Roosters – Steelers 30.07.2021

Kuopio Steelers otti märällä Velodromilla voiton Helsinki Roostersista tiukan taistelun jälkeen lukemin 32-35 (18-14). Ottelun ratkaisua saatiin odottaa viimeisille sekunneille saakka, mutta perusta kuopiolaisten voitolle rakentui onnistuneiden lisäpisteiden tuomaan kolmen pisteen eroon.
Märällä Velodromin betonilla pelatussa ottelussa joukkueet hakivat aluksi tuntumaa toisiinsa, mutta pelin edetessä käsikirjoitus alkoi paljastua katsomoon. Steelersin huikea keskushyökkääjä LeAnthony Reasnover hallitsi märän kentän juoksupelin tehokkaammin kuin punapaitaiset virkaveljensä ja keräsi juoksuillaan olosuhteisiin nähden erinomaiset 198 jaardia ja kaksi tochdownia. Roostersin Miro Kadmiry oli ilmatilan valtias 319 heittojaardillaan.
Reasnoverille 386 all purpose jaardia
Kuopio Steelersin voiton takuumies ei jäänyt perjantaina epäselväksi. Keskushyökkääjä Reasnover keräsi pelissä lähes 200 juoksujaardia ja 122 jaardia kiinniotoillaan. Lisäsi potkujen palautuksista miehen tilille kertyi 70 lisäjaardia. Reasnoverin kolmen touchdownin lisäksi maalien makuun pääsi tukimies Maurice Wright Jr, jonka lyhyillä parin jaardin juoksupeleillä otettiin kaksi varmaa touchdownia lähietäisyydeltä. Maalien lisäksi Wright oli joukkueensa tehokkain taklaaja 8 suorituksellaan.
Ottelun ratkaisijaksi voidaan yhdysvaltalaisten touchdownien tekijöiden sijasta nimittää takapuolustaja ja joukkueensa potkaisija Markus Ojainväli. Hyvän linjasuojan turvin Ojainväli monotti maalihaarukasta lävitse kaikki viisi yritystään ja oli näillä suorituksillaan se erottava tekijä, jolla 5-5 lukemiin päättynyt maalintekokilpailu saatiin ratkaistua. Ojainväli oli potkujensa ohella joukkueensa 5. tehokkain taklaaja. Ottelun jälkeisissä haastattelussa mies oli syystäkin tyytyväinen joukkueensa suorituksiin.
Roosters ei saanut juoksupeliä toimimaan
Kotijoukkue Roosters lähti peliin toistaiseksi kauden parhaalla rosterillaan ja kantoi harteillaan ennakkosuosikin viittaa. Hieman yllättäen kotijoukkueen vahva keskushyökkääjäkaksikko Karri Pajarinen ja Andrecus Lindley eivät saaneet perjantai-illassa kuitenkaan juoksupeliään totutulle tasolle. Pajariselle kirjattiin ottelussa ainoastaan 3 nettojaardia ja Lindleynkin juoksujaardit jäivät lukemiin 84. Roostersin hyökkäyslinja oli perjantaina se osa-alue, jossa rosterin syvyys ei ollut parhaalla tasolla ja oma kunnia alle sataan jääneistä juoksujaardeista voidaan antaa Steelersin kovalle puolustuksen etulinjalle.
Pelinrakentaja Kadmiry kuljetti palloa eteenpäin heittäen ja perjantaina eniten koppeja nappasivat Rashad Still ja maajoukkueleirille juuri valittu Micky Kyei. Roosters on aiemmissa peleissä käyttänyt heittojen vastaanottajina laajaa miesvalikoimaa, mutta perjantaina Kyein ja Stillin lisäksi tilastoihin pääsi ainoastaan Johannes Jauhiainen sekä keskushyökkääjä Lindley. kaikki Roostersin maalit syntyivät heittopeleillä (Still 3, Kyei 2)
Roostersin puolustuksen ahnein taklaaja oli Niko Kuikka 8,5 suorituksellaan. Vaahteraliigassa debytoinut ruotsalaislinjamies Filip Jönsson onnistui taklauksissa 5 kertaa joista 2,5 aloituslinja takana.
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 30, 2021)
Scoring Summary |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 30, 2021 at Helsinki)
Kuopio Steelers (6-0) vs. Helsinki Roosters (4-1)
Date: Jul 30, 2021 Site: Helsinki Stadium: Velodrome Attendance: 555
Score by Quarters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score |
Kuopio Steelers | 7 | 7 | 14 | 7 | 35 |
Helsinki Roosters | 12 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 32 |
1st | 09:45 | ROO | Still R 9 yd pass from Kadmiry M (Niskanen R kick blockd) | |
4 plays, 41 yards, TOP 0:34 | 0 - 6 | |||
08:27 | STE | Reasnover L 3 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
3 plays, 63 yards, TOP 1:12 | 7 - 6 | |||
00:00 | ROO | Still R 41 yd pass from Kadmiry M (Kadmiry M pass failed) | ||
2 plays, 75 yards, TOP 0:41 | 7 - 12 | |||
2nd | 11:31 | STE | Reasnover L 90 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | |
1 play, 81 yards, TOP 0:20 | 14 - 12 | |||
02:17 | ROO | Kyei M 3 yd pass from Kadmiry M (Kadmiry M pass failed) | ||
8 plays, 48 yards, TOP 3:23 | 14 - 18 | |||
3rd | 07:19 | STE | Wright Jr M 1 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | |
6 plays, 58 yards, TOP 3:09 | 21 - 18 | |||
03:59 | STE | Reasnover L 75 yd pass from Bradley J (Ojainvali M kick) | ||
3 plays, 71 yards, TOP 1:34 | 28 - 18 | |||
02:15 | ROO | Kyei M 13 yd pass from Kadmiry M (Niskanen R kick) | ||
7 plays, 40 yards, TOP 1:35 | 28 - 25 | |||
4th | 07:20 | STE | Wright Jr M 4 yd run (Ojainvali M kick) | |
16 plays, 61 yards, TOP 6:49 | 35 - 25 | |||
07:04 | ROO | Still R 66 yd pass from Kadmiry M (Niskanen R kick) | ||
1 play, 66 yards, TOP 0:10 | 35 - 32 |
Kickoff time: 18.30 End of Game: 21.15 Total elapsed time: 2h 45min Referee: Seppelin J Umpire: Kalliokoski J Linesman: Eloranta P Line judge: Riihijarvi J Back judge: Janhuba R Field judge: Naumanen A Side judge: Makarainen M Temperature: + 16 C Wind: 5 m/s Weather: Vesikuuroja |
Team Statistics |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 30, 2021 at Helsinki)
Team Totals | STE | ROO |
FIRST DOWNS | 20 | 21 |
Rushing | 9 | 6 |
Passing | 7 | 12 |
Penalty | 4 | 3 |
NET YARDS RUSHING | 247 | 73 |
Rushing Attempts | 38 | 21 |
Average Per Rush | 6.5 | 3.5 |
Rushing Touchdowns | 4 | 0 |
Yards Gained Rushing | 262 | 103 |
Yards Lost Rushing | 15 | 30 |
NET YARDS PASSING | 228 | 319 |
Completions-Attempts-Int | 11-23-1 | 18-39-1 |
Average Per Attempt | 9.9 | 8.2 |
Average Per Completion | 20.7 | 17.7 |
Passing Touchdowns | 1 | 5 |
Total offense plays | 61 | 60 |
Average Gain Per Play | 7.8 | 6.5 |
Fumbles: Number-Lost | 1-0 | 0-0 |
Penalties: Number-Yards | 10-75 | 12-79 |
PUNTS-YARDS | 3-103 | 3-132 |
Average Yards Per Punt | 34.3 | 44.0 |
Net Yards Per Punt | 28.3 | 42.7 |
Inside 20 | 0 | 1 |
50+ Yards | 1 | 0 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 0 |
Fair catch | 0 | 0 |
KICKOFFS-YARDS | 6-326 | 6-330 |
Average Yards Per Kickoff | 54.3 | 55.0 |
Net Yards Per Kickoff | 28.0 | 33.3 |
Touchbacks | 0 | 1 |
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD | 2-4-0 | 2-18-0 |
Average Per Return | 2.0 | 9.0 |
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD | 5-110-0 | 6-158-0 |
