
Cro | 3-9 | at Cro24 | Deadball foul, PENALTY CRO false start (Sarkela Jo) 5 yards to the CRO19, NO PLAY. |
Cro | 3-14 | at Cro19 | Greenlee | deep left pass incomplete to Plu B (Bafdile A). |
Cro | 4-14 | at Cro19 | Sarkela Ja punt 26 yards to the CRO45, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 4 yards, TOP 01:10 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro45 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 07:55. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro45 | Bradley J rush over right end for 2 yards to the CRO43. |
Ste | 2-8 | at Cro43 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 32 yards to the CRO11, 1ST DOWN STE (Tuokko A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro11 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 2 yards to the CRO9 (Zacok F;Korpela V-M). |
Ste | 2-8 | at Cro09 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 9 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 05:48. |
Alexandre J kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 35, Seinajoki Crocodiles 7 | |||
Drive: 4 plays, 45 yards, TOP 02:09 | |||
Alexandre J kickoff 64 yards to the CRO1, Plu B return 2 yards to the CRO3. | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro03 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 05:46. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro03 | Powell C rush over left guard for no gain to the CRO3 (Steffen L;Radji S). |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro03 | Powell C rush over right guard for 7 yards to the CRO10 (Steffen L;Wright Jr M). |
Cro | 3-3 | at Cro10 | Powell C rush over right guard for 2 yards to the CRO12 (Wright Jr M;Seppanen K). |
Cro | 4-1 | at Cro12 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 03:50. |
Cro | 4-1 | at Cro12 | Powell C rush over right tackle for 4 yards to the CRO16, 1ST DOWN CRO (Wright Jr M). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro16 | Greenlee | short right pass incomplete to Sarkela Ja, deadball foul, PENALTY CRO unsportsmanlike conduct (Hvitfelt T) 8 yards to the CRO8. |
Cro | 2-18 | at Cro08 | 2nd and 18. |
Cro | 2-18 | at Cro08 | Greenlee | short left pass incomplete to Plu B, dropped pass. |
Cro | 3-18 | at Cro08 | Greenlee | deep right pass incomplete to 11. |
Cro | 4-18 | at Cro08 | Sarkela Ja punt 29 yards to the CRO37, downed. |
Drive: 7 plays, 5 yards, TOP 02:44 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro37 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 03:02. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro37 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for 2 yards to the CRO35 (Korpela V-M). |
Ste | 2-8 | at Cro35 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for 6 yards to the CRO29 (Toivola H;Korpela V-M). |
Ste | 3-2 | at Cro29 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for 2 yards to the CRO27, 1ST DOWN STE (Varinen J). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro27 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 00:50. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro27 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for 7 yards to the CRO20 (Hietala L;Zacok F). |
Drive: 4 plays, 17 yards, TOP 03:56 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 35, Seinajoki Crocodiles 7 |
Ste | 2-3 | at Cro20 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
Ste | 2-3 | at Cro20 | Bradley J deep left pass intercepted by Robitaille N at the CRO0, Robitaille N return to the CRO0, touchback, PENALTY CRO pass interference off-setting, PENALTY STE pass interference off-setting, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 2-3 | at Cro20 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 5 yards to the CRO15, 1ST DOWN STE (Lundberg L). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro15 | Bradley J deep right pass complete to Alexandre J for 15 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:14. |
Alexandre J kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 42, Seinajoki Crocodiles 7 | |||
Drive: 6 plays, 37 yards, TOP 03:56 | |||
Alexandre J kickoff 54 yards to the CRO11, Rodriques A return 16 yards to the CRO27 (Tuppurainen T;Lehtonen T). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro27 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 11:06. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro27 | Lehtonen V rush over left tackle for 11 yards to the CRO38, 1ST DOWN CRO (Radji S;Steffen L). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro38 | Powell C rush over right guard for 18 yards to the STE44, 1ST DOWN CRO (Floret K;Laine R). |
Cro | 1-10 | at Ste44 | Powell C rush over left guard for 1 yard to the STE43 (Wright Jr M). |
Cro | 2-9 | at Ste43 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 09:41. |
Cro | 2-9 | at Ste43 | Powell C rush over right tackle for 6 yards to the STE37 (Seppanen K;Steffen L). |
Cro | 3-3 | at Ste37 | Powell C rush over left guard for 37 yards to the STE0, 1ST DOWN CRO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:54. |
Maki-Maunus E kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 42, Seinajoki Crocodiles 14 | |||
Drive: 5 plays, 73 yards, TOP 02:12 | |||
Sarkela Ja kickoff 65 yards to the STE0, touchback. | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste20 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 08:54. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste20 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 80 yards to the CRO0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:41. |