Average Per Return | 22.0 | 26.3 |
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD | 1-0-0 | 1-1-0 |
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD | 0-0-0 | 0-0-0 |
Miscellaneous Yards | 0 | 0 |
Possession Time | 27:25 | 20:30 |
1st Quarter | 6:12 | 5:48 |
2nd Quarter | 4:28 | 7:27 |
3rd Quarter | 6:58 | 5:02 |
4th Quarter | 9:47 | 2:13 |
Third-Down Conversions | 4 of 11 | 4 of 12 |
Fourth-Down Conversions | 3 of 4 | 2 of 3 |
Red-Zone Scores-Chances | 3-3 | 3-5 |
Touchdowns | 3-3 | 3-5 |
Field goals | 0-3 | 0-5 |
Sacks By: Number-Yards | 1-13 | 0-0 |
PAT Kicks | 5-5 | 2-3 |
Field Goals | 0-0 | 0-0 |
Points off turnovers | 7 | 6 |
Individual Statistics |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 30, 2021 at Helsinki)
FUMBLES: Kuopio Steelers-Bafdile A 1-0. Helsinki Roosters-None. |
Drive Chart |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 30, 2021 at Helsinki)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
STE | 1st | S32 | 12:00 | Kickoff | S37 | 10:19 | Punt | 3-5 | 1:41 | ||
STE | 1st | S37 | 09:39 | Kickoff | R00 | 08:27 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-63 | 1:12 | # |
STE | 1st | S10 | 06:03 | Punt | S19 | 03:40 | Punt | 3-9 | 2:23 | ||
STE | 1st | S03 | 01:31 | Punt | S46 | 00:41 | Interception | 2-43 | 0:50 | ||
STE | 2nd | S19 | 11:51 | Kickoff | R00 | 11:31 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-81 | 0:20 | |
STE | 2nd | S09 | 07:27 | Downs | S12 | 05:40 | Punt | 3-3 | 1:47 | ||
STE | 2nd | S27 | 02:11 | Kickoff | R27 | 00:00 | End of half | 9-46 | 2:11 | ||
STE | 3rd | S42 | 10:28 | Interception | R00 | 07:19 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-58 | 3:09 | # |
STE | 3rd | S29 | 05:33 | Punt | R00 | 03:59 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-71 | 1:34 | |
STE | 3rd | S39 | 02:09 | Kickoff | R00 | 07:20 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 16-61 | 6:49 | # |
STE | 4th | S20 | 07:04 | Kickoff | R30 | 01:57 | Downs | 12-50 | 5:07 | ||
ROO | 1st | S41 | 10:19 | Punt | S00 | 09:45 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-41 | 0:34 | # |
ROO | 1st | R24 | 08:22 | Kickoff | R28 | 06:03 | Punt | 5-4 | 2:19 | ||
ROO | 1st | R36 | 03:40 | Punt | S47 | 01:31 | Punt | 4-17 | 2:09 | ||
ROO | 1st | R25 | 00:41 | Interception | S00 | 00:00 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-75 | 0:41 | |
ROO | 2nd | R37 | 11:21 | Kickoff | S09 | 07:27 | Downs | 10-54 | 3:54 | # | |
ROO | 2nd | S48 | 05:40 | Punt | S00 | 02:17 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-48 | 3:23 | # |
ROO | 3rd | R24 | 11:50 | Kickoff | R20 | 10:28 | Interception | 3--4 | 1:22 | ||
ROO | 3rd | R43 | 07:10 | Kickoff | R39 | 05:33 | Punt | 3--4 | 1:37 | ||
ROO | 3rd | S40 | 03:50 | Kickoff | S00 | 02:15 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-40 | 1:35 | # |
ROO | 4th | R34 | 07:14 | Kickoff | S00 | 07:04 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-66 | 0:10 | |
ROO | 4th | R30 | 01:57 | Downs | S20 | 00:00 | End of half | 13-50 | 1:57 | # |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Kuopio Steelers | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 06:12 | 04:28 | 06:58 | 09:47 | 10:40 | 16:45 | 27:25 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 0/2 | 0/2 | 2/3 | 2/4 | 0/4 | 4/7 | 4/11 | ||
Average field position | S20 | S18 | S36 | S20 | S19 | S32 | S24 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/2 | 1/1 | 2/3 | 3/4 | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 1st | 2nd | ||||
Helsinki Roosters | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Qtr | Half | Half | Total | ||
Time of possession | 05:48 | 07:27 | 05:02 | 02:13 | 13:15 | 07:15 | 20:30 | ||
3rd Down Conversions | 1/3 | 2/3 | 0/3 | 1/3 | 3/6 | 1/6 | 4/12 | ||
Average field position | R36 | R44 | R42 | R32 | R38 | R38 | R38 | ||
4th Down Conversions | 0/0 | 0/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 0/1 | 2/2 | 2/3 |
Drive Chart (By Quarter)
Drive Started | Drive Ended | Consumed | |||||||||
Team | Qtr | Spot | Time | Obtained | Spot | Time | How Lost | Pl-Yds | TOP | RZ | |
STE | 1st | S32 | 12:00 | Kickoff | S37 | 10:19 | Punt | 3-5 | 1:41 | ||
ROO | 1st | S41 | 10:19 | Punt | S00 | 09:45 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 4-41 | 0:34 | # |
STE | 1st | S37 | 09:39 | Kickoff | R00 | 08:27 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-63 | 1:12 | # |
ROO | 1st | R24 | 08:22 | Kickoff | R28 | 06:03 | Punt | 5-4 | 2:19 | ||
STE | 1st | S10 | 06:03 | Punt | S19 | 03:40 | Punt | 3-9 | 2:23 | ||
ROO | 1st | R36 | 03:40 | Punt | S47 | 01:31 | Punt | 4-17 | 2:09 | ||
STE | 1st | S03 | 01:31 | Punt | S46 | 00:41 | Interception | 2-43 | 0:50 | ||
ROO | 1st | R25 | 00:41 | Interception | S00 | 00:00 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 2-75 | 0:41 | |
STE | 2nd | S19 | 11:51 | Kickoff | R00 | 11:31 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-81 | 0:20 | |
ROO | 2nd | R37 | 11:21 | Kickoff | S09 | 07:27 | Downs | 10-54 | 3:54 | # | |
STE | 2nd | S09 | 07:27 | Downs | S12 | 05:40 | Punt | 3-3 | 1:47 | ||
ROO | 2nd | S48 | 05:40 | Punt | S00 | 02:17 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 8-48 | 3:23 | # |
STE | 2nd | S27 | 02:11 | Kickoff | R27 | 00:00 | End of half | 9-46 | 2:11 | ||
ROO | 3rd | R24 | 11:50 | Kickoff | R20 | 10:28 | Interception | 3--4 | 1:22 | ||
STE | 3rd | S42 | 10:28 | Interception | R00 | 07:19 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 6-58 | 3:09 | # |
ROO | 3rd | R43 | 07:10 | Kickoff | R39 | 05:33 | Punt | 3--4 | 1:37 | ||
STE | 3rd | S29 | 05:33 | Punt | R00 | 03:59 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 3-71 | 1:34 | |
ROO | 3rd | S40 | 03:50 | Kickoff | S00 | 02:15 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 7-40 | 1:35 | # |
STE | 3rd | S39 | 02:09 | Kickoff | R00 | 07:20 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 16-61 | 6:49 | # |
ROO | 4th | R34 | 07:14 | Kickoff | S00 | 07:04 | * | TOUCHDOWN | 1-66 | 0:10 | |
STE | 4th | S20 | 07:04 | Kickoff | R30 | 01:57 | Downs | 12-50 | 5:07 | ||
ROO | 4th | R30 | 01:57 | Downs | S20 | 00:00 | End of half | 13-50 | 1:57 | # |
Defensive Statistics |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 30, 2021 at Helsinki)
## | Kuopio Steelers | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
8 | Wright Jr M | 6 | 4 | 8.0 | 1.5/7 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
2 | Vaija E | 4 | 4 | 6.0 | . | . | . | . | 2 | . | . | . |
13 | Floret K | 5 | 1 | 5.5 | 1.0/4 | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
55 | Allen I | 3 | 1 | 3.5 | 2.0/17 | . | . | . | . | . | 1.0/13 | . |
32 | Ojainvali M | 2 | 2 | 3.0 | 0.5/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
23 | Laine R | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | 1.0/4 | . | . | . | 1 | 1 | . | . |
41 | Seppanen K | 2 | . | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
35 | Lehtonen T | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
24 | Kuisma J | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
3 | Radji S | . | 2 | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Haukka R | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
27 | Marshall I | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
99 | Lindqvist J | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
1 | Bafdile A | . | . | . | . | . | . | 1-0 | 2 | . | . | . |
## | Helsinki Roosters | Solo | Ast | Total | TFL/Yds | FF | FR-Yds | Int-Yds | BrUp | Blkd | Sack/Yds | QBH |
8 | Kuikka N | 3 | 11 | 8.5 | 1.0/4 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
80 | Salonen R | 1 | 11 | 6.5 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
2 | Melchiore L | 5 | 1 | 5.5 | . | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
30 | Jonsson F | 2 | 6 | 5.0 | 2.5/11 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
64 | Aho L | 1 | 6 | 4.0 | 0.5/1 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
38 | Raatikainen J | 1 | 5 | 3.5 | 0.5/0 | . | . | . | 1 | . | . | . |
48 | Vartiainen A | . | 6 | 3.0 | 1.5/4 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
33 | Lempinen V | 2 | 1 | 2.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
24 | Pajarinen K | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
29 | Pajarinen A | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | . | . | . | 1-1 | . | . | . | . |
28 | Rontu V | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
37 | Ylipaa B | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
44 | Ayravainen S | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
36 | Kyei M | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
12 | Still R | 1 | . | 1.0 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
55 | Kankaapaa L | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
60 | Juvonen O | . | 1 | 0.5 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Participation Report |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 30, 2021 at Helsinki)
Kuopio Steelers: 12-Vilpponen P, 14-Paananen J, 24-Kuisma J, 28-Bakker C, 35-Lehtonen T, 36-Gronlund J, 37-Kurenniemi A, 44-Haukka R, 59-Tuppurainen T, 78-Keituri J, 92-Kauppinen M, 93-Korhonen J, 97-Savolainen J. |
Helsinki Roosters: 9-Urjansson A, 14-Pitkanen T, 15-Nylund T, 18-Karhinen V, 19-Niskanen R, 20-Norrena S, 22-Eskelinen N, 24-Pajarinen K, 25-Soderlund A, 28-Rontu V, 37-Ylipaa B, 44-Ayravainen S, 45-Lehtonen T, 52-Huovinen J, 55-Kankaapaa L, 60-Juvonen O, 76-Asklof V, 84-Wasiljeff A, 89-Kajander W, 97-Vuoksenturja J. |
Play-by-Play Summary |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 30, 2021 at Helsinki)
Roosters voitti arvonnan ja siirsi. Steelers palauttaa pohjoispaasta. | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste35 | ROO ball on ROO35. |
Juvonen O kickoff 59 yards to the STE6, Reasnover L return 26 yards to the STE32 (Pajarinen K). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste32 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 2 yards to the STE34 (Kuikka N;Raatikainen J). |
Ste | 2-8 | at Ste34 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 3 yards to the STE37 (Jonsson F;Salonen R). |
Ste | 3-5 | at Ste37 | Bradley J deep left pass incomplete to Marshall I (Melchiore L). |
Ste | 4-5 | at Ste37 | Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 10:25. |
Ste | 4-5 | at Ste37 | Ojainvali M punt 4 yards to the STE41, downed. |
Drive: 3 plays, 5 yards, TOP 01:41 | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste41 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 10:19. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste41 | Deadball foul, PENALTY ROO false start (Dalttrey M) 5 yards to the STE46, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 1-15 | at Ste46 | Kadmiry M deep left pass complete to Still R for 37 yards to the STE9, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds (Laine R). |
Roo | 1-G | at Ste09 | Kadmiry M short left pass incomplete to Jauhiainen J, dropped pass. |
Roo | 2-G | at Ste09 | Kadmiry M short left pass incomplete to Still R. |
Roo | 3-G | at Ste09 | Kadmiry M short left pass complete to Still R for 9 yards to the STE0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 09:45. |
Roo | 1-G | at Ste03 | Deadball foul, PENALTY ROO delay of game (Niskanen R) 5 yards to the STE8, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 1-G | at Ste08 | Deadball foul, PENALTY ROO false start 5 yards to the STE13, NO PLAY. |
Niskanen R kick attempt failed (blocked) (blocked by Laine R). | |||
Helsinki Roosters 6, Kuopio Steelers 0 | |||
Drive: 4 plays, 41 yards, TOP 00:40 | |||
Juvonen O kickoff 56 yards to the STE9, Floret K return 28 yards to the STE37, out-of-bounds (Kyei M). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste37 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 09:39. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste37 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for loss of 5 yards to the STE32 (Jonsson F;Kuikka N). |
Ste | 2-15 | at Ste32 | Bradley J short left pass complete to Harju H for 65 yards to the ROO3, 1ST DOWN STE (Melchiore L). |
Ste | 1-G | at Roo03 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 3 yards to the ROO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:27. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 7, Helsinki Roosters 6 | |||
Drive: 3 plays, 63 yards, TOP 01:17 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 41 yards to the ROO24, Kyei M return 0 yards to the ROO24 (Lehtonen T). | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo24 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 08:22. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo24 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete to Still R. |