Alexandre J kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 49, Seinajoki Crocodiles 14 | |||
Drive: 1 plays, 80 yards, TOP 00:20 | |||
Alexandre J kickoff 43 yards to the CRO22, Plu B return 13 yards to the CRO35 (Tuppurainen T). | |||
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro35 | SEINAJOKI CROCODILES drive start at 08:34. |
Cro | 1-10 | at Cro35 | Powell C rush over right guard for no gain to the CRO35 (Kauppinen M;Allen I). |
Cro | 2-10 | at Cro35 | Powell C rush over right guard for 1 yard to the CRO36 (Allen I;Steffen L). |
Cro | 3-9 | at Cro36 | Powell C rush over right tackle for loss of 1 yard to the CRO35 (Allen I). |
Cro | 4-10 | at Cro35 | Sarkela Ja punt 36 yards to the STE29, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, 0 yards, TOP 01:47 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste29 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 06:47. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste29 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete to Vilpponen P. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste29 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for no gain to the STE29 (Lundberg L;Zacok F). |
Ste | 3-10 | at Ste29 | Bradley J screen right pass incomplete to Reasnover L, PENALTY CRO roughing passer (Lundberg L) 15 yards to the STE44, 1ST DOWN STE, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste44 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 3 yards to the STE47 (Korpela V-M;Lundberg L). |
Ste | 2-7 | at Ste47 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for no gain to the STE47 (Lundberg L). |
Ste | 3-7 | at Ste47 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for 21 yards to the CRO32, 1ST DOWN STE (Zacok F). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro32 | Bradley J pass incomplete to Harju H, PENALTY STE ineligible downfield on pass 5 yards to the CRO37, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-15 | at Cro37 | Bradley J deep left pass incomplete to Marshall I. |
Ste | 2-15 | at Cro37 | Lehtonen T rush over left guard for 9 yards to the CRO28 (Varinen J;Korpela V-M). |
Ste | 3-6 | at Cro28 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for 9 yards to the CRO19, 1ST DOWN STE (Koivumaki Juh). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Cro19 | Bradley J deep left pass incomplete to Harju H (Mehtonen M). |
Ste | 2-10 | at Cro19 | Bakker C rush over right tackle for 1 yard to the CRO18 (Lundberg L;Makinen M). |
Ste | 3-9 | at Cro18 | Bakker C rush over right tackle for 7 yards to the CRO11 (Korpela V-M;Havulehto M). |
Ste | 4-2 | at Cro11 | Timeout Seinajoki Crocodiles, clock 00:04. |
Ste | 4-2 | at Cro11 | Alexandre J field goal attempt from 29 GOOD, clock 00:00. |
Kuopio Steelers 52, Seinajoki Crocodiles 14 | |||
Ste | 1-G | at Ste35 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 12 plays, 60 yards, TOP 06:47 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 52, Seinajoki Crocodiles 14 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Seinajoki Crocodiles vs Kuopio Steelers (Sep 03, 2021 at Kuopio)
Seinajoki Crocodiles Kuopio Steelers Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 25 17 42 OVERALL.......... 42 19 61 1ST DOWN......... 15 3 18 1ST DOWN......... 21 10 31 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 1 2 3 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 2 0 2 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 2 2 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 3 1 4 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 4 4 8 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 10 3 13 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 0 0 0 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 2 0 2 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 3 1 4 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 1 1 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 1 5 6 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 4 3 7 4TH DOWN......... 1 0 1 4TH DOWN......... 0 1 1 Seinajoki Crocodiles Kuopio Steelers Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 25 17 42 ............... 42 19 61 |
Vaahteraliigan runkosarjan ykkösjoukkue Kuopio Steelers ja sarjanelonen Seinäjoki Crocodiles ratkaisevat perjantaina kumpi jatkaa matkaa Vaahteramalja XLII-otteluun. Joukkueet ovat kohdanneet toisensa kaudella ja kaksi kertaa ja molemmilla Steelers on vienyt voiton.
Vaahteraliigan välieräpelit avaa perjantaina Steelersin ja Crocodilesin kohtaaminen. Samat joukkueet tapasivat samoissa merkeissä myös viime kaudella, jolloin kuopiolaiset etenivät Vaahteramaljaan lukemin 35-13. Kaikkiaan joukkueet ovat kohdanneet 2000-luvulla Vaahteraliigassa kahdeksan kertaa. Steelers on vienyt voiton seitsemästi ja vain kertaalleen (22.8.2020) Crocodiles on onnistunut kukistamaan savolaiset. Keskinäisten otteluiden maaliero on Steelersin hyväksi 314-214.
Kuluvalla kaudella Steelers voitti molemmat runkosarjakohtaamiset (38-24 ja 31-13) ja lähtee omalla kotikentällään pelattavaan ratkaisupeliin selkeässä ennakkosuosikin asemassa.
Steelersille tappio kenraaliharjoituksissa
Mestaruutta puolustava Steelers kärsi yllättäen tappion runkosarjan viimeisessä pelissään. Sarjanousija United Newland Crusaders (58-50) vei voiton Hangossa pelatussa kampailussa, jossa yhteenlaskettu edettyjen jaardien määrä ylitti tuhannen. Sanotaan, että huono kenraaliharjoitus tietää hyvää ensi-iltaa. Perjantaina kuopiolaisilla ei ole varaa päästää vastustajaa neljän maalin karkumatkalle ennen heräämistä.