Roo | 2-10 | at Roo24 | Deadball foul, PENALTY STE offside defense (Lindqvist J) 5 yards to the ROO29, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 2-5 | at Roo29 | Pajarinen K rush over right tackle for 7 yards to the ROO36, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds (Vaija E). |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo36 | Pajarinen K rush draw play for 1 yard to the ROO37 (Wright Jr M). |
Roo | 2-9 | at Roo37 | Deadball foul, PENALTY ROO false start (Dalttrey M) 5 yards to the ROO32, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 2-14 | at Roo32 | Pajarinen K rush over right tackle for 1 yard to the ROO33 (Wright Jr M). |
Roo | 3-13 | at Roo33 | Kadmiry M short right pass incomplete to Karhinen V (Lindqvist J). |
Roo | 4-13 | at Roo33 | Deadball foul, PENALTY ROO delay of game (1) 5 yards to the ROO28, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 4-18 | at Roo28 | Juvonen O punt 42 yards to the STE30, Bafdile A return 0 yards to the STE30, fumble by Bafdile A recovered by STE Bafdile A at STE20, PENALTY STE illegal block 10 yards to the STE10, 1st and 10, STE ball on STE10. |
Drive: 5 plays, 4 yards, TOP 02:19 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste10 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 06:03. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste10 | Lehtonen T rush over right tackle for 3 yards to the STE13 (Ylipaa B;Salonen R). |
Ste | 2-7 | at Ste13 | Lehtonen T rush over left guard for 2 yards to the STE15 (Salonen R;Aho L). |
Ste | 3-5 | at Ste15 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for 4 yards to the STE19 (Salonen R;Kuikka N). |
Ste | 4-1 | at Ste19 | Ojainvali M punt 36 yards to the ROO45, Melchiore L return -9 yards to the ROO36 (Floret K). |
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 02:23 | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo36 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 03:40. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo36 | Kadmiry M short right pass complete to Still R for 16 yards to the STE48, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds (Ojainvali M). |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste48 | Kadmiry M short left pass complete to Wasiljeff A for 9 yards to the STE39, out-of-bounds (Bafdile A), PENALTY ROO holding (Narhi A) 10 yards to the ROO42, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 1-20 | at Roo42 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete to Still R. |
Roo | 2-20 | at Roo42 | Kadmiry M short right pass complete to Lindley A for 12 yards to the STE46 (Floret K;Vaija E). |
Roo | 3-8 | at Ste46 | Lindley A rush over right end for loss of 1 yard to the STE47. |
Roo | 4-9 | at Ste47 | Juvonen O punt 44 yards to the STE3, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 4 plays, 17 yards, TOP 02:09 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste03 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 01:31. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste03 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete to Alexandre J, PENALTY STE false start off-setting, PENALTY ROO pass interference off-setting, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste03 | Reasnover L rush over left guard for 43 yards to the STE46, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Lempinen V). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste46 | Bradley J deep right pass intercepted by Pajarinen A at the ROO24, Pajarinen A return 1 yards to the ROO25, out-of-bounds. |
Drive: 2 plays, 43 yards, TOP 00:50 | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo25 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 00:41. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo25 | Lindley A rush over right guard for 19 yards to the ROO44, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds (Vaija E). |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo44 | Kadmiry M screen right pass incomplete to Lindley A, PENALTY STE face mask (Wright Jr M) 15 yards to the STE41, 1ST DOWN ROO, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste41 | Kadmiry M deep left pass complete to Still R for 41 yards to the STE0, 1ST DOWN ROO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:00. |
Kadmiry M pass attempt failed. | |||
Helsinki Roosters 12, Kuopio Steelers 7 | |||
Drive: 2 plays, 75 yards, TOP 00:46 | |||
Helsinki Roosters 12, Kuopio Steelers 7 |
Roo | 1-G | at Roo35 | Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00. |
Drive: 2 plays, 75 yards, TOP 00:46 | |||
Juvonen O kickoff 42 yards to the STE23, Radji S return 12 yards to the STE35, out-of-bounds (Juvonen O;Pajarinen K), PENALTY STE illegal block 16 yards to the STE19, 1st and 10, STE ball on STE19. | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste19 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 11:55. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste19 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 11:51. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste19 | Reasnover L rush over left end for 1 yard to the STE20 (Melchiore L), PENALTY STE holding (Weber B) 9 yards to the STE10, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-19 | at Ste10 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 90 yards to the ROO0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:31. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 14, Helsinki Roosters 12 | |||
Drive: 1 plays, 81 yards, TOP 00:30 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 60 yards to the ROO5, Kyei M return 32 yards to the ROO37 (Marshall I;Lehtonen T). | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo37 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 11:21. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo37 | Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 11:21. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo37 | Kadmiry M short right pass complete to Lindley A for loss of 4 yards to the ROO33 (Floret K). |
Roo | 2-14 | at Roo33 | Kadmiry M deep right pass incomplete to Kajander W (Laine R). |
Roo | 3-14 | at Roo33 | Kadmiry M deep left pass complete to Kyei M for 32 yards to the STE35, 1ST DOWN ROO (Floret K). |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste35 | Pajarinen K rush over left tackle for loss of 4 yards to the STE39 (Allen I). |
Roo | 2-14 | at Ste39 | Lindley A rush over right guard for 15 yards to the STE24, 1ST DOWN ROO (Vaija E;Wright Jr M). |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste24 | Lindley A rush over right tackle for 18 yards to the STE6, 1ST DOWN ROO (Floret K). |
Roo | 1-G | at Ste06 | Kadmiry M short right pass incomplete to Kajander W. |
Roo | 2-G | at Ste06 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete to Kyei M. |
Roo | 3-G | at Ste06 | Pajarinen K rush over right tackle for 2 yards to the STE4 (Allen I). |
Roo | 4-G | at Ste04 | Deadball foul, PENALTY ROO false start (Kajander W) 5 yards to the STE9, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 4-G | at Ste09 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete to Still R (Bafdile A). |
Drive: 10 plays, 54 yards, TOP 03:54 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste09 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 07:27. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste09 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 07:27. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste09 | Bradley J deep middle pass incomplete to Harju H, dropped pass. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste09 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for loss of 2 yards to the STE7 (Jonsson F). |
Ste | 3-12 | at Ste07 | Reasnover L rush over left tackle for 5 yards to the STE12 (Aho L). |
Ste | 4-7 | at Ste12 | Ojainvali M punt 63 yards to the ROO25, Melchiore L return 27 yards to the STE48 (Seppanen K). |
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:47 | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste48 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 05:40. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste48 | Kadmiry M short middle pass complete to Still R for 20 yards to the STE28, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds (Floret K). |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste28 | Lindley A rush over left guard for 6 yards to the STE22 (Vaija E). |
Roo | 2-4 | at Ste22 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 04:46. |
Roo | 2-4 | at Ste22 | Lindley A rush over left tackle for 6 yards to the STE16, 1ST DOWN ROO. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste16 | Kadmiry M short right pass complete to Kyei M for 8 yards to the STE8 (Vaija E;Wright Jr M). |
Roo | 2-2 | at Ste08 | Kadmiry M short left pass complete to Kyei M for 7 yards to the STE1, 1ST DOWN ROO (Vaija E). |
Roo | 1-G | at Ste01 | Kadmiry M short left pass incomplete to Still R, PENALTY STE pass interference (Bafdile A) 0 yards to the STE1, 1ST DOWN ROO, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 1-G | at Ste01 | Kadmiry M short left pass incomplete to Still R. |
Roo | 2-G | at Ste01 | Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 02:55. |
Roo | 2-G | at Ste01 | Lindley A rush over right tackle for loss of 2 yards to the STE3 (Wright Jr M;Ojainvali M). |
Roo | 3-G | at Ste03 | Kadmiry M short right pass complete to Kyei M for 3 yards to the STE0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:17. |
Kadmiry M pass attempt failed. | |||
Helsinki Roosters 18, Kuopio Steelers 14 | |||
Drive: 8 plays, 48 yards, TOP 03:29 | |||
Juvonen O kickoff 51 yards to the STE14, Reasnover L return 13 yards to the STE27 (Melchiore L). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste27 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 02:11. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste27 | Bradley J screen left pass complete to Reasnover L for 16 yards to the STE43, 1ST DOWN STE (Lempinen V). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste43 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Ste43 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 13 yards to the ROO44, 1ST DOWN STE (Pajarinen A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo44 | Bradley J short left pass incomplete to Alexandre J (Salonen R). |
Ste | 2-10 | at Roo44 | Bradley J rush scrambling for 5 yards to the ROO39 (Raatikainen J). |
Ste | 3-5 | at Roo39 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 01:02. |
Ste | 3-5 | at Roo39 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete. |
Ste | 4-5 | at Roo39 | Bradley J screen left pass complete to Reasnover L for 22 yards to the ROO17, 1ST DOWN STE (Melchiore L;Salonen R). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo17 | Deadball foul, PENALTY STE false start 5 yards to the ROO22, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-15 | at Roo22 | Deadball foul, PENALTY STE false start (Paananen J) 5 yards to the ROO27, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-20 | at Roo27 | Bradley J deep middle pass incomplete to Marshall I, dropped pass. |
Ste | 2-20 | at Roo27 | Bradley J pass incomplete (Raatikainen J). |
Ste | 3-20 | at Roo27 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 9 plays, 46 yards, TOP 02:11 | |||
Helsinki Roosters 18, Kuopio Steelers 14 |
Ste | 3-20 | at Roo27 | Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, STE ball on STE35. |
Drive: 9 plays, 46 yards, TOP 02:11 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 57 yards to the ROO8, Kyei M return 16 yards to the ROO24, out-of-bounds. | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo24 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 11:50. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo24 | Lindley A rush over left guard for no gain to the ROO24 (Seppanen K). |
Roo | 2-10 | at Roo24 | Pajarinen K rush over right end for loss of 4 yards to the ROO20 (Laine R). |
Roo | 3-14 | at Roo20 | Kadmiry M deep left pass intercepted by Bafdile A at the STE42, Bafdile A return 0 yards to the STE42 (Still R). |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 4 yards, TOP 01:22 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste42 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 10:28. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste42 | Reasnover L rush over left guard for 3 yards to the STE45, out-of-bounds (Kuikka N). |