Steelers on pelannut varsin rutinoitua jenkkifutista läpi kauden. Erityisesti joukkueen puolustus on pelannut raudanlujaa peliä, ja Hangon notkahdusta lukuun ottamatta pitänyt vastustajien hyökkäyspelin kurissa. Kuopiolaispuolustus on päästänyt Vaahteraliigassa vähiten juoksujaardeja taakseen (52,1/peli) ja ennen murheellista UNC-peliä sama päti myös heittopuolustukseen.
Perjantain pelissä kohtaavat kaksi sarjan tehokkainta keskushyökkääjää. Steelersin LeAnthony Reasnover keräsi kauden 8 pelissä 1252 jaardia jääden tilasto ykköseksi nousseen Crocodilesin Christian Powelin etenemästä matkasta vain 53 jaardia. Keskushyökkääjien vertailussa Reasnoverilla on kuitenkin parempi keskiarvo per yritys (Reasnover 8,8 / Powell 7,3). mYÖS Juoksumaalien tilaston vei Reasnover 15 TD:llä ennen 12 TD:n Powellia.
Steelers lähtee välieräpeliin hyvin levänneenä ja lähes parhaalla mahdollisella miehistöllä. Avauskokoonpanon pelaajista ainoastaan laitahyökkääjä Jaakko Paananen sekä takapuolustaja/potkaisija Markus Ojainväli ovat poissa rosterista. Kun vielä aina aurinkoiselle Väinölänniemelle on ennusteiden mukaan odotettavissa poutakeliä, pääsee päävalmentaja Pekka Utriainen toteuttamaan pelisuunnitelmaansa suotuisissa olosuhteissa.
Crocodilesin kokoonpano on yhä arvoitus
Crocodilesin kautta sotkeneet pelinrakentajahaasteet eivät tunnu saavan loppua. Perjantain otteluun yhdysvaltalainen Zack Greenlee on merkitty aloittavan pelinrakentajanpaikalle, mutta miehen rosteririvin kohdalla on myös maininta pelaamisen epävarmuudesta. Greenlee on päässyt kauden Vaahteraliigassa kentälle ainoastaan kahdesti, joista toinen oli heinäkuun lopun Steelers-peli. Kuka marssii pelin alussa Crocodiles-hyökkäyksen hudlen keskelle kertomaan pelivalinnoista, pysynee arvoituksena perjantai-iltaan saakka.
Siinä missä Steelers menetti momentuminsa viimeisessä runkosarjapelissään, pääsi Crocodiles nostamaan itsetuntoaan reippaasti kukistamalla Roostersin runsasnumeroisesti (44-22) Vaahteraliigan runkosarjan viimeisessä kohtaamisessa. Joukkue pyrkii siirtämään onnistumisen tunteen kentälle myös välieräpeliin, johon seinäjokiset lähtevät altavastaajan asemasta. Erityisesti joukkueen hyökkäyksen ykkösnyrkki Christian Powell oli vauhdissa kukonpoikia kynittäessä ja saalisti pelissä komeat neljä juoksutouchdownia sekä 298 jaardia. Vastaan asettuu kuitenkin perjantaina liigan kovin juoksupuolustus, jonka murtamiseen Crocodilesin hyökkäyslinja saa keksiä uusia kikkoja onnistuakseen edellisiä kohtaamisia paremmin.
Onko Crocoille mahdollisuus yllättää Steelers?
No kyllä on, mutta se edellyttää hyökkäyspelin yllätyksellisyyttä sekä kurinalaista juoksupuolustusta. Siitä ei pääse mihinkään, että Steelers on se ennakkosuosikki kotikentällään. Jos Zack Greenlee pelaa, saatetaan illan aikana nähdä useampia pelivalintoja, jotka ovat olleet muilta pimennossa aiemmissa peleissä. Jos Crocot saavat peliin hyvän alun saattaa se viimeisen kierroksen tappio alkaa nakertamaan Steelers-pelaajien takaraivoissa.
Joukkuetilastojen valossa Steelers on Crocojen edellä kaikissa muissa mitattavissa kategorioissa, paitsi heittopuolustuksessa jolta osin UNC:n Robert Johnson tuhosi kuopiolaisten aiemmin alle 100 jaardin ottelukeskiarvon.
Vaahteraliigan välieräpeli Kuopio Steelers – Seinäjoki Crocodiles pelataan perjantaina 3.9. Kuopion Väinölänniemellä. Ottelu potkaistaan käyntiin klo 18.30. Liput kannattaa ostaa ennakkoon Suora lähetys Ruutu+ kanavalla vauhtiin jo 18.00
Tutustu: Steelers rosteri
Tutustu: Crocodiles rosteri