Ste | 2-7 | at Ste45 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for loss of 1 yard to the STE44 (Aho L;Vartiainen A). |
Ste | 3-8 | at Ste44 | Bradley J screen right pass complete to Reasnover L for 9 yards to the ROO47, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Kuikka N), PENALTY ROO offside defense declined. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo47 | Bradley J deep right pass complete to Alexandre J for 28 yards to the ROO19, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo19 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for 4 yards to the ROO15 (Salonen R;Jonsson F). |
Ste | 2-6 | at Roo15 | Bradley J deep left pass incomplete to Harju H (Lempinen V), PENALTY ROO offside defense declined, PENALTY ROO pass interference (Lempinen V) 13 yards to the ROO2, 1ST DOWN STE, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-G | at Roo02 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for loss of 1 yard to the ROO3 (Salonen R;Jonsson F), PENALTY ROO unsportsmanlike conduct (Salonen R) 1 yards to the ROO1, 1ST DOWN STE, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-G | at Roo01 | Wright Jr M rush up middle for 1 yard to the ROO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:19. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 21, Helsinki Roosters 18 | |||
Drive: 6 plays, 58 yards, TOP 03:18 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 57 yards to the ROO8, Kyei M return 35 yards to the ROO43 (Laine R;Haukka R). | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo43 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 07:10. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo43 | Lindley A rush over left guard for 2 yards to the ROO45 (Radji S;Allen I). |
Roo | 2-8 | at Roo45 | Melchiore L rush reverse for loss of 6 yards to the ROO39 (Wright Jr M). |
Roo | 3-14 | at Roo39 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete to Still R. |
Roo | 4-14 | at Roo39 | Juvonen O punt 46 yards to the STE15, Bafdile A return 14 yards to the STE29, out-of-bounds (Rontu V). |
Drive: 3 plays, minus 4 yards, TOP 01:37 | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste29 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 05:33. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste29 | Bradley J short left pass complete to Alexandre J for 2 yards to the STE31 (Melchiore L). |
Ste | 2-8 | at Ste31 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for loss of 6 yards to the STE25 (Jonsson F). |
Ste | 3-14 | at Ste25 | Bradley J deep left pass complete to Reasnover L for 75 yards to the ROO0, 1ST DOWN STE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:59. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 28, Helsinki Roosters 18 | |||
Drive: 3 plays, 71 yards, TOP 01:43 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 58 yards to the ROO7, Melchiore L return 53 yards to the STE40, out-of-bounds (Ojainvali M). | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste40 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 03:50. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste40 | Lindley A rush over left guard for 4 yards to the STE36 (Radji S;Wright Jr M). |
Roo | 2-6 | at Ste36 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete. |
Roo | 3-6 | at Ste36 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete to Jauhiainen J (Floret K). |
Roo | 4-6 | at Ste36 | Kadmiry M short right pass complete to Kyei M for 9 yards to the STE27, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste27 | Lindley A rush over right guard for 14 yards to the STE13, 1ST DOWN ROO (Vaija E;Ojainvali M). |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste13 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete to Jauhiainen J. |
Roo | 2-10 | at Ste13 | Kadmiry M short right pass complete to Kyei M for 13 yards to the STE0, 1ST DOWN ROO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:15. |
Niskanen R kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 28, Helsinki Roosters 25 | |||
Drive: 7 plays, 40 yards, TOP 01:41 | |||
Juvonen O kickoff 57 yards to the STE8, Reasnover L return 31 yards to the STE39 (Pajarinen K;Kuikka N). | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste39 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 02:09. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste39 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for 7 yards to the STE46 (Raatikainen J;Salonen R). |
Ste | 2-3 | at Ste46 | Bradley J short left pass incomplete to Paananen J. |
Ste | 3-3 | at Ste46 | Lehtonen T rush over right guard for 2 yards to the STE48 (Kuikka N;Aho L). |
Ste | 4-1 | at Ste48 | Timeout Kuopio Steelers, clock 00:40. |
Ste | 4-1 | at Ste48 | Wright Jr M rush over right guard for 1 yard to the STE49, 1ST DOWN STE (Aho L;Salonen R). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste49 | Bradley J short right pass complete to Harju H for 1 yard to the 50 yardline (Kuikka N), PENALTY ROO illegal use of hands (Pajarinen A) 10 yards to the ROO40, 1ST DOWN STE. |
Drive: 5 plays, 21 yards, TOP 06:55 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 28, Helsinki Roosters 25 |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo40 | Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo40 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 2 yards to the ROO38 (Kankaapaa L;Jonsson F). |
Ste | 2-8 | at Roo38 | Bradley J deep middle pass incomplete to Marshall I. |
Ste | 3-8 | at Roo38 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 12 yards to the ROO26, 1ST DOWN STE, out-of-bounds (Melchiore L). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo26 | Bradley J deep middle pass incomplete to Marshall I. |
Ste | 2-10 | at Roo26 | Reasnover L rush over right guard for 4 yards to the ROO22 (Kuikka N;Vartiainen A). |
Ste | 3-6 | at Roo22 | Deadball foul, PENALTY STE false start (Reasnover L) 5 yards to the ROO27, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 3-11 | at Roo27 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 5 yards to the ROO22 (Raatikainen J;Vartiainen A). |
Ste | 4-6 | at Roo22 | Alexandre J rush over left end for 6 yards to the ROO16, 1ST DOWN STE (Raatikainen J;Pajarinen A). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo16 | Lehtonen T rush over left tackle for 4 yards to the ROO12 (Jonsson F;Lempinen V). |
Ste | 2-6 | at Roo12 | Bradley J short right pass complete to Lindsten V for 5 yards to the ROO7 (Ylipaa B). |
Ste | 3-1 | at Roo07 | Reasnover L rush over left guard for 3 yards to the ROO4, 1ST DOWN STE (Salonen R). |
Ste | 1-G | at Roo04 | Wright Jr M rush over right end for 4 yards to the ROO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:20. |
Ojainvali M kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 35, Helsinki Roosters 25 | |||
Drive: 16 plays, 61 yards, TOP 06:55 | |||
Ojainvali M kickoff 53 yards to the ROO12, Melchiore L return 22 yards to the ROO34 (Kuisma J). | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo34 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 07:14. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo34 | Kadmiry M deep right pass complete to Still R for 66 yards to the STE0, 1ST DOWN ROO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:04. |
Niskanen R kick attempt good. | |||
Kuopio Steelers 35, Helsinki Roosters 32 | |||
Drive: 1 plays, 66 yards, TOP 00:10 | |||
Juvonen O kickoff 65 yards to the STE0, touchback. | |||
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste20 | KUOPIO STEELERS drive start at 07:04. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste20 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 4 yards to the STE24 (Aho L;Salonen R). |
Ste | 2-6 | at Ste24 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 11 yards to the STE35, 1ST DOWN STE (Vartiainen A;Kuikka N). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Ste35 | Reasnover L rush draw play for loss of 1 yard to the STE34 (Vartiainen A;Raatikainen J). |
Ste | 2-11 | at Ste34 | Reasnover L rush over right end for 2 yards to the STE36, out-of-bounds (Melchiore L). |
Ste | 3-9 | at Ste36 | Bradley J deep left pass incomplete to Harju H (Lempinen V), PENALTY ROO pass interference (Lempinen V) 15 yards to the ROO49, 1ST DOWN STE, NO PLAY. |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo49 | Lehtonen T rush over left tackle for 3 yards to the ROO46 (Kuikka N;Pajarinen A). |
Ste | 2-7 | at Roo46 | Lehtonen T rush over left tackle for 8 yards to the ROO38, 1ST DOWN STE (Kuikka N;Salonen R). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo38 | Lehtonen T rush over left tackle for 1 yard to the ROO37 (Ayravainen S). |
Ste | 2-9 | at Roo37 | Bradley J short right pass complete to Lindsten V for 10 yards to the ROO27, 1ST DOWN STE (Kuikka N;Rontu V). |
Ste | 1-10 | at Roo27 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for 2 yards to the ROO25 (Jonsson F;Ayravainen S). |
Ste | 2-8 | at Roo25 | Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 02:16. |
Ste | 2-8 | at Roo25 | Reasnover L rush over right tackle for no gain to the ROO25 (Aho L;Salonen R). |
Ste | 3-8 | at Roo25 | Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 02:11. |
Ste | 3-8 | at Roo25 | Bradley J short left pass complete to Alexandre J for loss of 5 yards to the ROO30 (Vartiainen A;Kuikka N). |
Ste | 4-13 | at Roo30 | Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 02:03. |
Ste | 4-13 | at Roo30 | Bradley J deep right pass incomplete to Harju H. |
Drive: 12 plays, 50 yards, TOP 05:07 | |||
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo30 | HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 01:57. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo30 | Kadmiry M short middle pass complete to Still R for 12 yards to the ROO42, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Roo42 | Kadmiry M short right pass incomplete to Still R. |
Roo | 2-10 | at Roo42 | Kadmiry M rush scrambling for 5 yards to the ROO47, out-of-bounds. |
Roo | 3-5 | at Roo47 | Kadmiry M sacked for loss of 13 yards to the ROO34 (Allen I), PENALTY ROO intentional grounding (Kadmiry M) 0 yards to the ROO34. |
Roo | 4-18 | at Roo34 | 4th and 18. |
Roo | 4-18 | at Roo34 | Kadmiry M deep middle pass complete to Jauhiainen J for 21 yards to the STE45, 1ST DOWN ROO (Wright Jr M). |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste45 | Kadmiry M deep right pass incomplete to Still R (Bafdile A). |
Roo | 2-10 | at Ste45 | Lindley A rush over left guard for 3 yards to the STE42 (Wright Jr M). |
Roo | 3-7 | at Ste42 | Kadmiry M short left pass complete to Jauhiainen J for 10 yards to the STE32, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste32 | Kadmiry M short left pass complete to Jauhiainen J for 7 yards to the STE25 (Wright Jr M). |
Roo | 2-3 | at Ste25 | Kadmiry M short right pass incomplete to Still R. |
Roo | 3-3 | at Ste25 | Kadmiry M deep right pass incomplete to Still R (Vaija E). |
Roo | 4-3 | at Ste25 | Niskanen R field goal attempt from 41 MISSED - short,, clock 00:10, PENALTY STE offside defense 5 yards to the STE20, 1ST DOWN ROO, NO PLAY. |
Roo | 1-10 | at Ste20 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete to Still R. |
Roo | 2-10 | at Ste20 | Kadmiry M deep left pass incomplete to Still R (Vaija E). |
Roo | 3-10 | at Ste20 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
Drive: 13 plays, 50 yards, TOP 01:57 | |||
Kuopio Steelers 35, Helsinki Roosters 32 |
Play Breakdown Summary |
Kuopio Steelers vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 30, 2021 at Helsinki)
Kuopio Steelers Helsinki Roosters Down RUN PASS Total Down RUN PASS Total OVERALL.......... 38 23 61 OVERALL.......... 20 40 60 1ST DOWN......... 18 10 28 1ST DOWN......... 9 18 27 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 0 1 1 2ND DOWN-SHORT... 1 2 3 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 1 2 2ND DOWN-MIDDLE.. 2 2 4 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 11 4 15 2ND DOWN-LONG.... 6 5 11 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-SHORT... 0 0 0 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 1 0 1 3RD DOWN-MIDDLE.. 0 2 2 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 4 5 9 3RD DOWN-LONG.... 2 8 10 4TH DOWN......... 2 2 4 4TH DOWN......... 0 3 3 Kuopio Steelers Helsinki Roosters Formation RUN PASS Total Formation RUN PASS Total ............... 38 23 61 ............... 20 40 60 |
Perjantaina 30.7. pelataan Käpylän Velodromilla Vaahteraliigan kärkipaikasta. Voittamattomina läpi kauden edenneet Helsinki Roosters ja Kuopio Steelers ottavat mittaa toisistaan kauden ainoassa runkosarjakohtaamisessaan.
Hallitseva mestarijoukkue Steelers on pelannut vakuuttavaa jenkkifutista eikä ole joutunut aiemmissa peleissään ottamaan käyttöön kaikkia pelikirjasta löytyviä herkkujaan. Pelaavan kokoonpanon runko on säilynyt suurelta osain vakiona, eikä uusia pelaajia ole lisätty rosteriin toistaiseksi. Viisi voittoa viidestä pelistä kertoo paletin olevan kohdallaan.
Helsinki Roostersin kokoonpano on vaihdellut kuopiolaisia enemmän kauden aikana. Neljä voittoa neljästä pelistä on nostanut joukkueen sarjan kakkospaikalle, mutta suoritusten taso yksittäisten pelien sisällä ei ole toistaiseksi ollut tasaista. Helsinkiläiset olivat lepovuorossa edellisellä sarjakierroksella, joten perjantain kotiotteluun lähdetään levänneinä ja erityisesti vaikeaan vastustajaan keskittyneinä.
Perjantaina kentällä kohtaavat tämän hetken liigan kovimmat hyökkäykset ja puolustukset. Tilastollisesti molemmat joukkueet löytyvät sarjan kärjestä sarjataulukon lisäksi myös hyökkäys- ja puolustustilastoista.
Roosters peliin kauden parhaalla rosterilla
Kotijoukkue Roosters lähtee haastamaan kuopiolaiset kauden parhaalla rosterillaan. Rosteria on tankattu peli peliltä ja perjantaina tuoreiden vahvistusten sekä telakalta palanneiden pelaajien muodostama kokonaisuus on vakuuttava.
Näkyvin muodonmuutos tarjoillaan puolustuksen frontissa. Kun edellisessä pelissä puolustuksen linjassa pelasivat Julius Vuoksenturja, Lasse Kankaanpää, Jere Lahti ja Santtu Äyräväinen, tarjoillaan Steelers-hyökkäyksen kiusaksi avaavana kokoonpanona nyt Okko Outinen, Lauri Aho, Joonas Raatikainen ja debyyttinsä Vaahteraliigassa tekevä ruotsalaislinjamies Filip Jönsson. Kun tukimiehinä avaavat Roni Salonen sekä Akseli Vartiainen ja takakentällä siivoavat Viljo Lempinen, Akseli Olin, Arttu Pajarinen, Niko Kuikka ja Lorenzo Melchiore, on Steelers hyökkäykselle odotettavissa haastava iltapuhde.
Myös Miro Kadmiryn johtama hyökkäys lähtee hegemoniapeliin lähes parhaalla mahdollisella kokoonpanollaan. Roostersin edellisessä pelissä debytoinut yhdysvaltalainen Rashad Still osoitti olevansa kovatasoinen vahvistus Roostersin jo ennestään vahvaan laiturijoukkoon ja nyt kokoonpanoon palaa Alexander Wasiljeff. Steelersin takakenttä on napsinut peleissään toistaiseksi 10 syötönkatkoa, joten odotettavissa on erinomaisia match uppeja.
Steelersin juna etenee tasaisesti
Steelers on palannut vakuuttavan alkukauden, mutta lähtee perjantain otteluun hienoisena haastajana. Joukkueen juoksuhyökkäys on ollut vakuuttavaa LeAnthony Reasnoverin ja Tuukka Lehtosen johdolla, mutta Velodromilla vastaan asettuu mm. huikealla 8,5 taklauksen ottelukohtaisella keskiarvolla keskushyökkääjiä syövä Roni Salonen ja kokenut puolustuslinja.
Steelers-pelinrakentaja Joey Bradley on toistaiseksi saanut pelata tasokkaan hyökkäyslinjan takana rauhallista peliään ja osoittanut, että mikäli vastustaja keskittyy vain juoksun pysäyttämiseen, se osoittautuu kohtalokkaaksi. Kuopiolaiset saavat pelaavaan kokoonpanoon takaisin ranskalaislaituri Jeff Alexandren, joka kärsi pelikieltonsa edellisessä ottelussa.
Steelersin vaarallisimpana aseena pidetään sen linjoja. Perjantaina Velodromilla nähdään onnistuuko Roosters horjuttamaan kuopiolaisten dominanssia teoilla, joihin aiemmat Steelersin vastustajat eivät ole yltäneet.
Viime kaudella Roosters ja Steelers kohtasivat toisensa kertaalleen. Velodromilla pelatun ottelun vei nimiinsä Steelers lukemin 34-43. Vuosi sitten paikalle saapui komeat 700 henkeä seuraamaan titaanien taistelua. Tulevana perjantaina kiinnostuksen odotetaan olevan yhtä suurta. Ottelu on myös Roosters alumnin, Old Boys:ien homecoming ottelu, joten kotijoukkueelle on luvassa kovasti kannustusta.
Lue myös: Roosters ennakko
Tutustu: Roosters rosteri
Tutustu: Steelers rosteri